IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#564: Some agreement

Normally, does not have any living creature can span the dimension the distance. Presently does the world present Mutants? That is absolutely the unlikely matter, believes in firmly regarding this Jiang Chen. When hears Wang Fangping that words half jokingly, he smiles, has not cared. 正常情况下,没有任何活物能够跨越次元的距离。现世出现变种人?那是绝对不可能发生的事,对于这点江晨深信不疑。所以当听到王方平那半开玩笑的话语时,他只是笑了笑,并没有放在心上。 Although from Wang Fangping here the satisfactory answer, his words had not been given Jiang Chen to provide a mentality. 虽然没有从王方平这里得到满意的答案,不过他的话还是给江晨提供了一个思路。 That killer is very likely the genetic modification product. 那名杀手很有可能是基因改造的产物。 Jiang Chen is very curious, is actually , actually or is which organization, unexpectedly can achieve this degree of transformation by the technology of present world. The chest is intimate round of ghost sniper's rifle bullet(s), even Mutants must go to half life. However that person actually can also crawl to escape, the half-day time can not the healing wound. 江晨很好奇,究竟是谁,或者说究竟是哪个组织,居然能以现世的技术做到这种程度的改造。胸口挨上一发鬼魂狙击枪子弹,就算是变种人也得去了半条命。然而那个人却还能爬起来逃跑,半天的时间都不要就能愈合伤口。 How to see that is not humanity can achieve. 怎么看那都不是人类能做到的。 No one can lie to the microscope on own physical condition. If Marshal wants to get a definite answer, can lead to accept the inspection that person to Sanctuary.” Wang Fangping detected very much keenly from the Jiang Chen face that wiped the color of caring, proposed. “没有任何人能就自己的身体状况对显微镜说谎。如果元帅希望得到一个确定的答案,可以将那个人带到避难所里接受检查。”王方平很敏锐地从江晨脸上察觉到了那一抹在意之色,不由提议道。 That person cannot come to here.” Jiang Chen simple returns saying that has had other method?” “那个人来不了这里。”江晨简单地回到道,“有没有别的方法?” How can't come to here...... that this? I need the 10 ml blood, the metabolite nature and dan information from blood, should be able to solve secret.” Wang Fangping draws back to ask the times place to propose. “不能来这里吗……那这样如何?我需要10ml血液,从血液中的代谢物质以及dan信息,应该能破解其中的秘密。”王方平退而求次地提议道。 However Jiang Chen shakes the head as before. 然而江晨依旧摇了摇头。 „The words of blood...... the metabolite nature does not have the issue, but D NAC may be somewhat difficult.” “血液的话……代谢物质没问题,但dna恐怕有些困难。” According to the Lin Ling's observed result, the cross over behavior regarding him the life body besides the damage that causes is not only the function stops, will also have the influence on the D NAC material of cell. The former can put the blame on the entropy reduces the effect of process on the organism, but the latter is also unable to explain by the science and technology of 22 centuries temporarily. 根据林玲的观察结果,穿越行为对于除他之外的生命体所造成的伤害不仅仅是机能停止,还会对细胞的dna物质产生影响。前者可以归咎于熵减过程对生物体的影响,而后者以22世纪的科技也暂时无法解释。 If solved behind this difficult problem, brings person cross over also no longer is the issue. 如果解决了后面这个难题,带人穿越也将不再是问题。 Seeing this method is not good, Wang Fangping racked brains the moment, suddenly eye one bright. 见这方法也不行,王方平苦思冥想了片刻,突然眼睛一亮。 I thought of the means that Smart Medical Cabin! If cannot bring, making him lie down Smart Medical Cabin, how comes back his body data model belt/bring through the physical examination function?” “我想到办法了,智能医疗舱!如果不能将人带来的话,让他躺进智能医疗舱,通过体检功能将他的身体数据模型带回来如何?” Jiang Chen taps the head fiercely. 江晨猛地一拍脑袋。 Grass. How that thing forgetting. After previous time for Ayesha therapy, he that thing forgets in the villa basement. 草。怎么把那东西给忘了。上次替阿伊莎疗伤过后,他就将那东西忘在了别墅的地下室。 Since cannot bring the living cell to come back, that only had the data not on the line! 既然不能带活细胞回来的话,那只带数据不就行了! From Wang Fangping here took away the new nutrition mixture formula, Jiang Chen then to leave No. 27 Sanctuary. Declined Xu Lu to remain to eat the invitation of dinner. After inspecting a work of No. 27 Camp, Jiang Chen then rode in a carriage to return to Fishbone Base. 