IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#554: Had a strong lineup business meeting

Although Jiang Chen has not put forward any condition, but Liu Haotian indicated, this Liu Family owes him one, and will express certainly also this sentiment. 虽说江晨没有提任何条件,但柳浩天还是表示,这次柳家欠他一个人情,并表示一定会还这个情。 However regarding the promise of Liu Haotian, Jiang Chen simply has not cared. So-called is brutal Regent Family, has to do with these big household, the favor is only a joke. In this regard, he has completely understood in Wanghai City. What benevolence also has to exceed the life-saving efforts? Even the life-saving efforts is insufficient as the receiving in exchange asylum words, let alone this favor. 不过对于柳浩天的许诺,江晨根本没有放在心上。所谓最是无情帝王家,与这些大家族打交道,人情不过只是个笑话。关于这一点,他在望海市的时候就已经看透了。还有什么恩情能胜过救命之恩?连救命之恩都不足以作为换取庇护的话,更别说这点人情了。 Cooperation with Liu Family, both sides binds together is the benefit, does not need what favor to maintain. 柳家的合作,将双方绑在一起的是利益,根本不需要什么人情来维系。 After Liu Haotian walks, Jiang Chen found just finished Zhang Yaping that and China side diplomatic personnel negotiated, exhorted him to coordinate China side to depress this attack, and comforted the sentiments of these investors. 柳浩天走后,江晨找到了刚结束与华方外交人员交涉的张亚平,嘱咐他配合华方压下这起袭击事件,并安抚那些投资者的情绪。 The flame of explosion has no way to cover, many nearby people photograph the thick smoke that the hotel room jumped out. However determining the nature of event was changed to the natural gas by the original attack. The temporary worker who the pipeline breakdown, is responsible for overhauling has resigned. The explosion took place in the room that no one moved, although the foreign guest received frightening, but has not had the injured situation. For the friendship between two countries, Country of Xin President Zhang Yaping accepted Ministry of Foreign Affairs Minister and apology in hotel, was accident was the end to this time. 爆炸的火光是没法掩盖的,不少附近的人都拍摄到了酒店房间窜出的浓烟。不过事件的定性由原先的袭击事件改成了天然气.管线故障,负责检修的临时工已经辞退。爆炸发生在无人入住的房间,外宾虽然受到了惊吓,但并未出现受伤的情况。为了两国之间的友谊,新国总统张亚平接受了外交部部长与酒店方面的道歉,算是给这次“意外事件”画上了句号。 When the reporter was permitted enters the scene, Jiang Chen moves in the room number to be changed to other rooms. The person in the know was also sealed the mouth, the truth of this event sinks to seabed. Although so, Specter Agent or General Staff, have not given up to the raid of that Attacker accomplice. 当记者被许可进入现场时,江晨入住房间号已经被改成到了其它的房间。了解内情的人也被封了口,这次事件的真相就此沉入海底。可虽说如此,无论是幽灵特工还是总参,都没有放弃对那名袭击者帮凶的搜捕。 Has saying that person escapes very one set, evade General Staff agent several times, from surrounding in depth the net escapes. Can look, before carrying out this time assassinates mission, they obviously after thorough plan, not only knows from A to Z regarding on Capital's city terrain, but also in this all the way also prepares to escape from the transportation vehicle with camouflaging the clothing. 不得不说那人逃命很有一套,好几次堪堪躲过总参特工,从层层包围网中逃脱。看得出来,在执行这次刺杀任务之前,他们明显经过周密的谋划,不但对于上京市的城市地形了如指掌,而且在这一路上还准备了逃脱用的交通工具与伪装衣物。 Rides second-hand pickup, put on make-up the middle-aged man of being balding, puts on blanch shirt and jeans that washed, that figure tall and strong killer changed. Integrated completely ran in the middle of long-distance senior driver new character. 