IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#549: How many sincerity do you have?( Hegemon in addition

( hey hey, this book was born finally the fifth hegemon, thank the red comet nt1 pledge! According to the convention, erupts today!) (嘿嘿,本书终于诞生了第五位盟主,感谢赤色慧星nt1的盟!按照惯例,今天爆发!) After all is welcome the nature the midday feast, naturally cannot save these over-detailed formalities. 毕竟是欢迎性质的午宴,自然是省不去那些繁文缛节。 The midday feast has conducted 1 : 00 pm from 11 points, but the true dining time is only 1 hour. However Jiang Chen does not have the slight complaint, on the one hand this is because the emaciated look in state banquet is truly impeccable, then on the other hand was the protocol department person truly makes him feel the home away from home. 午宴一直从11点进行到了下午1点,而真正的用餐时间只有一小时。不过对此江晨却是没有丝毫的怨言,这一方面是因为国宴上的菜色确实无可挑剔,另一方面则是礼宾司的人确实让他感受到了宾至如归。 Being responsible for receiving Jiang Chen's is Liu Haotian. It is not tall, small flat head, the whole person seems like very mental, the style of speaking manner is charming, but not disrespectful number. During the stay in China, will be accompanied Jiang Chen's to go on a journey by him daily. Goes home to visit relatives, has the province inspection investment. His primary interest is the driver, simultaneously is solving troubles in various significances for the distinguished guest while convenient, to maintain international image. 负责接待江晨的柳浩天。个子不高,小平头,整个人看上去很精神,谈吐举止风趣而不失礼数。在华期间内,将由他陪同江晨的日常出行。无论是回乡探亲,还是出省考察投资。他的主要职责是担任司机,同时顺带着替贵宾解决各种意义上的麻烦,以维护国际形象。 Although in schedule has no arrangement in the afternoon, but Jiang Chen evidently underestimated the Ministry of Economy and Trade person wrongly to his enthusiasm. The Phantom Helmet on the shelf was about two weeks, the Wall Street analyst then to the Future Group market value conducts re-evaluated, but its estimate value arrived at terrorist|terrifying 500,000,000,000 USD. This is bases on does not determine the Future Technologies use the Supercomputer maintenance expense, as well as helmet research cost, given conservative estimate value. 虽然行程表中下午没有任何的安排,但江晨显然是错误低估了经贸部的人对他的热情。幻影头盔上架不过两个星期,华尔街的分析师便对未来人集团的市值进行了重新评估,而其估值到达了恐怖5000亿美元。这还是基于不确定未来人科技使用的超级计算机的维护费,以及头盔的研发成本,给出的保守估值。 If Future Group goes on the market in NASDAQ, disclosed that operation relevant detail, no one will suspect that its market value will break through 700 billion, replacing apple becomes technical company of the world 's first market value. 若是未来人集团纳斯达克上市,披露运营相关细节,没有任何人会怀疑它的市值将突破7000亿,取代苹果成为全球第一市值的科技公司 Regarding such together sweetie pie, moreover moves toward the enterprise in the world from China, opportunity that the Ministry of Economy and Trade person naturally cannot let go to win over. Various advantageous policies were placed in front of Jiang Chen's, the only request only then one, that was Future Group invests in China to put up a factory. 对于这么一块香饽饽,而且还是从华国走向世界的企业,经贸部的人自然不会放弃拉拢的机会。各种有利的政策都摆在了江晨的面前,唯一的要求只有一个,那就是未来人集团来华投资建厂。 Best is the Phantom Helmet plant. 最好是幻影头盔的生产厂。 However drank entire afternoon tea, both sides have not achieved what substantive achievement. Regarding the matter of investment, Jiang Chen had not relented, particularly regarding the matter of putting up a factory, is smiles not to discuss. 然而喝了整整一个下午的茶水,双方也没达成什么实质性的成果。对于投资的事,江晨一直没有松口,尤其是对于建厂的事,更是笑而不谈。 Although the Ministry of Economy and Trade person worries, but also has no means. Above can the policy they take. However this Jiang Chen does not have the feeling of least bit interest, suddenly makes them somewhat unable to feel the mind. 经贸部的人虽然着急,但也没有什么办法。上面能给的政策他们都已经拿了出来。然而这江晨却丝毫没有半点兴趣的感觉,一时间让他们有些摸不着头脑。 Isn't this person at all discusses the business? Thinks that the above confession mission, looks at Jiang Chen that non-stop drinking tea, the Ministry of Economy and Trade representative is a helplessness. 