IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#559: Re-enters Wanghai

Wanghai City night scene profound like sea of stars, the shadow under steel cement, such as the dark forest is dark. 望海市的夜景深邃如星海,钢铁水泥之下的阴影,也如黑暗森林般幽暗。 Long ago, Jiang Chen thinks that here is the entirety of this world, he struggled and this life, for that 50 square meter house and a livelihood work. However at this moment sits on the airplane is overlooking all these, he actually only felt tiny. 在很久以前,江晨认为这里便是这个世界的全部,他将一生奋斗与此,为了那五十平米的房子与一份赖以生存的工作。然而此刻坐在飞机上俯瞰着这一切,他却只感觉到了渺小。 This time re-enters Wanghai City, the goal mainly has two. First, to discuss Virtual Reality Net buys the matter of pilot, another for an agreement. 这次重回望海市,目的主要有两个。一是为了洽谈虚拟实境网购试点的事,另一个则是为了一个约定。 Delivered Zhang Yaping after the airplane that goes to Washington, Jiang Chen also boarded the airplane, went to Wanghai City accompanied by Liu Haotian. 张亚平送上了前往华盛顿的飞机后,江晨也登上了飞机,在柳浩天的陪同下前往了望海市 Ayesha has not accompanied side him. In order to prevent killer of these concealed in hidden place acts to Xia Shiyu, the Jiang Chen choice kept the Xia Shiyu side her. 阿伊莎没有陪在他身边。为了防止那些藏在暗处的杀手对夏诗雨出手,江晨选择将她留在了夏诗雨的身边。 Before going to Country of Xin, Xia Shiyu must return to Xiangjiang City to prepare. the connection of C CEO work also takes one week, the personal aspect she also needs to spend some time to prepare. For example because is only daughter's reason, she prepares also to take away Country of Xin the parents, by facilitating to take care of two old people. This needs her to return to a Hu City native place, first receives Xiangjiang two old people. 在前往新国之前,夏诗雨还要回香江市准备一下。ceo工作的交接还需要一个多星期的时间,私人方面她也需要花些时间去准备。比如因为是独生女的缘故,她准备将父母也带去新国,以方便照顾两位老人。这就需要她回一趟湖城的老家,先将两位老人接到香江 Xia Shiyu prepares to take the parents, Jiang Chen naturally lifts both hands approval. His father mom lives anything to be good in Country of Xin, villa Yacht servant are equally many, is these domestic these friends and relatives is seeing very much rarely, in the life was slightly lonely. Happen to the Xia Shiyu parents and his parents get to know each other well, two family members also drop around well, at least can collect one table of mahjongs. 夏诗雨准备带上父母,江晨自然是举双手赞成。他老爸老妈新国生活什么都好,别墅游艇佣人一样不少,就是那些在国内的那些亲戚朋友很难得见着,在生活上还是稍微寂寞了些。正好夏诗雨的父母和他的爸妈相熟,两家人也好串串门,至少能凑出一桌麻将来。 Does not lead to go to the choice of Wanghai City regarding Jiang Chen, Ayesha opposes from the beginning. After all previously had such matter in the hotel, she did not certainly feel relieved that a Jiang Chen person acts. However Jiang Chen only then convinced her with a few words. 对于江晨不带着自己前往望海市的选择,阿伊莎一开始是反对的。毕竟先前在酒店中发生了那样的事,她当然不放心江晨一个人行动。不过江晨只用一句话便说服了她。 If they really choose me as the attack target, that selected one after next bamboo slip.” “如果他们真的选择我作为袭击目标,那才是抽中了下下签。” Really must in the case of the individual battle efficiency, in this world only fear cannot pick up several competently his opponent. He chooses the go it alone, has not been one type for pulling a snake from its hole. 真要论到个体战斗力,这个世界上只怕挑不出几个能干的过他的对手。他之所以选择单独行动,未尝就不是一种出于引蛇出洞的考虑。 Saw Jiang Chen saying that Ayesha must obey his wish. However she of worry persists in requesting, in Specter Agent arrangement of China standby in his, to prepare mishap. 