IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#552: Wraps the bomb

I said how the fellow does mix in our group?” “我说,那家伙是怎么混到咱们组里的?” Who knows, heard is the senior officer promotes personally.” “谁知道,听说是老首长亲自提拔的。” „! Partner in exchange of improper favors?” “切!关系户吗?” „Did you say? A personal history blank. Heard that he goes to the border to exercise, has made Class B mission, but wants to come is mixes qualifications...... you to look at his to hang the type, can this also be promoted? It is not the backstage is hard enough, first round cannot cross.” The men lowered the sound, whispers with the companion low voice. “你说呢?履历一片空白。听说他去边境锻炼过,也做过一个乙级任务,不过想来就是去混个资历……你瞧他那吊样,就这样也能被提拔?不是后台够硬,第一轮都过不了。”男人压低了声音,与同伴小声交头接耳。 Is backing on the cement column, puts on Miao Jun of grey coat not to pay attention to that in view of own talk, holds in the mouth in cigarette butt only few sparks (Mars) of mouth, partly are narrowing the eyes as if are napping. 背靠着水泥柱,穿着灰大衣的苗军没有理会那针对自己的谈话,叼在嘴边的烟头只余寥寥火星,半眯着的双眼就仿佛在打盹。 Suddenly, sparks (Mars) of cigarette butt lived probably resulted in one brightly. 突然,烟头的火星像是活了似得一亮。 Partly is narrowing the eye opens, the smog color smoke spouts from his nasal cavity. 半眯着的眼睛睁开,灰霾色的烟从他的鼻腔中喷出。 Has the bloody taste...... 有血腥味儿…… Suddenly, the entire ear wants the deaf explosive sound to transmit from the above of hotel, the crushed stone and sawdust splash, the flame jumps out from the window along with the thick smoke. 突然,整耳欲聋的爆炸声从宾馆的上方传来,碎石与木屑飞溅,火光伴随着浓烟从窗户中窜出。 Made everyone be shocked happening in the instantaneous explosion. 发生在瞬间的爆炸让所有人都愣住了。 No one thinks, some unexpectedly people rash to so degree, commits murder in emperor?! 没有人想到,竟然有人胆大妄为到如此程度,在天子脚下行凶?! However said that is the god, actually is also the short 1 second, agent and security guard on the scene move immediately. 然而说是愣神,其实也就是短短的一秒,在场的特工和警卫立刻动了起来。 Here is General Staff 2 Group 4, the going to the capital hotel has the attack, the request assistance.” “这里是总参二部4组,上京酒店发生袭击,请求支援。” Has confirmed the news, C continually already blockade target region zī zī “已经确认消息,c连已经封锁目标区域滋滋 That grating the eardrum that buzz the cry shakes wanted to crack, puts on the team leader of suit to cover the ears painfully, rushes to switch off the bluetooth earphone. 被那刺耳的嗡鸣震的耳膜欲裂,穿着西装的组长痛苦地捂着耳朵,赶忙关掉了蓝牙耳机。 Communication shield! The grass, stupidly is standing doing, confirmed the foreign guest safety quickly!” “通讯屏蔽!草,傻站着干嘛,快去确认外宾安全!” Yes, yes!” “是,是!” Group 4 is the newly-organized strike force, the people in team partially are the observers who the army comes, there are from the public security. Criminal investigation expert who Artillery System adjusts. And many experts, however as they of elite compared with other establishment for a long time groups, actually has a fatal flaw, that is the crisis response capability...... 4组是新编行动组,班子里的人部分是军队来的侦查员,也有从公安.系统调来的刑侦专家。其中不乏高手,然而身为精英的他们与成立已久的其它各组相比,却存在着一个致命的缺陷,那就是危机应对能力…… The team leader is clenching teeth to stand the body. Some people connected his bluetooth earphone a moment ago forcefully. This is not the communication shield of simple, but was a technical stronger communication kidnaps. 组长咬着牙站直了身。刚才有人强行接入了他的蓝牙耳机。这已经不是简单的通讯屏蔽,而是技术性更强的通讯劫持了。 When all bodyguards run to the building, he notices suddenly, team member who that does not get on well with others. Does not know when has vanished. 就在所有保镖都跑向楼上的时候,他突然注意到,那个不合群的组员。不知何时已经消失了。 ...... …… Actually how long to have understood this feeling? 究竟有多久没有体会到这种感觉了? That type climbed up the heart by the named Death chill the omen, dangerous sensation that then simultaneously awakens with Madness. 那种被名为死亡的恶寒爬上心头的预兆,那与“狂化”同时觉醒的危险感知。 