IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#560: Long-separated for a long time reunion

Utilizes Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology in the net buys the domain, is Future Technologies after VR online game chess that next must walk. , 沉浸式虚拟实境技术运用在网购领域,是未来人科技继vr网游之后下一步要走的棋。⊙, Considers, is confined at home can also shop, does not need to move the leg also to be able the window-shopping blood to spell. Before the computer,......, you before helmet cannot for the clothes that online buys whether good-fittingly worries, because you can with come out the clothes in shopping cart, „is putting on on the body, directly easy-to-use, tries to know! 试想一下,足不出户也能购物,无需动腿也能逛街血拼。电脑前……哦不,头盔前的你将再也不需为网上买来的衣服是否合身而烦恼,因为你可以将购物车里的衣服“拿”出来,直接“穿”在身上,好不好用,试一试就知道! promotion of VR shopping, means the only advantage that the bricks-and-motar test tries on will not exist. Originally when the bricks-and-motar in facing not to need to pay the land rent the shop, is in the weak position in the cost, now shopping User Experience also by drawing on same stair. What can foresee, once this expenditure pattern promotes, will certainly to the entire retail, and even the property market has the subversive effect. vr购物的推出,将意味着实体店现场试用试穿的唯一优势也将不复存在。原本实体店在面对无需缴纳地租的网店时,在成本上就处于弱势地位,现在购物体验还被拉到了同一个台阶上。可以预见的是,这种消费模式一旦推广开来,必将会对整个零售业,乃至地产市场产生颠覆性的影响。 Has money way the technology, other electronic business naturally cannot turn a blind eye. 如此有“钱途”的技术,其它电商自然不会视若无睹。 Cites a domestic example, about the VR shopping, is in the legend buy + concept, actually when 2016 Ali has started to do at the beginning of the year. The VR net that the reason that however receives the technological limitation, Ali promotes buys serves the User Experience effect common, wonderful that such is far less than to propagandize. 就举个国内的例子,关于vr购物,也就是传说中的“buy+”概念,其实早在16年年初的时候阿里就已经开始在做了。不过受到技术限制的原因,阿里推出的vr网购服务体验的效果非常一般,远不如宣传的那样神乎其神。 Designs one to conduct the VR image of interaction for each shop, is not quite realistic from the resilience, moreover greatly enhanced the shop to land the threshold of VR commercial city. 为每一个店铺设计一个可以进行互动的vr图像,从工程量上就不太现实,而且大幅度提高了店铺登陆vr商城的门槛。 Moreover, the VR eyeglasses can take to shopping User Experience of user to be very limited. Is only the words of image, through and did not have the difference by the display monitor shopping. But if uses the high-end three dimensional motion capture technology, various physical parameters of return to original state commodity, this will enhance the equipment cost without doubt. The users to shop, do buy the value over a thousand USD high-end VR eyeglasses specially? Perhaps has, but such nouveau riche are not definitely many. 另外,vr眼镜能够带给用户的购物体验很有限。仅仅只是图像的话,通过和透过显示屏购物就没了区别。可如果采用高端的三维动作捕捉技术,还原商品的各项物理参数,这无疑又会提高设备成本。用户会为了购物,专门买个价值上千美元的高端vr眼镜吗?或许有,但这样的土豪肯定不多。 Thereupon, this needs one not only has enough market share, and can maximize the shopping User Experience VR equipment to act as the medium of this VR shopping. 于是乎,这就需要一个既具备足够的市场占有率,又能够最大化购物体验的vr设备来充当这个vr购物的媒介。 Phantom Helmet, satisfied these two points by chance! 幻影头盔,恰巧就满足了这两点! The irritable sales volume has established his huge user group, Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology had provided the technical support for all-around User Experience of user. Also settled on this point, Ali company after the business meeting ended first relates on Jiang Chen. Hopes starts the cooperation on VR + Electronic Business. 火爆的销量已经奠定了他庞大的用户群,沉浸式虚拟实境技术又为用户的全方位体验提供了技术支撑。也正是看中了这一点,阿里公司才会在商务会谈结束后第一时间联系上江晨。希望就“vr+电商”展开合作。 However at that time Jiang Chen has not answered horse yun that immediately telephones personally, because he also needs under this issue with the Xia Shiyu discussion. Is does about electronic business this outcome, cooperates with others. 不过当时江晨并未立刻答复亲自打电话来的马纭,因为他还需要和夏诗雨讨论下这个问题。关于电商这块儿究竟是自己搞,还是与别人合作。 Can Future Technologies make electronic business regardless Ali? After being discussed that Jiang Chen and Xia Shiyu think: Theoretically is certainly feasible. But does not need of reality. Future Technologies has not made the experience of electronic business, spends lots of time and energy goes doing electronic business this, not only strenuous does not flatter. 