IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#558: Jiang Charity Fund

Exploded about the day before yesterday. The report of event, with the coordination in Country of Xin aspect, the news newspaper has then had its one with few words 2~3 sentence. Business meeting first round of parting on bad terms, above for general situation document pressing. 关于前日爆炸.事件的报道,在新国方面的配合下,新闻报纸只是用只言片语地两三句便将其一笔带过。商务会谈首轮的不欢而散,也被上面的“出于大局考虑”的文件给压了下来。 Then, media then by new event brushing screen. 尔后,媒体便被新的事件给刷屏了。 Future Group Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen holds the press conference in the going to the capital hotel, announced that establishes Jiang Charity Fund in the name of individual, the registered capital is 300 million USD, and expressed that every year will put out at least 500 million USD to invest this/should fund. The nature of this/should charitable foundation for non- public non- public, but the use of fund is mainly to be used to aid poor area's education, medical service and public infrastructure construction. 未来人集团董事长江晨在上京饭店召开新闻发布会,宣布以个人的名义成立江氏慈善基金,注册资金为三亿美元,并表示每年将拿出至少五亿美元投资该基金。该慈善基金的性质为非公募非公开型,而资金的用途主要是用于援助贫困地区的教育、医疗、公共设施建设。 Is generous regarding Jiang Chen's, China Charitable Federation President and previous Capital Mayor gave the high praise, the media also gave the strong approval consistently. Country of Xin President Zhang Yaping spoke before the media, said that charitable borderless, Jiang Chen's this action will become the symbol of two countries friendship. 对于江晨的慷慨,华国慈善总会会长、上京市市长都给予了高度的赞扬,媒体也一致给予了高度的评价。新国总统张亚平在媒体面前发言,称慈善无国界,江晨的这一举措将成为两国友谊的象征。 Meanwhile, the China No. 1 leader also expressed the support. 与此同时,华国一号领导也对此表示了赞同。 The one who takes the post of this/should fund Supervisor is a man named Wu Botao, by Liu Family here person arrangement. 出任该基金经理的是一位名叫吴波涛的男人,是由柳家这边的人安排的。 About the operation of fund, Jiang Chen does not want to make Future Group involve too, then fully authorized gives the Liu Family person to make. When the time comes if exposed, only needs to move to work as the scapegoat this person surnamed Wu to be able, but will not have many influences on Future Group. 关于基金的运作,江晨并不想让未来人集团牵扯太多,便全权委托给了柳家的人去弄。到时候万一东窗事发,也只需要将这个姓吴的人搬出来当替罪羊便可,而不会对未来人集团造成过多的影响。 300 million US Dollar, is almost Future Group in magnificence one profit for the year one tenth. Naturally, next year this digit perhaps will rise incessantly one time, because Phantom Helmet server at the beginning of next year starting, World Grade Virtual Reality Net roaming «Divine Grade Continent» will get online officially. Many Wall Street analysts have assessed, in the operation does not have the problem in the situation, only online game one will be Future Group will unable to bring in the 2,000,000,000 US Dollar years income. 三亿美金,差不多是未来人集团在华一年利润的十分之一。当然,明年这个数字恐怕会翻上不止一倍,因为幻影头盔的服务器将在明年年初正是开机,世界级虚拟实境网游《神级大陆》将正式上线。不少华尔街的分析师已经做出了评估,在运营不出现问题的情况下,单是网游一项就将为未来人集团带来不下于20亿美金的年收益。 Excluding selling the helmet one-off income. 这其中不包括卖头盔的一次性收益。 Mentioning is also very interesting, Jiang Chen stood in visit to China in the team also makes the Imperial Court Internet users quite have the veiled criticism, after all they have regarded person on one's own side Jiang Chen. 说来也挺有趣,原本江晨站在“访华”的队伍里还让天.朝网民颇有微词的,毕竟他们一直将江晨当成“自己人”。 Reason that no one clutched to say this matter , was just because the two countries national strength was not be comparable, the diplomatic relation was good, did not have the competition. Cultural identity is high, has common enemy Philippines wait/etc.. What if Jiang Chen immigrates is other country, exposed cannot by the keyboard hero spurting half dead. 之所以没人把这件事揪出来说,也只不过是因为两国国力不具可比性,邦交良好,不存在竞争。文化认同度高,有共同的敌人菲国等等。如果江晨移民的是别的国家,曝光了还不得被键盘侠给喷个半死。 