IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#545: Battery Patent

East of Palau Archipelago 200 nautical miles sea area, under re-equipping Type-50 J Model Electromagnetic Artillery frigate escorted, two Construction Boat launch to float the stage in the sea level, recycled in first stage rocket that under the counter jetting action crashes slowly. 帕努群岛以东200海里的海域,在改装了五十式j型电磁炮护卫舰护送下,两艘工程船在海面上展开浮台,回收了在逆喷射作用下缓缓坠落的一级火箭 Not far away can see that several have not hit the sea patrol boat of national flag, is maintaining the safe distance, is monitoring the first stage rocket recovery work of Star Ring Trading. Because in the international waters, Star Ring Trading frigate has not paid attention to these supervisors, but aims to warn the naval gun distantly, then has no movement again. 不远处能看到几艘没有打国旗的海巡船,保持着安全距离,监视着星环贸易一级火箭回收工作。因为是在公海上,星环贸易护卫舰并没有理会这些监视者,只是将舰炮遥遥对准以示警告,便再无任何动作。 When first stage rocket successfully lands, and after being moved Construction Boat, these sea patrol boats then evacuated. 一级火箭成功着陆,并被搬上工程船后,那些海巡船便撤离了。 Can guess correctly with the foot, who these sea patrol boats are send. United States disdains in the Country of Xin aerospace technology, Australia does not care about the international affairs, was only left over New Guinea and Philippines in the country of this sea area activity. The economic and trade cooperation of New Guinea and Country of Xin is close day by day, naturally cannot make this unfriendly probe. 用脚都能猜到,这些海巡船是谁派来的。美国不屑于新国航天技术,澳大利亚不关心国际事务,在这片海域活动的国家就只剩下新几内亚菲国了。新几内亚新国的经贸合作日趋紧密,自然不会做这种不友好的试探。 Philippines continuously on the alert rise of Country of Xin, when Country of Xin applied for the rocket launch project, their first then jumped the opposition. Stemming from the consideration of National Security, they do not think actually not a total population did not have their army soldier many small countries, can cause anything to affect to their National Security. But stemming from an abnormal psychology of poor neighbor, was must not exposed to this once by the projectile small country that he looked down upon, can have the aerospace strength that they are unable to attain. 菲国一直警惕着新国的崛起,在新国申请火箭发射项目时,他们第一个便跳出来反对。倒不是出于对国家安全的考虑,他们并不认为一个总人口还没他们陆军士兵多的小国,能对他们的国家安全造成什么影响。而是出于一种穷邻居的畸形心理,就是见不得这个曾经被他瞧不起的弹丸小国,能拥有他们无法企及的航天实力。 Naturally, only feared that they receive now much. Because Star Ring Trading not only mastered the independent satellite launch ability, but also grasped first stage rocket to recycle this most advanced technique. 当然,只怕他们现在更不少受了。因为星环贸易不但掌握了自主发射卫星能力,还掌握了一级火箭回收这种尖端技术。 Country of Xin rocket launch, caused heavy losses to their nationals to be self-confident without doubt. 新国火箭发射,无疑重创了他们的国民自信。 However lets the matter that Jiang Chen cannot comprehend, this Philippines could not have taken care of oneself, how to look for a job. 不过让江晨搞不懂的事,这菲国都已经自顾不暇了,怎么还是这么会找事。 ...... …… Future Biology nutrition mixture is broadly well-respected in the international market, to cater to the market of multiverse, General Manager Tao Ming unifies the formula that Jiang Chen provided, promoted nutrition mixture A, B, C, D and other models, while raising degradative rate of raw material as well as output, but also opened the low-end market. 未来人生物营养合剂在国际市场上广受好评,为了迎合多元化的市场,总经理陶明结合了江晨提供的配方,推出了营养合剂a、b、c、d等型号,在提高原料利用率以及产量的同时,还打开了低端市场。 Now the Nutrition Mixture Production Plant moon/month quantity of delivery has achieved four 1 million boxes, deducts the production cost latter box of profit on average is 371.1 USD. The after-tax gross profit reaches as high as 1,000,000,000 USD! The profitability pressed up to Future Technologies, this point came as a surprise to Jiang Chen's completely. 现在营养合剂生产厂的月出货量已经达到四百万箱,扣除生产成本后一箱的利润平均为371.1美元。税后总利润高达10亿美元!盈利能力直逼未来人科技,这一点完全出乎了江晨的预料。 