IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#568: The voice drops at the same time, his face to this that delay, deducted the trigger.( To be continued.)

In Wanghai City hotel, Liu Haotian toward suitcase clothes. 望海市宾馆内,柳浩天正往行李箱里塞着衣服。 After Jiang Chen sends to the airplane, he in Wanghai City mission is also completes. Tomorrow morning must rush for the motorcoach, before sleeping he plans first to pack the baggage. At this moment, he placed the telephone of nightstand to make a sound suddenly. 江晨送上飞机后,他在望海市任务也算是完成了。明天早上还要赶动车,在睡觉之前他打算先将行李都收拾起来。就在这时,他放在床头柜的电话突然响了起来。 Is a strange number, he also thinks is the young lady or advertisement anything, finally the telephone put through him to be then shocked. 是个陌生号码,原本他还以为是小姐或者广告什么的,结果电话一接通他便愣住了。 Be responsible for Jiang Chen hitting that side magnificence trouble-free service General Staff. 是负责江晨在华安全工作的总参那边打来的。 Flight accident?!” “航班失事?!” Hears telephone that transmitting news, telephone in willow Hao the hand has almost not fallen the ground. 听到电话那头传来的消息,柳浩手中的电话差点没掉到地上。 He is not really able to imagine, this boards craft for 2 hours, actually had the so serious matter! 他实在无法想象,这才登机二个多小时,竟然发生了如此严重的事! The information that Wanghai City airfield control tower transmits, that side Philippines has obtained the contact with us, transmitted north flight Samar Island the sea area to have problems the situation. The airplane originally planned to land Cebu International Airport, but loses the power in 2000 meters position highly, missed the landing time, crashes in Cagayan City.” 望海市机场塔台传来的情报,菲国那边已经和我们这边取得联络,传达了航班萨马岛以北海域出现故障的情况。飞机原计划迫降宿务国际机场,但在高度2000米位置失去动力,错过了降落时机,在卡加延市坠毁。” Liu Haotian swallowed a spit, said difficultly. 柳浩天咽了口吐沫,艰难地说道。 Accident cause factor?” “事故原因?” It is said suffers the missile attack.” “据说是遭受导弹攻击。” Missile? Is Philippines “导弹?难道是菲国 Is indefinite, but Philippines has very big suspicion. When according to the airplane deviates the route position and altitude, only then Philippines is capable of hitting this/should frame passenger plane. Moreover considering the tension between Country of Xin and Philippines, they also really has the motive that does that......, although I do not think that they will be stupid to doing this matter. The specific reason of accident, but must look at the record of Black Box “还不确定,但菲国存在很大嫌疑。根据飞机偏离航道时的位置和高度来看,只有菲国有能力击中该架客机。而且考虑到新国菲国之间的紧张关系,他们也确实有这么做的动机……虽然我不认为他们会蠢到干这种事。事故的具体原因,还得看黑匣子的记录” I do not care about what Black Box, the person in airplane!” Liu Haotian is grasping the telephone, quickly asked. “我不关心什么黑匣子,飞机里的人呢!”柳浩天握着电话,急忙问道。 Jiang Chen and Liu Family have the cooperation, if Jiang Chen has the accident/surprise, the Liu Family benefit will be damaged without doubt. 江晨柳家存在合作关系,如果江晨出现意外,柳家的利益无疑将受到损伤。 „When according to the news in Philippines aspect, the altitude and speed by plane crash, the returning alive rate/lead is perhaps uncertain......” “根据菲国方面的消息,以飞机坠毁时的高度和速度来看,生还率恐怕非常渺茫……” Made the telephone call, Liu Haotian sat falls on the bed. 挂了电话,柳浩天坐倒在了床上。 He pinches is shivering, the eyebrow that the hand of cell phone is keeping twisted in one. 他捏着手机的手不停的颤抖着,眉毛拧在了一起。 It is not then wonderful. 这下不妙了。 The diplomatic relations of China and Philippines have been poor. To confirm that through the Embassy aspect Jiang Chen's fears some difficulties safely. Although he mixes qualifications in the protocol department, but the good and evil he also worked earnestly. If he did not remember incorrectly, Cagayan City should in Mindanao Island, but there. As if in Civil War...... 