IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#551: I want

„Should you not forget?” Xia Shiyu suspected that looks at Jiang Chen. “你该不会忘了吧?”夏诗雨怀疑地看着江晨 How possibly,” Jiang Chen flexure the back of the head was hitting hā hā, made way the entrance road, first came to say.” “怎么可能,”江晨挠着后脑勺打了个哈哈,让开了门口的路,“先进来在说吧。” Arrived by the cabinet to get up two cups of water but actually, returned to the main chamber time, Jiang Chen discovered that Xia Shiyu has sat in the seat that Ayesha previously sits. 走到橱柜旁倒上了两杯水,回到主室的时候,江晨发现夏诗雨已经坐在了阿伊莎先前坐着的位子。 First drinks water.” “先喝口水吧。” Em, thanks.” Xia Shiyu received the cup in Jiang Chen hand, covered covering in the hand. “恩,谢谢。”夏诗雨接过了江晨手中的杯子,在手里捂了捂。 Going to the capital of 12 moon/month just when severe winter, although in the room the warm air is very full, she but who just came from outside is somewhat cold. Jiang Chen looked at around the eye, sees place that cannot make, therefore then sat in her side. 十二月的上京正值深冬,虽然屋内暖气很足,但刚从外面进来的她还是有些冷的。江晨看了眼周围,见没有可以做的地方,于是便坐在了她的旁边。 However just sat down, that unnatural feeling then climbed up the heart. Because is extremely approaches, he even can feel the heartbeat that palpitates. 然而刚一坐下,那不自然的感觉便爬上了心头。因为太过接近,他甚至能感受到那悸动的心跳。 Jiang Chen deeply inspires, tries to return to normal the not law-abiding heartbeat with the deep breath. However the situation seems to be developing in the opposite direction, the spooky body fragrance enters the nose along with the cool breeze slowly, on the heartbeat of moving restlessly is actually is not law-abiding. 江晨深吸了一口气,试图用深呼吸来平复自己不安分的心跳。然而情况似乎在向相反的方向发展,幽幽体香随清风徐徐入鼻,原本就躁动的心跳却是更加的不安分了。 Similarly the Xia Shiyu ten fingers are taking away the drinking glass embarrassed, stares stares at the pattern in stall not to speak, with lingering, in the drinking glass above white fog hid the anxiety on face. 同样不好意思地夏诗雨十指扣着水杯,直勾勾地盯着地摊上的花纹不语,用萦绕在水杯上方的白雾藏住了脸上的不安。 The atmosphere in room as if stagnated. 房间内的气氛似乎陷入了停滞。 Realized that this Jiang Chen flexure cheeks, stemming from breaking the consideration of this embarrassing situation, he coughed gently, says. 意识到这点的江晨挠了挠脸颊,出于打破这尴尬局面的考虑,他轻轻咳了咳,开口说道。 „The matter, did plan to listen?” “说起来,刚才的事,打算听吗?” „, Right, said.” Xia Shiyu cheeks one red, grasped the fist to cough lightly, did intentionally replies with the chilly intonation calmly. “啊,对,说的也是呢。”夏诗雨脸颊一红,也握着拳头轻咳了下,故作镇定地用清冷的语调答道。 If spoke time did not bite one's tongue is more perfect. 要是说话的时候不咬舌头就更完美了。 Wait, I in the anxious what vigor! 等等,我在紧张个什么劲啊! Suddenly realized after own behavior really does not seem like itself, in the Jiang Chen heart complained oneself one again ruthlessly, then scattered in the heart forcefully that bewildered palpitation. Stated to Xia Shiyu a moment ago in the talk of Liu Family and Prime Minister Liu. 突然意识到自己的行为实在不像是自己之后,江晨再心中狠狠地吐槽了自己一句,然后强行驱散了心中那莫名其妙的悸动。向夏诗雨陈述起刚才在柳家柳相国的谈话。 In other words, regarding us in the China business, they are willing to provide protection in the policy aspect?” Regarding proper business. Xia Shiyu placed on the drinking glass the nightstand, sweeps previous cautious. In the look is glittering the sharp ray. “也就是说,对于我们在华国的生意,他们愿意提供政策面上的保护?”谈起正事。