Regarding the development of Future Biology, Tao Ming was full of lofty aspirations and high ideals, is striking one's chest to Jiang Chen ensure fast food food that nutrition mixture builds the health of the 21 st century. But he will have the enthusiasm. Stems from the stockholder's rights incentive that Jiang Chen proposed. Regarding Zhan Shujie that he and manages produce, everyone started out 3% drawing bonus rewards respectively. So long as they have served for Future Group, then they have enjoyed this to draw bonus the reward. 对于未来人生物的发展,陶明可谓是充满了雄心壮志,拍着胸脯向江晨保证将营养合剂打造成21世纪的健康的速食食品。而之所以他会如此有热情。还是源于江晨提出的股权激励计划。对于他和管生产的詹书杰,每人各开出了3%的分红奖励。只要他们一直为未来人集团服务,那么他们将一直享受这个分红奖励。 On the other hand, the Russia Ministry of National Defense order was also Future Biology brought a big income. However compares the irritability of civil market, income some of this military supplies order insufficiently look obviously. Regarding this Tao Ming proposed to Jiang Chen. Or rises in prices, or stops renewing simply with suddenly Ministry of National Defense order, by the maximization of profit of unit capacity. After all the economic situation day by day stern Russia, and does not seem like an extravagant customer. 另一方面,俄国国防部的订单也为未来人生物带来了不小的收益。不过相比起民用市场的火爆,这军需订单的收益显然有些不够看。对此陶明江晨提议。要不涨价,或者干脆停止续签与俄国防部的订单,以将单位产能的利润最大化。毕竟经济形势日趋严峻的俄国,并不像是一个阔绰的买主。 However, Jiang Chen not to his proposition nod. After all stands in Future Group Chairman of the Board this position, he needs to consider is not only an interest of department. Although Russia is not an extravagant customer, but is actually the ally that can cooperate. 不过,江晨并没有对他的提议点头。毕竟站在未来人集团董事长这个位置,他所需要考虑的不仅仅是一个部门的利益。俄国虽然不是个阔绰的买主,但却是个可以合作的盟友。 Regarding this although Tao Ming did not understand very much, but accorded with the decision of Chairman of the Board. The motive that but insists regarding Jiang Chen, he as if had some strange misunderstanding. And expressed a meaning not to want badger game of opposite party tactfully. 对此陶明虽然不是很理解,但还是服从了董事长的决定。只不过对于江晨坚持的动机,他似乎产生了某种奇怪的误解。并委婉地表达了一个意思不要中了对方的美人计。 However Jiang Chen is actually a face compels ignorant, does not understand completely he is saying anything vaguely. 然而江晨却是一脸懵逼,完全不明白他在隐晦地说什么。 Until Jiang Chen left company on the same day time. When passed by the lounge, accidentally glimpsed one to open wide the magazine on table. Because the person of above photo somewhat looks familiar, therefore he read conveniently under. 直到当天江晨离开公司的时候。在路过休息室的时候,偶然瞥见了一份敞开在桌上的杂志。因为上面配图的人有些眼熟,所以他就随手翻看了下。 This does not look importantly, after looking, his expression was splendid immediately. 这一看不要紧,看完之后,他的表情顿时精彩了起来。 The magazine is the female to the fashion magazine, mainly reported that some celebrity bordered news or the cosmetology put on make-up to experience. The content has no issue, that page of photos that but open wide, when is Natasha that night he delivered to get drunk goes home unexpectedly the picture. 杂志属于女性向的时装杂志,主要报道些明星花边新闻或美容化妆经验。内容本身没有什么问题,但敞开的那一页配图,竟然是那天晚上他送喝醉的娜塔莎回家时的照片。 Article not between Future Group Chairman of the Board and suddenly diplomatic personnel ambiguous makes many derivations to report, but taking advantage of this topic review under the Natasha's makings and putting on clothes matching skill, and boast shamelessly taught to attract the masculine secret of success...... 文章本身并没有对未来人集团董事长和俄外交人员之间的“暧昧”做过多衍生报道,而是借着这个话题点评了下娜塔莎的气质以及穿衣搭配技巧,并大言不惭地传授吸引成功男性的秘诀…… In brief. Closed the magazine, a Jiang Chen that really awkwardness. 总之。合上了杂志,江晨那真叫一个尴尬。 No wonder a moment ago Tao Ming speech time starts to speak but hesitates, originally also has this misunderstanding. The suddenly diplomatic personnel are Boss lover, his Supervisor truly not good the business to company and Russia said anything. But stemming from cannot consideration that whatever this near pillow wind talks mindlessly. Therefore he said so vague. 难怪刚才陶明说话的时候欲言又止的,原来还有着这层误会。俄外交人员是老板情人,他一个经理确实不好对公司俄国的业务说些什么。但出于不能任由这“枕边风”乱吹的考虑。所以他才说的如此隐晦。 Jiang Chen read under the title page of magazine, the version number of this magazine should be one month ago distributes, is published by some Koro Island local small media. Sees this, his corners of the mouth bring back the happy expression that wiped to ponder. 江晨翻看了下杂志的封面,从这杂志的版号来看应该是一个月前发行的,由科罗岛当地某个小媒体出版。看到这,他的嘴角不由勾起了一抹玩味的笑意。 