IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#546: Phantom Helmet on the shelf!

The news of Country of Xin success launch meteorological satellite, started the stir of small range in international press, but quick then belongs to tranquilly. aerospace this Nation Grade „the Olympics project like that is not irritable like the past years, people surprise under this Pacific Ocean small country mounted the headline slightly again, then threw this matter after the brain. 新国成功发射气象卫星的消息,在国际新闻界中掀起了小范围的轰动,但很快便归于平静。航天这项国家级奥运项目”已经不像当年那般火爆,人们只是稍微诧异了下这个太平洋小国再次登上了头条,然后便将这件事儿抛在了脑后。 Does not know that for what reason, the United Nations observer concealed Star Ring Trading use two stage rocket launch technology to the media, but the Star Ring Trading aspect had not shown to the media publicly, therefore this technology has not appeared in the line of sight of public. 不知道出于何种原因,联合国观察员向媒体隐瞒了星环贸易使用的二级火箭发射技术,而星环贸易方面也未对媒体公开说明,所以这项技术并没有出现在公众的视线之中。 However what Jiang Chen is certain, with has learned of this news with United Nations in the NASA affirmation of New York, moreover how to deal with the United States Congress public hearing worries. After all they took so many budget every year, in technology actually by a Pacific Ocean small country being inferior...... 不过江晨可以肯定的是,与联合国同在纽约nasa肯定已经得知了这个消息,而且正在为如何应付美国国会的听证会而发愁。毕竟他们每年拿了这么多预算,在技术却被一个太平洋小国给比了下去…… Compares the uneventfulness of Country of Xin, Philippines of next door is at eventful time. 相比起新国的风平浪静,隔壁的菲国可谓正处在多事之秋。 Few days ago the Country of Moro guerrilla force successfully seized Davao City, and announced that took Country of Moro Capital this. Regarding this Philippines naturally cannot give up, Aquino first delivers the speech, condemning Santos is terrorist leader and criminal, and increased 2 Infantry Division to Mindanao Island with 1 the modernized mechanical trip that is trained by the US Military help, starts the large-scale military operation to Mindanao Island. 前些日子摩洛国的游击队成功占领了达沃市,并宣布将此作为摩洛国首都。对此菲国自然不会善罢甘休,阿基诺先是发表讲话,谴责桑托斯恐怖头子与犯罪者,并向棉兰老岛增派了二个步兵师与一个由美军帮助训练的现代化机械旅,对棉兰老岛发动大规模军事行动。 Meanwhile, after a month, United States has completed government to change session, passing supported Philippines to resist Country of Moro to be independent. The resolution of movement, and sent out f35 fighter to raid the headquarters of guerrilla force. 与此同时,经过一个月的时间,美国已经完成了政.府换届,通过了支援菲国抵抗摩洛国独立.运动的决议,并派出f35战斗机空袭了游击队的指挥部。 The tactical situation falls into again deeply worried. 战况再次陷入焦灼。 On the other hand, Country of Xin Vice-president brought Ministry of Economic Affairs Minister to visit New Guinea, and took away the Future Mining representatives and more than ten Ange Island entrepreneurs, as well as total value in the 1,000,000,000 USD above cooperation project. 另一方面,新国副总统带着经济部部长访问了新几内亚,并带去了未来人矿业的代表与十余名安加岛的企业家,以及总价值在10亿美元以上的合作项目。 Yang Yuan seemed to have come out of the Su Fei shadow, put in the entire energy the work, tried to fade from the memory that sentiment. The travel of this New Guinea, he went personally as Future Mining General Manager, and was Future Mining took 5 steel and iron works with 2 aluminum processing plant, capacity that will pollute high from Ange Island to this not developed neighboring country shift. 杨远似乎已经走出了苏菲的阴影,将全部精力都投入到了工作中,试图淡忘掉那份感情。这次新几内亚之旅,作为未来人矿业总经理他亲自去了趟,并为未来人矿业拿下了五座钢铁厂与二座铝加工厂,将高污染的产能从安加岛向这不发达的邻国转移。 The BHP Mining Group ore was transported to New Guinea to conduct the rough machining, then ships back Country of Xin to conduct about one step processing by the special production equipment. Makes one special Ferro-aluminum Alloy material. This Ferro-aluminum Alloy is very light, but the degree of hardness and intensity are actually unambiguous, the performance endures compared with the titanium alloy. But regarding these Ferro-aluminum Alloy uses, Jiang Chen not to the Yang Yuan detail. Expressed generally will conduct to complete some special project with these alloy. bhp矿业集团的矿石被运往新几内亚进行粗加工,然后再运回新国由特殊生产设备进行近一步的加工。制成一种特殊的铁铝合金材料。这种铁铝合金很轻,但硬度和强度却是毫不含糊,性能堪比钛合金。而对于这些铁铝合金的用途,江晨并未向杨远详细说明。