IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#556: Strong statement

Ahead of time leaves the stage? 提前退场? Everyone on the scene was shocked, they also not from the Jiang Chen words, with present aggressive recovers to the field. 在场的所有人都惊呆了,他们还没有从江晨刚才的话,和现在的霸气离场中回过神来。 This is not company internal conference, this is relates to the two countries'economic and trade cooperations the commercial forum! Although Huaxin cooperation and exchange domain, not only Internet, no matter what who knows, Internet is the first in addition climax in this commercial forum. 这可不是什么公司内部会议,这可是关系到两国经贸合作的商务论坛!虽然华新合作交流的领域不只是互联网,但任谁都知道,互联网才是这次商务论坛中的首场外加重头戏。 The speech that although Li Yanhong offends has the mistake in first, but was this Jiang Chen's response rather extremely also excited? So not mature the action, appears in such situation, is really some does not conform to his cross Guodajituan Chairman of the Board status. The courage and uprightness and temperament that are boorish fellows, but should not belong merchant who seeks the cooperation...... 虽然李严宏冒犯的发言有错在先,但这江晨的反应也未免太过激动了吧?如此不“成熟”的举动,出现在这样的场合,实在是有些不符合他跨国大集团董事长的身份。血性和脾气那都是莽夫的,而不应该属于寻求合作的商人…… However is this Jiang Chen is not really mature? 然而这真的是江晨“不成熟”吗? Actually yesterday, he and Prime Minister Liu talk mentioned this issue. 其实早在昨天,他与柳相国的谈话就提到了这个问题。 Tomorrow's business meeting, under your attention Li Yanhong this person.” “明天的商务会谈,你注意下李严宏这个人。” Li Yanhong? I have not remembered incorrectly, should be Baidu Company executive. What's wrong, what issue does he have?” 李严宏?我没记错,应该是白度公司老总。怎么,他有什么问题吗?” Does not have the issue, the Baidu Company always politics. Correct . Moreover the backstage is stable,” carried the teacup to sip the mouth, Prime Minister Liu narrowed the eye leisurely and carefree, „was also therefore, he will not be perhaps friendly to you.” “没问题,白度公司一向政治.正确,而且后台稳固,”端起茶杯抿了口,柳相国似是悠闲地眯了眯眼,“不过也正是因此,他对你恐怕不会友善。” Can say in detail?” “可以详细说说吗?” Won't be fully correct by your slyness?” Prime Minister Liu put down the teacup with a laugh. “以你的狡猾会猜不透?”柳相国笑呵呵地放下了茶杯。 Sly? If Ok, really hopes that you can trade a name.” Jiang Chen said reluctantly. “狡猾吗?如果可以,真希望您能换个称呼。”江晨无奈地说道。 Ok, the boy, can call it the sly person is not many by me.”, The old person was gathering that withered eyelid slightly, opens the mouth to say slowly, simple said that above person to your view some differences.” “行了,小子,能被我称之为狡猾的人可不多。”顿了顿,老人微微合着那干枯的眼皮,缓缓地开口道,“简单的说,上面的人对你的看法有些分歧。” appreciate further details.” Jiang Chen asked modestly. 愿闻其详。”江晨谦虚地问道。 Perhaps is the reason that because both sides have formed an alliance, Prime Minister Liu has not made anything to conceal. Said directly: Few people believe, should the Future Group technical nationalization, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, have that anything nutrition mixture and seabed mining after all. These may be the good things of being beneficial to the nation and to the people.” 或许是因为双方已经结盟的缘故,柳相国没有做什么隐瞒。径直开口说:“一部分人认为,应该把未来人集团的技术收归国有,毕竟人工智能虚拟实境、还有那什么营养合剂海底采矿。这些可都是利国利民的好东西。” Hears the Prime Minister Liu words, Jiang Chen has not felt many surprise. Although always the China aspect has nothing to express. But he does not think that they will know nothing about Future Group. 听到柳相国的话,江晨并没有感到过多的诧异。虽然一直以来华国方面都没有任何表示。但他不认为他们会对未来人集团一无所知。 „The nutrition mixture words, you must be interested we to cooperate. However seabed mining...... this may be somewhat difficult. After all we have agreement non-proliferation this/should technology with BHP Group, conflicts with International Mining Giant directly, to us this risk was somewhat big.” 营养合剂的话,你要感兴趣我们可以合作。不过海底采矿嘛……这个恐怕有些困难。毕竟我们已经和bhp集团有协议不扩散该技术,与国际矿业巨头正面冲突,对我们来说这风险还是有些大了。” The seabed mining technology should be most attractive to China, its attraction even can exceed Virtual Reality Technology. After all this gadget also has to strengthen the Sea Power strategic significance, but the Virtual Reality military value is far less than the civilian field. 海底采矿技术应该是对华国最有吸引力的,其吸引力甚至可以胜过虚拟实境技术。毕竟这玩意儿还有着强化海权的战略意义,而虚拟实境的军用价值远不如民用领域。 However Prime Minister Liu does not seem to intertwine this, but glanced Jiang Chen one, then says. 