Unexpectedly some people dare to report that his scandal, was Boss of this magazine tired of living? 居然有人敢报道他的绯闻,这杂志的老板是活腻了? However he also thinks, random then closed to return in nearby periodical rack the magazine. 不过他也就是这么想了一下,随机便把杂志合上放回了一旁的杂志架中。 Some things suspend to be all right. Covered up did not make one say, instead made people think behind this can have any dirty py transaction. Country of Xin does not promote the news. The control, does not need, because this small matter feels embarrassed these media. 有些东西摆出来本来没什么事。遮遮掩掩的不让人说,反而让人觉得这背后会不会有什么肮脏的py交易。新国不搞新闻.管制,没必要因为这种小事儿去为难这些媒体。 However this matter to reminds to Jiang Chen, that is the work in public opinion must complete. How should do specifically, naturally through the legislation, his money so many, definitely cannot control stock after all. 不过这事儿到是给江晨提了个醒,那就是舆论方面的工作一定得做好。具体该如何做,当然不是通过立法,毕竟他钱这么多,完全可以控股嘛。 On the other hand, Future Heavy Industry officially establishes, registers in Country of Xin as Future Group child company. The current business pure electric vehicle battery, the technician digs from that three European automobile company of Jiang Chen purchase. It is not quite good to use to be similar like battery type of mechanical device in the Phantom Helmet security technology, therefore Jiang Chen does not plan to put out extremely in advanced Nuclear Fusion Battery and so on gadget, but chose the technical span not to calculate extremely advanced solid state Lithium Air Battery. 另一方面,未来人重工正式成立,作为未来人集团子公司新国注册。目前的业务只有纯电动汽车电池,技术员则是从江晨收购的那三家欧洲汽车公司挖来的。像电池这种机械设备不太好使用类似于幻影头盔的保密技术,所以江晨也不打算拿出太过于超前的核聚变电池之类的玩意儿,而是选择了技术跨度不算太过超前固态锂空气电池 In the international scientific community, the research about Lithium Air Battery, has arrived has only missed the shooting the condition. Limits the shackles of its commercialization how mainly after to guarantee its multiple sufficient electrical discharge, can still maintain the original electric power level. At present what around the world is the top position is University of Cambridge, its establishment the laboratory model of lithium air battery, the sufficient electrical discharge number of times can over 2000 times, the use of energy efficiency theoretically over 90%. 在国际科学界,关于锂空气电池的研究,已经到了只差临门一脚的状态。限制其商业化的桎梏主要在如何确保其多次充放电后,仍能保持原本的电力水平。目前在世界范围内走在前列的是剑桥大学,其建立的锂空气电池的实验室模型,充放电次数能够超过2000次,能源使用效率理论上超过90%。 The optimistic point, Year 2020 then can realize the quantity manufactures and application and spreading of Lithium Air Battery. 乐观点来看,2020年便能实现锂空气电池的大量生产和推广应用。 Downloaded eliminated solid state Lithium Air Battery technology from Last of Days that side city Library, Jiang Chen then told that the No. 27 Sanctuary researcher, made a sample to come out with 3D Printing Technology, and was compliled into books the related technology material, the stopper gave the technician of Future Heavy Industry car battery project section. 末世那边的市图书馆中下载了已经被淘汰的固态锂空气电池技术,江晨接着吩咐27号避难所的研究员,用3d打印技术生产了个样品出来,并将相关技术资料整理成册,塞给了未来人重工汽车电池项目部的技术员。 Including the electrode material, the membrane part, new electrolyte and high performance additive and other technologies, submit the international monopoly to apply through the pct way completely, applied for a total of 147 patents in the global many countries, makes every effort to form the absolute patent monopoly, dies of suffocation others to walk the way of this road thoroughly. 包括电极材料,膜部件,新型电解液和高性能添加剂等技术,全部通过pct途径递交国际专利申请,在全球多个国家中申请了总共147项专利,力求形成绝对的专利垄断,彻底堵死别人走这条路的途径。 These technical not Shen white not Shanghai, in the evening about four years others will apply in the same old way. 这些技术不申白不申,晚上个四年左右别人照样会申请。 As for the techniques of production of some materials, Jiang Chen does not have anxiously the registration patent, because he simply has not constructed the plan of very far place the factory. Country of Xin Industrial Base Ange Island, neighboring country New Guinea is also a good choice.( To be continued.) 至于部分材料的生产工艺,江晨则没有急着注册专利,因为他根本没有把工厂建到很远地方的打算。新国工业基地安加岛就可以,邻国新几内亚也是个不错的选择。(未完待续。)
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