夏诗雨将水杯放在了床头柜上,一扫先前的拘谨。眼神中闪烁着锐利的光芒。 The people often said that the earnest man compares charm, however this moment Jiang Chen is actually the surprise, Xia Shiyu under earnest condition is also sending out different kind charm. 人常说认真的男人比较有魅力,然而此刻江晨却是意外发现,认真状态下的夏诗雨也散发着一种别样的魅力 However the appreciation score situation, Jiang Chen has not interrupted, the nod said. 不过欣赏也得分场合,江晨没有打岔,点头说道。 Very much so.” “正是如此。” „Is the price that they open?” “他们开的价是?” Future Group in magnificence profit 10 percent.” 未来人集团在华利润的百分之十。” Also is really the lion big opens the mouth. The 10 percent profit, one year at least must have more than 1 billion US Dollar. Dares unexpectedly such flagrant rope. Bribes, the courage of this Prime Minister Liu is actually big.” Turned upwards the leg at will, Xia Shiyu holds the chin. Was pondering over said. “还真是狮子大张口。百分之十的利润,一年至少得有十多亿美金。竟然敢这么明目张胆的索.贿,这柳相国的胆子倒是不小。”随意地翘起了腿来,夏诗雨托着下巴。思忖着说道。 Does business in any place must have the expenditure in this aspect, home overseas. The coarse point called the benefit to transport, said that the point of pleasant to hear called the public relations to pay wages. Although Future Group in the magnificence key business in the Internet domain, the investment in this aspect must be smaller than the traditional business, but must say that an investment does not have, that is absolutely impossible. 在任何地方做生意都少不了这方面的开支,无论是国内还是国外。说难听点叫利益输送,说好听点叫公关开支。虽然未来人集团在华主要业务在互联网领域,在这方面的投入要小于传统行业,但要说一点投入都没有,那是绝对不可能的。 „The appetite of head of Aristocratic Family, the family property is so after all big,” Jiang Chen smiles, „, if they really can provide enough protection to our industries, this 10 percent profit should be not too expensive/noble. From the beginning he also plans to want the global profit 10 percent. But was rejected by me.” 世家之首的胃口,毕竟家业有这么大,”江晨笑了笑,“如果他们真能对我们的产业提供足够的保护,这百分之十的利润应该不算太贵。一开始他还打算要全球利润的百分之十。但被我拒绝了。” If before, even if Jiang Chen has that courage, has not said absolutely energy. But now is different. Future International has stood firm in the overseas, although the Liu Family influence is strong, but both sides also stand in the coordinated position. 如果是以前,即便江晨有那个勇气,也绝对没有说不的底气。但现在却不一样。未来人国际已经在海外站稳了脚跟,柳家的势力虽强,但双方也是站在对等的地位上。 In the country or in private, with the Future Group cooperation absolutely is beneficial harmless. 无论是于国还是于私,和未来人集团合作绝对是有益无害。 That, the means of delivery of benefit?” Xia Shiyu asked. “那么,利益的输送方式呢?”夏诗雨问道。 Charity.” Jiang Chen said in a soft voice, by myself establishes the charitable foundation, every year puts out Future Group to invest this/should fund in 10 percent of magnificence income, the enterprise unit that the employment assigns, builds the school to construct Hospital in the specific region investment and so on.” “慈善。”江晨轻声道,“以我个人的名义成立慈善基金,每年拿出未来人集团在华收益的百分之十投资该基金,雇佣指定的企业单位,在特定的地区投资盖学校建医院之类的。” Takes the clean money. Single-handedly embraces the achievements, but also is really the efficient approach.” Xia Shiyu then comprehended way quickly. “一手拿干净钱。一手揽政绩,还真是高效的做法。”夏诗雨很快便领悟了其中的门道。 Right.” Jiang Chen hit a sound to refer. The smile said, looked like you to master knack.” “没错。”江晨打了个响指。微笑道,“看来你已经掌握了其中的诀窍。” Xia Shiyu brings back the corners of the mouth slightly. 