IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#547: The choice are too many

If must say that who was full of the hostility regarding the Future Technologies product release conference, that probably was Penguin Company. 如果要说谁对于未来人科技的产品发布会充满了敌意,那大概便是企鹅公司了。 After all a while ago they purchased Wanghai Lexiang Technologies Company, Phantom that however Future Technologies promotes now lets the deepoon Virtual Reality equipment in their hand, turned into the junk directly. But planned to tie up penguin Software Interaction on deepoon, realizes Virtual Reality + Big Penguin Strategy the conception also died in the archives. 毕竟前段时间他们才收购了望海乐相科技公司,然而现在未来人科技推出的幻影却是让他们手中的deepoon虚拟实境设备,直接变成了破铜烂铁。而原本计划在deepoon上捆绑企鹅社交软件,实现“虚拟实境+大企鹅战略”的构想也死在了文案上。 Except for because of mood, no one after having smartphone, chooses obsolete Little Overlord game machine again. 除了因为情怀,没有什么人会在拥有智能手机之后,再去选择过时的小霸王游戏机 But awkwardness that they face at this moment, is the same truth. 而他们此刻所面临的尴尬,就是同一个道理。 If this never displays deepoon of shelf, has the least bit mood regarding the user...... 如果这从未摆上货架的deepoon,对于用户有半点情怀可言…… Really is one crowd of waste.” Stares is putting the document on table, Ma Huateng suppressed after the long time, this long-awaited bad language scolds exports. “真是一群废物。”凝视着摆在桌上的文件,马华腾憋了半晌之后,还是将这句酝酿已久的脏话骂出了口。 Giving free reign to the imagination of «Virtual Reality Net! Virtual World Utopia 虚拟实境网的畅想!虚拟世界乌托邦!》 «Future Technologies shows weakness the attraction partner, or exists to be insufficient because of the technology 未来人科技示弱吸引合作方,或因技术存在不足?》 Signal of «cooperation! Will the domestic VR industry or win the blowout period? The relevant industry or will welcome the 100 billion share market order! Recommends below......» 《合作的信号!国内vr产业或将赢来井喷期?相关产业或将迎来千亿份额市场订单!推荐以下股……》 Or positive/direct or the negative report that which angle from makes, the media have tacitly approved Future Technologies regarding the VR domain dominant position. Rising of Future Technologies, making Penguin Group feel deep dreading. Especially when understands the technology of opposite party cannot use for reference, Chief Ma deeply realizes that powerless feeling. 无论是从哪种角度做出的或正面的或负面的报道,媒体都已经默认了未来人科技对于vr领域的统治地位。未来人科技的如日中天,让企鹅集团感到了深深的忌惮。尤其是当领略到对方的技术是借鉴不来的时候,马总深深地体会到了那种无力感。 The ability that one's own side most excel, cannot stand in line any use before the opposite party. 己方最擅长的能力,在对方面前排不上任何用场。 Detection that his layman can be clear about, that is how regardless to squeeze happily the technician of science and technology again, impossible to overstep this technical gap in the short time. 就连他这个门外汉都能明确的察觉到一点,那就是无论再怎么压榨乐相科技的技术员,也不可能在短时间逾越这技术上的鸿沟。 Facing reproving of Boss, stands in his secretary pretends not to hear, straight stares at the vase on Office window to kill the time, simultaneously prayed Boss will not vent anger with him. 面对老板的训斥,站在他身旁的秘书装作没有听见,直直的盯着办公室窗台上的花瓶打发时间,同时祈祷老板不会迁怒与他。 Deeply attracted several tones, Ma Huateng put out a hand to carry the teacup to sip the mouth. sweet Se the tea makes him calm down slightly, is not because this tea precious. But because of its status. This package of tea leaves are the special offerings on Representative Assembly, after the conference ended some great person gives his gift. 深吸了好几口气,马华腾伸手端起茶杯抿了口。甘涩的茶水让他稍稍定了定神,不是因为这茶水有多名贵。而是因为它的身份。这包茶叶是代表大会上的特供品,在会议结束后某位大人物送他的礼物。 Thinks of this, his corners of the mouth brought back wiped the happy expression, the brow also stretched much. 想到这,他的嘴角勾起了一抹笑意,眉头也是舒展了不少。 At least on policy aspect. The penguin will not lose. 