IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#565: Black Ship

Next day in the evening, Liu Yao drove to deliver to the Wanghai City airport Jiang Chen. 次日晚间,柳瑶开车将江晨送到了望海市机场。 Delivered the fragrant kiss in the terminal to Jiang Chen, wears sunglasses Liu Yao to wave with a smile, with mounting him of airplane said goodbye, gazed after the flight to go far away. 在候机厅向江晨送上了香吻,戴着墨镜柳瑶笑吟吟地挥着手,与登上飞机的他告别,目送着航班远去。 Meanwhile, saw that Jiang Chen walked finally, stands Liu Haotian outside airport is also relaxes. 与此同时,见到江晨总算是走了,站在机场外的柳浩天也算是松了口气。 Packed off this big god, he can also report that side Capital. This southern day gas range a wet cold vigor, the temperature does not have the north to be low obviously, is actually cold scary, making his northerner not adapt very much. Moreover for serveral days for the Jiang Chen's security problem, he also worried a lot. 送走了这尊大神,他也可以回上京市那边去了。这南方的天气带着一股湿冷的劲,明明气温没北方低,却是冷的吓人,让他这个北方人很不适应。而且这些天为了江晨的安全问题,他也没少操心。 However was good because had not had any accident/surprise for serveral days, perhaps was detected that around Jiang Chen's has pacing back and forth of General Staff agent, these realized the matter may not for Attacker chose giving way before difficulties. 不过好在这些天来没有发生任何意外,或许是察觉到了江晨的周围有着总参特工的徘徊,那些意识到事不可为的袭击者们选择了知难而退。 Pulled out the cell phone from the pocket, Liu Haotian hit to the Capital's native place. 从兜里掏出了手机,柳浩天打给了上京市的老家。 Goal has boarded craft...... this fellow to be walks.” “目标已经登机……这家伙可算是走了。” What situation has?” Telephone that broadcast the steady sound. “有没有发生什么情况?”电话那头传来了稳重的声音。 No. Here all normal, the killer new movement of escaping, possibly has not been hides.” Looks at that to vanish in the nighttime sky flight, Liu Haotian returns said. “没有。这里一切正常,逃跑的杀手没有新的动作,可能是藏起来了。”望着那消失在夜空的航班,柳浩天回道。 Sits on the airplane, Jiang Chen looks at city that out of the window is going far away gradually, until that brilliantly illuminated radiant vanishes from his line of sight, this took back the line of sight. 坐在飞机上,江晨望着窗外渐渐远去的城市,直到那灯火通明的璀璨从他的视线中消失,这才收回了视线。 Respectable passenger is good in the evening. Welcome you to take Eastern Air Lines company mu771 flight, goes to Country of Xin Koro City by China Wanghai City. The trajectory range of this flight is 3261 kilometers, it is expected that the airborne hours are 5 hours 47 minutes. In order to safeguard the normal work of aircraft navigation communication Artillery System, please do not use the hand-held computer in the airplane launching and drop process, please do not use the cell phone in the entire range, controls remotely the toy......” “尊敬的旅客晚上好。欢迎您乘坐东方航空公司mu771航班,由华国望海市前往新国科罗市。本次航班的飞行距离是3261公里,预计空中飞行时间是5小时47分。为了保障飞机导航通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手机,遥控玩具……” Wish you have a pleasant trip.” “祝您旅途愉快。” Takes plane does not seem like rides the motorcoach, but can also access the net with the cell phone. At this time, without studying to read a newspaper this custom Jiang Chen, except for sleeping, only then had a look at the beautiful woman to be beautiful. 坐飞机不像是坐动车,还能用手机上个网。这时候,没有读书看报这习惯的江晨,除了睡觉,也就只有看看美女养眼了。 Has saying that the stewardess quality of international flight is very high. This point not only displays in the face value of that ultra general level. Their well-mannered attitudes , is to make people be hard to have the slight repugnance. Naturally, perhaps what this also sits with him is First Class Cabin is related. 不得不说,国际航班的空姐质量真的很高。这一点不但表现在那超一般水准的颜值上。她们彬彬有礼的态度,也是让人难以产生丝毫的反感。当然,这或许也与他坐的是头等舱有关。 Sits by him that passenger who brings the hat wanted a newspaper to the stewardess, Jiang Chen was only the short distance swept that stewardess one eyes. Then gave over 8 points appraisals. That passenger has taken the newspaper, seemed like notices the Jiang Chen's line of sight, he friendly smiled to Jiang Chen, then depended on the chair. 坐在他旁边的那位带着帽子的乘客向空姐要了份报纸,江晨只是近距离扫了那名空姐一眼。便给出了八分以上的评价。那名乘客取过报纸,似乎是注意到了江晨的视线,他对江晨友善地一笑,然后便靠在了椅子上。 Jiang Chen notices, he is reading the economical panel. 