IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#548: Returns to the native land

How long doesn't have? 已经多久没回来了? Words that calculates carefully, as if already nearly one year. 仔细算算的话,似乎已经快一年了。 Looks the runway that outside the aircraft window is flying, Jiang Chen is somewhat thinking lost. 望着机窗外飞逝的跑道,江晨有些出神地想着。 Descends that to wipe the sketch before the airplane, this native land walks with him and not different. What is only different is only his state of mind, walking is somewhat hurried, but returns is very calm. 从飞机降落前的那抹剪影来看,这片故土与他走的时候并没有什么两样。唯一不同的只是他的心境,走的时候有些匆忙,而回的时候却很从容。 Here is the root of dragon vein, the heart of Republic. When read University, he once held the mood of seeing the world to come here, however until now, he realizes this so-called world the true meaning. 这里是龙脉的根源,共和国的心脏。在读大学的时候,他曾抱着见见世面的情绪来到这里,然而时至今日,他才体会到这所谓世面的真正含义。 World thing, does not arrive at certain level unable to see. 世面这东西,不到一定层次是看不到的。 The picking ceremony is handled by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although Country of Xin is able to discriminate in the China regime, but with belonging to cultural circle both countries, actually has the brotherly friendship. But regarding visit of Country of Xin President, China naturally demonstrated highest courteous reception, to show the Great Nation style. 接机仪式是由外交部操办的。虽然新国华国政体有别,但同属于一个文化圈两国,却存在着兄弟般的情谊。而对于新国总统的到访,华国自然是展示了最高的礼遇,以彰显大国风范。 the No. 1 leader's warm handshake of two countries, and moved toward the diplomatic insignia motorcade accompanied by person of suit and dress shoes. The media have by the Order standing red blanket very much, with camera to national person live broadcast the friendship of two countries. 两国的一号领导热情的握手,并在一种西装革履之人的陪同下走向了外交的仪仗车队。媒体很有秩序地站红毯两侧,用摄像机向全国人直播着两国的友谊。 Troublesome matter Jiang Chen all threw to Zhang Yaping did, but he treated law-abidingly in the business delegation, avoided the media low-key. 麻烦的事江晨全扔给了张亚平去做,而他则安分地待在了商务代表团中,低调地回避了媒体。 This time goes on a journey he not to lead any bodyguard, Ayesha also to take the briefcase as his secretary, follows in him behind half step. 这次出行他没有带任何保镖,阿伊莎也是作为他的秘书提着公文包,跟在他身后半步 Be responsible for receiving their these merchants is mainly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs person, as well as In-charge economic and trade cooperation this leadership. Meets, was that official of head then welcomed warmly, grasped Jiang Chen's to have a heavy touch heavily shook shaking. 负责接见他们这些商人的主要是外交部的人,以及主管经贸合作这块儿的领导。一见面,为首的那名官员便热情地迎了上来,握着江晨的手重重地晃了晃。 Jiang Chen can the obvious feeling, the officials of these suit and dress shoes, although in the reception entire delegation, but the line of sight has actually stopped vague on his body. He can feel that from these lines of sight obvious flattering, but they so will be warm-hearted, wants not to need to want definitely to be above meaning. 江晨能够明显的感觉到,这些西装革履的官员虽然是在接待整个代表团,但视线却一直若有若无地停在他的身上。他能从这些视线中感觉到明显的讨好,而之所以他们会这么热心,想都不用想肯定是“上面”的意思。 This without doubt is a good signal. 这无疑是个好的信号。 Thinks of here, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth rise slightly. 想到这里,江晨的嘴角不由微微上扬。 Regarding the tour of this China, this without doubt is a good start. 对于这趟华国之行,这无疑是个好的开始。 ...... …… The first day was mainly the diplomatic meeting, the commercial forum convenes in noon tomorrow, today the only arrangement merely is evening's that state banquet. Crowding around in the reception personnel of western revolution of leather shoes. Makes him have the feeling that riches and honor return home. 到访的首日主要是外交会晤,商务论坛在明天中午召开,今天唯一的安排仅仅是晚上的那场国宴。簇拥在身边的西转革履的接待人员。着实让他有种富贵还乡的感觉。 However in the security personnel, he actually glimpsed an acquaintance accidentally/surprisingly. 不过在安保人员中,他却是意外的瞥见了个熟人。 