IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#550: Ally

You have many sincerity, I can show many sincerity.” Jiang Chen is looking straight ahead the eye of Prime Minister Liu neither arrogant nor servile, „, moreover before then, I need to know that you want anything.” “你们有多少诚意,我就能拿出多少诚意。”江晨不卑不亢地直视着柳相国的眼睛,“而且在此之前,我需要知道你们想要什么。” Virtual Reality Technology.” 虚拟实境技术。” hears word, Jiang Chen sighed, built the hand on the arm rest of chair. 闻言,江晨叹了口气,将手搭在了椅子的扶手上。 If this is your sincerity, then our talks can end.” “如果这就是您的诚意,那么我们的谈话可以结束了。” The word, Jiang Chen strikes an attitude to set out. 言罢,江晨作势欲起身。 Stands looks at Jiang Chen in entrance Liu Haotian unbelievable, he has not thought the dialog develops in this direction. 站在门口的柳浩天难以置信地看着江晨,他怎么也没想到对话会发展往这个方向。 The atmosphere in teahouse, instantaneous anxious. 茶室内的气氛,瞬间紧张了起来。 Holds on a minute.” If such that Jiang Chen expects, Prime Minister Liu stopped by calling out him. “且慢。”如江晨所预料的那样,柳相国叫住了他。 Sees only in the eyes of this old man to glitter together the fine glow, that line of sight like an eagle not mince locks on his face. 只见这位老者的眼中闪烁着一道精芒,那如老鹰般的视线毫不掩饰地锁定在他的脸上。 Dares to speak with me, you are first, is youngest one.” Carried the teacup to sip the mouth, Prime Minister Liu said lightly. “敢这么和我说话的,你是第一个,也是最年轻的一个。”端起茶杯抿了口,柳相国淡淡地说道。 here.” Jiang Chen added. “在‘这里’。”江晨补充道。 hā hā hā hā...... right, you said right, is here.” Probably heard any funny matter, old person hā hā is smiling, placed on the teacup the table slowly. 哈哈哈哈……没错,你说的没错,是在这里。”像是听到了什么好笑的事情,老人哈哈地笑着,将茶杯缓缓地放在了桌上。 A air loosen in room, the atmosphere relaxed suddenly. 房间内的空气骤然一松,气氛缓和了下来。 Sincerity? You on Virtual Reality Technology how, regardless to be a willing worker the concessions?” If turns hostile results, on the Prime Minister Liu face restored that gentle expression, asked with a laugh. “诚意是吗?贵方在虚拟实境技术上无论如何也不肯做出让步咯?”如变脸似得,柳相国脸上恢复了那慈祥的表情,笑呵呵地问道。 Right.” “没错。” I, if makes you here unable to make the business?” Careless that although words saying, but Prime Minister Liu that three characters will nip very much heavily. “那我要是让你们‘在这里’做不成生意呢?”话虽然说的漫不经心,但柳相国将中间那三个字咬得很重。 We will withdraw comprehensively.” “那我们会全面撤出。” Withdraws comprehensively?” Prime Minister Liu gawked staring, somewhat looks at Jiang Chen curiously, this 400,000,000 market, doesn't your least bit love dearly?” “全面撤出?”柳相国愣了愣,有些好奇地看着江晨,“这一4亿的市场,你就半点都不心疼?” Leads the time at least 20 year the technology to sneak off from the hand, doesn't your least bit love dearly?” Jiang Chen with a smile issue. “领先时代至少二十年的技术从手中溜走,你就半点都不心疼?”江晨笑着将问题还了回去。 Here always does not lack the talented person.” “这里从来都不缺有才能的人。” If the talented person can research and develop Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology.” “如果有才能的人能研发出沉浸式虚拟实境技术。” Empty gadget, does not want.” “虚的玩意儿,不要也罢。” I do not have the non- stopper to give you. Including the present and in the future, all new gadget that Future Technologies will put out.” “我也没有非塞给你。