不过柳相国似乎并没有纠结这点,只是瞟了江晨一眼,接着开口说道。 Another faction person thinks. This is the approach of killing the chicken to get the eggs, anything grasps in the hand is. If Linhua Group had not resorted to the irregular means initially, shears the Future Technologies meat taking advantage of the SASAC blade, perhaps will not expel you.” “另一派人则认为。这是杀鸡取卵的做法,什么都抓在手里是。如果当初林华集团没有动用不正当手段,借国资委的刀割未来人科技的肉,或许就不会把你们逼走。” I did not deny this.” The Jiang Chen nod said. “我不否认这点。”江晨点头道。 Just as he said that if not sneaking a look of Wang Family, he will not walk. However on the other hand, Future Group started to walk the step of expansion after it walks, because did not have the fetters of these rules, it can grow present this lofty tree. 正如他所说的,如果不是王家的窥觑,他根本不会走。不过话又说回来了,未来人集团迈开扩张的步子正是在它走出去之后,正是因为没有了那些条条框框的束缚,它才能成长成如今这颗参天大树。 Wanghai Wang Family that you know is this first part, but Li Yanhong back supporter. Also belongs to that faction. In the business meeting, he will create difficulties.” “你认识的望海王家就属于这第一部分的,而李严宏背后的支持者。恰好也属于那一派。在商务会谈上,想必他会从中做梗。” Creates difficulties, what can he make?” Jiang Chen asked. “从中做梗,他又能做些什么呢?”江晨问道。 He will not do anything out of the ordinary. Asked at most at the meeting lets your embarrassed issue, tests your bottom line. But at this time, you need to display enough strong.” Prime Minister Liu said lightly. “他不会做些什么出格的事。顶多在会上问些让你难堪的问题,试探你的底线。而这时,你需要表现的足够强硬。”柳相国淡淡地说道。 Strong? I understood.” Jiang Chen understands clearly said. “强硬吗?我明白了。”江晨了然道。 Although Liu Family is the head of Aristocratic Family, but political arena of this Republic not all by these red. The aristocrats assume full responsibility. Although Liu Family is willing to act as the Future Group protective umbrella, but Prime Minister Liu has no way to disregard these position is not inferior in the opinion of his colleagues. 柳家虽是世家之首,但这共和国的政坛可是不全都是由这些红色.贵族包揽。虽然柳家愿意充当未来人集团的保护伞,但柳相国也没法无视那些地位不逊色于他的同僚们的意见。 He needs a turning point, but this turning point is provided by Jiang Chen, is strong statement of Future Group on Business Cooperation Forum. 他需要一个契机,而这个契机得由江晨来提供,也就是未来人集团商务合作论坛上的强硬表态。 Here has a major premise is, the person who these repel Future Group this outcomer, does not repel the Future Technologies technology. Future Technologies and Google are different. Baidu absorbed the Google technology, pats two to disperse with not obedient Google to China has no influence. But Future Technologies is different. Its technology does not have replaceable. 这里有个大前提是,那些排斥未来人集团这个外来者的人,并不排斥未来人科技的技术。未来人科技谷歌不同。白度吸收了谷歌的技术,和不听话的谷歌一拍两散对华国没有任何影响。但未来人科技却不同。它的技术具有不可代替性。 Really must have a falling out with Future Group directly, they do not give up. Because this does not serve their benefits. Therefore this Li Yanhong possibly as well as behind pulling strings of person taking own standpoint, feels embarrassed Jiang Chen at the meeting, to probe his bottom line. But how regardless to probe, he will not have a falling out with Jiang Chen absolutely truly. 真要和未来人集团直接闹翻了,他们也不舍得。因为这并不符合他们的利益。所以这李严宏可能会出于自己的立场以及背后之人的指使,在会上为难江晨,以试探他的底线。但无论怎么试探,他绝对不会真正和江晨闹翻。 Therefore, so long as in certain limit, Jiang Chen's responded that is strong, the Liu Family that side when negotiated with the colleague will also be easier. 因此,只要在一定限度内,江晨的反应越是强硬,柳家那边在与同僚交涉的时候也会更容易。 Even if did not consider that Virtual Reality Technology this, immediately, China side that gradually elevates temperature in the regional situation does not want to be worth cooperating Dictator that to compel too tightly this. In this regard, the above person reached the agreement. 哪怕不考虑虚拟实境技术这块儿,在地区局势逐渐升温的当下,华方也不想将这个值得合作的独裁者逼得太紧。关于这一点,上面的人还是达成了共识的。 Sees Jiang Chen so sensibly, the Prime Minister Liu applause nods, cracks a joke to say. 江晨如此“懂事”,柳相国赞许地点了点头,开玩笑道。 I favored you more and more. How or did I introduce my niece to you?” “我越来越看好你了。要不我把我侄女介绍给你如何?” This...... considers as finished, I could not have dealt with.” Jiang Chen touches the nose, the forced smile said. “这个……还是算了吧,我已经应付不过来了。”江晨摸了摸鼻子,苦笑道。 