Although that gray coat seems very low-key, but places in the crowd of uniform suit, looks as before somewhat garishly. Perhaps was oneself also realized this. He has stood in the flank of security personnel. 那身灰色大衣虽然显得很低调,但放在清一色西装的人群中,依旧看着有些扎眼。或许是本人也意识到了这点。他一直都站在安保人员的外侧。 Old Blade? 老刀 If Old Blade, his face also some were extremely rather young, but two people forms, always give him an misconception of superposition. 如果说是老刀的话,他的面孔未免也有些太过年轻了,但两人的身影,总给他一种重合的错觉。 When is thinking, Jiang Chen and he to line of sight. 就在这么想着的时候,江晨与他对上了视线。 Not many exchanges. He nods to Jiang Chen, then no longer looks to here. Looked comes out he as if to know itself, but where Jiang Chen cannot remember to see him. 没有过多的交流。他只是对江晨点了点头,然后便不再看向这边。看的出来他似乎认识自己,但江晨想不起来自己在什么地方见过他。 When arrives at the hotel, Jiang Chen to continuously with his friendly conversation the reception personnel asked the matter of that security. 在到达酒店的时候,江晨向一直与他友好交谈着的接待人员问起了那名保安的事。 „, That person. He is the General Staff bodyguard, above attaches great importance to your securities.” The reception personnel answered with a laugh to Jiang Chen. “哦,那个人啊。他是总参的保镖,上面对于你们的安全可是非常重视。”接待人员笑呵呵地向江晨解释道。 I feel somewhat look familiar, can tell me his name?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “我只是觉得有些眼熟,可以告诉我他的名字吗?”江晨笑道。 That reception personnel hesitated, is thinking is not secret, therefore then told Jiang Chen truthfully. 那接待人员只是犹豫了下,想着也不是机密,所以便如实告诉了江晨 Miao Jun, he went to Wanghai City to carry out mission before. You had possibly seen him at that time.” 苗军,他以前去望海市执行过任务。您可能是那时候见过他的吧。” When hears this name, Jiang Chen then thought quickly. This Miao Jun, is that rookie agent side Old Blade. But has not seen for a long time, this fellow's change also is really very big. That impetuous young fellow had disappeared, what replaces it is mature and steady. 当听到这个名字,江晨很快便想了起来。这个苗军,就是更在老刀身边的那个新人特工。只不过许久未见,这家伙的变化还真是挺大的。原本那个浮躁的小伙子已经不见了,取而代之的是成熟与稳重。 Also does not know that had anything, making this fellow exuviate turn into qualified warrior. Jiang Chen also thinks he does in this line is not long, but gradually changes this view now actually. 也不知道发生了什么,让这家伙蜕变成了一名合格的战士。原本江晨还认为他在这行干不长,不过现在倒是稍稍改变了这个看法。 The specification of hotel is the five-star, from the entrance performing duties bodyguard and style of decoration, this should specifically be used to receive the facility of distinguished guest. 酒店的规格是五星级,从门口执勤的保镖和气派的装潢来看,这应该是专门用于接待贵宾的设施。 In the entrance of hotel, Jiang Chen saw to wait for a long time Xia Shiyu. From telephone he has known. She will go to go to the capital from Xiangjiang one day ahead of schedule. But he had not expected what is, she also as the reception of foreign guest. 在酒店的门口,江晨看见了等候已久夏诗雨。从电话中他已经得知了。她将提前一天从香江前往上京。只不过他没预料到的是,她也被作为外宾的一员接待了。 Clean black lady's suit, pitch-black beautiful hair as always domain after the brain. That serious in speech and manner elegant face, is blooming such as elegantly beautiful of flower of Takarei. 一身干净的黑色女士西装,乌黑的秀发一如既往地盘在脑后。那不苟言笑的俏脸,绽放着如高岭之花的冷艳。 Obviously is not very close relations. But this long-separated for a long time reunion, makes him have the feeling that a heartbeat accelerated as before. 明明不是很亲密的关系。但这阔别已久的重逢,依旧让他产生了点点心跳加速的感觉。 But the smile that the feeling that this heartbeat accelerates after perhaps, all came from that to meet , the snow and ice melts. 而这心跳加速的感觉,或许全都源自那见面后冰雪消融的微笑。 For a long time does not see.” “好久不见。” „It is not long, after all has the video phone.” Stopped in the Xia Shiyu side, Jiang Chen said with a smile. “也没太久吧,毕竟有视频电话。”停在了夏诗雨的身边,江晨笑着说道。 Has arrived at the hotel that stays , the remaining arrangements were quite free. Is has also read the person of atmosphere in Jiang Chen nearby reception personnel very much. In seeing Xia Shiyu first, then guesses correctly the ambiguous relations that among two people possibly had, then arrived calmly one side. 