坐上二手皮卡,化妆成了谢顶的中年男人,穿上洗的发白衬衫与牛仔裤,那个身形魁梧的杀手摇身一变。完全融入了跑长途的老司机这个新角色当中。 Why is familiar with all these as for Jiang Chen, that naturally is because, he cannot escape locking of Sky Eye X1 satellite from beginning to end. 至于江晨这边为什么对这一切了如指掌,那自然是因为,从头到尾他都没能逃过天眼x1卫星的锁定。 When he leaves on Capital arrives in the suburbs of Jinmen, by far has followed his Specter Agent to start to draw in a net. Near a gas station its interception, is then covering the Optical Stealth clothes, tied up steamboat that leaves for Country of Xin. 就在他离开上京市到达津门郊区的时候,一直远远地跟着他的幽灵特工开始收网。在一处加油站附近将其截获,然后罩着光学隐形的衣服,绑上了开往新国的轮船。 Waited till next noon time, General Staff agent is searching for the trail of that accomplice as before with hardship, however Jiang Chen had actually received him in the New Moon Island put into prison information. 等到了第二天中午的时候,总参特工依旧在苦苦搜寻那名帮凶的踪迹,然而江晨却已经收到了他在新月岛被收监的情报。 „...... On him. We discovered a very strange place.” “……在他身上。我们发现了一个很古怪的地方。” At this moment, in the Yingbin Hotel restaurant, Jiang Chen with Ayesha is sitting together, is enjoying the lunch, while is exchanging the information that transmits from Specter Agent that. 此刻,在迎宾酒店的餐厅内,江晨正与阿伊莎坐在一起,一边享用着午餐,一边交流着从幽灵特工那传来的情报。 Strange?” Jiang Chen stopped the chopsticks, the vision that will inquire went to Ayesha. “古怪?”江晨停下了筷子,将询问的目光投向了阿伊莎 Right, his resilience is extremely strong, strong to unthinkable degree. Any non- mortal wound that on him receives, can in heal extremely in a short time. When catches him Zhu Yu also to think that admitted mistakes the person, because his chest could not find the trace of bullet wound......, but in the interrogation of New Moon Island. We discovered his unthinkable Healing Ability.” With sound that only then Jiang Chen can hear, Ayesha low voice saying. “没错,他的恢复能力极强,强到了匪夷所思的程度。他身上受到的任何非致命伤,都能在极短时间内愈合。在逮到他的时候朱玉还以为认错了人,因为他胸口根本找不到枪伤的痕迹……而在新月岛的审讯中。我们发现了他那匪夷所思的愈合能力。”用只有江晨能听到的声音,阿伊莎小声的说道。 Accelerates to heal...... wait/etc., the interrogation?” The Jiang Chen surprise looks at Ayesha. “加速愈合……等等,审讯?”江晨诧异地看着阿伊莎 The Ayesha look nods dignifiedly. 阿伊莎神色凝重地点了点头。 Right, Truth Serum is invalid to him.” “没错,吐真剂对他无效。” Is clamping the chopsticks stagnation of quail egg in the midair, the Jiang Chen pupil contracts slightly. 夹着鹌鹑蛋的筷子停滞在了半空中,江晨瞳孔微微收缩。 Is Truth Serum invalid? Is impossible. According to the view of Sun Jiao, except for injecting Genetic Medicine and person of the immunity promotion medicament or rare nano blood, can resist this type to the imaginary toxicant. Without a doubt, these things are absolutely impossible to exist in the present world! 吐真剂无效?不可能。根据孙娇的说法,除了注射过基因药剂、免疫力提升药剂或者稀有的纳米血液的人,才能够抵抗这种至幻性毒药。毫无疑问,这些东西在现世绝对不可能存在! With my same Traverser?! 难道是和我一样的穿越者?! Such idea appeared towering in the Jiang Chen's brain, but quick was given the denial by he himself. If is really Traverser, the weapon of use so will not have compelled the standard the bomb. How to say must make nuclear seed grenade and so on gadget. 这样的想法突兀地就浮现在了江晨的脑中,不过很快就被他自己给否定了。因为如果真是穿越者的话,使用的武器就不会是如此没有逼格的炸弹了。怎么说也得弄个核子手雷之类的玩意儿。 