华国菲国的邦交关系一直不怎么好。想要通过大使馆方面确认江晨的安全恐怕有些难度。虽然他在礼宾司只是混个资历,但好歹他也是认真工作了的。而且如果他没记错的话,卡加延市应该在棉兰老岛,而那里。似乎正在内战…… Wait, Country of Moro. 等等,摩洛国 Eye of Liu Haotian one bright. 柳浩天的眼睛一亮。 Cuts the screen lock immediately, he made the phone call to Country of Xin Embassy. 立马划开屏幕锁,他将电话打给了新国大使馆 ...... …… The flame shines upon the nighttime sky, such as cuts the night the meteor, alarmed the fond dream of each Cagayan City resident. Even if the explosion beyond several kilometers may hear again clearly. Once made one think that is the guerrilla force attacks the government forces fire. 火光映照夜空,如划破夜的流星,惊扰了每一名卡加延市居民的美梦。爆炸即使再数公里外都清晰可闻。一度让人以为那是游击队进攻政府军的炮火。 Until the last minute, air captain cannot successfully restart the engine that comes to anchor, the passenger plane is forced in the Cagayan City central hard landing. 直到最后一刻,机长也没能成功重启抛锚的引擎,客机被迫在卡加延市中央硬着陆。 Nose by 30 机头以30 …… …… The fuselage was dismembered the round number section, the nose starts elegantly. 机身被肢解成数段,机头开始飘逸。 People wept and wailed are fleeing everywhere, avoid the fragment that danced in the air, looked for own family member in the ruins. 人们哭喊着四处逃离,躲避那飞舞的碎片,在废墟中寻找自己的亲人。 If punctured blood bag. As the blood of boiling the fuel, left behind the act of a blood and fire on the silent street. 如被戳破的血袋。沸腾的鲜血随着燃油,在寂静的街上留下了一条血与火的行径。 That picture, like hell. 那画面,如同地狱。 The disaster happened in the flash, leaves the pain of dead also only in this flash, however leaves the pain of living is actually forever. 灾难发生在一瞬间,留给死者的痛苦也只在这一瞬间,然而留给生者的痛苦却是永远的。 In the mental significance, is in the practical significance...... 无论是精神意义上,还是现实意义上…… That Little Cao pinches is strung together the vest of plastic marble stubbornly in the hand, at the beginning of the airplane disintegrates, as then his whole person was ripped the fragment, ran out of outside the engine room by the air wave that whirls around. The innumerable plastic marbles in the wall takes to the streets on to throw down and break, colorless liquid with flash of air contact. Spread to turn into profound dark green, by visible speed dissipation in wind. 那件被小曹死死捏在手中的串着塑胶弹珠的背心,早在飞机解体之初,便随着他整个人被撕成了碎片,被那翻卷的气浪冲出了机舱外。无数塑胶弹珠在墙上街上摔碎,无色的液体在与空气接触的一瞬间。遍化成了深邃的墨绿,以肉眼可见的速度消散在了风中。 Air disaster, the center of ruins. 空难现场,废墟的中央。 Both hands that the man blood drippings, dig the crushed stone rubble. Wails the wife who will be suffocating to hug in the bosom. 男人用血淋淋的双手,刨开碎石瓦砾。嚎啕着将奄奄一息的妻子搂在了怀中。 Celina, awakes quickly, you will be all right, I lead you to go to ambulance that insists 塞莱娜,快醒醒,你会没事的,我带你去救护车那,坚持住” But at this moment, the expression on his face solidified. 可就在这时,他脸上的表情凝固了。 Was hugged the woman in bosom by him. At this time bit in his shoulder. The incomplete tooth permeated the flesh, that blood threads densely covered double pupil does not have the least bit vitality, is sending out the frightening cavity. 被他搂在怀中的女人。此时正一口咬在了他的肩头。残缺的牙齿渗入了血肉,那血丝密布的双眸没有半点生机,散发着令人恐惧的空洞。 The men forgot the spoken language, cherished the person to tear away by him until an entire meat...... 男人忘记了言语,直到一整块肉被他怀中之人撕去…… ahhhhh!” 