IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#555: Who monopolizes?

Indoor the discussion, dozens eyes gathered on Jiang Chen's again. Detected that in Li Yanhong eye wiped arrogantly, Jiang Chen understands clearly his idea immediately. 会谈室内,数十双眼睛再次聚集到了江晨的身上。察觉到了李严宏眼中的那抹倨傲,江晨立刻了然了他的想法。 Indoor the discussion may official, not only the professional and drinks tea, side is standing the reporter may carry the camera to wait for him to open the mouth. At this time if had stage fright, without doubt made Future Technologies fell Baidu Company below become. 会谈室内可不只是业内人士和喝茶的官员,旁边站着的记者可都扛着摄像头等着他开口呢。这时候要是怯场,无疑就让未来人科技落了白度公司的下成。 Chairman of the Board as Future Group, Jiang Chen will certainly not make such matter happen. Although no preparation about what Internet future draft, but he thought deeply about the moment slightly, smiled to stand up the body. 身为未来人集团董事长,江晨当然不会让这样的事发生。虽然没有准备关于什么互联网未来的稿子,但他略微思索了片刻,还是微笑着站起了身来。 Because does not know that should use what prologue is quite appropriate, Jiang Chen then first clears throat, simultaneously organized the language in the brain. 因为不知道该用什么开场白比较合适,江晨便先清了清嗓子,同时在脑中组织起了语言。 Hears two to cough lightly, not only these cannot name the character internet company executive, both Chief Ma fished out the notebook. 听到两声轻咳,不只是那些叫不出名字的互联网公司老总,就连两位马总都摸出了笔记本。 Sees this, Jiang Chen blushes with shame thinks in the heart. 见到这一幕,江晨不由汗颜地在心中想到。 As for? I coughed two. 至于吗?我就是咳了两声。 That, since Mr. Li invited, then I do not decline.” “那么,既然李先生邀请,那么我也就不推辞了。” „The future about Internet, I only discussed that”, Jiang Chen raised up a finger, innovation.” “关于互联网的未来,我就只谈一点吧,”顿了顿,江晨竖起了一根手指,“创新。” Recording that brushes writes down the sound to get up, making Jiang Chen somewhat self-satisfied, somewhat is ashamed. What make his self-satisfied is, these unattainable Internet big shot, were burying head picture student to result at this moment listen attentively to his opinion. But what is ashamed, these opinions that then he must speak, but he is on site to display casually arranges randomly. 刷刷的记笔记声响起,让江晨不禁有些得意,也不由有些惭愧。让他得意的是,这些原本高不可攀的互联网大佬们,此刻正埋着头像个学生似得倾听他的见解。而惭愧的是,接下来他所要讲的那些见解,只是他临场发挥随便乱编的。 From p2p to o2o, the Internet technology had penetrated each domain to the infiltration that we lived. In the surface this is the evolution of social behavior, but in the final analysis, their births must give credit to the innovation. But what is the driving force of innovation?” “从p2p到o2o,互联网技术对我们生活的渗透已经深入了各个领域。表面上这是社会行为的演变,但归根结底,它们的诞生还得归功于创新。而创新的原动力是什么?” Took a fast look around Internet big shot present, looks on their faces that appearance with total concentration, the Jiang Chen corners of the mouth brought back a curve, raised up the second finger. 扫视了一圈在座的互联网大佬们,看着他们脸上那聚精会神的模样,江晨嘴角不由勾起了一丝弧度,竖起了第二根指头。 Is the technology.” “是技术。” Promotion of any new technology, means a birth of new market. For example the technology of Future 1.0 promotion hardware operating efficiency, expedited app and hand of roaming large quantities of high deployment requirement. For example Virtual Reality Technology, will soon open the Virtual World front door. Here. I am not showing off the Future Technologies technology, but is elaborating such a fact. Undeniably, other factors regarding a company importance. But what I want to say that decided Future Technologies and even entire Future Group now the market niche. Also is not the marketing means is not relations in the business, is the technology......” “任何一项新技术的推出,都意味着一个新市场的诞生。