至少在政策面上。企鹅是不会输的。 Sees the Boss mood to relax, standing secretary relaxes, that important matter report exit|to speak. 老板情绪缓和,站在旁边的秘书才松了口气,将那重要的事汇报出口。 Boss, 10 : 00 am Country of Xin delegations will arrive go to the capital, at the appointed time Jiang Chen can along with delegation 老板,明天上午十时新国代表团会抵达上京,届时江晨会随代表团” This I know. Is the news that that side comes?” “这我知道。那边来的消息是?” „The news that on that side Capital spreads is, hopes that we and Future Group contact.” “上京市那边传来的消息是,希望我们和未来人集团多接触接触。” Contacts? 多接触接触? Ma Huateng knits the brows slightly, an above person of ambiguous attitude makes him somewhat unable to find out the direction. Actually is a contact process? What result does the above person hope see? Regarding this Epoch-making technology, they doesn't move? 马华腾微微皱眉,上面人暧昧的态度让他有些摸不清方向。究竟是怎么个接触法?上面的人希望看到什么结果?难道对于这划时代的技术,他们就不动心吗? Seeing Boss is silent, secretary exploringly asked. 老板沉默不语,秘书试探性地问道。 „Does Boss, need me to book the airplane ticket?” 老板,需要我订机票吗?” Naturally.” The Ma Huateng sinking sound said, „...... our main business domains or the software, advance to the hardware the step are an erroneous zone. In any event, qq must take the favorable position on Phantom Helmet. Words that now cooperates, should not be late.” “当然。”马华腾沉声道,“……我们的主营领域还是软件,将步子迈向硬件是个误区。无论如何,qq必须在幻影头盔上抢占先机。现在合作的话,应该还不算晚。” Let alone. Since is the above person raises the Parliament surface, then they should be responsible for coordinating to facilitate the cooperation. Because of the Country of Xin particularity, China should strive for this ally to be right as far as possible. In turn wants also to be the similar truth, the Country of Xin aspect should also facilitate Future Technologies and cooperation between China enterprises. 更何况。既然是上面的人提议会面,那么他们应该会负责牵头促成合作吧。因为新国的特殊性,华国应该会尽可能争取这个盟友才对。反过来想也是同样的道理,新国方面应该也会促成未来人科技华国企业之间的合作。 However his secretary has not thought of that far place actually. 不过他的秘书倒是没想到那么远的地方。 „Will Future Technologies let off Social Platform this together? They demonstrated on Future 1.0 ambition that robs the chat software market share. If they to the Phantom Helmet built-in chat software, from the compatible angle card we, we are very then difficult to compete they.” 未来人科技会放过社交平台这一块儿吗?他们在未来人1.0上就展示了抢夺聊天软件市场份额的野心。如果他们对幻影头盔内置聊天软件,然后再从兼容性的角度卡我们,我们很难竞争的过他们。” Vista Artillery System that 2007, Microsoft promotes once for sometime did not support qq, this really Penguin Company scaring. However was good because of this issue was solved in the subsequent renewal . Moreover the vista Artillery System volume popular rate was also inferior in7 that internally xp and following promoted. But no matter what who can see, if Microsoft really wants to get rid of qq through the compatibility. Through forcing to install equipment promotes own msn words, waits for Tencent only has Death. 07年,微软推出的vista系统曾有一段时间不支持qq,这着实把企鹅公司给吓坏了。不过好在这个问题在后续的更新中得到了解决,而且vista系统在国内额普及率也不如xp和后续推出的in7。但任谁都能看出,如果微软真的想通过兼容性来干掉qq。通过强制装机推广自己的msn的话,等待腾讯的只有死亡 Naturally, they will never possibly do that. 当然,他们永远不可能这么做。 As for reason...... 至于原因…… Words did not say that” Chief Ma is narrowing the eye. Somewhat smiles Yin sadly, here, how something are not they want to come how to come. Only if, they want to face the investigation of Anti-Monopoly.” “话不是这么说的,”马总眯着眼睛。有些阴恻恻地笑了笑,“在这里,有些事不是他们想怎么来就怎么来的。除非,他们想面对反垄断的调查。” These words saying from his mouth have no belief strength, speaking of monopolizing this word, who compared favorably with BAT Three Giants? 