IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#566: Takes into the tomb the card in a hand

Takes off the flash of hat in Tanaka, on seat back cushion that his head fell down in the front seat. 就在田中摘下帽子的一瞬间,他的脑袋一头栽倒在了前方座椅的靠背上。 Sees this, is preparing to react Jiang Chen to be actually shocked thoroughly. He thinks this person will pull out what weapon of mass destruction, prepared to pull out the fellow to self-defense from storage space. However he has not come makes anything anxiously, this Tanaka took off the hat on the corona of having a strong beginning but a weak ending. 见到这一幕,正准备做出反应的江晨却是彻底愣住了。他原本以为这人会掏出什么大规模杀伤性武器,都准备从储物空间掏家伙自卫了。然而他还没来的急做些什么,这田中摘掉帽子就虎头蛇尾的晕过去了。 Felt that the back was hit, fell asleep the front passenger turns head, stared Tanaka that is drooping the head. However Tanaka simply has not actually gained ground, the whole person passed out to be the same probably. 感觉到后背被撞了下,原本睡着了的前排乘客回过头来,瞪了耷拉着脑袋的田中一眼。然而田中却是根本没有抬头,整个人就好像失去了知觉一样。 The stewardess in First Class Cabin discovered here situation, walks to Jiang Chen immediately. When saw Tanaka unconscious when the forehead is arriving on the front seat back cushion, the stewardess squatting lower part of the body, the face approaches him to look. 头等舱内的空姐发现了这边的情况,立刻向江晨这边走了过来。当看到田中不省人事的将额头抵着前排靠背上时,空姐蹲下身来,将脸凑近他看了看。 Mister, where your does have is not healthy?...... Mister? Mister!” “先生,请问您的身体有哪里不舒服吗?……先生?先生!” Sees that person to have no response, squatted flustered in his nearby stewardess immediately, wanted to help up him. 见那人没有任何反应,蹲在他旁边的空姐顿时慌了,想要将他扶起。 Do not bump him!” In the heart the police trillion wrinkles, Jiang Chen pressed firmly between the fingers that stewardess to reach the hand of Tanaka. “别碰他!”心中警兆皱起,江晨一把捏住了那空姐伸向田中的手。 The method of the previous assassination using, these people will not seem like that type to avoid the wound and innocent person. On passenger plane type of transportation vehicle, what thing kills effectively? Without a doubt, only then bomb option. 从上次暗杀使用的手段来看,这些人不像是那种会避免伤及无辜的人。在客机这种交通工具上,什么东西杀伤最有效?毫无疑问,只有炸弹这一个选项了。 Mister?” The stewardesses look at Jiang Chen. Was pinched to stop by the stranger suddenly, she does not know suddenly should make what seed/type to respond. “先生?”空姐愣愣地看着江晨。被陌生人突然捏住手,她一时间不知道该做出何种反应。 By here to the sound awakens, many previously looked in the passengers of sleeping to here. Stood empties in two of position while the personnel sees to have the tumult, walked to here. 被这边对的动静惊醒,不少先前在睡觉的乘客都看向了这边。站在前后位置的两名空乘人员见发生了骚动,也向这边走了过来。 Facing the surprised line of sight that the stewardess throws, Jiang Chen has not given any explanation, but sets eyes 面对空姐投来的惊疑视线,江晨没有做任何解释,只是将目光死死地锁定在田中身上,心中的念头转的飞快。 Two stewardesses who walk looked to grasp Jiang Chen of colleague small hand helplessly, looked at that to bury a motionless man, suddenly does not know should make any good. Nearby passenger has also waked, at this moment is looking here liveliness. 走过来的两名空姐手足无措地看了看握着同事小手的江晨,又看了看那个埋着头不动的男人,一时间不知道该做些什么好。旁边的乘客也都已经醒了过来,此刻正看着这边的热闹。 At this time, the First Class Cabin front gate opened, the man who wears the air captain hat entered in the cabin. The vision fell Jiang Chen. 这时,头等舱前方的门开了,一名戴着机长帽的男人走进了舱内。目光落在了江晨这边。 What happened?” “发生了什么事?” Jiang Chen loosened the hand of that stewardess. When that stewardess rubs suffering were being pinched the red small hand, he uses the chin to refer to by him the man, then to the air captain radical a shape of the mouth bomb. 江晨松开了那名空姐的手。在那名空姐委屈地揉着自己被捏红的小手时,他用下巴指了指他旁边的这名男子,然后对机长笔画了一个口型“炸弹”。 Understood the Jiang Chen's shape of the mouth, that air captain vision was swift and fierce immediately. The look starts to transform with that men in Jiang Chen. 