IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#557: New CEO

On in the suburbs of Capital, in low old-style residents, a Caucasian who wears the grey jacket is depending to sit in the nearby of radiator. Sees only him to shut the eyes, the expression on face is enjoying very much. 京市郊区,一间低矮的旧式民宅内,一位穿着灰夹克的白人正靠坐在暖气片的边上。只见他微闭着双眼,脸上的表情很是享受。 I like this country, the poor person or the rich person, can enjoy the equality in this cold winter the warmth.” “我喜欢这个国家,无论是穷人还是富人,在这寒冷的冬天都能享受到平等的温暖。” Giles, is it possible that you want to tell me, have you been absent-minded a moment ago?” Sits the man near window looks here, the facial color said gloomy. 吉尔斯,莫非你想告诉我,刚才你一直在开小差?”坐在窗口边的男人看着这边,面色阴沉地说道。 Facing being called the Giles man shows a faint smile, not so? My dear Radisv, you should learn to enjoy the present life.” 面对被称作吉尔斯的男人微微一笑,“不然呢?我亲爱的拉迪斯夫,你应该学会享受现在的生活。” Radisv is still gloomy the face, stared at smiling Giles to look was very long, immediately turned away. 拉迪斯夫依旧阴沉着脸,盯着笑眯眯的吉尔斯看了很久,随即移开了视线。 Suddenly, the threshold to buddhism place heard the knock. 突然,玄关处传来了敲门声。 Two people look at each other, exchanged a look, then Radisv builds the hand in the waist, depended to the entrance. 两人相视一眼,交换了个眼神,然后拉迪斯夫将手搭在腰间,向门口靠了过去。 Confirmed the future by the cat eye, Radisv relaxes, opened the burglar-proof door. 透过猫眼确认了来者,拉迪斯夫松了口气,打开了防盗门。 As the cold wind flashes in the room, bringing the man convenient door of hat to take, shook snow in the entrance, this slipper enters the living room. 随着冷风闪进屋内,带着帽子的男人顺手将门带上,在门口抖了抖身上的雪,这才拖鞋走进客厅。 Situation how?” The Radisv sinking sound asked. “情况如何?”拉迪斯夫沉声问道。 mission failure.” Replied with inferior English, the man loosened the down clothing conveniently, loses on the sofa. 任务失败。”用蹩脚的英语回答道,男人顺手将羽绒服解下,丢在了沙发上。 „Can that really be regrets...... our Mr. Warrior?” Giles said in a soft voice. “那可真是遗憾……我们的武士先生呢?”吉尔斯轻声说道。 Hirata has been captured, possibly had been sent out the overseas by Future Group.” 平田已经被俘,可能已经被未来人集团送出了国外。” Professor will not be happy.” Face of Radisv even more gloomy, because of as the matter stands, means that his bonus was written off. 教授不会高兴。”拉迪斯夫的脸愈发的阴沉,因为这样一来,就意味着他的奖金泡汤了。 Unlike these frantic Extraterrestrial Lover, he did not care struggling that between Freemasonry company and Rothschild Household lead, does not care about anything Black Ship and Golden Apple. He of mercenary family background only cares about the commission. 与这些狂热的“外星人爱好者”不同,他不关心公司罗斯柴尔德家族领导的共济会之间的明争暗斗,也不关心什么“黑船”和“金苹果”。佣兵出身的他只关心佣金。 Professor happy...... will be certainly uncertain.” 教授当然不会高兴……也不一定。” oh? Giles looked accidentally/surprisingly to the man. 哦?吉尔斯意外地看向了男人。 Because I saw the interesting thing.” The man chuckle, takes off head hat. Hung on the wall rack conveniently, perhaps our enemies, not only Freemasonry running dog also perhaps.” “因为我看到了有趣的东西。”男人轻笑,摘下头上的帽子。随手挂在了墙边的架子上,“或许我们敌人,不只是共济会的走狗也说不定。” If Xia Shiyu stands in this. On the face certainly will reappear the shocking expression. 如果夏诗雨站在这。脸上一定会浮现震惊的表情。 Because that face under hat, is that to be blown to pieces the suicide impressively. Attacker. 因为帽子下的那张脸,赫然属于那名理应被炸成碎片的自杀.袭击者 He should die was right. 他应该已经死了才对。 ...... …… Because had such matter last night. Above upgraded enough two ranks the Jiang Chen's security classification. Although the driver only has Liu Haotian one person, but Jiang Chen can obviously feel, with his red flag l9 car(riage) may incessantly. 因为昨晚发生了那样的事。上面将江晨的安全级别提高了足足两个级别。虽然司机只有柳浩天一人,但江晨能明显感觉到,跟着他这辆红旗l9的车可不止一辆。 On the street the number of police vehicle were obviously many, above regarding happening is furious at the Yingbin Hotel explosion exceptionally, first even/including is pursuing the responsibility countless related heads. 