只是笼统地表示将会用这些合金进行来完成某个特别的工程。 While Vice-president visits New Guinea, Zhang Yaping President signed one to handle about the simplify tourist visa, as well as including reducing tourism tax policies of 11 stimulation tourism development. With the promulgations of these policies, Country of Xin has laid the policy aspect foundation of tourism vigorous development, Year 2017 has been doomed to become the first year that the Country of Xin tourism starts. 副总统出访新几内亚的同时,张亚平总统签署了一项关于简化旅游签证办理,以及包括降低旅游税在内的11项刺激旅游业发展的政策。随着这些政策的颁布,新国已经奠定了旅游业蓬勃发展的政策面基础,2017年注定将成为新国旅游业起步的元年。 Obtains news Future Tourism General Manager Wei Yun from Jiang Chen. Had prepared sufficient for arrival of this day. Uses Ocean's Heart and seabed hotel and hot spring sand beach, the marine labyrinth and other tourism projects as the signboard, the characteristic traveling advertisement publishes in the network and television two media platforms, even mounted the United States Time Square screen. 已经从江晨那边得到消息的未来人旅游总经理卫允。早已经为这一天的到来做好了充足的准备。以海洋之心海底旅馆、温泉沙滩、海上迷宫等诸多旅游项目为招牌,独具特色的旅游广告在网络、电视两个媒体平台上登出,甚至登上了美国时代广场的荧幕。 The Koro Island airport opened the recently completed runway, satisfies taking off and landing of one-day 1700 sortie airplane sufficiently, and increased with going to the capital, Wanghai, Xiangjiang, New York, Los Angeles, Paris and other international city non-stop flights, to avoid many passengers also being probable in the trouble of Australia favorable turn. 科罗岛机场开放了新建成的跑道,足以满足单日1700架次飞机的起降,并增加了与上京、望海香江纽约洛杉矶巴黎等国际城市的直达航班,以避免不少乘客还得在澳大利亚转机的麻烦。 The flight cleared the first day, Country of Xin holds the tourist visa entry population then from 1347 people to increase sharply to 97 people, and is increasing at a rate of terrorist|terrifying. According to the estimate of Country of Xin travel agency, Year 2017 travel new tourists will break through the 100,000 people in the first quarter hopefully, and is the 500,000 people in the second quarter. 航班开通首日,新国持旅游签证入境人数便从1347人次激增至97人次,并且在恐怖攀升。根据新国旅游局的预计,2017年第一季度旅新游客人数将有望突破10万人次,并在第二季度达到50万人次。 Was announced the data influence by this. The international three big credit rating organizations raised the Country of Xin investment rating in abundance, from this also facilitated flooding into of massive international capital. 受此公布数据影响。国际三大信用评级机构纷纷上调了新国的投资评级,由此也促成了大量国际资本的涌入。 Regarding this Zhang Yaping President really is glad to grin with ear to ear, the Year 2016 Country of Xin gdp speed-up has been close to 100%, completed the economic pillar from the fishery and crop production to the manufacturing industry and tourism the transformation. 对此张亚平总统简直是乐得合不拢嘴,2016年新国gdp增速已经接近100%,更是完成了经济支柱从渔业和种植业向制造业和旅游业的转变。 The performance very bright eye of Future Group affiliated industry, however compared with Future Technologies, even if added to be somewhat overshadowed completely. 未来人集团旗下产业的表现都很亮眼,然而与未来人科技相比,哪怕是全部加起来都有些黯然失色了。 30 million Phantom Helmet of first batch of investment markets, in a day then sell in the on the shelf, and was bid up nearly three times of high prices on Black Market. Therefore Future Technologies has to issue to announce in the official site, adopts to limit to sell the strategy, each Future account number are most can only purchase 2 Phantom Helmet. This situation has alleviated. 第一批投入市场的3000万件幻影头盔,在上架一天内便销售一空,并在黑市上被炒到了近乎三倍的高价格。为此未来人科技不得不在官网上发布公告,采取限售策略,每个未来人账号最多只能购买二台幻影头盔。这种情况才有所缓解。 However even so, invested Phantom Helmet of global market also in selling in afterward one after another first day sells completely. Because the netizens of many understanding the true situation buy do not receipt, even started to accuse Future Technologies to inflate, started to bully with the hungry marketing is always supporting its consumer. 然而纵使如此,后来陆陆续续投入全球市场的幻影头盔也在发售首日内销售殆尽。不少不明真相的网友因为买不到货,甚至开始指责未来人科技膨胀了,开始用饥饿营销来欺负一直以来支持着它的消费者。 But Future Technologies also has their difficulties. After all several million helmet allocate the global market, disperses to each country also on four 5 million. To fill up that blank by one's effort the market, but also requires some time. 