Sees the Jiang Chen rejection, although on the Prime Minister Liu face is disgruntled, but did not have to say anything, but was cold the face to taunt the sentence. 江晨拒绝,柳相国脸上虽是不悦,但也没就此多说什么,只是冷着脸挖苦了句。 „, Under the young people attention is quite healthy, do not wait to know the regret old.” “呵,年轻人还是多注意下身体比较好,别等老了才知道后悔。” Regarding taunting of old person, Jiang Chen shrugs. 对于老人的挖苦,江晨只是耸了耸肩。 I will pay attention.” “我会注意的。” ...... …… As if expects Jiang Chen to leave the stage ahead of time, when he walks out of the front door, Liu Haotian is waiting under the staircase. 仿佛是料到江晨会提前退场,当他跨出大门的时候,柳浩天正等候在楼梯下。 Finished up quickly?” “这么快就完事儿了?” Fails to agree. Walks, before returning to hotel, I need you to lead me to go to a place.” Leaves behind these words, Jiang Chen walks toward the direction of garage directly. “话不投机。走吧,在回酒店之前,我需要你带我去个地方。”留下这句话,江晨径直向车库的方向走去。 Evening performance? I know many fun places, but on this day also not black, really doesn't have the issue?” “夜场吗?我知道不少好玩的地方,不过这天还没黑,真的没问题?” Go away!” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. “滚!”江晨笑骂道。 Jiang Chen can also reach any specific agreement in the business meeting hopelessly, the signal of this/should transmission has transmitted, therefore leaves the stage ahead of time also no difference. The only trouble is, he does not show due respect for the feelings approach to be denounced. But reason that he will do that can also put the blame on is Baidu Company harboring evil intentions. 原本江晨也没指望能在商务会谈上达成什么具体的协议,该传达的信号已经传达了,所以提前退场也没什么差别。唯一的麻烦就是,他“不给面子的做法”或许会被人诟病。但他之所以会这么做的原因,也可以归咎为白度公司的“不怀好意”。 Let alone, for that every year ten several hundreds of millions US Dollar, Liu Family should still polish even the buttocks for him, therefore this does not need him excessively to be worried much. 更何况,就算是为了那每年十数亿的美金,柳家也会替他把屁股擦干净,所以这点也无需他过多担心。 I guess you leave the field time, the Li Yanhong expression should be very splendid.” After sitting boards, holds the steering wheel, Liu Haotian with the tone of cracking a joke was saying. “我猜你离场的时候,李严宏的表情应该很精彩。”坐上车后,扶着方向盘,柳浩天用开玩笑的语气说道。 What is more splendid is Pan Feng, but offends him is is not quite a little good?” “更精彩的是潘峰,不过得罪他是不是有点不太好?” All right, although he is Ministry Grade, but no real power. In the standpoint, he should be the fair middle-of-the-roaders. Under perhaps your worry hundred degrees celsius, he will might as well move from the home page of search engine you.” Liu Haotian ridicules to say. “没事,他虽然是个部级,但没什么实权。在立场上,他应该属于中规中矩的中间派。你不妨担心下百度,他没准会把你从搜索引擎的首页挪下来。”柳浩天揶揄道。 Only if he is glad to see, all attires the Future 1.0 cell phone is unable to search with Baidu.” By the cushion, Jiang Chen bent the curved spit corner/horn with no fear. “除非他乐意看到,所有装了未来人1.0的手机都无法用白度搜索。”靠在坐垫上,江晨毫无惧色地弯了弯嘴角。 This car(riage) has not started out two kilometers, Jiang Chen then receives the Ali company call, the opposite party hoped to buy the project to start the cooperation on Virtual Reality Net. 这车还没开出两公里,江晨便接到了阿里公司的电话,对方表示希望就虚拟实境网购项目展开合作。 Just as he expected, even if the business meeting parts on bad terms, but the attraction of Future Technologies technology did not worry no one looks. Not only Ali, then telephones also has the penguin, 361...... as well as at the meeting proud tender Baidu. 正如他所预料的,就算商务会谈不欢而散,但未来人科技本身技术的吸引力还是不愁没人来找。不只是阿里,接着打电话来的还有企鹅,361……以及在会上傲娇的白度 Regarding these potential collaborators or the competitors, Jiang Chen has not promised anything immediately, but expressed after and other Future Technologies new CEO take office, with will speak in detail by him the matter of cooperation. 对于这些潜在的合作者或竞争者,江晨没有当即许诺什么,而是表示等未来人科技新任eo上任之后,会由他与诸位详谈合作之事。 The Jiang Chen's words make various company that telephones represent obviously stare. 江晨的话让打电话来的各公司代表明显一愣。 Can Future Technologies trade CEO? 未来人科技要换eo This is a serious news! 这可是个不得了的新闻! Who in everyone when guess next CEO can be, in a cafe, Jiang Chen saw this Future Technologies that under is recommended by Xia Shiyu, no matter what CEO. 就在所有人都在猜测下一任eo会是谁时,在一间咖啡厅内,江晨见到了这位由夏诗雨推荐的未来人科技下任eo Then, before this person him, has seen several.( To be continued.) 说起来,这个人他以前还见过几面。(未完待续。)
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