IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#567: Air disaster

North Philippines Samar Island, Yacht calmly floats in west Pacific Ocean sea level. 菲国萨马岛以北,一艘游艇静静地漂浮在西太平洋的海面上。 Stands on Yacht, wears the man of hat to dangle on the shoulder the launcher tube that belches smoke, looks at that crashing meteor, the corners of the mouth brings back wiped the curve. 站在游艇上,戴着帽子的男人垂下了肩上正在冒烟的发射筒,看着那颗坠落的流星,嘴角勾起了一抹弧度。 Person who in China, has General Staff is staring, they have no opportunity of starting. Moreover by the security check procedure/program of China airport, they have not taken the possibility of airplane the explosive material. Therefore from the beginning, they have not planned to solve Jiang Chen in the airplane. 华国,有总参的人盯着,他们根本没有任何下手的机会。而且以华国机场的安检程序,他们也没有将爆炸物带上飞机的可能。所以从一开始,他们就没打算在飞机内解决掉江晨 The shoulder-carried air defense missile only suits copes with the low and medium altitude goal, wants to shoot down in the commercial aircraft of ten thousand meters altitude flying, is at all impossible...... such being the case, wants to shoot down the target with the shoulder-carried air defense missile, needs them „” voluntarily run out of altitude. 肩扛式防空导弹只适合对付中低空目标,想要击落在万米高空飞行的民航客机,是根本不可能的……既然如此,想要用肩扛式防空导弹击落目标,就需要他们“自觉的”下降高度。 The bomb threat passenger plane nearby descends, forcing it to fly to recent Cebu International Airport. After its run out of altitude enters the portable missile firing distance, shoots down it. 用炸弹威胁客机就近降落,迫使其飞往最近的宿务国际级机场。在其下降高度进入便携式导弹射程后,将其击落。 According to the route survey, here is the best firing station that Tanaka can analyze. 根据航线测算,这里便是田中所能分析出的最佳射击位置。 As for method is whether cruel, whether can injure and innocent, this is not always the issue that they consider. 至于手段是否过于残忍,是否会伤及无辜,这从来都不是他们考虑的问题。 „...... Really is the attractive smoke and fire. Good, good, Professor saw, will be happy.” Hand in stinger advanced launcher tube loses in the deck, Tanaka smiles to gaze after that to tow to entrain "meteor" of thick smoke to go far away. “……真是漂亮的烟火。不错,不错哦,教授看到后会高兴的。”将手中的“毒刺”改进型发射筒丢在甲板上,田中笑眯眯目送着那颗拖拽着浓烟的“流星”远去。 Hits the left wing engine...... the crash rate/lead to only have 70%.” By the cabin entrance, Radisv of mercenary family background put down the telescope in hand, said lightly, you determined that Professor will be happy?” “命中左机翼引擎……坠毁率只有70%。”靠在船舱门口,佣兵出身的拉迪斯夫放下了手中的望远镜,淡淡地说道,“你确定那位教授会高兴?” Naturally.” The Tanaka smile said, this may really be the puzzle...... makes him bet that 30% probability by some chance, Professor will puzzle right very much. Mr. Radisv, asked.” “当然。”田中微笑道,“不过这可真是困扰啊……万一让他赌对了那30%的概率,教授可是会很困扰的。拉迪斯夫先生,拜托了。” He has not told oneself subordinate, oneself are that Professor, always poses as the status of assistant. From various significances, the person who wants that Professor life, wanting the person of Jiang Chen life must be much more. 他从来没有告诉过自己的手下,自己就是那位教授,一直以来都是以助手的身份自居。从各种意义上,想要那位教授性命的人,比想要江晨命的人要多得多。 Radisv glanced his one eyes, fished out a cigarette from the pocket, holds in the mouth in the mouth point. 拉迪斯夫瞟了他一眼,从兜里摸出了一根香烟,叼在嘴边点上。 You were really more and more insane. Did not fear that the name was placed with the base and is in the same place? How Cebu said also Philippines second largest city, when you poor|Fei ** is the team decorates?” “你们真是越来越疯了。难道就不怕名字被和基地、is摆在一起?宿务怎么说也菲国第二大城市,你当菲**队都是摆设吗?” poor|Fei ** the team is battling with Country of Moro, the opportunity of fishing in troubled waters is a lot. Although I prepared some interesting small gadget on the airplane, but to provide against contingencies. Also please the belt/bring person run personally one. Relax, extra mission will have the extra monetary reward.” Tanaka smilingly said. “菲**队正在与摩洛国交战,浑水摸鱼的机会还是很多的。虽然我在飞机上准备了一些有趣的小玩意儿,但为了以防万一。还请你带人亲自跑一趟了。放心,额外的任务会有额外的赏金。”田中笑眯眯地说道。 Small gadget?” Radisv changes countenance slightly. “小玩意儿?”