王方平这里拿走了新型营养合剂的配方,江晨便离开了27号避难所。谢绝了徐璐留下来吃晚饭的邀请。视察了一圈27号营地的工作后,江晨便乘车返回了鱼骨头基地 The snow on road is very big, the car(riage) comes to anchor in the halfway. 路上的雪很大,车在半途抛了锚。 Several NAC's young fellows jump out of the car(riage), pushed from the snow pit the Marshal private car. One of them took out the toolbox, starts the trouble shooting. They belong to Marshal oneself bodyguard. Forms at the suggestion of Han Junhua. They are the elites in army, although is not Knight, but treatment actually with Knight same level. No matter what after the expiration, they will officially be awarded the Knight medal, obeys the reassignment of Logistics Department to enter in other NAC's posts. 几名nac的小伙子跳下车,将元帅的座驾从雪坑中推了出来。其中一人取出了工具箱,开始检查故障。他们都是直属于元帅本人的亲卫。是在韩君华的提议下组建的。他们都是军中的精英,虽然并非骑士,但待遇却与骑士平级。任期满后,他们将被正式授予骑士的勋章,服从后勤部的调动进入nac的其他岗位中。 From the faces of these young fellows, Jiang Chen can obviously see that to deduct the status the pride. 从这些小伙子们的脸上,江晨能明显地看出那抹对身份的自豪。 The reason of breakdown is the engine oil of engine revolution axis is frozen, got the antifreeze and engine oil then solved the problem. Tossed about for more than ten minutes in the heavy snow, the vehicle is tosses about finally starts off. 故障的原因是引擎转轴的机油被冻住,重新打上防冻剂和机油便解决了问题。在大雪中折腾了十多分钟,车子总算是折腾重新上了路。 When Jiang Chen returns to Fishbone Base, weather already completely dark. 江晨返回鱼骨头基地时,天色已经完全暗了下来。 Returned to the villa, Jiang Chen to stand in the threshold to buddhism entrance exposed broken snow. Puts on Yao Yao of pale pink woolen sweater to smile shyly. Has taken the coat in Big Brother hand cleverly. 回到别墅,江晨站在玄关门口抖落了身上的碎雪。穿着淡粉色毛衣的姚姚腼腆地笑了笑。乖巧地取过了大哥哥手中的大衣。 In the harmonious atmosphere, Jiang Chen and females enjoyed this lively and sumptuous dinner. 在融洽的氛围中,江晨与众女享用完了这热闹而丰盛的晚餐。 Because returns to Country of Xin also to have the matter to manage, therefore this Jiang Chen will not stay Last of Days is too long. However before returning to Country of Xin, his also matter must do. 因为回到新国还有事要办,所以这次江晨不会在末世这边停留太久。不过在返回新国之前,他还有一件事要做。 In order to travel some agreement. 为了旅行某个约定。 ...... …… The innumerable round-trip in present world Last of Days, Jiang Chen have almost been familiar with this subtle space and time difference. 已经无数次往返于现世末世之间,江晨差不多已经习惯这微妙的时空差异了。 The only some do not adapt, is Sun of that out of the window. Although Wanghai City of 12 moon/month is cold, but actually not that side Last of Days piercing. The wind blows on the face, even has several points of genial flavor. 唯一有些不适应的,也就是那窗外的太阳。十二月的望海市虽冷,但却不似末世那边刺骨。风吹在脸上,甚至带着几分和煦的味道。 At this time, Jiang Chen by a beautiful woman who wears sunglasses is holding the hand, walks on the New Century Plaza pedestrian street. 此时,江晨正被一名戴着墨镜的美女挽着手,走在新世纪广场的步行街上。 Liu Yao now was also known celebrity. Goes out usually wears sunglasses. However makes Jiang Chen feel what wonders, own fame was bigger than her did not know many times, walked does not have many then to lead on the avenue. Actually Liu Yao mm, because of that time still appearance and celebrity makings. Draws on the vision that admired much for Jiang Chen. 柳瑶现在也算是个小有名气的明星了。出门的时候通常都戴着墨镜。不过让江晨感到纳闷的是,自己的名气比她大了不知道多少倍,走在大街上却没多少回头率。倒是柳瑶mm,因为那时尚的打扮与明星的气质。为江晨招来了不少艳羡的目光。 Really is because hasn't joined expression package of reasons of? 果然是因为没有加入表情包的缘故吗? Jiang Chen so wants to say. 江晨如此想道。 Finished at the Wanghai matter?” “在望海的事忙完了吗?” „, The subsequent coordination work I have almost given newly appointed C CEO to do.” “差不多吧,后续的协调工作我已经交给新上任的ceo来做了。” That...... did you prepare to go back?” Liu Yao is pursing the lips, the youngest daughter condition swings was pulling the arm. “那……你准备回去了吗?”柳瑶撅着嘴,小女儿态地摇了摇挽着的手臂。 Un. The airplane ticket I subscribed tomorrow evening.” That soft rubbing gently, made Jiang Chen mind slightly. “嗯。