江晨这么说了,阿伊莎也只得顺从了他的意愿。不过担心的她还是坚持要求,将正在华国待命的幽灵特工安排在了他的附近,以备不测。 ...... …… After alighting from the airplane, Jiang Chen's made the private car to turn into running quickly from red flag l9. The person who is responsible for receiving the foreign guest excessively has not exchanged greetings with two people, but gives Liu Haotian , after the car(riage) key then said goodbye. 下了飞机后,江晨的作座驾从红旗l9变成了奔驰。负责接待外宾的人没有和二人过多寒暄,只是将车钥匙交给柳浩天之后便告辞了。 Before leaving China, his status is a foreign guest, therefore person who accompaniment which will go to have the protocol department. However because here is the Wang Family domain. Before Wang Dehai has not taken a stand, the reception personnel of local government not good to warm of Jiang Chen performance. 在离开华国之前,他的身份都算是外宾,所以无论是去哪都会有礼宾司的人陪同。不过因为这里是王家的地盘。在王德海没有表态之前,地方政府的接待人员也不好对江晨表现的过于热情。 Compares on Capital's ostentation, the attitude of Wanghai City aspect toward the Jiang Chen performance, does not seem like receiving a billionaire completely. 相比起在上京市的排场,望海市方面对江晨表现的态度,完全不像是在接待一位亿万富翁。 Hopes that do not mind, after all you in the Koro Island investment plan above pit his. The Wang Family a little small mood is will also be reasonable.” Sat in the driving position of Mercedes-Benz, Liu Haotian answered to Jiang Chen. “希望你不要介意,毕竟你在科罗岛的投资项目上坑了他一把。王家会有点小情绪也是在情理之中。”坐在了奔驰车的驾驶位上,柳浩天江晨解释道。 Naturally does not care, so long as he leaves to jump to look for me suddenly troublesome on the line.” Jiang Chen said indifferently. “当然不在意,只要他别突然跳出来找我麻烦就行。”江晨无所谓地说道。 Even No. 1 leader, is impossible simultaneously and Liu Family Zhou Family can pass, let alone Wang Family. Therefore you do not need to worry, they know the discretion. However your limelight, do not let them catch what handle.” “就算是一号领导,也不可能同时和柳家周家过不去,更别说王家了。所以你不用担心,他们知道分寸。不过你也注意点,别让他们抓到什么把柄。” Jiang Chen looked at Liu Haotian one accidentally/surprisingly, said with a smile. 江晨意外地看了柳浩天一眼,笑道。 oh? have you known?” 哦?你们已经知道了?” Jiang Chen finger/refers naturally is the cooperation that Future Group and Zhou Family achieve, about nutrition mixture this big cake. 江晨指的自然是未来人集团周家达成的合作,关于营养合剂这块大蛋糕。 Naturally.” Liu Haotian concise replied. “当然。”柳浩天简洁地答道。 The weather is very late, Jiang Chen declined the arrangement of Liu Haotian about hotel. But selected a position on vehicle-borne gps, making him deliver to there oneself. 天色已经很晚了,江晨谢绝了柳浩天关于宾馆的安排。而是在车载gps上点了个位置,让他把自己送到那里。 Confirmed the direction, the car(riage) then arrived at the rich neighbourhood situated in Minhang quickly. That side Last of Days, walks one in the Songjiang direction again is to then belong to Jiang Chen's No. 27 Camp. However here present world, here, only then belongs to his small villa. 确认了方向,车很快便开到了位于闵行的富人区。在末世那边,再往松江的方向走一段便是属于江晨的27号营地。不过在现世这边,这里只有一栋属于他的小别墅。 After leaving Wanghai City, Jiang Chen then the key and keycard stopper of this villa to the hand of Liu Yao. House thing cannot put, the time grew no one to live, the pretty villa must turn into ghost building to result. He is also instead having no acquaintance friend in China, does not lack that 200 million rmb, therefore was then used to raise lover simply. 在离开望海市之后,江晨便将这栋别墅的钥匙和门禁卡都塞到了柳瑶的手上。房子这东西放不得,时间长了没人住,再漂亮的别墅都得变成个鬼楼似得。