IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#563: Perhaps is Mutants?

Does well, can this satellite handle in early January?” “干得不错,这台卫星一月初能搞定吗?” „In early January, but presently already end of the month.” Jiang Lin smiles bitterly is pulling the disorderly hair, sighed saying that I as far as possible, if that side No. 27 Sanctuary can deal with the refrigeration issue of crucial component a bit faster, our here quick can finish.” “一月初,可现都已经月底了。”蒋林苦笑着抓了抓凌乱的头发,叹了口气说道,“我尽量吧,如果27号避难所那边能快点处理完关键元件的制冷问题,我们这边很快就能完工。” A while I will go to No. 27 Sanctuary, I urged this matter to be good for you.” Jiang Chen said. “一会儿我会去一趟27号避难所,我替你催催这事好了。”江晨说道。 In early January, Star Ring Trading will start the second satellite launching plan. According to scheduled, this/should plan will launch High-Power Communications Satellite, for is Country of Xin throughout provides the free ii services, to enhance the Palau Archipelago traveling rating. Jiang Chen stupidly will certainly not tell others this is Quantum Communications Satellite, but why can provide 20 ping to delay the following network service about the satellite, the Star Ring Trading aspect will not give any explanation. 一月初,星环贸易将开始第二次卫星发射计划。按照预定,该计划将发射高功率通讯卫星,用于为新国全境提供免费的ii服务,以提高帕努群岛的旅游评级。江晨当然不会傻乎乎的告诉别人这是量子通讯卫星,而关于为何卫星能提供20ping延迟以下的网络服务,星环贸易方面也不会做任何解释。 Considering Country of Xin and New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and other diplomatic relations of surrounding countries, this/should satellite some areas to these countries will also provide the paid ii services. But how to collect fees specifically, the Star Ring Trading aspect will send out the clerk to negotiate with this/should country's telecom operator, discusses a reasonable price. 考虑到新国新几内亚澳大利亚新西兰等周边国家的外交关系,该卫星也将对这些国家的部分地区提供有偿的ii服务。而具体如何收费,星环贸易方面会派出业务员与该国的电信运营商进行交涉,探讨出一个合理的价格。 It is expected that hiring by the month uses ii population to surpass the 500,000 person, can guarantee the balance of the maintenance expense and income. 预计包月使用ii人数超过五十万人,就能保证维护费与收入的平衡。 If you prepare No. 27 Sanctuary, passes this belt/bring for me.” Jiang Lin remembered anything to resemble to result in probably, arrived by work table, went to a circuit wafer of palm of the hand size from above. “如果你准备去一趟27号避难所的话,替我把这个带过去一下吧。”蒋林像是想起了什么似得,走到了工作台旁,从上面去下了一个巴掌大小的电路板。 „Is this?” Received the circuit wafer in his hand, Jiang Chen with is sizing up the moment at present, has not actually seen what positive result. “这是?”接过了他手中的电路板,江晨拿在眼前打量了片刻,却是没看出个什么名堂来。 Good thing. When the Zhao Group caravan peddler from Jinling, from the hand of scavenger uses a canned food to trade.” Jiang Lin hey hey smiles, „the xk92 both feet step war Mecha Power System master control chip, I see such complete sample for the first time.” “好东西。赵氏集团的商队从金陵一带行商时,从拾荒者的手中用一个罐头换来的。”蒋林嘿嘿笑了笑,“xk92型双足步战机甲动力系统的主控芯片,我还是第一次见到这么完整的样品。” „Can you make Mecha to come out?” Jiang Chen changes countenance. “你能造台机甲出来?”江晨不由动容。 However Jiang Lin actually touches the nose, somewhat turned away awkwardly. 然而蒋林却是摸了摸鼻子,有些尴尬地移开了视线。 Perhaps Mecha...... this must disappoint you. However analyzes the related technology from this Power System master control chip, has no issue our existing K1-Type Mechanical Exoskeleton, T-3 and a T-4 Type Power Armor performance enhancement scale.” 机甲……这恐怕得让您失望了。不过从这个动力系统的主控芯片中分析出相关技术,将我们现有的k1型机械外骨骼t-3t-4型动力装甲的性能提升一个档次还是没什么问题的。” White happy. 白高兴了一场。 However always compares not to have. 不过总比没有好。 Jiang Chen white Jiang Lin, takes back in this palm of the hand big chip the box, then forced in the pocket. 江晨白了蒋林一眼,将这巴掌大的芯片收回盒子中,然后塞进了兜里。 If did not have other matter. I first walked.” “如果没有别的事了。