比如未来人1.0提升硬件运行效率的技术,催生了一大批高配置需求的app、手游。比如虚拟实境技术,即将打开虚拟世界的大门。在这里。我不是在炫耀未来人科技的技术,而是在阐述这么一个事实。不可否认,其它因素对于一个公司的重要性。但我想说的是,决定了未来人科技乃至整个未来人集团如今市场地位的。既不是营销手段也不是什么生意上的关系,正是技术……” Jiang Chen was only the plan said two casually, but this phonograph opened, dozen minutes in an instant on the past. Major principle that without speaking anything is difficult to understand, is only why on Future Technologies can from an original capital 500,000 small business. Develops in one and a half years by the Wall Street crazily estimate value is to count 100 billion US Dollar printing press. 原本江晨只是打算随便说两句,不过这话匣子一打开,十几分钟的时间转眼间就过去了。没有讲些什么难懂的大道理,只是就未来人科技为何能从一家初始资本不过五十万的小企业。在一年半的时间内发展成被华尔街疯狂地估值为数千亿美金印钞机 Perhaps is because the Jiang Chen's words really gave the inspirations in audience certain aspects on the scene, perhaps is because humanity inborn to successful study no immunity. 或许是因为江晨的话真的给予了在场听众某些方面的启发,亦或许是因为人类天生就对成功学没有什么免疫力。 In brief, that the audience present listen to called deluded. 总而言之,在座的听众听的那叫一个如痴如醉。 When his speech end, indoor the discussion bursts into the warm applause immediately! 当他的讲话结束,会谈室内立刻爆发出了热烈的掌声! Jiang Chen sat down, smiles is looking to Li Yanhong. However makes Jiang Chen be what is surprised, he has not seen from the face of this Baidu executive disappointedly and so on look, finds the happy expression of wiping...... works on the contrary? 江晨坐下,微笑着看向了李严宏。然而让江晨感到意外的是,他并没有从这位白度老总的脸上看见失望之类的神色,反倒是瞧见了一抹……得逞的笑意? The applause stopped gradually, sees only Li Yanhong to stand up again, smiles is looking to Jiang Chen. 掌声渐停,只见李严宏再次站起身来,微笑着看向了江晨 Very excellent speech, I approve of your viewpoint.”, Li looked to the media of discussion room surrounding , to continue to deduct that styles of makeup smile, said, science and technology is the humanity progressive stair, because of the science and technology, our tomorrow will be happier. As Chairman of the Board of Internet enterprise, I think that Internet mental is the share. Then Mr. Jiang Chen, you wants for your motherland advances into Internet Great Nation, receives the selflessness of share and common progress. To China enterprise public your company Virtual Reality Technology?” “非常出色的演讲,我个人非常赞同你的观点。”顿了顿,李总看向了会谈室外围的媒体,继续演绎着那脸谱般的微笑,说道,“科技是人类进步的台阶,因为科技,我们的明天会更美好。作为一家互联网企业的董事长,我认为互联网精神是分享。那么江晨先生,你愿意为了你的祖国跻身互联网大国,秉承分享与共同进步的无私。向华国企业公开贵公司虚拟实境技术吗?” Discussed indoor atmosphere to be subtle immediately. 会谈室内的气氛顿时微妙了起来。 Some Ministry of Economy and Trade Minister Pan Feng surprise looked to Li Yanhong, but the Internet enterprise representative and reporter on the scene were anticipated looked to Jiang Chen. Ma Huateng looked at Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen liangs eye careless secretly, keeps silent. He cannot comprehend Baidu to play such a is what meaning. 经贸部部长潘峰有些诧异的看向了李严宏,而在场的互联网企业代表和记者则是期待地看向了江晨马华腾漫不经心地偷瞄了江晨眼,默不作声。他搞不懂白度玩这么一手是什么意思。 