反正在华国他也没什么熟人朋友,也不缺那一两亿的rmb,于是便干脆用来养情人了。 The status information registers as in the gate guard room. Jiang Chen pressed a fingerprint, the gate guard then allowed to pass the vehicle. 身份信息依旧登记在门卫室。江晨按了个指纹,门卫便将车子放行了。 The car(riage) arrived at the villa entrance, Liu Haotian saw second floor to turn on a light, looked to Jiang Chen. 车开到了别墅门口,柳浩天二楼亮着灯,不由看向了江晨 „Does inside have the person?” “里面有人?” Jiang Chen has not replied his question. Unties the seat belt to get out, then looks that his motionless sound said. 江晨没有回答他的疑问。解开安全带下了车,然后看着他不动声地说道。 9 : 00 am meet me. In any case you are the government expense journey, I did not arrange you to stay.” “明天早上九点来接我。反正你是公费出行,我就不安排你住宿了。” Liu Haotian understands instantaneously the Jiang Chen's meaning, smiled several to him badly, did not say anything, stepped on the accelerator to walk. 柳浩天瞬间明白了江晨的意思,冲着他坏笑了几声,也不说什么,踩着油门就走了。 Stood in the entrance deep breath the one breath. Jiang Chen is preparing to put out a hand according to the doorbell, when he sees the light of that second floor bathroom shines, his corners of the mouth bring back wiped the evil happy expression. Remembers the Liu Yao that 36 D curve, in his heart floated off practical joke impulsion. 站在门口深呼吸了一口气。江晨正准备伸手按门铃,可当他看见那二楼卫生间的灯光亮起时,他的嘴角不由勾起了一抹邪恶的笑意。一想起柳瑶那36d的曲线,他的心中就不由浮起了“恶作剧”的冲动。 ...... …… When already 10 : 00 pm. 已经时晚上 10 点。 If in the past were the same, after Liu Yao fitness, soaked the rose bath. 如往常一样,柳瑶健身完后去泡了个玫瑰浴。 Gradually popular celebrity as well as Future Chairman of the Board lover as a fame, she extremely pays attention to maintain itself. She fully realized all that own present has, because of that man. If that man lost the interest in oneself, then she will not have a thing in the world. 身为一位名气渐红明星以及未来人董事长情人,她非常注意保养自己。她深知自己如今拥有的一切,都是因为那个男人。如果那个男人对自己失去了兴趣,那么她将一无所有。 Washed off beads of sweat, Liu Yao looked from that is playing musical instruments muscle that may break. The water drop that on the skin falls, blows off the train of thought to be in a daze. White fog that in the bathtub ascends hazy her line of sight, makes her thought rise with that mist slowly. 洗去了身上的汗珠,柳瑶望着从那吹弹可破的肌.肤上滑落的水珠,放空思绪地发着呆。浴缸内升腾的白雾迷蒙了她的视线,也让她的思维随着那雾气缓缓上升。 In rose leaf clump, absent-minded inverted image a beautiful appearance. This in addition are innumerable the woman to envy, the face that countless men adore, actually caught a gloomy mood at this moment. 玫瑰花瓣丛中,恍惚倒影着一张绝美的容颜。这另无数女人嫉妒,无数男人倾慕的脸,此刻却是染上了一丝愁绪。 Recalled when previous time goes to Koro Island, with one week of holiday that Jiang Chen passed, her cheeks floated off wiped lightly the red cloud. 回想起上次前往科罗岛时,与江晨度过的一星期的假日,她的脸颊不由浮起了一抹淡淡地红云。 Although own standpoint is only lover, but Jiang Chen takes to her to fly the feeling of clouds each time, is such as the toxicant makes her be crazy generally. She thinks sometimes, if own standpoint, not only lover 虽说自己的立场只是个情人,但是每次江晨带给她的那飞上云端的感觉,却是如毒药一般让她着迷。以至于她有时不禁想,要是自己的立场不只是一名情人 Liu Yao made an effort to shake the wet hair, sobered from this impractical delusion. Is looking in the bathtub that rose leaf, she self-ridiculed smiles. 柳瑶使劲晃了晃湿漉漉的头发,从这不切实际的妄想中清醒了过来。望着浴缸中那玫瑰花瓣,她不由自嘲地笑了笑。 This is impossible...... 