已经到达下榻的酒店,剩下的安排就比较自由了。一直更在江晨旁边的接待人员也是个很会读气氛的人。在看到夏诗雨的第一眼,便猜到了两人之间可能存在的暧.昧关系,然后便不动声色地走到了一边。 Doesn't think me?” “不想我吗?” Naturally thinks.” Although the smiling face on face is not still proper, the meaning that but Jiang Chen expressed did not have the least bit to be false. “当然想。”虽然脸上的笑容依旧不怎么正经,但江晨所表达的意思却没有半点虚假。 The Future Group scale is huger gradually, but his side entrusts such heavy responsibility sufficiently, as if also only has Xia Shiyu one person. Said may some narcissism, but he believes firmly as before Xia Shiyu will not betray him absolutely. Was once benevolence, was the personal feeling. 未来人集团的规模愈渐庞大,而他身边足以托付此等重任的,似乎也只有夏诗雨一人。这么说或许会有些自恋,但他依旧确信夏诗雨绝对不会背叛他。无论是出于曾经的恩情,还是个人感情。 Is looking at the Jiang Chen's face, her lip tremble slightly. Some many words wanted to say to him obviously, when saw him truly, was not good at expressing sentiment her is not actually able to turn into the fair language these missing. 望着江晨的脸,她的嘴唇轻微颤动着。明明有很多话想要对他说,然而在真正见到他的时候,不善于表达自己感情的她却是无法将这些思念化成合情合理的语言。 „...... The tomorrow's business forum, BAT Three Giants will arrive, Internet and VR industry cooperation is the first point of business meeting.” Xia Shiyu turned away slightly. “……明天商业论坛,bat三巨头都会到场,互联网与vr产业合作将是商务会谈的第一环。”夏诗雨微微移开了视线。 In that hesitant lip seam, squeezed out such evading words finally. 那犹豫的唇缝中,最终还是挤出了这么一句逃避的话语。 Em, I have known.” Had not detected that the Xia Shiyu sentiment fluctuates, the Jiang Chen nod said, responded to her a smiling face that made one feel relieved. “恩,我已经知道了。”并没有察觉到夏诗雨的感情波动,江晨点头说道,回应了她一个令人放心的笑容。 The cheeks exuded a red cloud, Xia Shiyu have not looked at the Jiang Chen's eyes. 脸颊泛起了点点红云,夏诗雨没有看着江晨的双眼。 At this moment, she noticed Jiang Chen behind Ayesha, in the look caught wiped complex. 就在这时,她注意到了江晨身后的阿伊莎,神色中不由染上了一抹复杂。 Has been close to the lunchtime, but must arrive as Jiang Chen of Country of Xin entrepreneur delegate ahead of time, therefore after he and Xia Shiyu exchanged greetings several, then said goodbye first step to go to the room in building. 已经接近午餐时间,而作为新国企业家代表的江晨必须提前到场,所以他与夏诗雨寒暄了几句后,便告辞先一步去了楼上的房间。 Had a premonition that Xia Shiyu had the words 预感到夏诗雨有话要对自己说,阿伊莎并没有更在江晨的后面,而是将询问视线投向了那位她非常看好的“正室”。 I will not give up.” Silent the long time, Xia Shiyu was looking straight ahead the eyes of young girl, said open and aboveboard. “我不会放弃的。”沉默了半晌,夏诗雨直视着少女的双眼,堂堂正正地说道。 Welcome.” “欢迎。” Responded to the line of sight of friend earnestly, Ayesha from the heart said. 认真地回应了友人的视线,阿伊莎发自内心地说道。 She sincerely hopes Xia Shiyu can frank facing own innermost feelings, she did not suggest that becomes sisters with her. If she, certainly can add on him many busy. Rather than like oneself, then does not have besides killing again is long. 她是真诚地希望夏诗雨能坦率的面对自己的内心,她并不建议与她成为姐妹。因为如果是她的话,一定能帮上他更多忙。而不是像自己那样,除了打打杀杀之外便再无一长。 But perhaps is reason that because is not also good at expressing, her invitation listens in the ear of Xia Shiyu, was actually understood „the demonstration of victor. 但或许是因为同样不善于表达的缘故,她的邀请听在夏诗雨的耳中,却是被理解成了“胜利者的示威”。 The lip sips complex, in the eye of Xia Shiyu also ignited fought intent. 嘴唇复杂地抿起,夏诗雨的眼中也是燃起了战意。 Excessively many spoken languages, she has not turned around to depart, left behind Ayesha of full question mark. 没有过多的言语,她转身离去,留下了满头问号的阿伊莎 Looks the back that she is leaving, Ayesha is sipping the lip, fell into the earnest ponder. 望着她离开的背影,阿伊莎微抿着唇,不由陷入了认真的思考。 Always thought how long their two drag not to have any result again...... 总觉得他们两个再拖上多久都不会有任何结果…… Or helps her? 要不帮她一把? The pupil of that deep-blue, is glittering slightly the different kind ray.( To be continued.) 湛蓝色的瞳孔,微微闪烁着别样的光芒。(未完待续。)
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