江晨注意到,他正在翻看经济面板。 Facts showed. In the attractive beautiful woman, looked that for a long time will also find it silly. 事实证明。在漂亮的美女,看久了也会觉得无聊。 Jiang Chen had a yawn, pulled out to open the flight pattern the cell phone to look at the next time. 江晨打了个哈欠,掏出打开飞行模式的手机看了下时间。 9 : 00 【9:00】 The airplane has taken off for one hour, rough estimate, should pass through Taipei now, entered the Pacific Ocean sky. 飞机已经起飞一小时,粗略估计一下,现在应该已经经过了台北,进入了太平洋的上空。 Saw the time already not early, Jiang Chen then adjusted a comfortable posture, prepared to rest a while on the chair. Before closing eye, he used the split vision to glance eye nearby passenger, saw only that person to read that newspaper as before. 见时间已经不早了,江晨便调整了一个舒服的姿势,准备在椅子上睡一会儿。在合上眼睛之前,他用余光瞟了眼旁边的乘客,只见那人依旧在翻看那张报纸。 Prepared to rest? The journey also has is so long. Doesn't plan and me chats to kill the next time?” That person is reading the newspaper in hand as before, said in a soft voice. “准备睡了吗?旅途还有这么长。不打算和我聊天打发下时间吗?”那人依旧看着手中的报纸,轻声说道。 Jiang Chen opened the eye, smiles, with will not affect others' volume small sound said. 江晨睁开了眼,笑了笑,用不会影响到别人的音量小声道。 What did oh? chat?” 哦?聊些什么呢?” „Under first introduced oneself, I called Tanaka Yoshihiro, the lifeform and astronomer.” “首先自我介绍下吧,我叫田中义裕,生物、天文学家。” Japanese?” Some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises selected the eyebrow. “日本人?”江晨有些意外地挑了挑眉毛。 Because his standard spoken Chinese is very fluent, Jiang Chen also thinks that he is Chinese. 因为他的普通话很流利,江晨还以为他是华国人 „Is Mr. Jiang very as if surprised?” 江先生似乎很惊讶?” Somewhat is truly surprised, your is Chinese Language very good...... you to know me?” Some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises asked. “确实有些惊讶,你的汉语很不错……你认识我?”江晨有些意外地问道。 Em.” Tanaka spread out the newspaper in hand, with thin finger nod strip in to a black and white picture, this is the picture in Phantom Helmet release conference. Also so far is you in the clearest picture that on the media exposes.” “恩。”田中摊开了手中的报纸,用瘦削的手指点了点头条上对的一副黑白画面,“这是幻影头盔发布会上的照片。也是目前为止你在媒体上曝光的最清楚的照片。” Perhaps from works the linguistic habit of year to year fostering, in his words brings mechanical and stiffness of one share old pedant. This feeling is very difficult to describe, should say with very relaxed tone probably obviously conforms to the linguistic environment, but said from his mouth actually all turned into untender straightforward manner. 或许是从常年工作中养成的语言习惯,他的话中带着一股子老学究的刻板与僵硬。这种感觉很难形容,就好像明明应该用很轻松的语气说出才符合语境,而从他的嘴里说出来却全都变成了毫无感情的平铺直叙。 You to are very good at observing.” Jiang Chen along with tastes. “你到是挺善于观察。”江晨随口道。 Observation is the scientific foundation.” Tanaka closed the newspaper. Rebates it, rebates again...... “观察是科学的基础。”田中合上了报纸。将它对折,再对折…… „Is this?” Looks at the movement of this Japan scientist, Jiang Chen knits the brows slightly, does not understand that he wants to express anything. “这是?”看着这位日国科学家的动作,江晨微微皱眉,不明白他想表达什么。 The withered ten fingers like the puppet line, magic flower resulted to fold a strange-looking paper boat this newspaper. Placed on the paper boat the arm rest between two people seats, Tanaka said in a soft voice. Black Ship, trousers meat ne. Has Mr. Jiang heard this word?” 干枯的十指如同傀儡线,翻花似得将这张报纸叠成了一艘造型怪异的纸船。将纸船放在了两人座位之间的扶手上,田中轻声说道。“黑船,裤肉ne。江先生听说过这个词吗?” Roman sound of origami in Japanese?” Turned upwards one leg on the other, Jiang Chen ridiculed to say. 折纸在日本语中的罗马音?”翘起了二郎腿,江晨揶揄道。 You really should well under the study the universal history.” Tanaka put in order slightly put in order head hat, sighed low and deep, ten fingers before the knee overlapping, the head was thinking deeply about the moment slightly, then said that six years, United States Brigadier-General navy Matthew Perry rate/lead Fleet will drive into the Edo Bay Uraga Sea surface forever. Brings the United States President Millard Fillmore credentials to express best wishes to Tokugawa, finally both sides signed «Japan and US Treaty of Peace and Amity» following year, known as the Black Ship event.” “你真应该好好学习下世界史。”