那我就先走了。” Em, did not have other matter. Heard that No. 27 Camp steel and iron airship made quickly, you can have a look. My last time the time of going to the No. 27 Camp management looked, but also is very magnificent.” Jiang Lin said with a smile. Gazes after him to depart. “恩,没别的事了。听说27号营地钢铁飞艇快造好了,你可以去看看。我上次去27号营地办事的时候看了,还挺壮观的。”蒋林笑着说道。目送着他离去。 ...... …… When Jiang Chen rode in a carriage to arrive in No. 27 Camp, then witnessed that airship honour. 江晨乘车抵达了27号营地时,便目睹了那座飞艇的尊荣。 That is Fortress that is built by the steel, floats in a No. 27 Camp hundred meters outer space above, roughly 20 meters low altitude. This Fortress is tying up by the Tenacious graphene cable, is being connected by the steel bar scaffold. Project Robot and engineer launch the construction to it together. Is going against the snowflake of dancing in the air, is completing the surplus 50% projects. 那是一座由钢铁打造的堡垒,漂浮在27号营地百米外空地上方,约莫20米的低空。这座“堡垒”由坚韧石墨烯缆绳拴着,由钢筋脚手架连接着。工程机器人与工程师共同对其展开施工。顶着飞舞的雪花,完成着剩余50%的工程。 The Chief Head hundred meters, extend 20, three decks, arc abdomen like the belly of seal, but that operates the bow that gathers greatly to be fierce like the shark greatly. 总长百米,宽二十余,共三层甲板,弧形腹部如同海豹的肚子,而那大开大合的船头却如鲨鱼般狰狞。 The wing that the both sides stretch out straight in front of oneself is linking up large size the vortex engine of Transporter-51, for provides the thrust force of advance for this huge airship. But the suspension in airship below activity mechanical arm, was Transporter-51 provided the docking harbor. Hundred meters graphene is hanging the dangerous pod, biggest may be vertical to the ground simultaneously deploys four Hunting Tiger II Tank. 两侧平伸的机翼衔接着大号的运直-51的涡旋引擎,用于为这庞大的飞艇提供前进的推力。而悬吊在飞艇正下方的活动机械臂,则为运直-51提供了停靠的港湾。百米长的石墨烯吊着的悬吊仓,最大可同时向地面垂直部署四辆猎虎ii坦克 The airship layout assumes but actually concavely glyph, the crown deck for the runway. Permits Aurora-20 vertical takeoff and landing. airship internal massive space are to provide Room helium of buoyancy, only then the mezzanine deck and one tenth interior space may move for the personnel. The lower-level suspension deck reprint has the supplies and munitions commodity, simultaneously was Type-50 J Model Electromagnetic Artillery remains to re-equip space, may create the Ruin nature attack to the long-distance ground hard target. 飞艇的布局呈倒“凹”字形,顶部甲板为飞机跑道。允许极光-20垂直起降飞艇内部大量空间为提供浮力的氦气,只有中层甲板和十分之一内部空间可供人员活动。下层悬吊甲板转载有补给以及军火物资,同时为一门五十式j型电磁炮留出了改装空间,可对远程地面硬目标造成毁灭性打击。 The airship principal structure utilized the ultra plastic steel intermittence armor, as well as high-intensity al foam material. While retaining certain live round protects, reduced the airship net weight to the full. Naturally, the protection of airship must depend upon Nitrogen Shield and coordination of laser anti-missile, as well as ground forces' suppression to place air defense unit. 飞艇主体结构运用了超塑钢间歇装甲,以及高强度泡沫铝材料。在保留一定实弹防护的同时,最大限度地减轻了飞艇的净重量。当然,飞艇的防护还是得依靠氮气护盾与激光反导的配合,以及地面部队对地方防空单位的压制。 When combat significance, this airship core value definitely not to the second war such flies the enemy human head|number of people top to bomb, but plays Land Carrier function. 实战意义上,这飞艇的主要价值肯定不是向二战时那样飞到敌人头顶投弹,而是起到“陆上航母”的作用。 Less than 100 tons dead weight. Can carry 500 tons heavy item. Does not need through foreign-species and zombie densely covered risk area, maximum reduction to the loss of inland long distance march. Without considering in the hostile humanity hand thermal weapon, airship this thing truly is the divine tool in Last of Days! 不到100吨的自重。能搭载500吨的重物。无需通过异种丧尸密布的危险区域,最大限度的减轻向内陆长途行军的损耗。在不考虑到敌对人类手中热武器的情况下,飞艇这东西确实是末世中的神器! After all can in altitude flying foreign-species, not be really many. 毕竟能在高空飞行的异种,着实不多。 