包括现在和将来,未来人科技拿出的一切新玩意儿。” The Jiang Chen's words made Prime Minister Liu fall into silent. 江晨的话让柳相国陷入了沉默。 Before this talk, or is designated as Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology to start in Phantom Helmet, their these high levels are discussing the Future Group issue. The people of academy of science give his answer to be very pessimistic. At least in 30 years, they do not have the means to achieve Phantom Helmet this degree Virtual Reality Technology. 在这场谈话之前,或者说在幻影头盔被公布为沉浸式虚拟实境技术开始,他们这些高层就在讨论未来人集团的问题了。科学院的人给他的答复很悲观。至少三十,他们是没办法将虚拟实境技术做到幻影头盔这种程度。 Only if, presents significant technological breakthrough in the medicine and electronics these two domains simultaneously. 除非,在医学和电子学这两个领域同时出现重大的技术突破 If closes Phantom Helmet in out of the door, but other countries admitted Phantom Helmet. This means that what Prime Minister Liu will not be clear. 如果将幻影头盔关在门外,而其它国家接纳了幻影头盔。这意味着什么柳相国不会不清楚。 Keeps them out the new technology, will only be flung by this world. 将新技术拒之门外,只会被这个世界甩下。 But Prime Minister Liu then snorts contemptuously to own idea immediately, depends on his only company? Also dares to claim without justification own new technology to lead the next time? 可随即柳相国便对自己的这个想法嗤之以鼻,就凭他区区一个公司?也敢妄称自己的新技术引领了下个时代? However is really impossible? 然而真的不可能吗? Looks at be with smile on the face Jiang Chen, Prime Minister Liu somewhat suspects own idea suddenly. 看着面带微笑的江晨,柳相国一时间又是有些怀疑自己的想法了。 Also is really an interesting opponent. The old man thinks the move that own this chess can choose are too many, now such a looks. As if not it however.” “还真是个有趣的对手。原本老夫以为自己这步棋可以选择的走法太多,现在这么一看。似乎并不其然。” hā hā, is not at all. My trip to not come to play chess with you, but is seeks for the ally that is worth cooperating.” 哈哈,不敢当。我此行可不是为了来与您老下棋的,而是来寻找值得合作的盟友。” Ally...... your tone is actually big.” Prime Minister Liu slanting Jiang Chen. “盟友吗……你的口气倒是不小。”柳相国斜了江晨一眼。 Please do not despise the Future Group technological strength,” Jiang Chen shook the index finger, smiles was saying, „the technology that only then you cannot think, without us cannot achieve.” “请不要小看未来人集团的技术实力,”江晨晃了晃食指,微笑着说道,“只有你想不到的技术,没有我们做不到的。” , Jiang Chen smiled, then to say. 顿了顿,江晨神秘一笑,接着说道。 Let alone, Country of Xin true ruler. You will unable to guess correctly that is who?” “更何况,新国真正的统治者。你们不会猜不到是谁吧?” As if verified the Jiang Chen's guess, Prime Minister Liu used the nose snort/hum the sound. 仿佛是印证了江晨的猜测,柳相国用鼻子哼了声。 „Is boy, very sly?” “小子,挺滑头啊?” You crossed say.” “您老过讲了。” Although modestly words, but on this moment Jiang Chen's face, does not see the half a point humble color. 虽然是谦虚地话语,但此刻江晨的脸上,再不见半分谦逊之色。 ...... …… When Jiang Chen leaves the courtyard, is the night. About cooperation has within the body to accommodate, both sides discussed were very long, and is finally achieving made the both sides well satisfied agreement. 江晨离开院子的时候,已经是深夜了。关于合作的具体内容,双方谈论了很久,并在最后达成了令双方都心满意足的协议。 Although is only agreement orally. 