难道这人根本不是来谈生意的?想到上头交代的任务,看着不停喝茶的江晨,经贸部的代表就是一阵无奈。 They cannot certainly feel the mind. 他们当然摸不着头脑。 Jiang Chen is discusses certainly the business. But is not and Ministry of Economy and Trade person discussed. They are above send to test his foot soldier attendant at most, even if has no substantive progress today, the above person will not have any awkwardness to them. 江晨当然是来谈生意的。但却不是和经贸部的人谈。他们顶多算是上面派来试探他的马前卒,就算今天没有任何实质性的进展,上面的人也不会对他们有任何的为难。 Jiang Chen in waiting enough substantive person. If the China aspect enough attaches great importance to him, then the quick this person will then come. 江晨在等待足够有分量的人。如果华国方面对他足够重视的话,那么很快这个人便会来了。 Such that just like also he thinks. 也正如他所想的那样。 After evening's state banquet ended, Jiang Chen sat going to the capital hotel entrance red flag l9. Was responsible for receiving his Liu Haotian to sit in the driving position, after starting the automobile, has not started off immediately. 晚上的国宴结束之后,江晨坐上了上京饭店门口的红旗l9。负责接待他的柳浩天坐在了驾驶位上,发动汽车后没有立即上路。 „Does a while have scheduled?” “一会儿有预定吗?” No, what issue has?” “没有,有什么问题吗?” Has a great person to see you.” “有位大人物想见你。” Jiang Chen looked after Liu Haotian in regards as a mirror. 江晨看向了后视镜中的柳浩天 Who?” “谁?” „An old person...... felt relieved, does not use such vigilantly, is the good deed.” Liu Haotian will smile to respond to the Jiang Chen's line of sight forever, „, if convenient, I can lead you to go now. Naturally, if you have other arrangements, tomorrow.” “一位老人……放心,不用这么警惕,是好事。”柳浩天永微笑回应了江晨的视线,“如果方便的话,我现在可以带您去。当然,如果您有其他安排,明天也可以。” Then on the present.” Jiang Chen by the seat, said with the relaxed tone. Tomorrow will have a commercial forum, I will be quite possibly busy.” “那就现在吧。”江晨靠在了座位上,用轻松的口吻说道。“明天还有一场商务论坛,我可能会比较忙。” Liu Haotian shows a faint smile, holds the steering wheel to start off. 柳浩天微微一笑,扶着方向盘上了路。 ...... …… The scenery of out of the window flies, removed that matter to be lively gradually, turns the city that restored the old slightly obviously. The car(riage) has not started is very long, stopped before one plainly, but atmospheric courtyard. Stood placed the waist in the entrance bodyguard the hand, Liu Haotian that until seeing to get out, put down the alert. 窗外的景物飞逝,渐渐褪去了那层繁华,拐进了稍显复古的城区。车没有开很久,停在了一间古朴而大气的院落前。站在门口的保镖将手放在了腰间,直到见到下车的柳浩天,才放下了戒备。 Liu Haotian opened the vehicle door for Jiang Chen, simultaneously gave the hand signal of invitation to him. 柳浩天江晨拉开了车门,同时对他做了个请的手势。 Please, Mr. Jiang.” “请吧,江先生。” Jiang Chen looked up under that line on courtyard front door. Suddenly looked at Liu Haotian one meaningfully. 江晨抬头看了下院落大门上的那行子。突然意味深长地看了柳浩天一眼。 I think you are only a driver, has not thought of not simple.” “我原本以为你只是个司机,没想到不简单啊。” Where matter, my status is only ordinary protocol section reception clerks.” Liu Haotian said humbly. “哪里的事,我的身份只是一名普通的礼宾部接待员罢了。”柳浩天谦逊地说道。 Jiang Chen smiles, has not spoken. Walks out that high, walks toward the institute directly. 江晨笑了笑,没有多说话。跨过那高高的门槛,径直向院内走去。 But in that front gate that he just bridged over, is wielding a brush two large characters with the Kaishu. 而他刚跨过的那道院门上,用楷书挥毫着两个大字。 Liu Family 柳家 The layout in institute does not lose naturally elegantly, rockery pond matching complements each other, although has nothing elegantly to the traditional culture, but Jiang Chen can see that as before this unified the northern climate characteristics. Imitates the design of Suzhou Gardens. 院内的布局大方而不失典雅,假山池沼搭配相得益彰,虽然对传统文化没什么考究,但江晨依旧能看出这是结合了北方气候特点。仿苏州园林的设计。 Although in institute no precious thing, but Jiang Chen is very clear, can have such big courtyard in inch of land worth an inch of gold on Capital, the light is rich, but insufficient. 虽然院内没有什么名贵之物,但江晨很清楚,能在寸土寸金的上京市拥有这么大一片院落,光有钱可是不够的。 