拉迪斯夫微微动容。 Some of his not clear Tanaka on hand anything gadget, but he heard actually, company is developing a chemical weapon. 他不清楚田中手头有些什么玩意儿,但他倒是有所耳闻,公司正在研制一种化学武器。 I have said that Mr. Radisv. This is the war. War.” Tanaka stretched out a finger to shake shaking, then pressed firmly between the fingers own hat brim to put in order, „, although was a half-finished product, but let me for the time being taking this opportunity, had a look at its effect. hā hā hā......” “我说过的,拉迪斯夫先生。这是战争哦。战争。”田中伸出了一根手指晃了晃,然后捏住自己的帽檐整了整,“虽然是个半成品,但姑且让我借着这个机会,看看它的效果吧。哈哈哈……” That withered and dissolute laughter flutters far in the alone sea level, annihilates in the turbulent tide. 那干枯而放肆的笑声在孤寂的海面上飘远,湮灭在波涛汹涌的浪潮中。 Radisv spat an eye socket silent, is looking at that dim white smoke. 拉迪斯夫沉默地吐了口眼圈,望着那朦胧的白烟。 I need the manpower, the equipment, the helicopter.” “我需要人手,装备,直升机。” Tanaka stopped the laughter, opened the both arms to own partner. 田中停止了笑声,面向自己的伙伴张开了双臂。 Has been ready.” “已经准备就绪。” ...... …… In Philippines ground Air Traffic Control Station. On the radar presented one red exceptionally. Originally planned to fly to the Country of Xin Koro Island mu771 flight to deviate the direction, entered the Philippines air zone from the international waters. After discovery exceptionally, the ATC personnel have the contact with the aircraft crew immediately. 菲国地面空管站内。雷达上出现了一处异常的红点。原计划飞往新国科罗岛的mu771航班偏离了航向,从公海上空进入了菲国空域。发现异常后,空管人员立刻与机组人员取得了联系。 Control tower: Here is the Manila control tower, mu771, you have entered Area Manila to adjust the control framework, the communication frequency 132.6 塔台:“这里是马尼拉塔台,mu771,你已进入马尼拉调管制范围,通信频率132.6” Unit: Here is the mu771 flight, the left wing engine is on fire! We came under the missile attack, requested that descends!” 机组:“这里是mu771航班,左机翼引擎起火!我们受到了导弹攻击,请求降落!” Control tower: „...... What?” 塔台:“……什么?” Unit: I Repeat, the missile hit our left wing engine! We need to help!” 机组:“重复一遍,导弹击中了我们的左机翼引擎!我们需要帮助!” Control tower: Please keeps calm, the Cebu Airport control tower will provide the landing runway for you. Please according to our instructions......” 塔台:“请保持冷静,宿务机场塔台将为你们提供降落跑道。请根据我们的指示……” Was hit by the missile?! 被导弹击中?! The person in Air Traffic Control Station flustered immediately, the telephone projected on Philippines Presidential Palace, then projected on Command Unit. Just rolled Air Force Commander Edgar of bed sheet to prepare to sleep with the wife, finally was given to fish from the bed by a Aquino telephone. 空管站内的人顿时慌了起来,电话打到了菲国总统府,接着又打到了司令部。刚和老婆滚完床单的空军司令埃德加正准备睡觉,结果被阿基诺一个电话从床上给捞了起来。 „The mu771 flight was hit by the missile! I need an explanation!” Telephone just a connection. Roaring of Aquino then follows the telephone line to clash the forehead of Edgar. “mu771航班被导弹击中!我需要一个解释!”电话刚一接通。阿基诺的咆哮便顺着电话线冲上来埃德加的脑门。 I, I do not know, but I pledged, is not our people does absolutely! Actually what's the matter? Edgar that what flight and missile......” are confused replied flustered. “我,我不知道,但我发誓,绝对不是我们的人干的!究竟是怎么回事?什么航班和导弹……”一头雾水的埃德加慌张地答道。 Aquino is breathing heavily. 阿基诺喘着粗气。 „The mu771 flight was hit near our territorial airspace, the left wing engine is on fire, now is flying to Cebu Airport.” “mu771航班在我们领空附近被击中,左机翼引擎起火,现在正在飞往宿务机场。” The first response of Edgar is. This definitely was a joke, the subconsciousness shot a look at a calendar, the complexion was ugly immediately. 埃德加的第一反应就是。这肯定是个玩笑,下意识瞥了眼日历,脸色顿时难看了起来。 Today is not April Fool's Day! 今天不是愚人节 Certainly is Country of Moro that side person shoots down!” “一定是摩洛国那边的人击落的!” Fart! Their that several shoulder-carried air defense missiles can shoot down over ten thousand meters high passenger plane!” Aquino hears the subordinate to speak mental handicap, immediately in the fire the heart, cursed angrily. “放屁!他们那几个肩扛式防空导弹能击落上万米高的客机!”阿基诺听到部下智障的发言,顿时火上心头,怒骂道。 