虽然只是口头上的协议。 Liu Haotian opened the vehicle door for Jiang Chen, then oneself also sit boards. 柳浩天给替江晨拉开了车门,然后自己也坐上了车。 „Is today's harvest satisfactory?” “今天的收获还算满意吗?” Is satisfied. Even can say, exceeded my expectation completely.” “非常满意。甚至可以说,完全超出了我的预期。” After Liu Haotian passes, regards as a mirror looked at Jiang Chen one. However only depends on this glance in a hurry, he has no way the words that distinguished Jiang Chen to speak whether proceeds from the sincerity. The talk is conducted to half of times, his father then hints him to avoid with the look. Although somewhat cares about Liu Family or Chinese Parliament and Future Group reaches what agreement, but the old man has not let the meaning that he knows obviously. 柳浩天通过后视镜看了江晨一眼。然而仅凭这匆匆的一瞥,他也没法分辨出江晨说的话是否发自真心。谈话进行到一半的时候,他的父亲便用眼神示意他回避。虽然有些在意柳家或者说华国会未来人集团达成什么协议,但老头子显然没有让他知道的意思。 That Uncle Liu. Is your father?” “那个柳叔。是你父亲?” Right, how do you see?” Suddenly and talked regarding Jiang Chen, Liu Haotian puzzled say/way. “没错,你是怎么看出来的?”对于江晨突然和自己搭话,柳浩天困惑道。 This also with looking? Aren't you surnamed Liu?” Jiang Chen shows the whites of the eyes, returned to the issue of this idiot. “这还用看?你不就姓柳吗?”江晨翻了个白眼,回到了这个白痴的问题。 This but actually is also...... 这倒也是…… Liu Haotian blushes with shame in the heart middle course. 柳浩天汗颜地在心中道。 Said, actually your Liu Family in the China position is what situation?” Jiang Chen asked careless. “说起来,你们柳家华国的地位究竟是个什么情况?”江晨漫不经心地问道。 Heard Jiang Chen to ask this issue, the corners of the mouth of Liu Haotian brings back wiped the proud curve. 听到江晨问起这个问题,柳浩天的嘴角勾起了一抹自傲的弧度。 „The head of Aristocratic Family.” 世家之首。” Hotel when Jiang Chen returns to stay. Is 10 : 00 pm. 江晨回到下榻的酒店。已经是晚上 10 点了。 After red flag l9 stops the garage, Liu Haotian here has not stopped, but to Jiang Chen expressed that he will arrive at the hotel entrance at 8 : 00 am, then drove own car(riage) to say goodbye. 将红旗l9停进车库后,柳浩天并没有在这里多做停留,只是向江晨表示他会在明天早上八点到达酒店门口,然后便开着自己的车告辞了。 Perhaps was worried that Jiang Chen has not come back late, Xia Shiyu stands in the entrance of hotel, keeps looking at the table acknowledging time. Saw that Jiang Chen goes down from the vehicle, she welcomes immediately, looks that he complained. 或许是担心江晨这么晚还没回来,夏诗雨站在酒店的门口,不停地看着表确认时间。看到江晨从车上走下,她立刻迎了上来,看着他埋怨道。 Which went, how to come back late.” “去哪儿了,怎么这么晚才回来。” Although tone as before that unreasonable, but the concern on her face is to make the Jiang Chen heart one warm, the width said. 虽然语气依旧是那么的不近人情,但她脸上的关切却是让江晨心头一暖,不由宽言道。 Do not worry, but some great person discussed that the business delayed a while. Special details a while returned to room to say.” “别担心,只是和某位大人物谈生意耽误了一会儿。具体情况一会儿回屋里说。” Anyone, who was worried about you.” Xia Shiyu face one red, did not turn away frankly, in brief, the weather, did not hurry early.” “谁,谁担心你了。”夏诗雨脸一红,不坦率地移开了视线,“总而言之,天色不早了,赶紧回去吧。” Also is really textbook-based proud tender. 还真是教科书式的傲娇呢。 