Under receiving and instructing of Liu Haotian, Jiang Chen the trail that spreads following limestone road, arrived in the institute the teahouse in main building. Here, he saw a gray-haired old person. From Liu Haotian that respectful facial expression, this old person's status wants to come also not simple. 柳浩天的接引下,江晨顺着青石路铺成的小径,来到了院内主楼的茶室。在这里,他见到了一位头发花白的老人。从柳浩天那恭敬的神情来看,这位老人的身份想来也是不简单 The layout of teahouse is very simple, only stretch/open table, a chess, pot tea...... 茶室的布局很朴素,唯一张桌,一盘棋,一壶茶…… Also is the tea, the Jiang Chen's brow pulled out pulling out. Drank afternoon tea, he sees the tea now on some gastric disorders. 又是茶,江晨的眉头抽了抽。喝了一下午的茶,他现在看到茶就有些反胃。 Doesn't sit?” Sees Jiang Chen not to act, the old person said benignly. “不坐吗?”见江晨没有动作,老人和颜悦色地说道。 hears word, Jiang Chen smiles politely, sits on old person's opposite sofa. 闻言,江晨礼貌地笑了笑,坐在了老人对面的沙发上。 How you said.” “请问您如何称呼。” My Prime Minister Liu, by the age, you asked me an uncle not to suffer a loss.” And pour out the hot tea for Jiang Chen, the old person said with a laugh. “鄙人柳相国,论年龄,你叫我一声叔不吃亏。”替江晨和自己斟上热茶,老人笑呵呵地说道。 The Liu Haotian surprise looked at my father one eyes slightly, but quick then took back the line of sight. 柳浩天略微诧异地看了家父一眼,但很快便收回了视线。 Uncle Liu.” Jiang Chen called very much tactful. 柳叔。”江晨很识趣地称呼道。 It seems like very satisfied Jiang Chen's to call, Uncle Liu smiles cheerfully, with the elder looked that the look of younger generation is looking at carefully Jiang Chen. That pollution does not lose the astute pupil, hidden went to that sharpness in the white fog of ascension. 似乎是很满意江晨的称呼,柳叔乐呵呵地笑了笑,用长辈看晚辈的眼神端详着江晨。那浑浊而不失精明的瞳孔,在升腾的白雾中隐去了那份锐利。 Although after concealing, but Jiang Chen can feel spying on that line of sight as before clearly. However even if detected that spied on, Jiang Chen has not made any response as before, responded to that obvious probe with aloof confident. 虽然经过掩饰,但江晨依旧能清晰地感受到那视线中的窥探。不过纵使是察觉到了那份窥探,江晨依旧没有做任何反应,用无动于衷的坦然回应了那明显的试探。 Uncle Liu asked me to come, to invite me drank tea?” The Jiang Chen smile said. 柳叔请我来,就是为了请我喝茶吗?”江晨微笑道。 Has not seen the depth from him, Prime Minister Liu took back the line of sight of probe calmly. 没有从他身上看出深浅,柳相国不动声色地收回了试探的视线。 Also no special goal, sees you in the news frequently, has the opportunity rarely, wants to have a look at you.” “也没什么特别的目的,就是经常在新闻上看到你,难得有机会,就想看看你。” oh? that I can know fortunately, Uncle Liu to my appraisal?” 哦?那么我能有幸知道,柳叔对我的评价吗?” Handsome and intelligent.” “一表人才。” hears word, Jiang Chen gawked, immediately said with a smile humbly. 闻言,江晨愣了下,随即谦逊地笑道。 You crossed say.” “您过讲了。” Is modest regarding Jiang Chen's, Prime Minister Liu smiles, carries the teacup to sip the mouth, has not made any appraisal. 对于江晨的谦虚,柳相国只是笑了笑,端起茶杯抿了口,没有做任何评价。 Thinks in Jiang Chen reluctantly, which Ministry of Economy and Trade people this old man with afternoon will be the same, when with he hits the morning riddle, Prime Minister Liu put down the teacup, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 就在江晨无奈地以为,这老头会和下午哪些经贸部的人一样,和他打上半天的哑谜时,柳相国放下了茶杯,突然开口道。 From the appearance, Mr. Jiang should be the person who that type likes entering the subject, then I did not hit the riddle here.”, He then said that regarding the economic and trade cooperation of two countries, or cooperation of Future Group and China, some of your actually how many sincerity?” “从面相来看,江先生应该属于那种喜欢直入正题的人,那么在这里我也就不打哑谜了。”顿了顿,他接着开口说道,“对于两国的经贸合作,或者说未来人集团华国的合作,你究竟有多少诚意?” After hearing these words, the expression that on the Jiang Chen face that interest lacks sweeps away immediately, the corners of the mouth brought back finally wiped the happy expression. 当听到这句话后,江晨脸上那兴趣缺缺的表情顿时一扫而空,嘴角总算是勾起了一抹笑意。 Finally came. 终于来了。 He and other these words are very long.( To be continued.) 他等这句话已经很久了。(未完待续。)
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