IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#562: Quantum Communications Satellite embryonic form

When Jiang Chen comes out from Office, is the night. Is looking at that deep dim light of night with the snowflake of dancing in the air, is thinking left uncultivated one all day, Jiang Chen gets buried into scarf to sigh the chin. He must manage at some Wanghai City also things, gets through must hurry back to Country of Xin. Virtual Reality Net roaming Kaifu nears, the time on his hand is not ample. 江晨办公室中出来时,已经是深夜了。望着那深沉的夜色与飞舞的雪花,想着自己又荒废了一整天,江晨不由将下巴埋进围巾里叹了口气。他在望海市还有些事情要办,办完了还得赶回新国虚拟实境网游开服在即,他手上的时间并不算宽裕。 However when looks is pulling his arm, on the face is hanging the two females of happy aftertaste, a that only one by one small disaffection also washes off with this snow cover. 不过当看着正挽着他手臂,脸上挂着幸福余韵的二女时,那唯一一点小小的不满也随着这雪被洗去。 A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next morning, is throwing over the coldproof clothing, trod the snow of tall arrive knee, Jiang Chen was going to the community center. In he just prepared Software Development Department to look for Du Yongkang, is actually sees this fellow on own initiative to look. Sees on Jiang Chen take that pack of documents, he face is complaining to Jiang Chen immediately painstakingly. 次日清晨,披着防寒服,踏着高至膝盖的积雪,江晨来到了社区中心。就在他刚准备去软件开发部杜永康时,却是见这家伙主动找了上来。看到江晨手上拿着的那叠文件,他立刻苦着脸向江晨诉苦了起来。 Boss......, Marshal, the manpower of our department are really insufficient. Now including me, all people are a person does living of two people. Naturally my is not the complaint, wants to ask you to urge Wang Qing, can the manpower who I applied for be about to approve?” 老板……哦不,元帅啊,我们部门的人手真的不够用了啊。现在包括我在内,所有的人都是一个人干两个人的活。当然我这不是抱怨,就是想请您去催催王晴,我申请的人手能不能快些批下来?” Seeing Minister Du is pitiful, Jiang Chen is some are not cruel enough, the speaking concern said. 杜部长如此可怜,江晨也是有些不忍心了,不由出言关切道。 Is so serious?” “有这么严重吗?” Otherwise...... our department, no individual does not have the dark pouche work.” “不然呢……我们这个部门,没哪个人不带着黑眼圈工作了。” Looks at pitiful Du Yongkang, took a look at eye his pitch-black pouch, Jiang Chen also somewhat sobbed. 看着可怜兮兮的杜永康,瞅了眼他那乌黑的眼袋,江晨也是不由有些唏嘘。 Initial Software Development Department, that may really ghost envy others. Entire Fishbone Base, they were most relaxed. The treatment/salary did not miss did not say that has not needed to risk neck, to transcribe these game codes all day. Does not know that many people want to enter this department! 当初的软件开发部,那可真叫一个煞羡旁人。整个鱼骨头基地,就他们最轻松了。福利待遇不差也就不说了,还不用冒着生命危险,整天就抄抄写写那些游戏代码。不知道有多少人想进这个部门! However is now different. The internal disorder and foreign invasion all decide, the big or small war basically ended, these belts Knight of meritorious military service are enjoying the peaceful life. All day does not hit the target practice in the training ground, is carries several spears/guns to drive the vehicle to go to go on patrol, is supporting the chest before these refugee in rags, enjoys that to admire with the respectable vision. 不过现在不一样了。内忧外患皆定,大小战争基本结束,那些带着一身战功的骑士们都享起了清福。整天不是在训练场打打靶,就是扛着几条枪开着车子出去巡逻,在那些衣衫褴褛的流民面前挺着胸膛,享受那一道道艳羡与尊敬的目光。 With this relative, the Software Development Department person is actually busy at the dog. credits pays Artillery System, the Wanghai City communication base depot maintains. The market transaction software, Chu Nan also proposed recently must do the NAC regional network, municipal administration, law enforcement and tax payment integration...... 与此相对的,软件开发部的人却是忙成了狗。信用点支付系统,望海市通讯基站维护。市场交易软件,最近楚南还提议要搞nac区域网,将市政、执法、纳税一体化…… But are these things made by whom? 而这些东西由谁来做? Wang Qing deliberately considered, the entire base also understands the computer to understand many on this Software Development Department. Then these work altogether stoppers to the Du Yongkang department. 王晴一寻思,整个基地也就这软件开发部懂计算机懂得多。便把这些工作一股脑塞到了杜永康的部门里。 This Wang Qing also is really...... a while I went to say with her.” “这王晴也真是的……一会儿我去和她说说。” hears word, Du Yongkang nods immediately delightedly, hey hey, that had the work you.” 闻言,杜永康立刻喜笑颜开地点头,“嘿嘿,那就有劳您了。” Polite anything.” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand, will develop VR Social Platform and net buys the prospectus of platform to hand over in his hand. “客气什么。”江晨摆了摆手,将开发vr社交平台和网购平台的计划书交到了他的手上。 