Increases the Truth Serum amount used......, if he really to this gadget complete immunity, that use physics method interrogates him, how regardless of must the information from his mouth skidding. However do not kill, I keep him also to use.” “加大吐真剂的用量……如果他真的对这玩意儿完全免疫的话,那就使用物理手段审讯他,无论如何也要把情报从他的嘴里给撬出来。不过别把人弄死了,我留着他还有用。” Forced in the mouth the quail egg. Jiang Chen is chewing, while closed the eye to say. 将鹌鹑蛋塞进了嘴里。江晨一边嘴嚼着,一边闭上了眼睛说道。 Ayesha nods, his instruction in heart. 阿伊莎点了点头,将他的吩咐记在了心中。 ...... …… According to the itinerary, in the afternoon is of a Huaxin economic and trade cooperation commerce forum Jiang Chen main goals. At the appointed time the China Internet big shot will get together in this, BAT Three Giants will also arrive, Internet and VR industry cooperation as climax of this business meeting. Carries on the thorough exchange by the two countries enterprises. 按照行程安排,午后便是江晨此行的主要目的之一华新经贸合作商务论坛。届时华国互联网大佬会齐聚于此,bat三巨头也会到场,互联网与vr产业合作将作为这次商务会谈的重头戏。由两国企业进行深入交流。 However although the two countries enterprises exchange, no matter what who knows that is actually exchange between Future Technologies and BAT Three Giants. Country of Xin quite big internet company only then Future Technologies such, but China is capable of taking the favorable position the Internet enterprise in the VR domain, on these three powerful jumbos. Although also has much such as searches for the cat, 361 and other talented internet company, but with occupying the three giants of market dominant position has the big disparity. 不过虽说是两国企业相互交流,但任谁也知道其实就是未来人科技bat三巨头之间的交流。新国比较大的互联网公司只有未来人科技这么一家,而华国有能力在vr领域抢占先机的互联网企业,也就这三个实力雄厚的巨无霸。虽然也有不少诸如搜猫、361等实力不俗的互联网公司,但与占据市场支配地位的三巨头还是存在着较大的差距。 The business meeting is held in the going to the capital hotel. 商务会谈在上京饭店进行。 When Jiang Chen sits Liu Haotian red flag l9 arrives at the scene, is 2 : 30, starts also to have ten minutes from the discussion. However is almost full of the garage that from that the representative of participation discussion has basically entered the stadium ahead of time. 江晨坐着柳浩天的红旗l9到达现场时,正好是两点半,距离会谈开始还有十分钟。不过从那几乎停满的车库来看,参与会谈的代表基本上都已经提前入场。 Really, when Jiang Chen just stepped into the porch most head discussion indoor, lines of sight neatly fall to his body. Besides BAT Three Giants Chairman of the Board, in the person of sitting is also the big shot of Internet industry, as well as by the wall is standing the well-known newsman. 果然,当江晨刚踏入廊最头上的会谈室内时,一道道视线齐刷刷地落向了他的身上。除了bat三巨头董事长外,在坐之人也都是互联网行业的大佬,以及靠墙站着的知名新闻记者。 Although also but, he recognizes the face only has two people. 可虽说如此,他认得脸的也就只有两个人而已。 Moreover embarrassed saying that is through an expression package of understanding...... 而且说来惭愧,还是通过表情包认识的…… Arrives at the only remaining vacancies to sit down silently, Jiang Chen some are unable to look straight ahead that two to clash his friendly smile Chief Ma. 默默地走到唯一剩下的空位坐下,江晨有些无法直视那两位正冲他友好微笑的马总 cough cough,” sees everyone to arrive, sits stands up in the long round table first man, did not lose the dignified line of sight to observe the situation an audience with the temperateness, „, although started also ten minutes from the discussion, but everyone present, the economic and trade cooperation to both countries was very warm. Since then the person have arrived in full, makes us start ahead of time!” 