这是不可能的…… Immerses in the impractical dream, will only be injured by oneself. She knows, he can accept itself, not because of love anything. Because own existence filled in his heart regarding of past to regret exactly. 沉醉于不切实际的梦,只会让自己受伤。她知道,他之所以能接受自己,不是因为爱情什么的。只是因为自己的存在恰好填补了他心中对于过去的那份遗憾。 If overstepped that boundary, this sentiment from entangling. The wadding turns into the entanglement, wants him to give itself status anything, perhaps he will feel awkward. But finally will not compromise. But own status also no longer is what lover, but is small three. 如果一旦逾越了那条界限,将这份感情从缠.绵变成纠缠,一定要他给予自己名分什么的,恐怕他会感到为难。但最终不会妥协。而自己的身份也将不再是什么情人,而是小三。 Perhaps that Future Technologies C CEO Xia Shiyu is his future wife. Is that always...... calls Ayesha anything in his following the young girl of exotic customs probably. When Liu Yao once with the Jiang Chen screen chatted, there are to listen to him to raise. 或许那个未来人科技的ceo夏诗雨才是他未来的妻子。或者是那个总是更在他后面的异国风情的少女……好像叫阿伊莎还是什么的。柳瑶曾在和江晨视屏聊天时,有听他提起过。 But in any event, candidate will not have me...... 但无论如何,这其中的人选不会有我…… The semi-transparent jade bright and clean arm across overspreading the water surface of flower petal, Liu Yao handful of woof Dan milk color bath soap put on the face. Will mix with the black hair of flower petal to stroke after the brain. 羊脂玉般光洁的手臂穿过铺满花瓣的水面,柳瑶捧起了一汪淡奶色的浴液扑在了脸上。将夹杂着花瓣的黑发捋向脑后。 huā lā 哗啦 Stands up from the water, she pulled the bath towel to bind that attractive torso from side. Body, slender jade. Takes the bathtub fully, stepped 从水中站起,她从旁扯过浴巾裹住了那诱人的胴.体,纤纤玉.足迈出浴缸,踩在了冰凉的地板上。 Before arriving at the mirror, in she prepares to take up the air blower, she hears in the living room to transmit the heavy item fell down the sound suddenly. 走到了镜子前,就在她准备拿起吹风机时,她突然听到客厅内传来了重物坠地似的响动。 Shook the hand of air blower to stop in the midair, Liu Yao turned very quiet. 握着吹风机的手停在了半空中,柳瑶屏住了呼吸。 A person lives in such big house, such bewildered sound one also is really strange scary. She determined that she has not misunderstood, downstairs living room had anything to fall on the ground. 一个人住在这么大的房子里,这么莫名其妙的响一下还真是怪吓人的。她确定自己没有听错,楼下客厅却是有什么东西掉在了地上。 Is the thief? 难道是小偷? In Liu Yao heart thump, a facial color paleness. However immediately she denied this possibility. By the security rank of this community, is impossible coming in that has the thief to mix. 柳瑶心中咯噔一下,面色一阵苍白。不过随即她就否定了这种可能。以这座小区的安保级别,根本不可能有小偷混的进来。 What isn't the thief can be? 可不是小偷又会是什么? Swallowed a spit, Liu Yao put down the air blower, arrived at the gate softly, pasted the ear in the gate. Although she also felt, who make such movement were somewhat terribly suspicious and fearful. 咽了口吐沫,柳瑶放下了吹风机,轻手轻脚地走到了门边,将耳朵贴在了门上。虽然她也觉得,做出这样动作的自己有些疑神疑鬼了。 Held the breath to listen to the long time with rapt attention, she did not have to hear any sound again. 屏息凝神地听了半晌,她没有再听到任何的声响。 Misconception? Recently was too tired......” “错觉吗?最近是不是太累了……” Liu Yao relaxes, slowly by gate. 柳瑶松了口气,缓缓地靠在了门上。 Because " Ma Dongmei's Troubles » heat reflects, her sale price also when production costs rise, prices rise too. 因为《马冬梅烦恼》的热映,她的身价也随之水涨船高。 