IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#553: undying?

On the street the alarm bell writings, the red blue light is embellishing the nighttime sky of city. In the shadow under that debauchery, black shadow erect is shuttling back and forth together quickly, dashes about wildly like the black hole profound alley from that. But in this black shadow behind, the gray coat raises against the wind, General Staff agent is in hot pursuit. 街道上警铃大作,红蓝色的灯光点缀着城区的夜空。在那灯红酒绿之下阴影中,一道黑影正飞快地穿梭着,从那如黑洞般深邃的小巷中狂奔而过。而在这道黑影身后,灰色的大衣逆风扬起,总参特工紧追不舍。 ******** Tight grasping in the hand, the Miao Jun vision is locking that acoustical shadow stubbornly, as runs the rhythm to adjust the breath. The running speed of opposite party is quick, has not given him to report the free time of position slightly. However are not related, in he captures the cell phone to open, so long as with not losing, the support of General Staff catches up to seize this person is sooner or later matter. ********紧紧的握在手中,苗军的目光死死地锁定着那道声影,随着奔跑地节奏调整着呼吸。对方的奔跑速度很快,丝毫没有给他汇报位置的空闲。不过没有关系,他兜里的手机一直打开着,只要不把人跟丢了,总参的支援赶来逮住这人是迟早的事。 However this person of strength of legs also is really powerful, more pursues the Miao Jun more secret heart to be startled. His the strength in General Staff is very good, but pursued was so long, ran is the least bit weak condition has not appeared in the front that person, is he has started some aura is not steady on the contrary now. 不过这人的脚力也真是强悍,越追苗军越是暗暗心惊。在总参中他的实力已经算是很不错了,但追了这么久,跑在前面的那人却是半点体力不支的状况都没有出现,反倒是他现在已经开始有些气息不稳了。 This way, sooner or later must with losing. 再这样下去,迟早要跟丢。 The situation is urgent, could have ignored what discipline. 情况紧急,已经顾不上什么纪律了。 So thinking, to be clenching teeth, the Miao Jun finger opened out the insurance, turned around a 90 curve in the alley, immediately lifts the muzzle to deduct the trigger. 如此想着,咬了咬牙,苗军手指拨开了保险,在小巷中拐过了一个九十度的弯道,立刻抬起枪口扣下扳机。 Three gunshots reverberate in the alley, he obviously feels, round of bullet(s) hit that person of back. 三声枪响在小巷中回荡,他明显感觉到,有一发子弹命中了那人的后背。 Was hit by bullet(s), that black shadow obvious staggers, then turned in nearby impasse. 子弹击中,那黑影明显一个踉跄,然后拐进了一旁的死胡同中。 Sees that Miao Jun pursues immediately, turned in the impasse, aimed at that person of being wounded the muzzle, loudly shouted. 见状,苗军立刻追去,拐进了死胡同中,将枪口对准了负伤的那人,大喝道。 Cannot move! You had been arrested.” “不许动!你已经被逮捕了。” Also does not know that heard the frontline propaganda of Miao Jun, that person cancels the lower back to Miao Jun, the body has no movement. Gloomy laughter that then floats from black-clothed, is he who lets pursue somewhat is actually afraid. 也不知道是不是听到了苗军的喊话,那人勾着腰背对着苗军,身体没有任何动作。然而那从黑衣下飘来的阴森笑声,却是让追来的他有些不寒而栗。 Before the volume, has delimited drop of cold sweat, that biological instinct scared swallows with the spit, Miao Jun maintains the raise Pistol stance to approach forward. 额前划过一滴冷汗,将那生物本能的恐慌随着吐沫咽下,苗军保持着平举手枪的姿态向前靠近。 However arrives at the distance only to be left over 10 meters place in him, he stopped. 不过就在他走到距离只剩下十米的地方,他停了下来。 Because of taking advantage of that bright moonlight, he notices, that person post- did not have the half a point injured bloodstain. 因为借着那皎洁的月光,他注意到,那人被后没有半分受伤的血迹。 „Didn't oh? Mr. police officer, how continue close to?” 哦?警察先生,怎么不继续靠近了?” That sound has the half a point to tease. Does not realize right, Miao Jun promptly deducted the trigger. 那声音带着半分戏谑。意识到不对劲,苗军当机立断地扣下了扳机。 Bang! 砰! The flame glitters in the jet black alley, bullet(s) cut that jet black remnant shadow, a flash ten meters safe distance hauled in the limit. Under black shadow that shining naked sword ruthlessly thorn to Miao Jun. 火光在漆黑的小巷中闪烁,子弹只是划破了那漆黑的残影,一瞬间十米的安全距离被拉进到了极限。黑影下那明晃晃的白刃狠狠地刺向了苗军 The clear iron hardware hands over the whining noise to reverberate in the alley, dagger of collision even brought sparks (Mars). 