IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#561: VR + Electronic Business

By Last of Days that side Fishbone Base Software Development Department, has satisfied here the present world the Future Technologies software development demand, from the short-term looked that naturally is feasible, but in the long run is actually very ineffective. Although Last of Days that side talent are many, labor cost also low scary, but actually has the limit in population. 一直由末世那边的鱼骨头基地软件开发部,满足现世这边未来人科技的软件开发需求,从短期上看当然是可行的,但从长远来看却是非常低效的。末世那边人才虽然不少,人工成本也低的吓人,但却存在着人口上的限制。 Future Group always no longer develops, but Last of Days Software Development Department technician one year actually only increased was less than 10. 未来人集团的无时无刻不再发展,而末世这边软件开发部的技术员一年却只增加了不到十个。 Takes developing Divine Grade Continent for instance. Develops such a World Grade Virtual Reality Net roaming used for about 1 year, before this is the basing on station, has developed the material of game, in the situation of crazily mounting on a dead horse. According to Du Yongkang to the data that Jiang Chen starts out, before the station project section that the game company standard, the subsequent renewal and operation maintenance of this large-scale rgp online game, at least need a 50 person scale. 就以开发完毕的神级大陆为例。开发这么一个世界级虚拟实境网游用了将近一年的时间,这还是基于站前已开发游戏的素材,疯狂炒冷饭的情况下。根据杜永康江晨开出的数据,按照站前游戏公司的标准,这种大型rgp网游的后续更新以及运营维护,至少需要一个五十人规模的项目部。 Jiang Chen has not told him, this online game will even probably have several hundreds of millions players in the near future, after all presently world that side Immersive-type Virtual Online Game at present only then their Future Technologies. Considering so huge player group, must make the game content maintain the words of curiosity, perhaps the population of this project section breaks through 500 no suspenses. 江晨没有告诉他,这个网游在不久的将来甚至可能拥有数亿玩家,毕竟现世那边沉浸式虚拟网游目前只有他们未来人科技一家。考虑到如此庞大的玩家群,要使得游戏内容保持新鲜感的话,这个项目部的人数恐怕突破500都没什么悬念。 This number is not exaggerating, having a look at storm that extremely fat operation team to know, actually online game of high-quality needed many people to maintain. Even if «Divine Grade Continent» has Artificial Intelligence to help adjust the game memory, but limitation of Primary Artificial Intelligence in creativity, some work could not replace the manpower. 这个数字一点都不夸张,看看暴雪那臃肿的运营团队就知道,一款高素质的网游究竟需要多少人来维持了。即便《神级大陆》有着人工智能帮助调整游戏内存,但初级人工智能在创造力上的局限性,有些工作还是代替不了人工的。 Also therefore, the public development tool is sooner or later matter. Only then enabled more people to grasp the development of Virtual Reality procedure/program, Future Technologies can gather to more code agriculture, supports Internet Empire that he constructed. 也正是因此,公开开发工具是迟早的事。只有让更多的人掌握了虚拟实境程序的开发,未来人科技才能招揽到更多的码农,支撑起他构建的互联网帝国 However public development tool matter cannot act with undue haste, at least must wait for the backbone technical personnel of Future Technologies to have the technical superiority to be good. 不过公开开发工具这事也不能操之过急,至少得等未来人科技的技术骨干掌握了技术优势才行。 Early six months ago, Future Group building just after Koro Island completed, he reassigned part of backbone technical personnel to assign to Country of Xin from Future Technologies, accepted about VR program development tool „” as well as VR image processing softw $ „” training of operation. 早在半年前,未来人集团大楼刚在科罗岛建成后,他就从未来人科技抽调了一部分技术骨干调往新国,接受关于vr程序开发工具“”以及vr图形处理软件“”操作的培训。 