机票我订在了明天晚上。”那柔软的磨蹭,令江晨心神不由微微一荡。 Although he has also once thought must stay for two days to go back in Wanghai City again, immerses the feeling of a while red light district. But thinks that the Virtual Reality game gets online nears, Last of Days that side commodity almost also needed him to supplement. He really did not have on dull two days of ample. 虽然他也曾想过要不要在望海市多呆两天再回去,多沉醉一会儿温柔乡的感觉。但想到虚拟实境游戏上线在即,末世那边的物资差不多也需要他补充了。他还真没有多呆上两天的余裕。 Thank you such for a long time accompanies me...... you to be very busy.” “谢谢你陪我这么久……你应该很忙吧。” Very is truly busy.” Jiang Chen hā hā said with a smile immodestly. “确实挺忙的。”江晨毫不谦虚地哈哈笑道。 Liu Yao white Jiang Chen, purses the lips, two scallions referred to pinched on his arm spitefully. 柳瑶白了江晨一眼,撅了撅嘴,两只葱指赌气地在他的胳膊上捏了把。 That feels sorely, rather does not enjoy very much, like bit one by the kitten affectionate. 那感觉不疼,倒不如说很享受,就像被小猫亲昵地咬了一口。 Two people visited the store of pedestrian street, the clothes that Liu Yao settled on, Jiang Chen looked that did not look the price swiped the card. After all by his card's that string 0, let alone buys several clothes, buys the inadequate what issue the entire building. 两人将步行街的商店逛了个遍,柳瑶看中的衣服,江晨看都不看价格就刷了卡。毕竟以他卡里的那一串0,别说是买几件衣服,把整栋楼买下来都不成什么问题。 So refreshed sweeping buys, saw that the young woman sales clerks look blank, really wishes one could by him to stand that person is oneself. However when sees the appearance and stature of his side that female companion, realized she who disparity, feels inferior immediately gave up that impractical idea. 如此爽快的扫购,看到导购小姐都直了眼,真恨不得他旁边站着的那人是自己。不过当看到他身旁那位女伴的容貌与身材时,意识到差距的她,立刻就自惭形秽地放弃了那不切实际的想法。 Forced in big bunch of clothes the car(riage), two people then went to the movie theater, looked together movie that is played by Liu Yao. 将一大堆衣服都塞进了车里,两人接着又去了电影院,一起看完了由柳瑶出演的电影。 Jiang Chen had once promised her, after the movie screens, accompanies her to sit in the movie theater, like lover looked together this movie that is played by her. But he in processing Wanghai City, has not returned to Country of Xin immediately, to fulfill this agreement. 江晨曾答应过她,当影片上映之后,陪她坐在电影院中,像情侣那样一起看这部由她出演的电影。而他之所以在处理完望海市这边的事后,没有立刻返回新国,正是为了履行这个约定。 The screen starts to put the cast, looks human head|number of people that in the movie theater is swaying, Jiang Chen smiles, pinched the hand of Liu Yao gently, said by her ear. 荧幕开始放演员表,望着电影院内攒动的人头,江晨不由笑了笑,轻轻捏了捏柳瑶的手,在她耳旁说道。 Said, previous time sits on my leg, this time is holding hands, this movie we looked twice.” “说起来,上次是坐在我腿上,这次是牵着手,这部电影我们看了两次呢。” Understood what is heard teasing in Jiang Chen words, remembers previous time in picking of Country of Xin that fluttering flags, Liu Yao blushes immediately noisily, rebukes to say in a soft voice: perverted......” 听明白了江晨话中的戏谑,想起上次在新国那旖旎的接机,柳瑶顿时闹红了脸,轻声嗔怪道:“变.态……” Looks two people that flirts with one another, sits in movie theater back row Liu Haotian does not know that turned many supercilious looks. 看着打情骂俏的二人,坐在电影院后排的柳浩天不知道翻了多少个白眼。 Does a person go to the movie theater to watch the movie lonely? Nearby two pairs of lover do not know to his many unusual looks. However because of job requirement, he not only need follow two people, but must look, this really lonely like snow. 一个人去电影院看电影得有多寂寞?旁边的两对情侣已经不知道给他多少个异样的眼神了。然而因为“工作需要”,他不但得跟着二人,还得看着,这才真叫一个寂寞如雪。 The above person attaches great importance to the Jiang Chen's security problem very much, particularly discovers the unclear influence after its assassination. This involves the international image the issue, how regardless of cannot make him have an accident internally. Also therefore, besides accompanying to go to Wanghai City inspection investment environment goal, Liu Haotian also mission protects his life security. 