Cannot project on the altitude of passenger plane on that equipment of Country of Moro guerrilla force, this is also the US Military f35 fighter aircraft in the Mindanao Island execution support activity stress-free reason. Can shoot down the passenger plane on that sea area, only then Philippines has this strength. But once this hat buckled in the head of Philippines, the Philippines international image was complete...... 摩洛国游击队的那点装备根本打不到客机的高度,这也正是美军f35战机在棉兰老岛执行支援行动毫无压力的原因。能在那片海域上击落客机,只有菲国有这个实力。而这帽子一旦扣在了菲国的头上,菲国的国际形象就全完了…… If some of they also words. 如果他们还有的话。 Realized the gravity of issue, why Edgar dashed out of the door, calls to tell the subordinate to act, while turns toward the Command Unit direction to hurry. 意识到了问题的严重性,埃德加干嘛冲出了家门,一边打电话吩咐部下行动,一边向着司令部的方向赶去。 Manila Military Base, two fa- 50 urgent launching, depended to the direction of mu771 flight. 马尼拉军事基地,两架fa-50紧急起飞,向mu771航班的方向靠了过去。 When two fa- 50 rushed to passenger plane side, witnessed the pitiful condition of that passenger plane, drives fighter pilot to worry for the passenger on passenger plane immediately. 当两架fa-50赶到了客机旁边时,目睹了那客机的惨状,驾驶战斗机飞行员顿时为客机上的乘客捏了把汗。 At this moment, the left wing of this Boeing passenger plane, entire had been wrapped up by the black black thick smoke. By that matter thick smoke, the flame that faintly visible has not extinguished. 此刻,这架波音客机的左机翼,整个都已经被黢黑的浓烟包住。透过那层浓烟,依稀可见尚未熄灭的火光。 Has saying that has injured this, but can also maintain the glide stance to descend to the airport is a miracle. 不得不说,已经伤成了这样,还能保持滑行姿态向机场降落就已经是个奇迹了。 air captain and copilot of mu771 flight are making final struggling, prayed do not have the wing break, while saved the airplane that is gradually losing control of desperately. mu771航班的机长与副驾驶做着最后的挣扎,一边祈祷着不要发生机翼断裂,一边拼命地挽救着逐渐失控的飞机。 „It is not good! All ended, we to airport!” Copilot is staring at the measuring appliance stubbornly, while said desperately. “不行了!全都完了,我们到不了机场!”副驾驶一边死死地盯着仪表,一边绝望地说道。 Hang there, we can be good! Must insist the airport!” “坚持住,我们能行!一定要坚持到机场!” Damn, right wing is damaged! Engine breakdown! Mother. Moves ahhhhh to me!” air captain attempts to restart the engine repeatedly, however ends in failure. “该死,右机翼受损!引擎故障!妈.的,给我动起来啊啊啊!”机长反复尝试重启引擎,然而均以失败告终。 mu771 has turned thoroughly ******. mu771已经彻底变成了******。 On the face of entire aircraft crew wrote all over desperately. The passenger in airplane passed through initial making a tearful scene, has started in the clothes and notebook writes the posthumous writings. Witnesses this hell general scene, in the Jiang Chen's eye flashes through one not to endure, but he deeply inspires finally, calm. 全机组人员的脸上都写满了绝望。飞机内的乘客经过了最初的哭闹,已经开始在衣服和笔记本上写下遗书。目睹这地狱一般的场景,江晨的眼中闪过一丝不忍,但最终他还是深吸了一口气,冷静了下来。 He knows, oneself is impossible to save everyone. 他知道,自己不可能拯救所有人。 Meditated one in the heart I, then he who you revenge then stands up, walks toward the direction of restroom. 在心中默念了一声“我会替你们报仇的”,然后他便站起身来,向厕所的方向走去。 „Do you go?” The stewardesses see Jiang Chen to untie the seat belt, stands up from the seat, makes noise to ask. “你去哪?”空姐看到江晨解开安全带,从座位上站起,不由出声问道。 Goes to bathroom.” Jiang Chen said lightly, has not paid attention to her, walks in the direction of restroom. “上个厕所。”江晨淡淡地说道,没有理会她,向着厕所的方向走去。 Meanwhile, in the cockpit, being at wit's end air captain dangled both hands. 与此同时,驾驶舱内,无计可施的机长垂下了双手。 Here is the Cebu control tower, mu771, position 32 r, the runway available, please “这里是宿务塔台,mu771,位置32r,跑道可用,请” Here is mu771, we by are unable to arrive. Please pass on to my family member for me, I love them.” “这里是mu771,我们以无法抵达。请替我转告我的家人,我爱他们。” One group of thick smokes have delimited the Cebu nighttime sky, crossed the peppermint island, in the Mindanao Island northwest bank harbor Cagayan direction, crashes to go......( to be continued.) 一团浓烟划过了宿务的夜空,越过了薄荷岛,向着棉兰老岛西北岸港口卡加延的方向,坠落而去……(未完待续。)
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