However what troubles, although the operation interfaces of these programing tools are user-friendly, but regarding in this aspect foundation is 0 laymen. Has a big difficulty as before. The result of training could be imagined, used the entire over six months time, the backbone technical personnel of these Future Technologies found out a way, achieved reluctantly beginning scholar level. 然而麻烦的是,虽然这些编程工具的操作界面非常人性化,但对于在这方面基础为0的门外汉来说。依旧是存在着不小的困难。培训的结果可想而知,用了整整半年多的时间,这些未来人科技的技术骨干才算是摸清了一点门道,勉强达到了初学者的水准。 It is estimated that must need a half year even is one year. They can control these two models of software completely. 估计还得要个半年甚至是一年的时间。他们才能完全驾驭这两款软件。 Also therefore, to safeguard Future Technologies in the market competitiveness of software arena, publicizes the time of these two models of tools at least to postpone six months later. But in half year time, Jiang Chen must get rid of Wasted Earth here technician, develops software that he needs. 也正是因此,为了保障未来人科技在软件领域的市场竞争力,公开这两款工具的时间至少得推迟到半年以后。而在这半年的时间里,江晨还是得摆脱废土这边的技术员,开发他需要的软件。 Brings two prospectuses. Jiang Chen returns to Last of Days temporarily. 带着两份计划书。江晨临时返回了一趟末世 ...... …… Is 12 at the end of the month, a Wasted Earth Wanghai City piece clads in silvery white, is particularly enchanting. 已经是十二月底,废土望海市一片银装素裹,分外妖娆。 Jiang Chen just returned to Fishbone Base time, in the air is also filling light holiday aura. 江晨刚回到鱼骨头基地的时候,空气中还弥漫着一丝淡淡的节日气息。 As the living materials are gradually abundant, the quality of life of NAC people was gradually was also good. 随着生活物资逐渐丰盈,nac人民的生活质量也是逐渐好了起来。 Although Christmas is not the Pan-Asia Cooperation legal holiday, but the pre-war people will usually also make anything on this day. Hugged „for a year to pass, rare these months such peaceful calm and steady, then made anything under the celebration such idea, Madam Marshal put out these to be close to the warranty very much generously the refrigeration meat, announced that the date of second barbecue congress will decide in the Christmas! 虽然圣诞节不是泛亚合作的法定节假日,但战前人民在这一天通常也会做些什么。抱着“一年又要过去了,难得这几个月这么和平安稳,那么就做点什么来庆祝下吧”这样的想法,元帅夫人很慷慨地拿出了那些接近保质期的冷藏肉,宣布第二届烤肉大会的日期将定在圣诞节! Thereupon. One crowd does not believe the person of Jesus, enjoyed the jubilation of holiday in this cold day, simultaneously toward clearly knows the gods who did not have were praying hoping our NAC was long this class praying word. 于是乎。一群根本不信耶稣的人,在这个寒冷的日子里也享受起了节日的喜庆,同时向着明知道不存在的神明祈祷着愿“我们的nac长久远”这类的祷词。 Yo, does big lecher, come back? If you a day came back to be good early, yesterday Yao Yao roasted an entire only big turkey.” Sees Jiang Chen to come back, lies looks at manhua Lin Ling on the sofa, is shaking two delicate Little White leisurely and carefree. Leg. “哟,大色.狼,回来啦?你要是早一天回来就好了,昨天姚姚可是烤了一整只大火鸡哟。”见江晨回来,趴在沙发上看漫画林玲,正悠闲地晃悠着两条细嫩的小白.腿。 The winter warm air makes people lazy forever. 冬天的暖气永远是那么的让人慵懒。 Always calls the words of my name, was careful that which my ate you naively.” Looks the venomous tongue young girl who turns into the disabled person pattern, Jiang Chen sighs to say. “总是叫我这个名字的话,小心我哪天真的吃了你哦。”看着变成废人模式的毒舌少女,江晨叹了口气说道。 Really did not have Last of Days to have the appearance that more and more. 真是越来越没末世该有的样子了。 Lin Ling has not met the speech very much unusual. Jiang Chen noticed her to use manga to block the face. 林玲很反常地没有接说话。江晨注意到她用漫画书挡住了脸。 