清脆的铁器交鸣声在小巷中回荡,碰撞的匕首甚至带起了火星 Is restraining the severe pain of fingers/tiger mouth, more is hits, Miao Jun more is the heart is then startled. At present this person of close combat ability without a doubt above him, rashly close to obviously is not a wrong decision. 克制着虎口的剧痛,越是打下去,苗军便越是心惊。眼前这人的近战能力毫无疑问在他之上,贸然靠近显然不是个错误的决定。 Sees the General Staff detective gradually unable to resist. That person of corners of the mouth twist the mouth sidewise wipe to grin fiendishly. 总参的探员逐渐招架不住。那人的嘴角咧开一抹狞笑。 Death, before daybreak.” “死吧,在黎明之前。” The mouth spits the significance unclear words, another naked sword delimits from black shadow. dagger was put up in a side, the pupil contraction of Miao Jun, looks at that sharp blade thorn helplessly to his chest. 口吐意义不明的话语,另一道白刃从黑影下划出。匕首被架在了身侧,苗军的瞳孔紧缩,眼睁睁地看着那道利刃刺向他的胸膛。 Bang! 砰! The blood splash, dagger falls from the hand, sees only that person totteringly goes backward but actually. 鲜血飞溅,匕首从手中掉落,只见那人跌跌撞撞的向后倒去。 The thorn cut open the Miao Jun side rib to dagger of chest, although created massive hemorrhages, but has not become the fatal injury to other party. Does not know shoots bullet(s) that from where, rescued his one. 刺向胸口的匕首只是切开了了苗军的侧肋,虽然造成了大量出血,但并未对他造成致命的伤害。不知从何处射来的子弹,救了他一名。 Without a doubt. That is a sniper's rifle! 毫无疑问。那是狙击枪! Covered the wound to pour by the trash can of tunnel, Miao Jun glimpsed unthinkable one with the absent-minded field of vision. 捂着伤口倒在了巷道的垃圾桶旁,苗军用恍惚的视野瞥见了匪夷所思的一幕。 Since sees only that from the ground to be struggled by that person that the sniper's rifle hits is crawling, the blood flowed place following the wound. 只见那被狙击枪击中的那人从地上挣扎着爬起,鲜血顺着伤口流了一地。 His first sight, some people can after suffering the sniper's rifle, but also since can crawl from the ground. 他还是第一次见到,有人能在挨了狙击枪之后,还能从地上爬起。 About the 1000 meter building roof, lies in ground Ayesha by that crosshair, is locking that street stubbornly. Although because of the reason of blocking, she is unable to continue to aim at that person. But sways the shadow that from that person should not die. 一千米开外的大厦楼顶,趴在地上的阿伊莎透过那十字准星,死死地锁定着那条街。虽然因为遮挡物的缘故,她无法继续瞄准那人。但从那摇晃的影子来看,那人应该没有死。 Hits the target...... unable to strike to kill.” “击中目标……未能击杀。” Was hit the chest also to return alive by Ghost Sniper Rifle? Witnesses this unusual one, she felt from that person of instinct is unusual. 鬼魂狙击步枪击中胸口还能生还?目睹这不寻常的一幕,她从那人身上本能地感到了一丝不寻常。 At this moment. Sits knits the brows in hotel restroom compartmented in Jiang Chen slightly. After the attack, deals with ask that to him east asked the western security guard is long, he then gave a pretext to go to bathroom the bathroom. 此刻。坐在酒店厕所隔间内的江晨微微皱眉。袭击发生之后,应付完对他问东问西的警卫长,他便借口上厕所去了卫生间。 Can't strike to kill?” “未能击杀?” „. Confirmed that bullet(s) passes through the goal body, but the goal life information has not vanished...... the goal to start to move.” “正是。确认子弹贯穿目标身体,但目标生命信息并未消失……目标开始移动。” Holds him. Before the General Staff person holds him.” Jiang Chen said in a soft voice. “抓住他。在总参的人抓住他之前。”江晨轻声说道。 Understood.” Ayesha deeply inspires, carries the sniper's rifle to crawl from the ground. “明白。”阿伊莎深吸了一口气,端着狙击枪从地上爬了起来。 Wait, making the Specter Agent person make a move, you come back.” “等等,让幽灵特工的人出手,你回来。” As Jiang Chen's secretary, from various significances, vanishing for a long time is very too easy to cause the unnecessary suspicion. When the attack happens. Jiang Chen helped ambush on Capital's Specter Agent had the contact, according to the Coordinate of Ayesha report, this moment that Specter Agent should arrive at the target sector. 作为江晨的秘书,从各种意义上来说,消失太久都很容易引起不必要的怀疑。当袭击发生的时候。江晨便于潜伏在上京市的幽灵特工取得了联系,根据阿伊莎报告的坐标,此刻那名幽灵特工应该已经到达了目标区域。 Under tracing of Hummingbird Drone, that assassin partner is impossible to escape from the eye of Specter Agent. 蜂鸟无人机的追踪下,那名刺客的同伙不可能逃出幽灵特工的眼睛。 