读懂了江晨的口型,那名机长的目光顿时凌厉了起来。眼神开始在江晨与那男人之间变换。 Jiang Chen can from his eye, obviously see that suspicion with the hesitation that does not dare to take risk. 江晨能从他的眼中,明显地看到那怀疑与不敢冒险的犹豫。 Hesitant will be very normal, pointed at a fainting passenger saying that on absolutely groundless him had the bomb, no matter what who will be sceptical. This passenger was very possible to contract what bursty disease, if unable to obtain the prompt treatment. 会犹豫很正常,毫无根据地指着一名晕倒的乘客说他身上有炸弹,任谁也会感到怀疑。这名乘客很可能是患了什么突发性疾病,如果无法得到及时的救治。 Let alone Jiang Chen are sceptical. Whether this person has far-reaching idea...... 更何况就连江晨自己都感到怀疑。这人身上是否暗藏玄机…… air captain?” The stewardesses somewhat worried that looks at air captain. 机长?”空姐有些担心地看着机长 Called Little Cao to come.” air captain leaning, said to that stewardess whisper. “去叫小曹来。”机长偏了下头,对那名空姐耳语道。 The stewardess nods, immediately slightly runs was leaving First Class Cabin, before long, a roughly 20~30 male half step entered in First Class Cabin , from his wear, he dresses up and ordinary passenger not different. However from that swift and fierce look, Jiang Chen can detect keenly his status should not be ordinary. 那空姐点了点头,立刻小跑着离开了头等舱,不一会儿,一名二三十男子快步走进了头等舱内,从他的穿着上看,他打扮与普通乘客无异。不过从那凌厉的眼神来看,江晨能敏锐地察觉到他的身份应该不一般。 From 2004 starting from, on China civil aviation any airplane, always the seat does not sell the ticket in October. But this seat. Leaves in the air plainclothes police officer specially. These plainclothes usually are the special troop draw back, not only has extraordinary skill, but also has the rich explosive disposal experience. When the flight operates has the situation that the safety officer could not process on the way, will lend a hand to solve by these plainclothes. 04年10月开始,华国民航任何一架飞机上,总有一个座位不卖票。而这个座位。就是是专门留给空中便衣警察的。这些便衣通常都是特种兵退下来的,不但身手不凡,而且拥有丰富的拆弹经验。当航班运行途中发生了安全员处理不了的突发情况时,将由这些便衣出手解决。 But generally needs them to act, is not the hijack is the bomb. Event...... 而一般需要他们出手的,不是劫机就是炸弹.事件…… Just arrived by Jiang Chen, that plainclothes detect immediately the situation was not right. 刚一走到江晨旁边,那名便衣立刻察觉到了情况不对。 Without the half a point hesitates, that plainclothes squat immediately in that person of side, greeted nearby stewardess to bring his toolbox, took out several equipment from inside, then manipulated in that person of side. 没有半分犹豫,那名便衣立刻蹲在了那人的旁边,招呼着旁边的空姐取来了他的工具箱,从里面取出了几件设备,然后便在那人的旁边摆弄了起来。 Sits notices in nearby Jiang Chen. Sweat before his volume has delimited, dropped on the red carpet. 坐在旁边的江晨注意到。一滴汗水从他的额前划过,滴落在了红地毯上。 How situation......” sees Little Cao quite a while not to speak, air captain was also somewhat nervous. “情况怎么样……”见小曹半天不说话,机长也是有些慌了。 He worked also the quick more than five years on the post, in this period the counter-terrorism acted in a play does not know that did many times. Actually meets this matter for the first time. 他在岗位上工作也快五年多了,期间反恐演戏不知道做了多少次。却还是第一次遇上这档子事。 Little Cao is clenching teeth, stands up said to the air captain whisper, person had died, the cause of death is unknown temporarily. Discovered on his body timing unit, indefinite was...... in brief first is scattered.” 小曹咬着牙,站起身来向机长耳语道,“人已经死了,死因暂时不明。在他的身上发现了计时装置,还不确定是不是……总之先把人疏散了。” Then, he looked to Jiang Chen. The warning said, first do not move, temporarily is indefinite nearby you to have other triggers.” 接着,他又看向了江晨。警告道,“你先别动,暂时还不确定你附近有没有其它触发装置。” Jiang Chen spreads out the hand , indicating to understand. However when he hears from two people whispers, this Tanaka Professor had died time, his heart is quite accidental/surprised. 江晨摊开手,表示理解。不过当他从两人的耳语中听到,这位田中教授已经死了的时候,他的心头还是颇为意外。 