Looks back that Xia Shiyu departs lightly. Jiang Chen such as wants to say. 看着夏诗雨翩然离去的背影。江晨不由如是想道。 After returning to the guest room, threw the suit in one side, Jiang Chen assumed the big font to lie down on the bed. 回到了客房后,将西装扔在了一边,江晨呈大字型躺倒在了床上。 Ayesha.” 阿伊莎。” Air fluctuates slightly, puts on the petite form of western-style clothes. Reappeared baseless in the bedside. 身旁的空气微微波动,穿着西服的娇小身影。就这么凭空浮现在了床边。 The suit pants are made by the exotic material, because she had once responded to Jiang Chen, wears the black carbon nano battle dress extremely in the conspicuity, therefore No. 27 Sanctuary then drew up the corresponding plan. Namely through clothes that the exotic material manufactures, can enter the invisible condition with Optical Stealth Equipment simultaneously. In order to avoid the battle dress conspicuous issue. By theory , like the Invisibility Clothing necessary butt and tactical vest. 西装西裤都是由特殊材料制成,因为她曾向江晨反应过,穿着黑色的碳纳米作战服太过于显眼,于是27号避难所便拿出了对应方案。即通过特殊材料制作成的衣服,能够与光学隐形装置同时进入隐形状态。以避免作战服过于显眼的问题。在原理上,与隐形衣配套的枪托和战术背心相同。 Pupil of deep-blue static looks at Jiang Chen, the young girl is waiting for the instruction of Master. 湛蓝色的瞳孔静静的看着江晨,少女等候着主人的吩咐。 „Do surroundings have eye?” “周围有没有‘眼睛’?” Jiang Chen finger/refers naturally is the monitor or the camera. 江晨指的自然是监控器或摄像头。 Has inspected.” Ayesha shakes the head. “已经检查过了。”阿伊莎摇了摇头。 Makes people relieved as always. 还是一如既往的让人放心。 Looks at that elegant face, Jiang Chen patted on the side of the racket bed with a smile. 看着那俏脸,江晨笑着拍了拍一边的床铺。 Come, sits to me near.” “来,坐到我边上吧。” Ayesha nods very much cleverly, then sat in the bedside. 阿伊莎很乖巧地点了点头,然后坐在了床边。 What concern is thinking?” “在想什么心事吗?” Ayesha looked at Jiang Chen one puzzled, seemed inquiring with the expression: How do you know? 阿伊莎困惑地看了江晨一眼,拿表情仿佛在询问:你是怎么知道的? Wrote on the face.” Sits to set out, Jiang Chen said with a smile, while put out a hand to rub rubbing on her beautiful hair, can tell me? If I can help.” “都写在脸上了。”坐起身来,江晨一边笑着说道,一边伸出手在她的秀发上揉了揉,“可以告诉我吗?如果我能帮得上忙的话。” „It is not my matter.” The young girls shake the head. Is somewhat curling upwards lost slightly the mouth, is swaying the calf that builds in the bedside, twittering said low voice, how Jiang Chen...... regards Sister Shiyu?” “不是我的事。”少女摇了摇头。有些出神地微微翘着嘴,摇晃着搭在床边的小腿,小声地呢喃道,“江晨……是如何看待诗雨姐的呢?” Sees Jiang Chen long time not to reply, Ayesha leans excessively, somewhat looks at Jiang Chen embarrassed. 江晨半晌没有回答,阿伊莎不由侧过头,有些不好意思地看着江晨 My issue...... is very strange.” “我的问题……果然很奇怪吧。” No, nothing strange.” Recovering Jiang Chen smiles, is pinching her hand gently, is only, I felt, if said idea in the heart. Some were extremely selfish.” “不,没什么奇怪的。”回过神来的江晨笑了笑,轻轻捏着她的手,“只是,我觉得如果说出自己心中的想法。有些太过自私了。” Ayesha makes an effort to shake the head, looks that his double pupil said earnestly: Cannot.” 阿伊莎使劲摇了摇头,看着他的双眸认真地说:“不会的。” Because is Ayesha, will therefore not feel, but others will be uncertain.” “因为是阿伊莎,所以觉得不会的,但别人可不一定哦。” „Does Master...... worry very much?” 