未来人科技能不能抛开阿里自己做电商呢?经过讨论后,江晨夏诗雨一致认为:理论上当然是可行的。但却没有现实的必要。未来人科技没有做电商的经验,花费大量的时间和精力去把电商这块儿给做起来,既吃力又不讨好。 Like making aircraft carrier, does not need even/including Meike the screw bolt to produce. 就像造航母的,也没必要连每颗螺丝钉都自己生产吧。 Has the technical advantage, Future Technologies can definitely only make the channel. As for the content can by Ali, JD, Amazon and ebay these rich resources traditional electronic business does. 拥有技术上的优势,未来人科技完全可以只做渠道。至于内容可以由阿里京东亚马逊、ebay这些资源丰富的“传统电商”去做。 But how should cooperate specifically, the Jiang Chen trip goes to the Wanghai City goal. 而具体该如何进行合作,正是江晨此行前往望海市的目的。 ...... …… Next morning, Liu Haotian arrived at the villa entrance as promised. 次日清晨,柳浩天如约来到了别墅大门口。 Saw a Jiang Chen face refreshing walks from the villa, roughly guessed correctly that last night what happened him to smile mischievously, did not say anything, landing was Jiang Chen opened the vehicle door. When Jiang Chen established the destination after gps, he then carries Jiang Chen to drive to the direction of destination. 看到江晨一脸神清气爽的从别墅中走出来,大致猜到昨晚发生了什么事的他只是促狭地笑了笑,也不说什么,下车为江晨拉开了车门。待江晨在gps上设置了目的地后,他便载着江晨向目的地的方向驶去。 Invited the Jiang Chen discussion VR + Electronic Business the cooperation enterprise to have, domestic overseas had. It can be said that he runs especially toward Wanghai City, mainly to discuss this matter. 邀请江晨洽谈“vr+电商”合作事宜的企业有很多,国内的国外的都有。可以说他之所以特地往望海市这边跑一趟,主要就是为了谈这事儿。 According to with Xia Shiyu discussed obtained the negotiations strategy, Jiang Chen first found is not Ali. But is competitor Amazon of Ali in international market. 根据与夏诗雨商量得出谈判策略,江晨首先找到的不是阿里。而是阿里在国际市场上的竞争对手亚马逊 From the beginning Amazon proposed, requesting Future Technologies to open the development tool of Virtual Reality software and provides the authorization, indigenously is designed the characteristic electronic business software by them. 一开始亚马逊提出,要求未来人科技开放虚拟实境软件的开发工具并提供授权,由他们自行设计独具特色的电商软件。 However Jiang Chen will certainly not accept them to propose like this, not to mention now also puts out the development tool time. According to their propositions, was equal to that Amazon can put aside them directly, even if at the appointed time VR + Electronic Business did in a big way, did not have the nickel relations with Future Technologies. 不过江晨当然不会接受他们这样的提议,且不说现在还不到拿出开发工具的时候。按照他们的提议,就等于亚马逊将能够直接撇开他们,届时即使是“vr+电商”做大了,也和未来人科技没半毛钱的关系。 both sides do not yield in the matter of principle, the negotiations once could not be held, afterward Jiang Chen did not discuss simply, looked for ebay directly. 在原则问题上双方互不让步,谈判一度进行不下去,后来江晨干脆不谈了,直接去找了ebay。 When discovered that Future Group did not ask itself to discuss. Amazon flustered immediately. 当发现未来人集团不找自己谈了。亚马逊顿时慌了。 Who must grasp Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology company, on Future Technologies one? If makes the competitor first enter the Virtual Reality platform, this regarding the Amazon business without doubt will be a serious attack. Realized that this Amazon, lowers the stance immediately. Requests to restart the negotiations, expressed willingness to make the concession at the matter of software. 谁要掌握了沉浸式虚拟实境技术公司,就未来人科技一家呢?要是让竞争对手抢先进驻虚拟实境平台,这对于亚马逊的业务无疑将是个沉重的打击。意识到这点的亚马逊,立刻放低了姿态。要求重新开始谈判,表示愿意在软件的事上做出让步。 Thereupon, both sides discussed to turn into the tripartite summit. 于是乎,双方会谈变成了三方会谈。 At this time, saw oneself have been excluded Ali unable to sit still, they still walked in and other Jiang Chen, has not actually thought that Future Technologies and Amazon and ebay reached the agreement quickly! 这时候,见到自己一直被排除在外的阿里坐不住了,原本他们还在等江晨找上门来,却没想到未来人科技亚马逊、ebay都快达成协议了! This is not good. Ali cannot absolutely here the backward opponent. Moreover considering Phantom Helmet in the irritability of overseas sale, enters Phantom Helmet -based the VR platform, will be Ali company will develop the excellent good opportunity of overseas market! 这可不行。阿里绝对不能在这里落后对手。而且考虑到幻影头盔在海外销售的火爆,进驻基于幻影头盔的vr平台,将是阿里公司拓展海外市场的大好良机! Just from going to the capital to fly back to Wanghai City Old Ma, immediately found Jiang Chen, and invited him to go to the home to eat meal politely. 刚从上京飞回望海市老马,立刻找到了江晨,并且客气地邀请他去自己家中吃了顿饭。 