Looks that looks unfamiliar not to have Du Yongkang that may the love. Jiang Chen somewhat patted his arm embarrassed, „the software on these two prospectuses you help me drag down, the difficulty should not be big. Other mission can first...... cough cough, the overtime pay double temporarily slowly, the manpower will arrive as soon as possible.” 看着一脸生无可恋的杜永康江晨有些不好意思地拍了拍他的胳膊,“这两份计划书上的软件你帮我弄下,难度应该不大。其它的任务可以暂时先缓缓……咳咳,加班费加倍,人手会尽快到位的。” Although sympathizes with his bitter experience very much, mission that but this must complete must complete. 虽然很同情他的遭遇,但这必须得完成的任务还是得完成的。 However gazes after footsteps impractical Du Yongkang to shake departs leisurely, Jiang Chen always thought that the guilty conscience is full. 不过目送脚步虚浮的杜永康晃悠悠地离去,江晨总觉得心中负罪感满满的。 Or adds a benefits to the code agriculture of Software Development Department? For example each week sends box of milk one basket of egg anything...... 要不给软件开发部的码农加点福利?比如每星期发一箱牛奶一筐鸡蛋什么的…… Is thinking, Jiang Chen while arrived at Logistics Department, found was being busy checking the inventory objective data Wang Qing. 一边这么想着,江晨一边来到了后勤部,找到了正忙着核对库存物资数据的王晴 „It is not I do not think, but no one responds radically.” After listening to the Jiang Chen's purpose in coming . Wang Qing pushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, smiles bitterly is answering, present words, even in Sixth Block, computer talent still quite deficient. Me is also one move to the manpower, moved to him.” “不是我不想,而是根本没人应聘。”听完江晨的来意后。王晴推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,苦笑着解释道,“现在的话,即便是在第六街区,计算机人才也是相当的匮乏。我这边也是一招到人手,就给他调过去了。” No. 27 Sanctuary? Should there have the talent in computer?” Jiang Chen asked. 27号避难所呢?那里应该有计算机方面的人才吧?”江晨问道。 „Has, but takes the computer as the principal work almost does not have. But the experts of these domains, basically have scientific research mission in the body, if the optional reassignment somewhat could not attend to one thing without losing track of another thing.” Wang Qing said. “有是有,但以计算机为主业的却几乎没有。而这些各领域的专家,基本都有科研任务在身,如果随意调动就有些顾此失彼了。”王晴说道。 Has the scientific research item in the body, that is not quite truly good to transfer. Not better way. Jiang Chen must tell Wang Qing, raises the wages of Software Development Department staff, and pastes in the Sixth Block hiring information. Moreover, he also sent a news brief to Zhao Chenwu. Under let him the caravan outside province pay attention to the talent in computer. Any test rating is bigger than the C talent, gathers as far as possible. 有科研项目在身,那确实不太好调动。没有更好的办法了。江晨只得吩咐王晴,上调软件开发部员工的工资,并贴在第六街区的招聘信息中。另外,他还向赵辰武那边发了个短讯。让他在省外的商队多留意下计算机方面的人才。任何测试评级大于c的人才,都尽量招揽过来。 The female words, the specification can relax. D and E can also consider, after all the entire department takes a broad view to look is the male lifeform, looked Jiang Chen somewhat feels for the single dogs that these did one's best pitifully...... 女的话,技术要求可以放宽些。d、e也可以考虑考虑,毕竟整个部门放眼望去全是雄性生物,看的江晨都有些替这些鞠躬尽瘁的单身狗们感到可怜了…… The main purpose of this coming back, to hand over in that two prospectuses the hand of Du Yongkang. Has a look at the females and subordinates who have not seen for a long time on the way. 这次回来的主要目的,就是为了将那两份计划书交到杜永康的手中。顺道看看许久未见的众女以及部下。 After the community center transferred one, Jiang Chen arrived at outside, sees also some time, then went to Aerospace Technology Research Institute on the way, found is busy at work in the workshop Jiang Lin. 在社区中心转了一圈后,江晨来到了外面,见还有些时间,便顺道去了一趟航天科技研究所,找到了正在厂房中忙活着的蒋林 A while ago, Jiang Chen had to tell that he designed the Quantum Communications Satellite matter, how also did not know his present progress. Happen to here also some time, Jiang Chen then comes to turn circle on the way. 前段时间,江晨有吩咐他设计量子通讯卫星的事,也不知道他现在的进展怎么样了。正好还有些时间,江晨便顺道来这边转了圈。 Sees Jiang Chen to walk, Jiang Lin to one side put on the thing stopper on hand the colleague hand of work clothes, welcomed to him. 江晨走来,蒋林把手头的东西塞到了一旁穿着工作服的同事手上,向他这边迎了上来。 Stops the footsteps by work table, Jiang Chen finds round stage the thing on that square head side brain, spoke to ask, „was this Quantum Communications Satellite?” 在工作台旁停住脚步,江晨瞧见圆台上的那个方头方脑的东西,不由出言问道,“这就是量子通讯卫星?” Almost, the outward appearance is so. The essential Quantum Communications part has not installed, us also and other No. 27 Sanctuary that side news. It is said was the refrigerating unit has the small problem, how the size did not match to need to redesign...... to see your expression, seemed very disappointed?” Looks at Jiang Chen, Jiang Lin asks accidentally/surprisingly. “差不多,外观就是如此。