manga...... Sixth Block had to sell this type of gadget. Then, Sun Jiao?” Jiang Chen looked around in the living room, discovered that only has a Lin Ling person here. 漫画书……第六街区有卖这种玩意儿了么。说起来,孙娇呢?”江晨在客厅张望了下,发现只有林玲一个人在这里。 Sun Jiao elder sister, should now in the community center. In you not. These originally the work that should do by you, may be she is doing for you.” 孙娇姐姐啊,现在应该在社区中心吧。在你不在的时候。那些原本应该由你去做的工作,可都是她替你在做哦。” When is moved, Jiang Chen looks at Lin Ling accidentally/surprisingly. 感动之余,江晨不由意外地看着林玲 Is been somewhat embarrassed, Lin Ling face that Jiang Chen looks one red, upward moves manga was higher. 江晨看的有些不好意思了,林玲脸一红,将漫画书往上挪的更高了。 You, you visit me to do.” “你,你看着我干嘛。” No. The discovery linked Lin Ling to care about the person, was a little gratified.” “没什么。只是发现连林玲都会关心人了,有点欣慰。” Hey! What meaning this saying to be, won't I care about the person before?!” “喂!这话是什么意思,难道我以前就不会关心人吗?!” In Lin Ling shames the anger manga throws before here, Jiang Chen puts down took to her pudding, avoided with a smile. 林玲羞怒地将漫画书扔向这边之前,江晨放下了带给她的布丁,笑着躲开了。 Besides because of the heavy snow, the Garden of Eden project stagnates Lin Ling is very idle every day, numerous female basic every day in villa has the matter to do. 除了因为大雪,伊甸园工程陷入停滞的林玲每天都很闲之外,别墅内的众女基本每天都有事做。 Yao Yao in own room, develops Jiang Chen to give her procedure/program as before. The small loli unusual effort, Jiang Chen remembers that initially when she bought, her computer skill rating is only C, the procedure/program that but after such a long time study, she designed, NAC Software Development Department Minister Du Yongkang grumbled was inferior. 姚姚依旧在自己的房间里,开发着江晨交给她的程序。小loli非常的努力,江晨记得当初将她买回来时,她的计算机技能评级只是c,但经过这么长时间的学习,她设计的程序,就连nac软件开发部部长杜永康都自叹不如。 Will buy after her gift places on her desk, Jiang Chen should the request of little girl, her hug on the leg, rubbed her soft beautiful hair. 将买给她的礼物放在她的书桌上后,江晨小姑娘的要求,将她抱在腿上,揉了揉她那松软的秀发。 To be honest, although in the view is helps Yao Yao alleviate the weariness of work, but when saw her is narrowing long eyelash, comfortable when trembles the lovable appearance that Jiang Chen only felt on own exhausted, one and scattered. 老实说,虽然说法上是帮姚姚缓解工作的疲劳,可当看到她那眯着的长睫毛,舒服的一颤一颤的可爱模样时,江晨只觉得自己身上的疲惫,也被一并驱散了。 Accompanied her to spend a period of quiet time, Jiang Chen left the villa, went to the community center directly. 陪着她度过了一段静谧的时光,江晨离开了别墅,径直前往了社区中心。 ...... …… Out of the window flutters the snowflake, on the glass is falling strings of water drops. 窗外飘着雪花,玻璃上坠着一串串水珠。 Because there is a reason of warm air, in Office is very warm. 因为有暖气的缘故,办公室内很暖和。 younger sister, I said......, or today's work arrived here.” Lies on the desk, Sun Jiao is pursing the lips clamps is signing with the fountain pen, said exhausted. 妹妹,我说……要不今天的工作就到这里吧。”趴在办公桌上,孙娇噘着嘴夹着签字用的钢笔,精疲力尽地说道。 Not ok, elder sister. brother-in-law he, because trusts you, such important work will give you, but also please again diligently under. The following document is...... beer bottle arms company about the munitions exchange sulphureous steel and rice trade agreement.” “不行哟,姐姐姐夫他因为信任你,才将这么重要的工作交给你的,还请再努力下吧。接下来的这份文件是……啤酒瓶军火公司关于军火交换含硫钢铁和大米的贸易协定。” Direct casual doesn't sign good? Who dares to deceive us to be inadequate with the contract.” A Sun Jiao willow eyebrows vertical stroke, Air of a Bandit said fully. “直接随便的签个名不行吗?谁敢用合同骗我们不成。”孙娇柳眉一竖,匪气十足地说道。 „, The custom is not we subscribes, if we cannot observe the contract, Order that then brother-in-law establishes laboriously was out of the question. To avoid unnecessary dispute, but also please see clearly each detail on contract.” “不可以哦,规矩是我们订下的,如果我们自己都不能遵守合约,那么姐夫辛辛苦苦建立起的秩序就无从谈起了。所以为了避免不必要的纠纷,还请看清合同上的每一处细节。” „Do I say...... cannot always calling of brother-in-law brother-in-law? Always feels quite strangely. You also......” remembered each time and younger sister obviously work together as colleagues husband's fluttering flags, the cheeks of Sun Jiao exude to wipe to blush. “我说……不能总是姐夫姐夫的叫吗?总感觉好奇怪。明明你也……”想起每次和妹妹共事一夫的旖旎,孙娇的脸颊不由泛起了一抹红晕。 Not, but also please satisfy younger sister this small wicked interest.” The corners of the mouth of Sun Xiaorou, brought back wiped the small devil smiling face. “不可以哦,还请满足妹妹这个小小的恶趣味。”孙小柔的嘴角,勾起了一抹小恶魔般的笑容。 Jiang Chen has felt, she smiles, special looks like her elder sister. 江晨一直觉得,她这么笑的时候,特别的像她姐姐 When sees to appear in entrance Jiang Chen, fountain pen guāng dāng is curling upwards from Sun Jiao a mouth falls. 当看到出现在门口的江晨,钢笔“咣当”一声从孙娇翘着的嘴上掉了下来。 Looks missing that in the elder sister eye is rocking, Sun Xiaorou holds the volume to shake the head with a smile. 望着姐姐眼中晃动的思念,孙小柔笑着扶额摇了摇头。 Ah...... looks like today's work, has to advance tomorrow.” “啊呀呀……看来今天的工作,不得不推到明天了。” If Gust has fluttered, Jiang Chen caught plunged him to cherish Sun Jiao. That long-separated for a long time missing, following the post in the heat degree of chest and lip, passed to his pit of the stomach most deep place. 如一阵风飘过,江晨一把接住了扑向他怀中的孙娇。那阔别已久的思念,顺着贴在胸口与嘴唇的热度,传到了他心窝的最深处。 Deceased person, does not come back to have a look at me......” “死人,都不回来看看我……” I feared that I cannot bear do not want to go back.” “我怕我忍不住不想回去。” Real?” “真的吗?” Really.” “真的。” Has become Earth Sovereign Emperor in Last of Days, moreover without the threat of that what [The Natural Selection]. The Garden of Eden project is advancing, only needs ten years of perhaps 20 year, here life not necessarily compared with present world that side bad. 末世已经成为了土皇帝,而且没有那个什么物竞天择号的威胁。伊甸园工程正在推进,只需十年或许二十年的时间,这里的生活不一定就会比现世那边差。 In they use the look to exchange the sentiment in heart, gate suddenly by Sun Xiaorou kā chā locking. 就在两人用眼神交流着心中的感情时,身后的门突然被孙小柔咔嚓”一声给锁上了。 Em?” “恩?” Jiang Chen just wants to turn head to inquire why when Sun Xiaorou must lock a door, back actually by similarly soft touch blocking. 江晨刚想回过头询问孙小柔为什么要锁门时,背后却是被同样柔软的触感给堵上了。 Looks that grasps Jiang Chen's younger sister from behind, the Sun Jiao surprise the sound said, Xiaorou?” 看着从后面抱住江晨的妹妹,孙娇诧异地出声道,“小柔?” However Sun Xiaorou has not paid attention to elder sister, is nipping Jiang Chen's ear tip, played a dirty trick a steam. 然而孙小柔并没有理会姐姐,咬着江晨的耳朵尖,使坏地哈了口热气。 Compared with elder sister, me also endured patiently......” “比起姐姐,我这边也是忍耐了很多呢……” sisters two look at each other, showed the small devil smiling face as if by prior agreement, simultaneously toward 【】 Stretched out the lush jade. Hand. 姐妹俩相视一眼,不约而同地露出了小恶魔般的笑容,同时向着【哔哔】伸出了芊芊玉.手。 „Didn't, wait?!” “等,等等唔?!” Short and enviable calling out in alarm stops suddenly, in this sound-insulated effect extremely strong Office, the long-separated for a long time reunion ceremony is performing......( to be continued.) 一声短促而令人羡慕的惊呼戛然而止,在这隔音效果极强的办公室内,阔别已久的重逢仪式正在上演……(未完待续。)
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