China usually had on the liquor table to discuss that the custom of business, Old Ma invited to make Jiang Chen to drink personally to discuss the business, was nothing less than to fully the face. 华国素来有酒桌上谈生意的习惯,老马亲自邀请约江晨喝酒谈生意,也不可谓不给足了面子。 Jiang Chen isn't this? 江晨等的可不就是这个吗? Naturally, he and others which several glasses of liquor is not horse Yun respects his on the dining table, has not excluded the meaning Ali. He did not go to look for Ali to discuss on own initiative, is them unable to sit still walks on own initiative! 当然了,他等的可不是马纭在饭桌上敬他的哪几杯酒,也从来没有将阿里排除在外的意思。他之所以一直不去主动找阿里谈,就是要他们坐不住主动找上门来! You looked that the negotiations of this Future and ebay and Amazon discussed quickly, your suddenly participation fourth wanted to join, can show a sincerity to come? 你看这未来人和ebay、亚马逊的谈判都快谈成了,你这个突然插足的第四者想要加入进来,总得拿出点诚意来吧? Really, Ali has not disappointed Jiang Chen. Foreigner who compares these lion big yawns, they not only made the concession in the electronic business cooperation, but also put out obviously helped Future Technologies here cooperation plan! 果然,阿里这边没有让江晨失望。相比起那些狮子大张口的老外,他们不但在电商合作上做出了让步,还拿出了明显更有利于未来人科技这边的合作方案! Sees this, ebay and Amazon representative shouts loudly the fell into a trap. But saw that Jiang Chen in the appearance that the cooperation plan is interested, Ali here person relaxes. 见到这一幕,ebay和亚马逊的代表高呼中计。而看到江晨对合作方案感兴趣的样子,阿里这边的人则是松了口气。 The specific cooperation plan is as follows. 具体合作方案如下。 Is designed a platform nature by Future Technologies the software, Ali here provides the content. The users select and purchase the cargo in Future Virtual Reality Mall, Ali here decided that which cargos can log in Virtual Reality Mall. The confirmation purchase skips some valuable through the Phantom Helmet built-in browser the page, or some treasure to register the Virtual Reality commodity simply redesigns selecting and purchasing and payment of page reduce. 未来人科技设计一款平台性质的软件,阿里这边提供内容。用户在未来人虚拟实境商城选购货物,阿里这边决定哪些货物能登录虚拟实境商城。确认购买则通过幻影头盔内置浏览器跳转某宝的页面,或者某宝干脆为登录虚拟实境的商品重新设计一个简约的选购、支付页面。 This seems like Future Technologies is a supermarket, Ali and other electronic business are the supplier or the counter renting business. The former decided that placing of cargo position, the latter provides the respective source of goods. As for these young merchants of registrations under major electronic business, but puts each article small commodity on shelf. 这就好像未来人科技是超市,阿里和其他电商是供货商或者柜台租赁商。前者决定货物位置的摆放,后者则提供各自的货源。至于那些注册在各大电商旗下的小商户,只不过是摆在货架上的一件件小商品。 A few words summary is, Future only makes the platform, electronic business or electronic business. 一句话概括就是,未来人只做平台,电商还是电商 This plan takes, Jiang Chen then plan of oneself preparation throwing in one side. Really specialized fierce, he cannot find out to reject this plan completely the reason. 这方案一拿出来,江晨便把自己原先准备的方案给扔在了一边。果然还是专业的厉害,他完全想不出拒绝这方案的理由。 Amazon and ebay, although has discontentedly, but actually could not put out a better proposal, must draw back again one step, accepted and put forward similar proposal. 亚马逊和ebay虽然有所不满,但却是拿不出更好的提案了,只得再退一步,接受并提出了类似的这个提案。 Afterward, Jiang Chen bought also to invite to join in electronic business that VR was interested in JD and world the negotiations simply. All parties defer to respectively in the electronic business domain market share, divides the location of VR channel, and improved this cooperation plan together. 后来,江晨干脆把京东、全球购等对vr感兴趣的电商也邀请加入到了谈判中。各方按照各自在电商领域的市场份额,划分vr渠道的展位,并共同完善了这份合作方案。 A week, eight VR + Electronic Business the contract, the strict sense, this is Jiang Chen this not competent Chairman of the Board, this year is the first business that company discussed. 一个星期的时间,八份“vr+电商”的合约,严格意义上来讲,这还是江晨这个不称职的董事长,今年为公司谈成的第一笔生意。 Moreover is in a value the 10 billion USD big business!- 而且还是一笔价值上百亿美元的大生意!- ( Good news. The I Have A Mansion In The Last Of Days public number clears, the WeChat search Morningstar LL, can pay attention to Morningstar public WeChat, every day will have beyond or other interesting content uploads, but can also interact ~ with the author (好消息。我在末世有套房公众号开通啦,微信搜索“晨星ll”,可以关注晨星的公众微信号,每天都会有番外或其它有趣的内容上传,还可以与作者互动哦~ Sought the attention!)( To be continued.) 求关注!)(未完待续。)
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