Can see from this Tanaka words, the information that he knows should be many, but knows are more, means the position in organization to be higher. Trades a life with this life the way, rather also some too lo. 从这位田中的话中可以看出,他知道的情报应该不少,而知道的越多,也就意味着在组织中的地位越高。用这种一命换一命的方式,未免也有些太lo了吧。 He always felt where some are not right. 他总感觉哪里有些不对。 At this moment, he thinks suddenly, this Tanaka before losing consciousness, as if made a movement...... 就在这时,他突然想到,这田中在失去意识之前,似乎做了一个动作…… The Jiang Chen's vision fell on the hat of ground. 江晨的目光落在了地上的帽子上。 Puts out a hand to pick up it, touches following the surface of that flax sense of reality, he touched the metal sense of reality thing from the band of that hat indistinctly. 伸手将它拾起,顺着那亚麻质感的表面摸去,他隐约从那帽子的夹层中摸到了金属质感的东西。 air captain has started to tell that empties disperses the First Class Cabin passenger while the personnel. 机长已经开始吩咐空乘人员疏散头等舱的乘客。 Realized that the situation is not right, in First Class Cabin to the passenger also flustered. Can be able to sit up the First Class Cabin person, which isn't non- rich the expensive/noble lord? More is rich then more is fears death...... naturally, Jiang Chen is an exception. Although he is rich, but he does not think oneself will die. 意识到情况不对,头等舱内对的乘客也是慌了起来。能坐得起头等舱的人,哪个不是非富即贵的主?越是有钱便越是怕死……当然,江晨是个例外。他虽然有钱,但他不认为自己会死。 Synthesized the Tanaka speech, the matter that he will have had guessed a general idea. 综合田中刚才的发言,他已经将发生的事情猜了个大概。 Black Ship...... that so-called Black Ship should refer to is Harmony Camp to [The Natural Selection] that Earth sends out. From the civilization fusion in Tanaka mouth, he regarding the understanding of [The Natural Selection], should be not only restricted to know its existence that simple. 黑船……那所谓的黑船应该指的就是和谐阵营地球派出的物竞天择号。从田中口中的文明融合来看,他对于物竞天择号的了解,应该不仅仅限于知道它的存在那么简单 For some reasons, is led the organization that by this Tanaka, received the electromagnetic wave or the signal of Klein Particle Wave constitution from [The Natural Selection], and was misled by it even brainwashes, becomes Harmony Camp follower. 因为某种原因,由这个田中所领导的组织,接收到了来自物竞天择号的电磁波或者克雷恩粒子波构成的信号,并被其蛊惑甚至是洗脑,成为了和谐阵营的“信徒”。 After the dialogue with Sovereigness finished, Jiang Chen had known that Sovereigness had known on him about cross over, even is the storage space secret. 在与女皇的对话结束之后,江晨已经得知,那名女皇已经知晓了他身上关于穿越,甚至是储物空间的秘密。 However lets the Jiang Chen puzzled matter, till that time, it has not revealed the murderous intention to him as before. Is not actually difficult to understand about this, to the insect of ground, will stamp or not will not produce kills intent this concept. Let alone, they also hope that through catching oneself, returns to their Parent Star through oneself. 不过让江晨困惑的事,直到那时为止,它依旧没有对他表露杀机。关于这点其实不难理解,就像人对地上的虫子一样,踩死与否都不会产生杀意这种概念。更何况,它们还希望通过捕获自己,通过自己返回它们的“母星”。 Actually why, to making Harmony Camp change the mind, wanted to stop him impatiently in the deathtrap? 究竟是为什么,让和谐阵营改变了主意,迫不及待地想要止他于死地? Jiang Chen is lost in thought. 江晨不由陷入了沉思。 While that is called the Little Cao special police officer carries out the explosive disposal work, air captain returned to the cockpit, he needs to the request of nearest airport transmission distressed landing. The passengers had been dispersed, at this moment in entire First Class Cabin was only left over three people. 在那名叫小曹的特警进行拆弹工作的同时,机长回到了驾驶舱内,他需要向距离最近的机场发送紧急降落的请求。乘客已经被疏散,此刻整个头等舱内只剩下了三个人。 Jiang Chen, Little Cao, that stewardess. 江晨,小曹,还有那名空姐。 Sees a Jiang Chen face calm volume appearance, when that stewardess is disturbed, in the heart also somewhat wonders. Under normal conditions, at this time should be comforts the mood not steady passenger by her. However this passenger somewhat is special, he has not as if cared bomb. 