Why he can , was shot to putting on the situation fortunately survives, Jiang Chen always thought that somewhat cares. Let alone he also needs to stress to live, actually clarifying is the attack that who plans. 为何他能在被射了个对穿的情况下幸存,江晨总觉得有些在意。更何况他也需要抓个活的,弄清楚究竟是谁策划的这起袭击。 Made the telephone call, Jiang Chen set out from the toilet. He had treated sometimes in the restroom, some outside also many people and matters are waiting for him to deal with. Had such matter in Yingbin Hotel, whether this diplomatic visit can continue to be a problem. 挂了电话,江晨从马桶上起身。他已经在厕所里待了有些时候了,外面还有不少人和事正等着他去应付。在迎宾酒店发生了这样的事,这次外交访问活动是否能继续下去都成了问题。 The cleaning personnel are murdered, the security personnel of corridor entrance were killed, the hand holds Attacker of bomb to sound the door of Country of Xin entrepreneur delegate. 保洁人员遇害,走廊入口处的安保人员被杀,手捧炸弹的袭击者敲响新国企业家代表的房门。 Here lives, not only he, other accompanying goes to the China Country of Xin merchant also to stay in this, wanting such big matter to press is not easy. Awakens from the sleep much, starts to inquire that to the security of hotel actually to have anything. Zhang Yaping is negotiating with the China side diplomatic personnel, the urging local police punishes the murderer...... 在这里住的不只是他一个人,其它随行前往华国新国商人也都下榻于此,想要将这么大的事压下去可不容易。不少从人从睡梦中惊醒,开始向酒店的保安询问究竟发生了什么。张亚平正在与华方外交人员进行交涉,督促当地警方严惩凶手…… If can catch. 如果能抓到。 If such that Jiang Chen expects, he just left the washroom, several obviously were just the official who crawled from the bed arrived at his front. Inquired to him when was attacked the detail, and is striking one's chest the guarantee to him, will mobilize the police forces in city to arrest the murderer full power, must give him a confession. 江晨所预料的那样,他刚一离开洗手间,几名明显是刚从床上爬起来的官员走到了他的面前。向他询问起了遇袭时的细节,并向他拍着胸脯保证,将动用全市的警力全力缉拿凶手,务必给他一个交代。 Found Jiang Chen's to leave soon Liu Haotian. Although he is only a protocol department reception clerk, from other officials to him respectful, the Liu Family position in the political arena of China truly is not general. 紧接着,找到江晨的是才离开不久的柳浩天。虽然他只是一名礼宾司的接待员,但从其它官员面向他时的恭敬来看,柳家的地位在华国的政坛上确实是不一般。 Is injured?” “受伤没?” Has good luck ever , the explosion took place hid in the restroom.” “命大,爆炸发生的时候躲进了厕所。” Has not seen the lingering fear of being survivor of disaster from the Jiang Chen's face, the Liu Haotian expression sized up his several eyes strangely up and down. 并没有从江晨的脸上看到劫后余生的后怕,柳浩天表情古怪地上下打量了他几眼。 Confirmed that you were all right I to feel relieved. If there is anything to request, makes my phone call.” “确认你没事我就放心了。如果有什么要求,打我电话。” I have no request, I only hope that you can give me an explanation.” Jiang Chen is looking straight ahead the eyes of Liu Haotian, said unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “我没有任何要求,我只希望你能给我一个解释。”江晨直视着柳浩天的双眼,毫不客气地说道。 Attack possibly by overseas. The influence plan, the intention destroys both countries “袭击可能是由境外.势力策划,意图破坏两国” I want to listen is not these pleasantries, these words you can put the news. In the broadcast said.” “我想听的可不是这些客套话,这些话你可以放到新闻.联播上说。” „Is your proposition?” Presses on step by step to knit the brows to Jiang Chen's, the Liu Haotian sinking sound asked. “那你的提议是?”对江晨的步步紧逼皱了皱眉,柳浩天沉声问道。 Shows a faint smile, Jiang Chen lowered the sound. 微微一笑,江晨放低了声音。 About this event, the Country of Xin aspect can keep secret.” “关于这次事件,新国方面可以保密。” Liu Haotian stunned, looks at Jiang Chen vigilantly. 柳浩天愕然,警惕地看着江晨 „Is your condition?” “你的条件是?” No condition.” Jiang Chen smiled was spreading out the hand, we hope that this visit can conduct perfectly finally, not?” “没有任何条件。”江晨微笑着摊开了手,“我们都希望这次访问能完美地进行到最后,难道不是吗?” - - ( Brothers, have the ticket voting ticket! Asked, this month monthly ticket list position is very important, Morningstar extremely thanked!)( To be continued.) (诸位兄弟,有票的投个票票吧!拜托了,这个月的月票榜名次真的很重要,晨星万分感谢!)(未完待续。)
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