田中稍稍整了整头上的帽子,低沉地叹了口气,十指在膝盖前交叉,偏着脑袋微微思索了片刻,尔后开口说道,“嘉永六年,美国海军准将马休·佩里舰队驶入江户湾浦贺海面。带着美国总统米勒德·菲尔莫尔的国书向江户幕府致意,最后双方于次年签定《日美和亲条约》,史称黑船事件。” „Are you prepare and me chat the Japanese history? Very sorry, I am not interested.” Heard the Tanaka words, Jiang Chen has recalled in the middle school textbook regarding the description of this phase of history. However the understanding turns over to the understanding, being interested was other while matter. “你这是准备和我聊日本史吗?很抱歉,我并不感兴趣。”听到田中的话,江晨已经回忆起了中学课本上对于这段历史的描述。不过了解归了解,感不感兴趣就是另外一会儿事儿了。 No, I hope you can know about the story background. Simultaneously wants to listen to you to the view of Black Ship event, does not bring any superficial nationality. The view of principle.” “不,我只是希望你能对故事背景有所了解。同时想听听你对黑船事件的看法,不带任何肤浅的民族.主义的看法。” Your Opium War?” “你们的鸦片战争?” Tanaka shakes the head to say with a smile, „, although is still superficial, but also difference is not far.” 田中笑着摇了摇头道,“虽然依旧肤浅,但也差的不远了。” „Do oh? that you have what respected opinion?” 哦?那你有何高见?” The withered lip moves, Tanaka said in a soft voice. Fusion of civilization.” 干枯的嘴唇动了动,田中轻声说道。“文明的融合。” When hears the civilization two word-time, in the Jiang Chen's look took subconsciously wiped vigilantly. 当听到文明二字时,江晨的眼神中下意识的带上了一抹警惕。 However Tanaka seems like had not actually detected that Jiang Chen's responded is the same, then said, collision of higher civilization and low civilization, a side obtained the prosperous, other side Evolution or demise in the pain. Just like such in history, this process is very painful, but on the result, it actually brought entire civilization Evolution.” 不过田中却像是没有察觉到江晨的反应一样,接着说道,“高等文明与低等文明的碰撞,其中一方获得繁荣,另一方则在痛苦中进化或者灭亡。正如历史中的那样,这个过程或许很痛苦,但就结果而言,它却带来了整个文明进化。” , He smiled was stretching out a finger, does not change that being out of sorts feeling extremely strong mechanical intonation, then said: If enlarges assemble to the Cosmos criterion, picture that higher civilization and low civilization collide. Doesn't think under the experience?” 顿了顿,他微笑着伸出了一根手指,不改那违和感极强的刻板语调,接着说道:“如果将集合放大到宇宙尺度,高等文明与低等文明碰撞的画面。不想见识下吗?” „Only the lunatic the meeting wants to experience.” Jiang Chen narrowed the eye dangerously, said in a soft voice. “只有疯子才会想见识。”江晨危险地眯起了眼睛,轻声说道。 That also is really regrettable.” Tanaka sighed, sits straight the body, reaches out Jiang Chen, under the understanding, Tanaka Yoshihiro, you can also call me for Professor again.” “那还真是遗憾。”田中叹了口气,坐直了身子,向江晨伸出了手,“重新认识下,田中义裕,你也可以称呼我为教授。” Jiang Chen has not gone to shake his hand, but are staring at him stubbornly to eyes. 江晨没有去握他的手,而是死死地盯着他对的双眼。 „Do you actually want to do?” “你到底想干什么?” Has not paid attention to the Jiang Chen's question, Tanaka took back the hand of outstretch, said lightly. 没有理会江晨的疑问,田中收回了伸出的手,淡淡地说道。 Speed 0.85 Mach, highly 9100 kilometers. If I have not guessed wrong, here your cross over ability has more than enough. Naturally you can also try, maintains kinetic energy cross over of subsonic speed to go to that side, can plunge to death on the wall.” “航速0.85马赫,高度9100千米。如果我没猜错,在这里你的穿越能力用不了。当然你也可以试试,保持着亚音速的动能穿越到那边去,会不会摔死在墙上。” Hears his words, the Jiang Chen heart shakes greatly. 听到他的话,江晨心头巨震。 This is impossible! 这不可能! How does he possibly know my card in a hand?! 他怎么可能知道我的底牌?! At this time, Jiang Chen suddenly resounded that Sovereigness that orientation he declared war. 这时,江晨突然响起了那位向他宣战的那位女皇 ...... 难道…… Right, you asked a moment ago I want to do.” Tanaka smiles. “对了,你刚才问我想干什么。”田中笑了笑。 in a nutshell, your ability regarding us, was extremely troublesome regarding Black Ship. Therefore,......” built the hand for the arrival of welcome next era in the hat brim, the pupil of that pollution locked the Jiang Chen's double pupil like the poisonous snake, asked you to take into the tomb your card in a hand.”( To be continued.) 简而言之,你的能力对于我们,对于‘黑船’而言都太过麻烦了。所以,为了迎接下个纪元的到来……”将手搭在了帽檐,那浑浊的瞳孔如毒蛇般锁定了江晨的双眸,“请你将你的底牌带进坟墓吧。”(未完待续。)
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