However the matter of this charitable foundation comes out, instantaneous no one cared about the matter of his nationality. Under Future Group intends to add fuel to the flames. The major Social Platform friends encircle are brushed the screen by this generous rich and powerful people again. How although Jiang Chen does not care about others to appraise itself, but to be honest, looks that so many people flattered themselves, he was very dark crisp. 不过这慈善基金的事一出来,瞬间没有人在意他国籍的事了。在未来人集团有意推波助澜下。各大社交平台的朋友圈再次被这位慷慨的富豪刷屏。虽然江晨不在意别人怎么评价自己,但老实说,看着这么多人吹捧自己,他心里还是挺暗爽的。 Especially saw that on the scarf these little girl brush Jiang Chen Jiang Chen, when I must live little monkey Nation's Husband to you ...... 尤其是看到围脖上那些小姑娘刷“江晨江晨,我要给你生小猴子国民老公么么哒”时…… Where always feels like some is not right? 总觉得好像哪里有些不对劲? Ok. 算了。 One side does the charitable matter to place. 做慈善的事放在一边。 Has assumed the posture Zhou Family. Sees Jiang Chen not to contact with them for a long time, in the heart also somewhat worried. 已经摆好姿势的周家。见江晨许久未与他们接触,心中也不禁有些着急了起来。 When saw that Jiang Chen suddenly started to do the charity, Prime Minister Liu reneged at the internal discussion meeting suddenly, directs the spearhead at the position to treat Future Group Wang Family and Li Yanhong backstage strongly, Zhou Antai responded immediately, indeed this Liu Family person one step has first contacted with Jiang Chen, moreover obviously achieved some cooperation! 当看到江晨突然开始搞起了慈善,柳相国突然在内部讨论会上变卦,将矛头对准了主张强硬对待未来人集团王家以及李严宏的后台,周安泰顿时反应了过来,敢情这柳家的人已经先一步与江晨接触过了,而且明显是达成了某种合作! When the heart cursed this Prime Minister Liu is insincere, Zhou Antai does not have the slight means with him. From the beginning, Zhou Family because splits with Wang Family, stood here that supported Future Group. Now even if his temporary reneging stands opposite to go. Only feared how opposite person will not treat sees him. 在心中大骂这柳相国不厚道之余,周安泰也是拿他没有丝毫办法。早在一开始,周家就因为与王家交恶,站在了支持未来人集团的这边。现在就算他临时变卦站到对面去。只怕对面的人也不会怎么待见他。 Regardless where places, the people with no mind of his own were not treated see. 无论放在哪里,墙头草都是不受人待见的。 Being able to calm down Zhou Family started to lower the stance, started to relate Jiang Chen on own initiative. 沉不住气的周家开始放低了姿态,开始主动联系江晨 Walks in through Zhou Zihao regarding Zhou Family on own initiative, Jiang Chen somewhat is funny. Where he could not guess correctly, this Zhou Family person is asks for the advantage. 对于周家通过周子豪主动找上门来,江晨不禁有些好笑。他哪里猜不到,这周家的人是来讨好处的。 However unlike strength centralized in Liu Family of political circle, personal connection and resources mainly centralized in war industry, energy and other state-owned enterprise domains, is good at operating the industrial Zhou Family is not short of money like Liu Family. Jiang Chen also knows they want is not the bill, but can help them obtain more rights to speak in China the technology. 不过与实力集中在政界的柳家不同,人脉和资源主要集中在军工、能源等国企领域,善于经营产业的周家并不像柳家那么缺钱。江晨也知道他们要的不是钞票,而是能帮他们在华国取得更多话语权的技术。 But Jiang Chen has not made the Zhou Family person return empty-handed, but put out nutrition mixture this cake, tied up the Zhou Family person on his Future Group chariot. 江晨也没有让周家的人空手而归,而是拿出了营养合剂这块蛋糕,将周家的人绑在了他未来人集团的战车上。 Is coordinated by Zhou Family here person. Established area Yangcheng food company that has the import and export license, purchases service-type high heat nutrition mixture that imports from Country of Xin, again after the packing, sold to the person of quarter master office. Does not cooperate with the foreign enterprise in the China war industry and military supplies industry in principle directly, but after a Zhou Family person such operation. Did not have this trouble. 周家这边的人牵头。在羊城一带成立了拥有进出口牌照的食品公司,收购从新国进口的军用型高热量营养合剂,重新包装后卖给军需处的人。在原则上华国的军工、军需行业是不与外国企业直接合作的,但经过周家人这么一运作。却是没了这个麻烦。 