Under the gaze of innumerable say/way line of sight, Jiang Chen opens the mouth slowly. 在无数道视线的注视下,江晨缓缓开了口。 With all due respect. Will Mr. Li be generous others the indignant behavior, the manages is called the share?” “恕我直言。难道李先生将慷他人之慨的行为,管叫做分享?” Li Yanhong obviously gawked, why he has not expected Jiang Chen to say suddenly, but quick then reflected, smiles is dealing saying that of course not. You misunderstood the meaning that I said. I refer, you can through the way of registration patent, with receive in exchange for the technical protection publicly, to using company of this/should technology gathers royalties. Then not only ensured the your company benefit, and facilitated the China Internet enterprise to enter the Virtual Reality market fairly, you why not?” 李严宏明显愣了下,他没有料到江晨为何会突然这么说,但很快便反映了过来,微笑着应对道,“当然不是。您误会我说的意思了。我指的是,你可以通过注册专利的方式,用公开换取技术保护,对使用该技术的公司收取专利费。如此一来既保证了贵公司的利益,又方便了华国互联网企业能够公平地进入虚拟实境市场,你又何乐而不为呢?” These two words saying ended, two hats buckled solidly on the Jiang Chen's head. Generous, a love. Country. If rejected, was equal to overturning these two hats. Between both has nothing to do obviously, but the actually actually existed logic related one. This with network in popular you are so rich, why doesn't donate money?”, Xxxx, does not transfer is not Chinese.” These two words have the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 这两番话一说完,两顶帽子就扣实在了江晨的脑袋上。一顶慷慨,一顶爱.国。若是拒绝了,就等于打翻了这两顶帽子。明明两者之间毫不相干,但却硬是被不存在的逻辑联系到了一起。这就和网络上流行的“你这么有钱,为什么不捐款?”、“xxxx,不转不是华国人。”这两句话有异曲同工之妙。 You have the leading technology, why doesn't take to share with us? 你有领先世界的技术,为什么不拿出来与我们分享? I reject.” “我拒绝。” Li Yanhong was shocked, was also shocked in the Internet entrepreneurs of sitting, nearby reporter was also shocked. Although they do not believe that because Jiang Chen 2~3 words hand over the technology, but has not actually thought that such simple that Jiang Chen can reject, does not perform any to cultivate the excuse plasters tactfully. 李严宏愣住了,在坐的互联网企业家们也愣住了,旁边的记者也愣住了。虽然他们自己也不怎么相信,江晨会因为两三句话将技术交出来,但却也没有想到,江晨会拒绝的如此干脆,以至于不加以任何修饰词进行委婉地粉饰。 You are the monopoly, abuses the market dominant position hindrance technology advancement. Do you determine to like this?” Li Yanhong said. “你这是垄断,乱用市场支配地位阻碍技术进步。你确定要这样吗?”李严宏说道。 Heard his words, Jiang Chen hā hā laughed suddenly. 听到他的话,江晨突然哈哈大笑了起来。 Monopoly? Abuses the market dominant position? These words by you really? Mr. Li.” “垄断?乱用市场支配地位?这句话由你来说真的好吗?李先生。” Why can't by me?” In the Li Yanhong eye flashes through wipes angrily, but the complexion as usual, did the wrong thing as before “为什么不能由我来说?”李严宏眼中闪过一抹恼怒,但脸色依旧如常,“难道做了错事还不让人” Business post. Peddles the search rank, the false medical advertisement, invades to the copyright unscrupulously. Suspects, because some stationmaster's 1~2 sentence accusation on scarf, directly those who block others' website...... you to do in the search clause maintains market Order? Hehe, we did not say other. Please tell me, Mr. Li. Same matter. Do you dare to do in your country? Takes Li, I of green card, do you dare to answer my issue?” “买卖贴.吧,兜售搜索排行,虚假医疗广告,对版权肆无忌惮地侵.犯,因为某站长在围脖上一两句指责,直接在搜索条目屏蔽别人的网站……你干的是都是维持市场秩序?呵呵,咱们不说别的。请告诉我,李先生。同样的事。你敢在你自己的国家做吗?