关键的量子通讯元件还没装上去,我们这边还在等27号避难所那边的消息。据说是制冷装置出现了一点小问题,尺寸不匹配需要重新设计……怎么看你的表情,似乎很失望?”看着江晨,蒋林意外地问道。 First what here must say, Quantum Communications and Quantum Computer, although in the name has the quantum, but actually is actually two types of entirely different things. The so-called quantum communication, refers to using the entanglement effect conducts one new communication of information transmission, is compound division/discipline that the quantum theory and information theory unify. That side the present world, this division/discipline gradually has moved toward the experiment from the theory recently. But Last of Days of 22 century's ends, the research about Quantum Communications had moved toward the civilian field from the military domain. 首先这里要说的是,量子通讯量子计算机虽然名字中都有量子,但其实却是两种截然不同的东西。所谓量子通信,即是指利用量子纠缠效应进行信息传递的一种新型的通讯方式,是量子论和信息论相结合的复合学科。在现世那边,近来这门学科已逐步从理论走向实验。而在22世纪末的末世这边,关于量子通讯的研究早已从军用领域走向了民用领域。 Comparing fast, but is unsafe Klein Particle Wave, as well as research development slow gravity wave, quantum communication technology without doubt popular many. 相比起快速但“不安全”的克雷恩粒子波,以及研究进展缓慢的引力波,量子通信技术无疑亲民的多。 Is hard the decoded merit does not need to talk too much, particularly in the research in transmission makes the major breakthrough after non- classical information, is considered that violates the super velocity of light quantum communication of theory of relativity also to become the reality. 难以被破解的优点自是无需多言,尤其是在关于“非经典信息”传递方面的研究取得重大突破后,原本被认为违反相对论的超光速量子通信也成为了现实。 Is useful as for the super velocity of light communication? This use may greatly! 至于超光速通讯有什么用?这用处可大着呢! If nothing else, discussed with present Internet. Now each and every family is connecting Internet, but depends upon the seabed electric cable to interconnect. Why the Google world ii planned to announce for a long time didn't have the least bit sound? On the one hand is because communication screen crowded, but the most fundamental reason uses the traditional satellite as the network connections node, exists technically is not feasible! 别的不说,就拿现在的互联网来谈。现在家家户户连接着的互联网,可都是依靠着海底电缆来互联的。为什么谷歌的全球ii计划公布了那么久还没半点动静?一方面是因为通讯屏道拥挤,而最根本的原因还是用传统卫星作为网络连接的节点,存在着技术上的不可行! The synchronous orbit 36000 kilometers, the use traditional satellite provides ii services highly. Did not consider that the electromagnetic wave signal attenuation, in the ideal condition the foundation delays in 500 ping above. the delay of 500 ping is what thinks gratefully? simple, is plays lol the time may unable to see own person. 同步轨道高度36000公里,使用传统卫星提供ii服务。不考虑电磁波信号衰减,理想情况下基础延迟就在500ping以上。500ping的延迟是什么感念?简单来讲,就是玩lol的时候可能会看不到自己的人。 Therefore , if provides the network service with the traditional satellite, sends a mail possibly to accept, telephoning is quite difficult, the online game do not think. 所以说,如果用传统卫星提供网络服务,发个邮件可能尚可接受,打电话会比较艰难,网络游戏就别想了。 But at this moment is placed in Jiang Chen front quantum communication satellite, is such can overcome traditional satellite unvanquishable difficulties the flamboyant gadget, will be the next Virtual Reality Network communication stopover station. 而此刻摆在江晨面前的量子通信卫星,就是这么一个“能克服传统卫星不能克服的困难”的牛逼玩意儿,也是今后虚拟实境网络的通讯中转站。 Looks at carefully this satellite, Jiang Chen is touching the chin to say. 端详着这卫星,江晨摸了摸下巴说道。 I also think its appearance President attractively.” “我还以为它的样子会长好看点。” Jiang Lin gawked, loses says with a smile, in Cosmos does not need to consider the aerodynamics, what shape is the same. Words that you need, I can also make a circle it. However the internal component must redesign is.” 蒋林愣了下,失笑道,“宇宙中又不用考虑空气动力学,什么形状都一样。你需要的话,我也可以把它做成个圆的。不过内部元件得重新设计就是。” Does not need, I to be such a saying.” Jiang Chen blushes with shame to say. “不必了,我就是这么一说。”江晨汗颜道。 Makes a cost of such satellite is not cheap, really must redesign one, loves dearly he himself. Because Wasted Earth basic in less than these gadget, Logistics Department Wang Qing to him complained a lot the allotment of this Aerospace Technology Research Institute is unreasonable.( To be continued.) 造这么一台卫星的成本可不便宜,真要重新设计一台,心疼地还是他自己。因为废土这边根本用不了这些玩意儿,后勤部王晴没少向他埋怨这航天科技研究所的预算分配不合理。(未完待续。)
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