According to airship design the words of chief engineer. At present the progress of work has completed 50%, six months can make at the latest. At the appointed time, the NAC's combat radius will expand 500 kilometers to continue, the Order flag will also be transmitted a farther place. 根据飞艇设计的总工程师的话来说。目前工程进度已经完成了50%,最晚半年的时间就能造好。届时,nac的作战半径将扩大500公里不止,秩序的旗帜也将被传递到更远的地方。 Has not stayed outside No. 27 Camp is too long, Jiang Chen saw in the entrance greeted his Xu Lu and Wang Zhaowu. After inspecting Second Army garrisoned, he then with Xu Lu went to situated in underground No. 27 Sanctuary. 没有在27号营地外停留太久,江晨在门口见到了迎接他的徐璐王兆武。检阅了第二兵团驻军后,他便随着徐璐前往了位于地下的27号避难所 In research institute. Jiang Chen found with was also putting on the colleague of white coat together, gathers round a watermelon size the electronic device is busy at work Fang Weixian. To come that is the Quantum Communications crucial component, but tightens the brow of wrinkle from him, solves the trouble that this refrigeration issue faces to be as if big. 研究所内。江晨找到了正与同样穿着白大褂的同僚一起,围着一台西瓜大小的电子设备忙活着的方伟先。想来那个就是量子通讯的关键元件了,不过从他紧皱的眉头来看,解决这个制冷问题所面临的麻烦似乎不小。 Seeing that Jiang Chen is not good to disturb him, hands over in the chip the assistant hand that research institute did odd jobs, then simple urged under the research and development of Quantum Communications equipment. 见状,江晨也不好打扰他,将芯片交到了研究所打杂的助手手上,然后简单地催促了下量子通讯设备的研发。 Without stopped, Jiang Chen then went to bio-tech research institute, found head Wang Fangping, explained this time purpose in coming. 没有多做停留,江晨接着便前往了生物科技研究所,找到了负责人王方平,说明了此次的来意。 Previous that by Attacker that Ayesha hits, at this moment is accepting the interrogation in New Moon Island military base. According to the view of that side Ivan transmitting, regardless of that person what torture is not willing to incur . Moreover the any wound of receiving will heal at the inconceivable speed. Therefore Jiang Chen thinks Wang Fangping that is engaged in the bio-engineering research, hopes found the answer from his here. 上次那个被阿伊莎击中的袭击者,此刻正在新月岛军事基地接受审讯。根据伊万那边传来的说法,那个人无论什么样的酷刑都不肯招,而且所受的任何伤口都会以不可思议的速度愈合。于是江晨就想到了从事生物工程研究的王方平,希望从他这里找到答案。 Extremely strong resilience? Doesn't draw support from the machinery and medicine?” When hears Jiang Chen's to describe, Wang Fangping first stares, immediately screwed tight the brow, „the method that can accelerate to restore has, the bullet wound of sniper's rifle...... has named Tenacious Hidden Genetic Code, can achieve similar effect.” “极强的恢复能力?不借助机械和药物?”当听到江晨的描述,王方平先是一愣,随即拧紧了眉头,“可以加速恢复的手段有很多吧,狙击枪的枪伤……有一种名为坚韧隐藏基因代码,就能达到类似的效果。” Sun Jiao Hidden Genetic Code is Tenacious, Jiang Chen has experienced the effect of that skill actually with own eyes. Is gunned down can also stand up from the pool of blood, the price is to overdraw the vitality. However although so, but Jiang Chen always thought that Attacker ability has nothing to do with genetic code. 孙娇隐藏基因代码就是坚韧,江晨倒是亲眼见识过那个技能的效果。身中数枪也能从血泊中站起,代价则是透支生命力。不过虽说如此,但江晨总觉得那个袭击者的能力与基因代码无关。 Let alone, the world is impossible to have Genetic Medicine to exist presently is right. 更何况,现世不可能有基因药剂存在才对。 Except for genetic code, there are other possibilities?” Jiang Chen asked. “除了基因代码,有没有其它可能?”江晨问道。 Other possibilities...... actually have. Somewhat dangerous human body transformation can also achieve the similar effect, such transformation will usually cause the adverse consequences. Right, said that...... Mutants as if conforms to your description.” Wang Fangping said with tone half jokingly. “其它可能性……其实也有很多吧。有些危险的人体改造也能达到同样的效果,不过这样的改造通常都会造成不良后果。对了,说起来……变种人似乎就符合你的描述。”王方平用半开玩笑的口吻说道。 - - ( The WeChat search Morningstar LL, can pay attention to Morningstar public WeChat, every day will have interesting content renewal.)( To be continued.) (微信搜索“晨星ll”,可以关注晨星的公众微信号,每天都会有有趣的内容更新哦。)(未完待续。)
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