If the snowflake floats, not only the piece makes, even invitation of recording company. Because her sonorous singing in play a song. That clear persuasive voice caused the innumerable high praises in the network, therefore some recording company moved asked her to publish the special edition the thoughts. Recently because recorded the song the matter, she was also daily the busy exhaustion. Perhaps is because was too weary, therefore had the auditory hallucination...... 如雪花般飘来的不只是片约,甚至还有唱片公司的邀请。因为在剧中她清唱了一首小曲。那清纯婉转的嗓音在网络上引起了无数好评,所以有的唱片公司就动了请她出专辑的心思。最近因为录歌的事,她也是天天忙的精疲力尽。没准是因为太疲劳了,所以才产生了幻听…… Liu Yao is so comforting itself. 柳瑶如此安慰着自己。 But when she relaxes. Out of the door actually resounded the music towering. 可就在她松了口气的时候。门外却是突兀地响起了音乐。 The music that this suddenly resounds frightens Liu Yao beautiful face changing colors, but her quick face is one red, because she responded suddenly, that music is the cell phone ring tone that she just traded. 这突然响起的音乐可是吓得柳瑶一阵花容失色,不过她很快脸便是一红,因为她突然反应了过来,那音乐是她刚换的手机铃声。 Whose telephone can be? 会是谁的电话呢? Is thinking, Liu Yao while has taken the towel from side, bound the hair in the head. 一边想着,柳瑶一边从旁取过毛巾,将头发裹在了头上。 The hand builds , on door knob. Liu Yao bit under the bright red lower lip lightly. Although had convinced itself, the sound that the living room transmitted a moment ago is only the auditory hallucination, may arrive really must walk from the bathroom, in her heart is somewhat is unavoidably disturbed. 将手搭在门把手上的时候。柳瑶轻咬了下嫣红的下唇。虽然已经说服了自己,刚才客厅传来的响动只是幻听,可到了真要从浴室中走出去的时候,她的心中还是不免有些忐忑。 Deeply inspires, she twisted off the doorknob, the door shoved open a seam. 深吸了一口气,她拧开门把,将门推开了一条缝。 When confirmed that out of the door anything does not have, she for oneself bewildered with trepidation, the bashful root of the ear somewhat feels hot. 当确认门外什么都没有,她不由为自己莫名其妙的提心吊胆,羞的耳根有些发烫。 The right hand is pinching the lapel mouth of chest front bath towel lightly, Liu Yao was red the wet dá dá jade to return to the room fully. 右手轻捏着胸前浴巾的襟口,柳瑶赤着湿哒哒的玉足回到了房间。 Then, she picked up oneself cell phone from the table...... 接着,她从桌上拾起了自己的手机…… Then she was shocked. 然后她愣住了。 No telephone hits, after the cell phone screen guarantees the unlocking, what heaving in sight is the music playback software, previously resounded is not what call ting, but is music of downloading in cell phone. 没有任何电话打过来,手机屏保解锁之后,映入眼帘的是音乐播放软件,先前响起的并非是什么来电铃声,只不过是下载在手机中的音乐。 The intense fear, such as vine Toichi climbed up her heart slowly. 强烈的恐惧,如蔓藤一般缓缓爬上了她的心头。 In the room has others! 房间里有其他人! Some people opened her cell phone ring tone! 有人打开了她的手机铃声! In order to attract her comes! 为了吸引她过来! The lip is shivering, a Liu Yao complexion paleness, she does not even dare to sway from side to side the neck, she feared that sees a strange face. bare naked jade. Shivers fully is moving backward, she turns around unable to take on the courage of running. 嘴唇颤抖着,柳瑶脸色一片惨白,她甚至不敢扭动脖子,她怕看到一张陌生的脸。赤果的玉.足颤抖着向后挪动,她连转身就跑的勇气都拿不出来。 Suddenly, the lamp extinguished. 突然,灯灭了。 Liu Yao screamed one, turned around to run. However she has not run two steps, one hit on the solid chest. 柳瑶尖叫一声,转身就跑。然而她还没跑出两步,就一头撞在了结实的胸膛上。 The black-clothed person grasped her, threw her on the bed, then threw to cover her mouth. The solid muscle is the same like the rock waste, no matter what that powder fist jade. How the leg disrupts to kick randomly indifferently. Vacated the left hand to tear cleanly that. White bath towel. 