Compares economic strength weak Russia, filthy rich China without doubt is more promising partner. The person big hand of Zhou Family wields, signed a nutrition sum total of 3 million box directly, such a batch of nutrition equal, Jiang Chen at least gained 600,000,000 USD to have. Will gain many as for Zhou Family, can long and efficient, the logistics low pressure military supplies get so far as many achievements by this warranty. This was not the matter that he cared about. 相比起经济实力疲软的俄国,财大气粗的华国无疑是个更有前途的合作伙伴。周家的人大手一挥,直接签了一笔三百万箱的营养合计,就这么一批营养合计,江晨至少就赚了6亿美元有余。至于周家会从中赚到多少,能凭借这种保质期长、效率高、后勤压力低的军需品弄到多少政绩。这就不是他关心的事了。 The three-day visit ended quickly. 为期三日的访问很快就结束了。 Brings the total value 2,000,000,000 US Dollar cooperation order, Country of Xin President and accompanying representative sits in a circle the airplane of Capital airport. 带着总价值20亿美金的合作订单,新国总统和随行代表团坐上了首都机场的飞机。 According to the traveling schedule planned, Jiang Chen will follow the Country of Xin delegation to go to Washington. Because happening in hotel small interlude, making him change the mind temporarily. 原本按照行程计划,江晨会跟随新国的代表团前往华盛顿。但因为发生在酒店的“小插曲”,让他临时改变了主意。 Before did not determine that this attack and CIA whether is correlated, he does not plan to crack a joke with oneself security rashly. Therefore Jiang Chen cancels the plan of accompanying visit temporarily, but elected a representative from Future Group, replaces him to follow Zhang Yaping to fly to United States. 在不确定这次袭击事件与cia是否存在关联之前,他可不打算贸然拿自己的安全开玩笑。于是江晨临时取消了随行访问的计划,而是从未来人集团中选了个代表,代替他跟随张亚平飞往美国 Decided regarding Jiang Chen's, some people chuckled secretly, some people expressed deep regrets, some people were aloof. But how regardless to say again, Future Group in name is also only company, an absence of Chairman of the Board will not affect the relations between two countries. 对于江晨的决定,有人暗自窃喜,有人深表遗憾,也有人无动于衷。但无论再怎么说,未来人集团在名义上也只是个公司而已,一名董事长的缺席并不会影响两国之间的关系。 While welcome Country of Xin delegation, United States new President sent in a mail in the name of personal to Jiang Chen, expressed is unable to visit personally United States to him, participated in Wall Street Internet Business Forum to feel regret. 在欢迎新国代表团到访的同时,美国新任总统以私人的名义向江晨发来了一封邮件,表达了对他无法亲自到访美国,参加华尔街互联网商务论坛感到遗憾。 However this Mr. President also expressed the regret on individual standpoint merely, without expressing other unnecessary ideas. Attack happening on Capital Yingbin Hotel, regardless has the relations with the CIA person, they must know the circumstances of the matter, will therefore make regarding Jiang Chen chooses them also only to show the understanding like this. 不过这位总统先生也仅仅是就个人立场表达了遗憾而已,没有表达其它多余的想法。发生在上京市迎宾酒店的袭击,无论与cia的人有没有关系,他们都不可能不知情,所以对于江晨会做出这样的选择他们也只能表示了理解。 After all CIA once made a decision without authorization to Jiang Chen has launched the attack, he will suspect that behind this attack has the CIA shadow is also excusable. However called a grievance in State of Virginia Naomi that this event may really not have the nickel to relate with CIA, but because this matter he was called in White House by President a lot. 毕竟cia曾擅做主张对江晨发起过袭击,他会怀疑这次袭击事件背后有cia的影子也情有可原。不过远在弗吉尼亚州内奥米那才叫一个委屈,这次事件可真的与cia没有半毛钱关系,可因为这事他却没少被总统叫进白宫里去。 The newly appointed President hope wins over the Country of Xin intention to be very clear through Jiang Chen, how he will not begin to Jiang Chen at this time again stupid. Let alone previous time has caused CIA to be damaged in the magnificence influence in the action of China seriously, even if he wants to move some hands and feet, still not necessarily has that ability.( To be continued.) 新上任的总统希望通过江晨拉拢新国的意图很明确,他再怎么蠢也不会在这个时间点对江晨动手。更何况上次在华国的行动已经导致cia在华势力严重受创,就算他想动些手脚,也不见得有那个能力。(未完待续。)
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