街道上警车的数量明显多了起来,上头对于发生在迎宾酒店的爆炸案震怒异常,一连着追责了无数相关负责人。 In a cafe, Jiang Chen saw this new CEO candidate. 在一间咖啡厅内,江晨见到了这位新任eo的人选。 At the beginning of Ning Huajian, the original Future 1.0 project section head, was established from Future Technologies is the senior staff who company worked. He who the technicians were born is rigorous steady. Compares own idea the instruction that takes seriously the higher authority to give. Because of once in the reason of company core component Future 1.0 project section work, it was also next to Xia Shiyu regarding the Future Technologies business familiarity. Holds the post of Future Technologies new CEO by him, he can in take over the company business most in a short time, will replace CEO to minimize to the influence that company has. 宁华健,原未来人1.0项目部负责人,算是从未来人科技成立之初就为公司效力的老员工了。技术员出生的他为人严谨稳重。相比起自己的想法更重视上级给出的指示。因为曾在公司核心项目未来人1.0项目部工作的缘故,其对于未来人科技业务熟悉程度也仅次于夏诗雨。由他担任未来人科技新任eo,他能够在最短时间内接手公司的业务,将更换eo公司产生的影响降到最低。 Jiang Chen saw the baggage from his foot, wants came him just to arrive at Capital should shortly, even did not have the hotel that stayed at with enough time. 江晨从他的脚边看到了行李,想来他刚到上京市应该不久,甚至还没来得及去下榻的酒店。 Believes that you have looked at that change of station mail, from now on will hold the post of Future Technologies CEO as well as Area Huaxia Region Supervisor by you, is responsible for the operation of Future Group most important child company Future Technologies. This burden/shoulder pole put on you, hopes that do not disappoint my expectation.” Looks at travel-worn Ning Huajian, Jiang Chen said earnestly. “相信你已经看过那个工作调动的邮件了,今后将由你担任未来人科技eo以及华夏区经理,负责未来人集团最重要的子公司未来人科技的运营。这个担子就放到你身上了,希望你不要辜负我的期望。”看着风尘仆仆的宁华建,江晨认真地说道。 Asked Chairman of the Board to feel relieved. I will certainly not disappoint you.” Supported the chest, the Ning Huajian sound is taking one to shiver because of the excitement. “请董事长放心。我一定不会让您失望。”挺着胸脯,宁华建的声音因为激动而带上了一丝颤抖。 He was also performed high service through hard work in the Future Technologies work, but he has not thought one day can hold the post of CEO this position. After all the Chief Xia working ability and attitude make people impeccable. It is also one of the company founders, and also has talking clearly with Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen relations. 他在未来人科技工作也算是劳苦功高了,但他从来都没想过自己有一天能担任eo这个职位。毕竟夏总的工作能力和态度都让人无可挑剔。本身也是公司的创始人之一,并且还和董事长江晨有着“说不清楚”的关系。 However now, this sudden paper transfer order, made all these become the reality. Xia Shiyu is transferred to group CEO, the vacant position holds the post by project Supervisor Ning Huajian. 然而如今,这突如其来的一纸调令,却让这一切都变成了现实。夏诗雨调任集团eo,空缺职位由项目经理宁华建担任。 Without slightly hesitant, the mail that in the morning receives, he sat to go to the Capital's airplane at noon, in the afternoon then went out of the Capital airport. 没有丝毫犹豫,早上接到的邮件,中午他就坐上了前往上京市的飞机,下午便走出了首都机场。 Looks that clean full Ninghua constructs, Jiang Chen nods. Took out a contract to be placed in his front. 看着干净十足的宁化建,江晨点了点头。取出了一份合同摆在了他的面前。 This is the new work contract, although can also through the way bamboo slip of mail. But I hope can hand over in your hand personally. Therefore, troubled you to run this.” “这是新工作合同,虽然也可以通过邮寄的方式签。但我还是希望能够亲自交到你的手上。所以,麻烦你跑这一趟了。” „It is not troublesome! This is I should do.” Ning Huajian said with a smile. “不麻烦!这是我应该做的。”宁华建笑着说道。 Concrete treatment/salary wrote in the contract. Before the signature, you can first have a look carefully. In addition, don't 1% of Future Technologies year income...... need a look to make the decision as your year-end bonus again?” Saw Ning Huajian to sign own name in the contract, Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “具体的福利待遇都写在合同了。签名之前你可以先仔细看看。