Gale blew off the thick smoke, the Nitrogen Shield back is a pair of gloomy face. 狂风吹散了浓烟,氮气护盾的背后是一双阴沉的脸。 Jiang Chen took a fast look around surrounding one, the entire room had been blown up, is only complete merely is half bed that he sits at this moment. 江晨扫视了周围一眼,整个房间已经被炸毁,唯一完好着的仅仅是他此刻坐着的半张床。 In bathroom. Is cowering Xia Shiyu opened the eye slowly, confirmed oneself also living after the fact, her surprise looks that her hugs the person in bosom by the posture that the princess holds. 卫生间内。瑟缩着的夏诗雨缓缓地睁开了眼睛,确认自己还活着的事实之后,她诧异地看着以公主抱的姿势将她抱在怀中的人。 A paint black suit, that delicate profile, hugged her one to crash in the threshold to buddhism corner restroom a moment ago, impressively her love rival 一身漆黑色的西装,还有那清秀的侧脸,刚才抱起她一把冲进玄关拐角厕所中的,赫然正是她的“情敌 Ayesha. 阿伊莎 At this moment she was unable to ponder why Ayesha will suddenly appear in Room Jiang Chen's, why will intend to save this matter her from the explosion center. Because of happening in the present matter extremely in shocking, her thought circuit falls into the temporary stagnation. However that time encounters not the glorious memory of kidnapping in home, actually appears gradually in her mind...... 此刻她已经无法去思考,阿伊莎为何会突然出现在江晨的,为何会出手将她从爆炸中心拯救这种事。因为发生在眼前的事太过于冲击性,她的思维回路陷入短暂的停滞。然而那次在家中遭遇绑架的不美好的回忆,却是渐渐浮现在她的脑海中…… She wants to scream. However the lip opened and closed the moment, is actually not able to exude the sound. 她想要尖叫。然而嘴唇开合了片刻,却是无法发出声来。 Before several seconds, Jiang Chen spoke stopped at the same time she opened the door, but what appeared behind the gate was a man who wore the cleaning clothing/taking. 就在数秒前,江晨出言制止的同时她打开了门,而出现在门背后的是一名穿着保洁服的男子。 In his hand holds a paper box, the human and animals harmless face is making people unable him and danger links up, however in that both eyes frantic is to make the person be afraid. 他的手中捧着一个纸箱,人畜无害的面孔让人无法将他和危险挂上钩,然而那双目中的狂热却是让人不寒而栗。 Has not had the vigilance to Xia Shiyu the time, he tore in the bosom the seal of paper box. 没有给夏诗雨产生警觉的时间,他扯开了怀中纸箱的封条。 Almost is at the same time, discovered that situation not wonderful Ayesha terminates Optical Stealth immediately, held Xia Shiyu to crash in the restroom in threshold to buddhism corner around the middle, evaded that flash to flood the flame of entire room. Realizes not right Jiang Chen. Also took out Nitrogen Shield from storage space rapidly, blew the air wave of that explosion. 几乎是同一时间,发现情况不妙的阿伊莎立刻终止了光学隐形,拦腰抱起夏诗雨冲进了玄关拐角处的厕所,躲过了那一瞬间充斥整个房间的火光。意识到不对劲的江晨。也迅速从储物空间中取出了氮气护盾,吹开了那爆炸的气浪。 Threw into Nitrogen Shield storage space, Jiang Chen was stood up by the bed of tearing from that around the middle, patted the dust of shoulder. Is looking at that although a piece in confusion actually cannot see the bloodstain threshold to buddhism. He relaxes. 氮气护盾扔进了储物空间中,江晨从那被拦腰撕裂的床铺上站起身来,拍了拍肩头的灰尘。望着那虽一片狼藉却看不到血迹的玄关。他松了口气。 Lucky Ayesha has not left the room from beginning to end, otherwise Xia Shiyu is unable to escape by luck from the explosion absolutely. 万幸阿伊莎从头到尾都没有离开房间,否则夏诗雨绝对无法从爆炸中幸免。 Thinks the explosion almost injures to his important person, in the Jiang Chen's heart leaps an anger. He pledged, what regardless of launches this attack is, he will certainly make that person pay the price. 一想到爆炸差点伤到他重要的人,江晨的心中就是腾起一阵怒火。他发誓,无论发起这次袭击的是谁,他一定会让那人付出代价。 Ayesha.” 阿伊莎。” Yes.” “是。” „The opposite party should not be the go it alone, should have the partner...... to find him nearby this.” “对方应该不是单独行动,应该有同伙在这附近……找到他。” Regardless of how Jiang Chen does not believe. Can infiltrate under depending on a person protects the foreign guest to receive the hotel layer on layer/heavily. 江晨无论如何也不相信。凭一个人就能混进重重保护之下的外宾接待酒店。 