拿着绿卡的李某人,你敢回答我的问题吗?” Looks straight ahead the Li Yanhong eyes, Jiang Chen was saying one word at a time. 直视着李严宏地双眼,江晨一字一顿地说道。 The scandal was suspended to the floor in suddenly, Li Yanhong that accomplished a task with ease reveals immediately. Had/Left the distressed expression. 丑事突然被摆到台面上,原本游刃有余的李严宏顿时露.出了狼狈的表情。 This is the slander. Your expression that in public places please note, if reported that mistake, you are responsible!” “这是诽谤。在公众场合请注意的你的言辞,如果报道出了差错,你可是要负责任的!” That, please one by one fact that refuted me to exhibit.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “那么,请你逐条反驳我摆出的事实。”江晨微笑道。 Does not need to refute! Our company all behaviors are right, we have not fallen into the big lawsuit. Has proven this point!” A Li Yanhong belt/bring crossed the matter of green card. He has been hiding this matter very much carefully, although this in industry is not secret, but suspends to the floor is the influence is not good after all. “根本不用反驳!我们公司的一切行为正当合法,我们至今没有陷入大官司中。已经证明了这一点!”李严宏一笔带过了绿卡的事。他一直很小心地藏着这件事,虽然这在业内并不是什么秘密,但摆到台面上终归是影响不好。 Jiang Chen smiles suddenly, this time smiling previous time was actually more open. 江晨突然又笑了笑起来,这次笑的倒是比上次开朗多了。 You, you smile anything!” Li Yanhong became flushed the face, distressed said/tunnel. “你,你笑什么!”李严宏涨红了脸,狼狈地道。 This involves another joke, but does not facilitate saying that I was not many say.” Jiang Chen to/clashes Pan Feng to nod with a smile, the latter moved out of the way the line of sight, the former moved the line of sight returned to Li Yanhong. „The Future Technologies technology researches and develops for the enterprise completely independently, its technology takes the enterprise secret to be reasonable. As for monopoly that you said that I want to ask actually, what the definition of monopoly is, your is Baidu the monopoly?” “这涉及到另一个笑话,但不方便讲,我就不多说了。”江晨笑着冲潘峰点了点头,后者挪开了视线,前者将视线挪回到了李严宏地身上。“未来人科技的技术全部为企业独立研发,其技术作为企业秘密合理合法。至于你说的垄断,我倒是想问问,垄断的定义是什么,你们白度算不算垄断?” Definition of monopoly? Hehe, the Mr. Jiang enterprise does is so big, but must many study study laws be good. The definition of monopoly naturally must look at the market share. As for us, we are not the monopoly, the search engine continue certainly my one. I am doing, you can also certainly do. Whom I have not utilized my market niche to forbid to do. We by the powerful user coherency, are just relying on the user to our faith, obtained the present market niche.” Li quibbled. “垄断的定义?呵呵,江先生企业做的这么大,还得多学学法律才行。垄断的定义自然是得看市场份额。至于我们,我们当然不算垄断,搜索引擎不止我一家。我在做,你当然也可以做。我没有运用自己的市场地位禁止谁去做。我们只不过是凭借强大的用户粘性,凭借着用户对我们的信赖,取得了如今的市场地位。”李某狡辩道。 I have to utilize the Future Technologies market niche, forbidding you to design, studies, sells own Virtual Reality product?” Jiang Chen asked interestingly. Ten fingers on knee overlapping, I know that you start the holding domestic VR enterprise, prepares to straddle zones makes the hardware and content simultaneously, unveils own VR product again at the same time implements Broad Entertainment Strategy, these I know. But you cannot, because is not as skillful as others, accuses us to constitute the monopoly unilaterally. Disturbance market? You depend upon the coherency that mounts the flour gruel, we depend upon the technical and user User Experience, you can assert that you are nobler?” “那我有运用未来人科技的市场地位,禁止你们去设计、去研究、去销售自己的虚拟实境产品了吗?”