江晨一脸淡定额样子,那名空姐忐忑之余,心中也是不禁有些纳闷。通常情况下,这时候应该是由她来安抚情绪不稳的乘客。然而这位乘客却有些特别,他似乎根本就没把身旁的炸弹放在心上。 „Aren't you afraid?” Swallowed a spit, that stewardess asked low voice. “你不害怕吗?”咽了口吐沫,那名空姐小声问道。 What having is good to fear?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “有什么好怕?”江晨笑道。 But after all by you......” “可毕竟就在你旁边……” If is really a bomb, which sitting is actually same.” “如果真是炸弹,坐在哪其实都一样。” What is different is only the cause of death. 不同的只是死法而已。 Crisis relieves.” “危机解除。” With one stormy drop drop sounds, ties up in the timer of Tanaka waist closes down. Little Cao relaxes, received the paper goods that the stewardess hands over, wiped the sweat on face, 随着一串密集的滴滴声,绑在田中腰间的计时器被关停。小曹松了口气,接过空姐递来的纸巾,抹了把脸上的汗水, Such a while, his whole body was given the percolation by the sweat. 就这么一会儿,他全身上下都被汗水给浸透了。 Bomb demolition?” Jiang Chen asked accidentally/surprisingly. “炸弹拆除了?”江晨意外地问道。 Unexpectedly was demolished with ease? The crisis relieves so relaxed, making the true feelings in his heart a little being survivor of disaster not have. 居然这么轻松地就被拆除了?危机解除的如此轻松,让他心中一点儿劫后余生的实感都没有。 Does not have any bomb...... at least is not I have seen the bomb.” Is saying, Little Cao while cut the Tanaka coat cautiously, extracted one to cut, is hanging not the well-known plastic marble string waistcoat. “根本没有什么炸弹……至少不是我见过的炸弹。”一边说着,小曹一边小心翼翼地剪开了田中的外套,从中抽出了一件剪开的,挂着不知名塑胶弹珠串的马甲。 The clear translucent plastic marble is being connected by the soft silk, under shining of engine room crown light, appears clear translucent. 晶莹透亮的塑胶弹珠由软丝串联着,在机舱顶部灯光的照耀下,显得晶莹透亮。 At least first takes care of...... the crisis to relieve as the dangerous material this gadget “至少先将这玩意儿作为危险品保管起来……危机已经解除” In Little Cao just said that the fuselage received the intense hit probably, vibrated fiercely. 就在小曹刚这么说时,机身像是受到了强烈的撞击,剧烈的抖动了起来。 „!” “啊!” That stewardess screamed one, by the vibration of fuselage raising the ground. Little Cao is also one staggers, but worthily was the agent birth, he is protecting the waistcoat of that doubtful dangerous material single-handedly, on the one hand grasped stood firm the figure to nearby seat. 那名空姐尖叫一声,被机身的抖动给掀到了地上。小曹也是一个踉跄,不过不愧是特工出生,他一手护着那件疑似危险品的马甲,一手抓向旁边的座椅稳住了身形。 Grass! Is doing what airplane!” The dangerous material in hand almost flies, may not have Little Cao under half dead, holds him who the seat is coming to a stop to make noise to scold. “草!在搞什么飞机!”手中的危险品差点飞出去,可没把小曹下个半死,扶着座椅站稳的他不由出声骂道。 Regarding is Jiang Chen of seat belt, although the vibration made him somewhat unexpected, but has not actually become any damage to other party. 对于系好安全带的江晨来说,刚才的抖动虽然让他有些猝不及防,但却没有对他造成任何损伤。 Generally when the airplane meets the intense air current in the altitude flying, will have the fuselage vibration is very normal matter. However this jolts continuously, was makes Jiang Chen feel unusual. 一般飞机在高空飞行时遇上强烈气流,会产生机身抖动是很正常的事。不过这持续不断地颠簸,却是让江晨感到了一丝不寻常。 This obviously is not jolting that the big whirl causes, seemed anything to hit on the airplane...... 这显然不是什么强气流导致的颠簸,就好像什么东西撞在了飞机上…… At this moment, looked that was shocked to Jiang Chen of out of the window. 就在这时,看向窗外的江晨不由愣住了。 The fanjet of that cylindrical, is burning at this moment! 那圆筒状的涡轮风扇发动机,此刻正在燃烧! - - ( Before dawn (3 - 5 am) erupts to offer! Sought the subscription! Asked the bill! (五更爆发献上!求订阅!求票票! If really if no, at least helps my WeChat public number attention, above will update the interesting content.) 如果实在没有的话,至少帮我的微信公众号点个关注吧,上面会更新有趣的内容哦。) ( WeChat public number: Morningstar LL)( to be continued.) (微信公众号:晨星ll)(未完待续。)
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