黑衣人一把抱住了她,将她丢在了床上,然后扑上去捂住了她的嘴。结实的肌肉如顽石一样,任那粉拳玉.腿如何乱打乱踢都无动于衷。空出地左手一把扯开了那洁.白的浴巾。 But at this moment, that person is actually sudden „!” Pitiful yell. 可就在这时,那人却是突然“嗷!”地惨叫。 Heard that pitiful yell, Liu Yao is shocked suddenly. 听到那声惨叫,柳瑶突然愣住了。 That sound somewhat seems to be familiar-sounding...... 那声音似乎有些耳熟…… Saw only that black-clothed person to loosen her, removed that funny headgear, ill-humoredly white her eyes. 只见那黑衣人松开了她,撤下了那滑稽的头套,没好气地白了她一眼。 Meets bites me, your born in the year of the dog.” “一见面就咬我,你属狗的啊。” The tears gush out from her eye socket gradually, taking advantage of the moonlight, saw that this Jiang Chen is somewhat scared. 泪水渐渐地从她的眼眶中涌出,借着月光,见到这一幕的江晨不由有些慌了神。 „? Do not cry, my gives you a pleasant surprise. cough cough, naturally, frightening you are I am not good, I admit mistakes......” “诶?你别哭啊,我这就是给你个惊喜。咳咳,当然,吓唬你是我不好,我认错……” Such intensity of Liu Yao resistance, truly in his unexpected. However said, sees her response, in the Jiang Chen heart is somewhat inexplicable happy. Naturally, he also has is engaging in introspection. Although to own lover, although is only the temporary practical joke mentality, but thinks carefully, makes such matter to a female of life alone, oneself truly some went too far. 柳瑶反抗的如此强烈,也确实在他的意料之外。不过说真的,看到她的反应,江晨心中还是有些莫名高兴的。当然,他也有在反省。虽说是对自己的情人,虽说只是一时的恶作剧心态,但仔细想想,对一名独自生活的女性做出这样的事,自己确实有些太过分了。 perverted!” Liu Yao ashamed and resentfully binding in head towel, flung on Jiang Chen's. 变.态!”柳瑶羞愤地将裹在头上的毛巾,甩在了江晨的头上。 Fragrance of rose greets the nostrils to come, to hear Jiang Chen heart entire. Rippling. 一股玫瑰花的香味扑鼻而来,闻得江晨不由心头一整荡.漾。 Moved out of the way the towel on head, Jiang Chen somewhat touches the nose awkwardly. 挪开了脑袋上的毛巾,江晨有些尴尬地摸了摸鼻子。 Sorry, my truly some......” “抱歉,我确实有些……” Also can continue?” “还要继续吗?” „?” “诶?” Has not sat up from the bed, bites the lower lip by Liu Yao in bed sheet lightly, on the cheeks is exuding a faint trace attractive shyness. The light moonlight that the flower petal between that round of silk, out of the window maps, added for her appearance wiped tenderly. Colorful. 没有从床上坐起,靠在被单上的柳瑶轻咬着下唇,脸颊上泛着一丝丝诱人的羞怯。那发丝间的花瓣,窗外映入的淡淡月光,为她的容颜平添了一抹娇.艳。 „...... do not make me say.” Sent silk disorderly Liu Yao to purse the lips, turned away. “刚才的……不要让我说出来嘛。”发丝凌乱的柳瑶噘着嘴,移开了视线。 Looks that this wipes the coquettish behavior, Jiang Chen only thought the lower abdomen raised immediately one group of dryness. Hot flame, breath gradually loud. 看着这一抹娇态,江晨只觉得小腹顿时升起了一团燥.热的火焰,呼吸渐渐粗重了起来。 Threw the towel on the ground, he has not forgotten to put on that funny black headgear. 将毛巾扔在了地上,他没忘记重新戴上那滑稽的黑色头套。 The Liu Yao screams resound again, in the ashamed and resentful resistance of that powder fist chaotic hammer, black black room again restless...... 柳瑶的惊呼声再次响起,在那粉拳乱锤的羞愤抵抗中,黢黑的房间再次闹腾了起来…… Should say that worthily is the performing skill of movie star? Do not have a reunion to make her especially moves. Sentiment? really that in brief this play develops is impeccable. 该说不愧是影星的演技呢?还是就别重逢让她格外的“动.情”?总之这出戏演的简直是无可挑剔。 In moonlight Gansu the tissue of feeling ashamed, did not endure to look straight ahead the fluttering flags in room......( to be continued.) 月色陇上了羞人的薄纱,不忍直视房间内的旖旎……(未完待续。)
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