江晨饶有兴趣地问道。十指在膝盖上交叉,“我知道你们开始控股国内vr企业,准备跨界同时做硬件与内容,再推出自己的vr产品的同时实行泛娱乐战略,这些我都知道。但你们不能因为技不如人,就单方面地指责我们构成垄断。干扰市场吧?你们依靠黏糊糊的粘性,我们依靠技术和用户体验,你就能断言你们更高尚吗?” You!” Li Yanhong rises to blush, for a while is at a loss for words unable to say the rebuttal words. “你!”李严宏涨红着脸,一时语塞而说不出反驳的话来。 Monopoly, the transnational big enterprise in the world more or less touches on slightly with the monopoly, some people formed the monopoly through the advanced technology, some people through customer are God the operation concept formed the monopoly, some people rely on the unreplaceable characteristics. But how regardless to say, they are the monopolies that under the market competition forms. Here first did not discuss me, chatted you to be good. Li, I, you feel your conscience, you dare to say are one monopoly that under the market competition forms? The monopoly of Baidu Company, to this market is benign?” “垄断,全世界的跨国大企业或多或少都与垄断沾边,有的人是通过先进的技术形成了垄断,有的人是通过‘顾客就是上帝’的经营理念形成了垄断,有人则是凭借自身无可替代的特点。但无论怎么说,他们都是市场竞争下形成的垄断。这里先不谈我,就谈谈你好了。李某人,你摸着自己的良心,你敢说自己是市场竞争下形成的垄断吗?白度公司的垄断,对这个市场而言就是良性的吗?” The Li Yanhong face rose the liver colored, the Jiang Chen's words made him have nothing to say in reply. Chief Ma also planned the help/gang to back up a moment ago, may sweep eye nearby media, actually welling up swallows back to the words of mouth. 李严宏地脸涨成了猪肝色,江晨的话让他无言以对。刚才马总还打算帮帮腔,可扫了眼旁边的媒体,硬是把涌到嘴边的话咽了回去。 Sat was really unable to continue watching in chief Pan Feng, coughed awkwardly lightly the sound. 坐在首席的潘峰实在是看不下去了,尴尬地轻咳了声。 „Under two please sit down, our is seeks the cooperation, rather than seeks for the difference. The Baidu aspect hopes that Future Technologies provides Virtual Reality Technology, stands in his standpoint this indisputable. Future Technologies rejected the Baidu Company proposal, this also indisputable. Hopes following talk can conduct in the friendly atmosphere, the media do not make the derivation report.” Looked at media reporter one eyes on the scene meaningfully, Pan Feng had not said, took back the line of sight. “两位还是请坐下吧,我们这是来寻求合作的,而不是来寻找分歧的。白度方面希望未来人科技提供虚拟实境技术,站在他的立场上这点无可厚非。未来人科技拒绝了白度公司的提案,这点也无可厚非。希望诸位接下来的谈话能在友好的氛围中进行,媒体也勿对此做衍生报道。”意味深长地看了在场的媒体记者一眼,潘峰没有多说,收回了视线。 Such a was stirred to gather by two people oppositionally, the lively atmosphere somewhat was awkward immediately. 被两人针锋相对地这么一搅合,原本热闹的氛围顿时有些尴尬了。 Ma Huateng stood up, coughed, prepared to act as Peacemaker character, „, the discussion continued 马华腾站起身来,咳了咳,准备充当和事佬角色,“那么,会谈就继续” „The matter about Virtual Reality cooperation project, I only said.” Jiang Chen stood up, interrupts the Chief Ma words, the look was facing complexion pale Li Yanhong indifferently, collaborator welcome, creating a scene, do your best.” “关于虚拟实境项目合作的事,我只说一点。”江晨站起身来,打断了马总的话,神色淡然地面对着脸色铁青的李严宏,“合作者欢迎,无理取闹者,好自为之。” Then, no matter also dumbfounded volume three giant executive and media reporters on the scene, Jiang Chen leaves in a huff.( To be continued.) 说完,也不管目瞪口呆额三巨头老总和在场的媒体记者,江晨拂袖而去。(未完待续。)
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