未来人科技也有他们的苦衷。毕竟几千万件头盔平摊到全球市场,分散到每个国家也就四五百万件。想要以一己之力填满那空白的市场,还需要一定的时间。 However on the other hand, how regardless of these people scolded, helmet arrival of shipment that after left the plant newly, they met first stare are rushing to purchase the button to order. But Future Technologies product. Also has not truly made their anticipations fail. 不过话又说回来了,无论这些人怎么骂,当新出厂的头盔到货之后,他们还是会第一时间盯着抢购按钮下单。而未来人科技的产品。也确实没让他们的期待落空。 80 million helmet sell completely, after deducting the transport expense, the production cost and tax and other series of expenses, an average helmet profit is 791.1 USD, the gross profit achieved terrorist|terrifying 64,070,000,000 USD! The terrorist|terrifying profitability frightened to urinate entire Wall Street. 8000万件头盔全部售出,扣除运费、生产成本以及税等一系列费用后,平均一件头盔的利润为791.1美元,总利润达到了恐怖640.7亿美元恐怖的盈利能力吓尿了整个华尔街 After all in virtual screen test, forms the absolute technical superiority Future Technologies, could not have found sufficiently with the competitor who it contends with. Regardless how various countries' patent office sells the application patent the advantage, Future Technologies is aloof. 毕竟在虚拟试镜这块,形成绝对技术优势的未来人科技,已经找不到足以与之抗衡的竞争对手。无论各国专利局怎么推销申请专利的好处,未来人科技都无动于衷。 Has the absolute technical superiority, Future Technologies is not needing through publicizing to receive in exchange for the protection. 掌握着绝对的技术优势,未来人科技根本无需通过公开来换取保护。 64,070,000,000 USD succeeds in obtaining, the Jiang Chen first matter was both capital and interest paid off the loan of Rothschild Bank. 640.7亿美元一到手,江晨第一件事就是连本带利还清了罗斯柴尔德银行的贷款。 After recovering the loan, Rothschild Bank President indicated to Jiang Chen attentively, if had difficulty in the turnover of capital to probably contact with them again. Regarding this Jiang Chen smiles, has not given any reply. 收回了贷款之后,罗斯柴尔德银行行长殷勤地向江晨表示,如果再出现了资金周转上的困难请务必联系他们。对此江晨只是笑了笑,没有做任何回答。 At present depends on the profit of Future Technologies only, satisfies the Future Group expansion business sufficiently the demand, he has no longer needed to loan this type of thing. 目前单靠未来人科技的盈利,就足以满足未来人集团扩张业务的需求,他已经不再需要贷款这种东西。 As official selling of Phantom Helmet, Future Technologies and Divine Grade Continent official site also published first Immersive-type Virtual Online Game gets online the date officially, and winding two measured Arena Mode that promotes, simultaneously opened the game character registration. 随着幻影头盔的正式发售,未来人科技神级大陆的官网也刊登了首款沉浸式虚拟网游的正式上线日期,并下线了二测推出的竞技场模式,同时开放了游戏角色注册。 Virtual Reality Helmet that although gets online at first only then that gray cube room, as well as simple homepage browsing function. However even so, many people are also glad whole evening to wear helmet on the head. Many Internet enterprises were almost hit to explode the Future Technologies telephone, wanted to solve the compatible problem of own software on Phantom Helmet. These include the penguin, they want to develop oneself Social Platform on Phantom Helmet urgently. 虽然最初上线的虚拟实境头盔只有那个灰色立方体的房间,以及简单的网页浏览功能。然而纵使如此,不少人也乐得整晚将头盔戴在脑袋上。不少互联网企业几乎是打爆了未来人科技的电话,希望解决自己的软件在幻影头盔上的兼容性问题。这其中就包括企鹅,他们迫切地想要在幻影头盔上拓展自己的社交平台 Regarding this Future Technologies gives also very official, for technical reasons, Phantom Helmet Artillery System can only at present load Divine Grade Continent and built-in Web browser. With the improvement of technology, the compatible issue will gradually be solved. 对此未来人科技给出也很官方,因为技术原因,目前幻影头盔系统只能负载神级大陆以及内置的网页浏览器。随着技术的完善,兼容性的问题会逐步解决。 After all before formally starts to cooperate, the Future Technologies aspect also needs under the consideration, which things can cooperate, which things must grasp in oneself hand. 毕竟在正式开始合作之前,未来人科技方面还需要考虑下,哪些东西能合作,哪些东西得抓在自己的手上。 When the entire world is crazy for this Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology, Jiang Chen mounted with the Country of Xin visit delegation went to the Capital's special plane, started the visit to China.( To be continued.) 就在全世界都为这沉浸式虚拟实境技术而疯狂的时候,江晨随着新国访问代表团登上了前往上京市的专机,开始了访华之旅。(未完待续。)
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