这句话从他的口中说出来怎么都没什么信服力,说到垄断这个词,有谁比得上bat三巨头 How at the Penguin Company internal discussion should with the Future Group negotiations. In a on Capital's Zhaizinei, two old person positive phases to sitting play chess. 就在企鹅公司内部讨论着该如何与未来人集团谈判时。远在上京市的一家宅子内,两位老人正相对坐着下棋。 This Future Group, this Jiang Chen, a little skill.” Two fingers hold a black, the gray-haired old person is nodding suddenly with a laugh, ejected such significance unclear words. “这个未来人集团,这个江晨,有点本事啊。”两指衔着一枚黑棋,头发花白的老人突然笑呵呵地点着头,抛出了这么句意义不明的话来。 Puts on the old person of flowered waistcoat also to follow to smile. 穿着花马甲的老人也跟着笑了笑。 Can make Old Liu so appraise, it seems like that this child really has the forte.” “能让老柳如此评价,看来此子确实有过人之处。” Yeah, the words cannot say. First bets on him, isn't your Zhou Family?” “哎,话不能这么说。最先在他身上下注的,可不就是你们周家吗?” Betting this word rather had the wound to be elegant, was only in the family/home the boy, by chance with his some fates.” Although words so modest, but on the face of Zhou Antai is hanging the red light. “下注这个词未免太有伤风雅了,只是家中小子,恰巧与他有些缘分。”话虽说的如此谦虚,但周安泰的脸上还是挂着红光。 Originally that has mixed in the mixing boy who Wanghai City is not willing to go back, came back to give household to bring a potential ally unexpectedly. Then, Jiang Chen will choose and their Zhou Family cooperation, but must be lucky Wang Family acting as a matchmaker. 原来那个一直混在望海市不肯回去的混小子,一回来竟然就给家族带了个如此有潜力的盟友。说起来,江晨会选择和他们周家合作,还得多亏了王家从中“做媒”。 This...... was too irritable.” This chess remains pending for a long time not to fall, Prime Minister Liu sighed, freely shook the head. “这德海啊……还是太急躁了。”这颗棋久悬而未落,柳国相叹了口气,不住地摇头。 In his mouth, referred to naturally is Wanghai City Wang Dehai. 他口中的德海,指的自然是望海市王德海 Hears the appraisal of old friend, in the Zhou Antai heart immediately is one happy, but this time he has not displayed on the face actually, but asked the sentence very much vaguely. 听到老友的评价,周安泰心中顿时就是一喜,不过这次他倒是没有表现在脸上,而是很隐晦地问了句。 „Is this discusses?” “这是讨论出的?” Prime Minister Liu looked at old friend one eyes with a laugh, the vision fell on the checkerboard. 柳相国笑呵呵的看了老友一眼,目光重新落在了棋盘上。 This chess is very difficult to walk.” “这步棋很难走。” Where is difficult to be at?” “难在哪?” Too are difficultly many in the choice.” Prime Minister Liu is ascertaining the checkerboard, muttered is saying. “难在选择太多。”柳国相似是在捉摸着棋盘,喃喃自语地说着。 Antey, you said that I am the present raise your, puts?” 安泰,你说我是现在就提你的子,还是放一放?” Hears the speech of old friend no plans, Zhou Antai pats the thigh, hā hā is saying with a smile. 听到老友毫无心机的发言,周安泰拍着大腿,哈哈笑道。 You asked me, I definitely was hope that you showed mercy.” “你这么问我,我肯定是希望你手下留情。” Prime Minister Liu swept his one eyes, is cheerful smiling. 柳相国扫了他一眼,也是乐呵呵的笑了笑。 Although we were also the long-standing friendships, but played chess you understood, I never showed mercy.” “虽然咱们也算是老交情了,但下棋的时候你懂的,我从来不手下留情。” Oh, might as well. We the first time were not lost in any case.” Zhou Antai does not care beckons with the hand. “唉,无妨。反正咱也不是第一次输了。”周安泰不在意地摆了摆手。 Although was saying does not care about the words, but his vision has not moved out of the way from the checkerboard. 虽然说着不在意地话,但他的目光从来没有从棋盘上挪开。 Hangs the black mole without fallen to fall after all. 悬而未落的黑子终归落下。 Has stared at the Zhou Antai pupil of checkerboard to shrink shrinking slightly, immediately smiles cheerfully. 一直盯着棋盘的周安泰瞳孔微微缩了缩,随即乐呵呵地笑了笑起来。 From the beginning, this old friend is hitting the riddle with him, child falls to the ground until this, he saw some features.( To be continued.) 从一开始,这老友就和他在打着哑谜,直到这颗子落地,他才算是看出了些眉目。(未完待续。)
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