Yes.” “是。” Ayesha placed the ground Xia Shiyu gently, to smiling of falling into her of delay comforts, then opened Optical Stealth to vanish in the room. 阿伊莎夏诗雨轻轻地放在了地上,对陷入呆滞的她安慰的笑了笑,然后便开启光学隐形消失在了房间内。 Looks one that is unable to understand at present, Xia Shiyu glassy-eyed twittering. 望着眼前那无法理解的一幕,夏诗雨目光呆滞地呢喃着。 Disappeared, vanished......” “消,消失了……” Arrived at the Xia Shiyu side to squat down, the Jiang Chen apology visits her. 走到了夏诗雨的身旁蹲下,江晨略带歉意地看着她。 „Sorry made you come across such matter...... the opposite party to come to me obviously. You also saw, Future Group has many enemies, in them some people even do not even hesitate to use the extreme method. If you were afraid......” “很抱歉让你碰到了这样的事……对方显然是冲着我来的。你也看到了,未来人集团有不少敌人,他们之中甚至有的人甚至不惜使用极端的手段。如果你害怕了的话……” Recovering Xia Shiyu makes an effort to shake the head, shows off power said. 回过神来的夏诗雨使劲摇了摇头,逞强地说道。 You, you thought that I do seem like the coward?” “你,你觉得我像是胆小鬼吗?” Jiang Chen gawked staring, immediately smiled. 江晨愣了愣,随即笑了起来。 Do not show off power, frightened this obviously.” “别逞强了,明明都吓成这样了。” Then, Jiang Chen extended the right hand to her of trembling. 说完,江晨向瑟瑟发抖的她伸出了右手。 White Jiang Chen, Xia Shiyu gripped his hand angrily uncouthly, crawled from the ground clumsy. 气恼地白了江晨一眼,夏诗雨粗鲁地握住了他的手,从地上笨手笨脚地爬了起来。 Out of the window alarm bell writings, outside the door resounded the disorderly sound of footsteps, the bodyguard and special police officer who several are grasping Pistol rushed in the room, ran upon Jiang Chen and Xia Shiyu that goes out of the washroom just in time. 窗外警铃大作,房门外响起了凌乱的脚步声,数名握着手枪的保镖、特警闯进了房间内,正巧撞上了从洗手间中走出的江晨夏诗雨 After seeing two people, General Staff 2 Group 4 team leaders Cheng Hu pushes immediately in front of two people, looks at Jiang Chen to ask anxiously. 见到二人后,总参二部4组组长程虎立刻挤到了二人面前,焦急地看着江晨问道。 „Are you all right?” “你们没事吧?” Such that if you see, because just in time in washroom, therefore saved a life.” “如你所看到的那样,因为正巧在洗手间里,所以捡回了一条命。” Hears Jiang Chen's to narrate, on the Xia Shiyu chilly cheeks has not then been hiked up by the place wiped the red cloud. His view is very easy to have the misunderstanding in other aspects, actually for example because of what reason, two talents to meet treats just in time together in the washroom? 听到江晨的叙述,夏诗雨清冷的脸颊上没由地便飘起了一抹红云。他的说法很容易让人产生其它方面的误会,比如究竟是因为什么原因,两人才会“正巧”一起待在洗手间里? However was she was oversensitive, those present simply have not thought toward that aspect. 不过却是她多心了,在场的人根本没往那方面想。 The foreign guests committed suicide. Type terrorist attack, if puts internationally, this is the huge scandal! At this moment everyone on the scene, the attention was attracted at the attack. 外宾遭受自杀.式恐怖.袭击,要是放到国际上,这可是天大的丑闻!此刻在场的所有人,注意力都被吸引在了袭击事件本身上。 Deeply inspires, Cheng Hu deeply lowers the head, said. 深吸了一口气,程虎深深地低下了头,说道。 „Sorry made you fall into the so dangerous case. We with utmost effort, will uncover this attack behind-the-scenes criminal, gives you a confession!” “很抱歉让您陷入了如此危险的案件。我们会尽一切可能,揪出这次袭击的幕后黑手,给您一个交代!” Is so best.” Jiang Chen nods to say unemotionally. “如此最好。”江晨面无表情地点头道。 Supervisor of hotel was Jiang Chen arranged the new room, and started to process the aftermath. 酒店的经理江晨安排了新的房间,并开始处理善后工作。 Leaves after the Jiang Chen original room, Cheng Hu calls all agent and security guards to act immediately, launched the saturation search to the hotel, and conducted the separation interrogation to all hotel staff. While he vowed that must the entire hotel shows one's true nature upwards, together black shadow quietly left the hotel. 江晨原来的房间离开后,程虎立刻招呼着所有特工、警卫行动了起来,对酒店内展开了地毯式的搜查,并对所有酒店工作人员进行了分隔审讯。就在他誓言要将整个酒店翻了个底朝天的同时,一道黑影悄悄地离开了酒店。 Meanwhile, two lines of sight stared at him.( To be continued.) 与此同时,有两道视线盯上了他。(未完待续。)
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