啊啊啊!” Extremely tragic wailed to resound through the street, the man wanted to throw off the lover in bosom subconsciously, however that does not know that by the blood or the cuticle cream apply red nail, deeply had inserted his back. The women seem like eight claw fish to hug on his body, crushes him, gnawed to nip crazily is chewing his flesh, the double fist that the man gripped tightly was loosening gradually, painful struggling also with breathing one and stopped...... 惨绝人寰的哀嚎响彻了街道,男人下意识地想要将怀中的爱人甩掉,然而那不知是被血液还是指甲油涂红的指甲,已经深深地嵌入了他的后背。女人像是八爪鱼般抱在他的身上,将他压倒,疯狂地啃咬着嘴嚼着他的血肉,男人紧握的双拳渐渐松开了,痛苦的挣扎也随着呼吸一并停止…… Saw prey no longer to move, ate to the full the woman sway stood, the soulless pupil started search next prey on the street. 猎物不再动弹,吃饱了的女人摇摇晃晃地站了起来,无神的瞳孔开始在街上搜寻下一个猎物 But that by the man who he kills, crawls from the ground since slowly, in the pupil sends out is infiltrating the cavity of person similarly...... 而那个被他扑杀的男人,也缓缓地从地上爬起,瞳孔中散发着同样渗人的空洞…… Radisv is raising rifle that is entangling the camouflage cloth strip, is standing guard the danger in darkness with the look. When sees this bloodiness everywhere, he who even if the long experience flames of war cannot bear frown. 拉迪斯夫提着缠着迷彩布条的步枪,用眼神警戒着黑暗中的危险。当看到这满目的血腥之时,纵使是久历战火的他也忍不住皱起了眉头。 really is the hell.” 简直是地狱。” I approve your viewpoint.” Walks carries rifle in his nearby Giles, the look is actually relaxed as usual. “我认同你的观点。”走在他旁边的吉尔斯扛着步枪,神色倒是轻松如常。 Wears the city camouflage battle dress, the 15 unidentified militants walks on the spacious street. The guerrilla forces taking advantage of the unrest of crash, started the general attack to Cagayan City, the running hot sound of distant place was unceasing, covered wailing on street. 穿着城市迷彩作战服,十五名身份不明的武装分子行走在空旷的街上。游击队借着坠机的骚乱,对卡加延市发动了总攻,远方的跑火声不断,掩盖了街上的哀嚎。 The fire spreads in the corner of city, however actually cannot see the trace of fire fighter and nurse. All fire engines and ambulances had been taken over for use, many solid private all-terrain vehicles were also sent to frontier service, weld the machine guns of .50 calibers. 大火在城区的一角蔓延,然而却看不到消防员与护士的踪影。所有的消防车和救护车都已经被征用,就连不少结实的私家越野车也被充军,焊上了口径的机枪。 This is last harbor of poor|Fei government forces northwest bank of Mindanao Island, lost it, means the fire of Civil War the fever to Bohol Sea, burns to lively Cebu. In order to protect behind that liveliness, 13 th Infantry Division stationed in this place had issued the written pledge to fulfill a military order to the entire Philippines people, even if fights to the last person, cannot absolutely retreat half step. 这是菲政府军棉兰老岛西北岸最后一处港口,失去了它,将意味着内战之火将烧向保和海,烧到繁华的宿务。为了守护背后那片繁华,驻扎于此地的第13步兵师已经向全菲国人民立下了军令状,哪怕战至最后一人,也绝对不会后退半步 Fell this, can that person also live?” Sweeps aircraft seat that near a foot was burnt partly destroys, Radisv along with tastes. “摔成了这样,那个人还能活着吗?”扫了眼脚边被烧得半毁的飞机座椅,拉迪斯夫随口道。 Theoretically is so, but no one can guarantee that the body of that person does not have other cards in a hand. Should better look quite good...... to be right, that pill, did you eat up?” Giles asked careless. “理论上是如此,但谁也不能保证那个人的身上没有其他底牌。最好还是去看一眼比较好……对了,那个药片,你吃下了吧?”吉尔斯漫不经心地问道。 Peppermint taste.” Radisv said. “薄荷味。”拉迪斯夫说道。 Giles gawked staring, immediately smiled. 吉尔斯愣了愣,随即笑了起来。 Right, peppermint taste.” “没错,薄荷味。” Asked while convenient, how without taking that pill can?” Radisv asked. “顺便问下,如果没吃那药片会怎么样?”拉迪斯夫问道。 That troubled.” Giles sighed, suddenly built rifle, aimed staggering toward the civilians who they walked, becomes will be the same with them.” “那就麻烦了。”吉尔斯叹了口气,突然架起了步枪,瞄准了踉踉跄跄着向他们走来的平民,“就会变得和他们一样。”
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