除此之外,未来人科技年收益的1%将作为你的年终奖……不需要看看再做决定吗?”见宁华建已经在合同上签下了自己的名字,江晨不由笑着问道。 1% of entire Future Technologies year income! By the Future present profitability, this 1% drawing bonus at least are also over a hundred million US Dollar! 整个未来人科技年收益的1%!以未来人现在的盈利能力来看,这1%的分红起码也是上亿美金 Does not use! I believe Chairman of the Board.” Returns to normal the rapid breath, Ning Huajian hehe is smiling, placed the ball pen one side. “不用了!我相信董事长。”平复着急促的呼吸,宁华建呵呵地笑着,将圆珠笔放在了一边。 If signs the contract with others, under Ning Huajian definitely attention. However, but with he signs the contract Jiang Chen, the Chinese richest family of Forbes wealth list nomination, the market value counts 100 billion big company Chairman of the Board, his immediate superior! He really cannot find out, Jiang Chen will have to suppose the contract trap pit his reason. 要是和别人签合同,宁华建肯定会注意下。不过和他签合同的可是江晨,福布斯财富榜提名的华人首富,市值数千亿公司董事长,他的顶头上司!他实在想不出,江晨会有设合同陷阱坑他的理由。 Let alone, Jiang Chen handed over in such important position his hand, had fully displayed him to his trust. But at this moment Ning Huajian does, just through the practical action, responded to his trust. 更何况,江晨把如此重要的职位交到了他的手上,已经充分表现了他对他的信任。而宁华建此刻所做的,也只不过是通过实际行动,回应他的这份信任罢了。 Jiang Chen hehe smiles, received in two contracts own that. 江晨呵呵笑了笑,接过了两份合同中属于自己的那份。 Ok, little patted my ass-licking. Starting today, you were Future Technologies new CEO. Other I was not many said, the head of Future 1.0 project section, you hurried to arrange a competent person for you. This is the Future Technologies key project, not being able to allow the least bit to be careless.” “行了,少拍我马屁。从今天开始,你就是未来人科技的新任eo了。别的我不多说,未来人1.0项目部的负责人,你赶紧安排个能干的人替你。这可是未来人科技的重点项目,容不得半点马虎。” Relax, when I go back to arrange this matter immediately!” “放心,等我回去就立刻安排这事!” Then exhorted Ning Huajian several in work, Jiang Chen encouraged to pat his shoulder, then said goodbye with him. 接着又在工作方面嘱咐了宁华建几句,江晨鼓励地拍了拍他的肩膀,然后便与他告辞了。 Outside the cafe, Liu Haotian glanced the eye with Ning Huajian that he brushed past, then fished out the car(riage) key to move toward that red flag l9. Before long, Jiang Chen also from the cafe, walked toward him. 咖啡馆外,柳浩天瞟了眼与他擦肩而过的宁华建,然后摸出了车钥匙走向了那辆红旗l9。不一会儿,江晨也从咖啡馆中走了出来,向他这边走来。 A moment ago that was Future Technologies new CEO?” “刚才那位就是未来人科技的新eo?” Right, later will be responsible for contacting with you by him. Naturally, this news is not public to the outside world temporarily, finished before the visit, but also looks at you to keep secret.” By the copilot position, Jiang Chen said. “没错,以后会由他负责与你们接触。当然,这个消息暂时还没有对外界公开,直到访问行程结束之前,还望你能够保密。”靠在了副驾驶位上,江晨说道。 Trustworthy?” Liu Haotian started the automobile, grins to smile. “信得过吗?”柳浩天发动了汽车,咧嘴笑了笑。 After all this involves grey transaction between Liu Family and Future Group, if leaks out, although the Liu Family strength has been able to depress the matter, but after all is a troublesome scandal. 毕竟这涉及到柳家未来人集团之间的灰色交易,若是泄露出去,虽然已柳家的实力可以把事情压下,但终归是个麻烦的丑闻。 Untrustworthy words, will I give him such big company?” Selected the eyebrow, Jiang Chen asked. “信不过的话,我会把这么大的公司交给他吗?”挑了挑眉毛,江晨反问道。 Seemed like accepts the Jiang Chen's view, Liu Haotian had not said anything again. 似乎是接受了江晨的说法,柳浩天没再多说什么。 Starts the automobile, drives- to the direction of hotel 发动汽车,向酒店的方向驶去- ( The monthly ticket list is really the rich man plays, this I was convinced by chrysanthemum burst. 1000 tickets...... I am poor, truly cannot afford. brothers, we at least preserve first four! Two days have also had the eruption, for serveral days the class were many, but my trying hard code will come out!)( To be continued.) (月票榜果然是有钱人玩的,这被爆.菊我服气。1000票……我穷,确实买不起。兄弟们,我们至少保住前四吧!过两天还有爆发哦,这些天课很多,但我会努力码出来的!)(未完待续。)
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