夏诗雨微微勾起嘴角。 You underestimated me. The good and evil I am also Future Technologies CEO.” “你太小看我了。好歹我也是未来人科技eo。” The technique that this benefit transports is not unusual, ok. Bribes this matter, although is not done by this CEO personally, but each finance will disburse her to glance. Future Technologies in the gray disbursement of the world, has maintained at the quite benign 5% this number. 这种利益输送的手法并不算稀奇,行.贿这种事虽然不是由她这个eo亲自来做,但每一笔财务支出她都会过目。未来人科技在全球的灰色支出,一直维持在较为良性的5%这个数字。 Although this is not matter that is worth showing off...... 虽然这不是什么值得炫耀的事…… Is Future Group CEO.” Jiang Chen investigates the correct path with a smile. “是未来人集团eo。”江晨笑着纠正道。 Xia Shiyu gawked, immediately smiles. 夏诗雨愣了下,随即笑了笑。 Yes...... said, before seemed to have agreed.” “是呢……说起来,以前似乎约定过。” When previous Xia Shiyu goes to Palau Archipelago, Jiang Chen had proposed to her invitation that takes the post of Future Group CEO. However at that time Xia Shiyu had not agreed immediately, but after the Jiang Chen agreement, when Phantom Helmet on the shelf complies with this promotion. 早在上次夏诗雨前往帕努群岛的时候,江晨就向她提出过出任未来人集团eo的邀请。不过当时夏诗雨并没有立即同意,而是与江晨约定等到幻影头盔上架之后再答应这份升迁。 Doesn't want to be promoted?” “不想升职吗?” „It is not,” Xia Shiyu shakes the head, the vision somewhat stopped lost on the finger of being intertwined, was only...... I did not determine whether oneself could be competent this challenge.” “不是,”夏诗雨摇了摇头,目光有些出神地停在了交缠的手指上,“只是……我不确定自己能否胜任这挑战。” This saying to Boss said that really doesn't have the issue?” Jiang Chen smiles to say. “这话对老板说真的没问题吗?”江晨笑了笑说道。 Displays not self-confident side in front of Boss, regarding soon staff of appreciation, but taboo. However makes Xia Shiyu feel what is strange, oneself unexpectedly so easily plane of weakness expose in heart. 老板面前表现出不自信的一面,对于即将升值的员工来说可是大忌。然而让夏诗雨自己都感到奇怪的是,自己竟然如此轻易地就将心中的软弱面暴.露了出来。 Perhaps is because, he always does not seem like Boss to oneself feeling, but is...... is a friend. 或许是因为,他给自己的感觉从来都不像是个老板,而是个……是个朋友吧。 Xia Shiyu so comforts itself to say in the heart. 夏诗雨在心中如此安慰自己道。 I believe you.” Jiang Chen opens the mouth very much towering. “我相信你。”江晨很突兀地开了口。 „?” Xia Shiyu puzzled looked to him. “诶?”夏诗雨困惑的看向了他。 Your ability, is your loyalty.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “无论是你的能力,还是你的忠诚。”江晨微笑道。 „...... Really is the strange view. Is this Boss this/should to the words that the staff spoke?” Xia Shiyu turned away, tone steadiness that as always although spoke, but Jiang Chen can listen as before acted difficult the ingredient. “……真是奇怪的说法。这难道是一个老板该对员工说的话吗?”夏诗雨移开了视线,虽然说话的语气一如既往的稳重,但江晨依旧能够听出了其中闹别扭地成分。 Of course not.” Jiang Chen shakes the head, „, if the ordinary staff, is not definitely able to be competent this position, I will not say to him.” “当然不是。”江晨摇了摇头,“如果是普通的员工,肯定无法胜任这个职位,我也不会对他这么说。” If the ordinary staff, is not definitely able to understand his expansion approach, moreover he is unable to trust hands over in the hand of unauthentic person the Group's operation. But if Xia Shiyu, the situation were different. If nothing else, she certainly will not at least betray him, this does not base on the surd unconditional trust, but bases on the conclusion that her personalities and two people fetters always draw. 