主人……很烦恼吗?” How this called to brave...... to consider as finished. Is the worry. Rather is somewhat helpless. Although I can revise the Country of Xin law, making the polygamy legitimate, but the traditional concept will not change.” “这个称呼怎么又冒出来了……算了。与其说是烦恼。倒不如说是有些不知所措吧。虽然我能修改新国的法律,让一夫多妻制合法,但传统的观念是不会改变的。” Also bases on this reason, he has been binding here the present world interpersonal relationship carefully. He did not determine that after piercing that matter window paper, relations between he and Xia Shiyu whether can also maintain now this, is therefore. Almost arrived at that obviously several times, by his slam on the brakes stopping. 也正是基于这个原因,他一直都在小心地维系着现世这边的人际关系。他不确定在捅破那层窗户纸后,他和夏诗雨之间的关系是否还能保持现在这样,也正是因此。明明有几次都差点走到那一步了,都被他的急刹车给停了下来。 After all, here is the present world...... 毕竟,这里是现世…… Looked at the Jiang Chen's profile, Ayesha was confirming guess in her heart, the corners of the mouth appeared wiped the happy expression. 望着江晨的侧脸,阿伊莎确认了她心中的猜测,嘴角不由浮现了一抹浅浅的笑意。 Really, must help him...... please permit you most loyal maid, slightly willful. 果然,得帮帮他呢……请允许您最忠诚的女仆,稍微任性一回。 At this moment, out of the door heard the hesitant knock. 就在这时,门外传来了犹豫的敲门声。 The knock just resounded, Jiang Chen also reacted without enough time, Ayesha one vanishes. 敲门声刚一响起,江晨还来不及做出反应,阿伊莎噌的一下就消失了。 „...... Has rested?” Out of the door transmitted the low voice whisper of Xia Shiyu, she is hesitating must leave. “……已经睡了吗?”门外传来了夏诗雨的小声嘀咕,她正在犹豫着要不要离开。 Looks at the direction that Ayesha vanished reluctantly, Jiang Chen stands up toward the entrance walks since birth. 无奈地看了一眼阿伊莎消失的方向,江晨站起生来向门口走去。 Waits for, my opens the door.” “等一下,我这就来开门。” Opens the gate, delicate fragrance of wisp of shampoo has fluttered with the wind the Jiang Chen volume tip of the nose. From the water drop of that fair neck place, she should take a bath. 拉开门,一缕香波的清香随风飘过江晨额鼻尖。从那白皙脖子处的水珠来看,她应该才洗过澡。 Xia Shiyu looked around to Jiang Chen behind, does intentionally asks calmly, Ayesha?” 夏诗雨江晨身后张望了下,故作镇定地问道,“阿伊莎呢?” Why you will think Ayesha in my room.” Jiang Chen touches the nose. “你为什么会认为阿伊莎在我的房间里。”江晨摸了摸鼻子。 Although does not have lied, but he used to be very easy to have the view of misunderstanding as the reply. He does not know the reason that oneself do that concealed Ayesha to come this information subconsciously. 虽然没有撒谎,但是他用了个很容易让人产生误解的说法作为回答。他也不知道自己这么做的理由,下意识地就掩饰了阿伊莎来过这个情报。 Perhaps is the Jiang Chen's misconception, always felt after hearing these words, Xia Shiyu was obviously happy. 或许是江晨的错觉,总感觉听到了这句话后,夏诗雨的心情明显好了起来。 „, What matter had late?” Jiang Chen asked. “这么晚了,有什么事吗?”江晨问道。 „...... Didn't you have the words “刚才……你不是有话要对我说吗?” Has? 有吗? Jiang Chen recalled carefully, on the face appeared immediately expression suddenly. 江晨仔细回忆了下,脸上随即浮现了恍然的表情。 Probably also really has. Just came back, he had said returned to the room in speaking these words.( To be continued.) 好像还真有。刚回来的时候,他有说过“回屋里在说”这句话。(未完待续。)
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