咳咳,”见所有人都已经到场,坐在长圆桌首位的男人站起身来,用温和而不失威严的视线环视了一圈全场,“虽然距离会谈开始还有十分钟,但在座的各位,对两国的经贸合作都很热情啊。那么既然人都已经到齐了,就让我们提前开始吧!” Indoor the discussion broke out an applause, the vision fell is standing that person, Jiang Chen is also following the crowd the racket. From his first intuition, this takes the lead to be Ministry of Economy and Trade Minister that spoke and so on character. 会谈室内响起了一片掌声,目光落在站着的那人身上,江晨也随大流地拍着手。从他第一眼的直觉来看,这个带头发言的应该是经贸部部长之类的人物。 Verified the Jiang Chen's guess, that man lifted the hand with a smile, then says. 印证了江晨的猜测,那个男人笑着抬了抬手,接着开口说道。 Introduced oneself, my Pan Feng, Ministry of Economy and Trade Minister. Internet this industry, is an emerging industry, our country regarding this, attaches great importance to! Is the Internet domain leader, my once managed steel and iron works Old Boss is not thickly good to insert what mouth. Then the time gives you, you exchange, if can reach what agreement, then regarding the welfare of people of both countries, may be the greatest advantage! Below on invited Baidu Company Chairman of the Board, Li Yanhong Comrade delivers the speech.” “自我介绍一下,鄙人潘峰,经贸部部长互联网这个行业啊,是个新兴的产业,我们国家对于这块儿,也是非常重视!诸位都是互联网领域的领军人,我这个曾经办钢铁厂老大粗也不好插什么嘴。那么时间还是交给你们,你们多交流交流,要是能达成什么共识,那对于两国人民的福祉来说,可都是莫大的好处啊!那么啊,下面就有请白度公司董事长,李严宏同志发表讲话。” Amid an applause, thinks the man who the hair combs the standard three vs. seven stood with a smile. 在一片掌声中,以为头发梳成标准的三七开的男人笑着站了起来。 Is indebted favoring of Minister Pan, I said two casually well......” “承蒙潘部长的抬举,那我就随便说两句好了……” This Li Yanhong worthily is Baidu Company executive, now the understanding of prospect and hot spot of Internet industry growth, thoroughly to profound situation. Although said casually, but many original opinions, are Jiang Chen this layman are listening, nods secretly. 李严宏不愧是白度公司老总,对于当今互联网行业发展的前景和热点的了解,都可谓深入是到了入木三分的地步。虽然还是随便说说,但其中不少独到的见解,就是江晨这个外行听着,都不由暗暗点头。 Meanwhile, Jiang Chen also noticed many internet company executive to put out the small book, recalled the note earnestly. 与此同时,江晨还注意到不少互联网公司老总都拿出了小本子,认真地记起了笔记。 After all is the executive speech of Baidu Company. Baidu Company in the Internet domain, but benchmark existence, they sneeze the Internet industry of China to come several earthquakes casually. 毕竟是白度公司老总讲话。白度公司互联网领域可是标杆般的存在,他们随便打个喷嚏华国互联网行业都得来几个地震。 Roughly ten minutes, amid an applause, Li Yanhong ended the speech, nod to the people of applause with a smile. 约莫十分钟,在一片掌声中,李严宏结束了讲话,对鼓掌的众人笑着点了点头。 In Jiang Chen thinks that then when is spoken by two Chief Ma together, Li Yanhong actually to him looked, smiles is continue say. 就在江晨以为接下来会由两位马总之一起来发言时,李严宏却是向他这边看了过来,微笑着继续说道。 A moment ago about the Internet future viewpoint, was only my private judgement. About this aspect, believes that by Future Group Chairman of the Board Mr. Jiang Chen who Wall Street showers praises on, certainly has a more original opinion. About the Internet future, but also asked Mr. Jiang Chen not stingy to grant instruction.”( To be continued.) “刚才关于互联网未来的观点,只是我的一己之见。关于这方面,相信被华尔街赞誉有加的未来人集团董事长江晨先生,一定有着更独到的见解。关于互联网的未来,还请江晨先生不啬赐教。”(未完待续。)
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