如果是普通的员工,肯定无法理解他的扩张思路,而且他也无法信任地将集团的运营交到来路不明的人的手上。但若是夏诗雨的话,情况就不一样了。别的不说,至少她一定不会背叛他,这并非是基于无道理无条件的信任,而是基于她的人格和两人一直以来的羁绊所得出的结论。 However this saying listens in the ear of Xia Shiyu, was actually misunderstood another meaning. 不过这话听在夏诗雨的耳中,却是被误解成了另一个意思。 Was this in saying...... me the position in your heart is not ordinary? 这是在说……我在你心中的地位不普通吗? In the Xia Shiyu chest some fawns proceed along no particular course is thinking. 夏诗雨胸中有些小鹿乱撞的想着。 She thinks the so-called young girl mood misses with, but at this moment heartfelt feeling that disturbance, denied her viewpoint always overall. 她原本以为所谓的少女情怀与自己无缘,但此刻真真切切感受到的那份忐忑,却是全盘否定了她一直以来的观点。 Truly, can misinterpret on the significance of level the trust, this Brain Hole is a young girl mood. 确实,能将信任曲解成更上层次的意义,这种脑洞本身就是一种少女情怀。 Then Xia Shiyu, I asked again your one time, you are willing to hold the post of the position that this you can be competent, realizes my dream?” Looks at that to paint the pupil of black, Jiang Chen asks earnestly. “那么夏诗雨,我再重新问你一次,你愿意担任这个只有你才能胜任的职位,实现我的梦想吗?”看着那漆黑色的瞳孔,江晨认真地重新问道。 What can your dream...... tell me is?” “你的梦想……可以告诉我是什么?” If you want.” “如果你愿意。” I want.” “我愿意。” Only some final three characters, in her words no longer have the least bit to hesitate. 唯有最后三个字,她的话中不再带有半点犹豫。 Jiang Chen opens mouth, however those words, but dangled finally slightly the line of sight. 江晨张了张嘴,然而那句话,但最终还是微微垂下了视线。 Em, thanks......” “恩,谢谢……” Had flash that a moment ago, he almost told her oneself secret. 刚才有那么一瞬间,他差点就将自己的秘密告诉了她。 Really, he is unable to trust the person in this world. 果然,他还是无法信任这个世界的人。 Why can tell Ayesha? Regarding this, he puzzled had not obtained the answer for a long time. Perhaps is because believes that she will not betray absolutely, perhaps because of other anything. 可为什么告诉阿伊莎了呢?对于这点,他困惑了许久都没有得出答案。或许是因为相信她绝对不会背叛,也或许是因为别的什么。 The hesitation of Jiang Chen face last flash has not escaped the eye of Xia Shiyu. Although cannot win his trust to feel angry regarding oneself finally, but when sees his flash the hesitation, in her heart had to float off wiped happily with feeling relaxed. 江晨脸上一瞬间的犹豫并没有逃过夏诗雨的眼睛。虽然对于自己最终还是没能得到他的信任感到了一丝气恼,可当看到他那一瞬间的犹豫,她心中有浮起了一抹欣慰与释然。 At least has flash that he for this not coordinated trust, but guilty. 至少有那么一瞬间,他为这不对等的信任而内疚过。 That...... I first went back.” Has not demanded him to tell itself, Xia Shiyu stood up the body. “那……我先回去了。”没有强求他告诉自己,夏诗雨站起了身来。 Em, matter that tonight must say, is almost these...... rests earlier.” “恩,今晚要说的事,差不多就是这些……早点休息吧。” You are also.” “你也是。” Xia Shiyu has turned around, got to the entrance. But in she builds the hand while the door knob, out of the door heard knock gently. 夏诗雨转过身,走到了门口。可就在她将手搭在门把手上的同时,门外传来了轻轻的敲门声。 Is Ayesha?” Sees two people to relate so well, in her chest had not been raised by the place a jealousy. “是阿伊莎吗?”见二人关系如此好,她的胸中没由地升起了一丝醋意。 However at this moment, Jiang Chen raise your head looked suddenly fiercely to the entrance, a long-lost chill climbed up his heart towering. 然而就在这时,江晨突然猛地抬起头看向了门口,一股消失已久的恶寒突兀地爬上了他的心头。 Do not open “别开” kā chā( to be continued.) 咔嚓(未完待续。)
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