上头的人对江晨的安全问题很重视,尤其是发现有不明势力对其行刺之后。这涉及到国际形象的问题,无论如何也不能让他在国内出事。也正是因此,除了陪同前往望海市考察投资环境这个目的之外,柳浩天还有一个任务就是保护他的人生安全。 On outwardly, only then he is accompanying, but actually near this movie theater, ten General Staff agent looks at least. In the event of the condition, or the discovery has the symptom in this aspect, these experienced anti-terrorist experts will control the scoundrel who dares to commit murder immediately...... 明面上只有他一个人陪着,但其实在这电影院附近,就起码有十个总参特工看着在。一旦发生状况,或发现有这方面的苗头,这些经验丰富的反恐专家将在第一时间控制住胆敢行凶的歹徒…… Also therefore, planned Jiang Chen that tempts the mouse to come out is very helpless. 也正是因此,原本还打算引诱老鼠出来的江晨很是无奈。 Is final two days, without Attacker appears as before, the opposite party forgot this matter to be the same probably. 已经是最后两天了,依旧没有袭击者出现,对方就好像忘了这回事儿一样。 Since after the movie theater comes out, two people looked for within the high-end restaurant to solve the dinner, the bright red red lips bit the straw, Liu Yao are looking at carefully the Jiang Chen's face carefully, suddenly asked. 从电影院内出来后,两人找了间高档餐厅解决了晚餐,嫣红的朱唇咬着吸管,柳瑶细心地端详着江晨的脸,突然问道。 What are you looking at?” “你在看什么呢?” Looks at the beautiful woman again.” “再看美女。” Deceived people.” “骗人。” „......” Jiang Chen responded to a Liu Yao helpless look. “……”江晨回应了柳瑶一个无奈的眼神。 Doesn't facilitate to tell me?” “不方便告诉我吗?” Ok, is not matter that is worth keeping secret,” Jiang Chen sighed, is shaking the fork in hand, some people planned to plot against me.” “算了,也不是什么值得保密的事,”江晨叹了口气,晃悠着手中的叉子,“有人打算暗算我。” On the face of Liu Yao appears the look that worried about. 柳瑶的脸上浮现了担忧的神色。 Feared?” Jiang Chen teased. “怕了?”江晨打趣道。 Why does not know, Liu Yao purses the lips suddenly, the tone took the sour taste slightly. 不知为何,柳瑶突然撅起了嘴,语气略微带上了酸味儿。 Did not fear. In any case I am only your lover, can kidnap also the hostage in kidnapping chip value high spot?” “不怕。反正我只是你的情人,要绑架也得绑架个筹码价值高点的人质吧?” „Is oh? by some chance a personal enemy?” Jiang Chen plays a dirty trick says with a smile, that type does not scheme any advantage, but wants to see the painful expression from my face purely?” 哦?万一是仇人呢?”江晨使坏地笑道,“那种不图谋任何好处,只是单纯地想从我脸上看到痛苦表情呢?” If I had the accident/surprise, you will feel the pain?” Liu Yao somewhat asked towering. “如果我出现了意外,你会感到痛苦吗?”柳瑶有些突兀地问道。 Jiang Chen gawked, immediately smiles to ask forcefully. 江晨愣了下,随即强行笑了笑问道。 Why can ask this question?” “为什么要问这个问题呢?” Although he has not directly answered this issue, but wipes hesitant from his eye that Liu Yao got the answer that oneself expected, the corners of the mouth brings back wiped the happy expression. 虽然他没有从正面回答这个问题,但从他眼中的那抹犹豫,柳瑶还是得到了自己期望的答案,嘴角不由勾起了一抹笑意。 What do you smile?” “你笑什么?” No, thought that your not frankly time, accidental/surprised is very lovable.” “没什么,就是觉得你不坦率地时候,意外的很可爱。” „...... This should not say to the bride's side by the groom's family?” Jiang Chen blushes with shame to say. “……这不是应该由男方对女方说的吗?”江晨汗颜道。 Looks at the Liu Yao full of enthusiasm appearance, Jiang Chen feels somewhat funnily. Returned the train of thought to a moment ago that topic, he silent moment, suddenly opened the mouth to say. 看着柳瑶兴致勃勃的样子,江晨不由觉得有些好笑。将思绪重新放回到刚才那个话题上,他沉默了片刻,突然开口道。 Right, how many were you also celebrity...... a person live in some is not unsafe now, want me to give you to arrange a bodyguard?...... You smile anything.” “对了,你现在也是个明星了……一个人住多少还是有些不安全,要不要我给你安排个保镖?……你笑什么。” No, feels very happy, hee hee.” The matter that because Jiang Chen does not understand but is still happy, the Liu Yao corners of the mouth bent crescent moon. “没什么,就是觉得很开心,嘻嘻。”因为江晨不懂的事而兀自高兴着,柳瑶嘴角弯成了月芽儿。 Jiang Chen suddenly discovered, appearance that she smiles accidental/surprised is very beautiful.( To be continued.) 江晨突然发现,她笑起来的样子意外的很美。(未完待续。)
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