IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#544: Wishing for earnestly

Sky Eye Type 1 Meteorological Observation Satellite. ¥ f, as the name suggests, it will be used in meteorological observation and disaster early warning and other domains. But because the satellite used big surface array Detector and large-scale reflecting telescope Artillery System and adaptive optics image technology, real-time image transmission and other technologies, this places in a satellite near-earth end caliber 2 meters camera, the observation resolution as high as 0.1 meters. 天眼1型气象观测卫星。¥f,顾名思义,它将被用于气象观测、灾害预警等领域。但由于卫星采用了大面阵列探测器、大型反射望远镜系统、自适应光学成像技术、实时图像传输等技术,这安置在卫星近地端的口径二米的摄像头,观测分辨率最高可达0.1米。 The military remote sensing satellite and civil remote sensing satellite are in no way different by theory, the main difference manifests spectral coverage and in difference to ground resolution request that in the satellite uses. The military remote sensing satellite mainly in the visible light or the near-infrared spectral coverage image formation, the resolution surpasses 1 meter. 军用遥感卫星和民用遥感卫星在原理上并无二致,主要区别体现在卫星所使用的谱段和对地面分辨率要求上的差异。军用遥感卫星主要在可见光或近红外谱段成像,分辨率优于一米。 But Sky Eye Type 1 Meteorological Observation Satellite, has reached the degree of military satellite without doubt. Properly speaking, the United Nations observers will propose the request satellite inspector whether with declaration project in consistent, because these people do not believe that Country of Xin can launch successfully, therefore has not raised the inspection the matter. 天眼1型气象观测卫星,无疑已经达到了军事卫星的程度。按理来说,联合国的观察人员会提出要求检查卫星是否与申报项目中一致,但因为这些人根本就不相信新国能发射成功,所以就没提检查的事。 Naturally, even if they say, Jiang Chen can still reject. But as the matter stands, Philippines definitely has takes the opportunity to hype, for example matter military satellite of Country of Xin launch, for secretive secret and so on. 当然,就算他们提出来,江晨这边也是可以拒绝的。只不过这样一来,菲国肯定有得借机炒作一番,比如新国发射的事军用卫星,用于不可告人的秘密云云。 Looked at the column of smoke of sky dissipation, the Henry Adam's apple high and low was skidding gradually the long time, this closed the mouth. 望着天空渐渐消散的烟柱,亨利喉结上下滑动了半晌,这才合上了嘴巴。 Really success “真的成功了吗” The cheers he naturally heard, but he is not willing to accept this unbelievable fact. 刚才的欢呼声他自然是听到了,但他怎么也不愿意接受这个难以置信的事实。 Does not need third stage rocket to be launched into space in the technology with second stage rocket the satellite directly this is not impossible, but the cost they considered the load extra weight but need more fuels wait/etc.. Their rocket volume is not very big, the Chief Head probably is 33 meters. really is unbelievable 不需要三级火箭直接用二级火箭将卫星送入轨道技术上这也不是不行,可是成本他们考虑了吗负载额外的重量可是需要更多的燃料等等。他们火箭的体积也不是很大,总长大概是33米。简直难以置信 However at this time and no one managed him. Jiang Chen went to beyond the launching center to accept the interview of media, Kelvin directs is sitting the staff in front of computer, conducted to open solar panel and satellite inspector active status and collection first-hand meteorology receipt and other operations. 然而这时候并没有人理他。江晨去了发射中心外接受媒体的采访,克尔温则指挥着坐在电脑前的工作人员,进行打开太阳能板、检查卫星工作状态、采集第一手气象收据等操作。 Later Country of Xin weather forecast, can complete by Country of Xin own meteorological satellite. p ; weather forecast that S company always provides, thanks.” “以后新国天气预报,可以由新国自己的气象卫星来完成了。p;s公司一直以来提供的天气预报,谢谢。” The light lamp twinkle, Jiang Chen has almost been familiar with this type by the camera is pointing at the feeling. 光灯闪烁,江晨差不多已经习惯这种被照相机指着的感觉了。 Mr. Jiang Chen. Is anything facilitates you to invest Aerospace Domain “请问江晨先生。是什么促成你投资航天领域 Interest also has the prospect.” Jiang Chen stretched out a finger. Points at rocket had just been flying place, smiles to say in front of the lens, Future of Humanity is There.” “兴趣还有前景。”江晨伸出了一根指头。指着火箭刚刚飞过的地方,在镜头前微笑道,“人类的未来在那里。” If were an average person speaks these words, will definitely be ridiculed is installing to compel. Because these words are to stem from the mouth of some technical tycoon, then it then becomes the famous saying to be always remembered fortunately. 如果是个普通人说这句话,肯定会被嘲笑是在装逼。但因为这句话是出自某个科技大亨之口,那么它便有幸成为名言被铭记。 When is accepting such interview, in the Jiang Chen brain is also thinking. If one day, Star Ring Trading really completed that blueprint in his heart, when humanity activity space following advances to the sky after the land, again advances to synchronous orbit and Moon, even is beside sparks (Mars) and Solar System. Can some people today at this moment as all always remembered. 接受着这样的采访时,江晨脑中也不禁在想。如果有一天,星环贸易真的完成了他心中的那个蓝图,人类的活动空间继从陆地迈向天空之后,再次迈向同步轨道月球、甚至是火星太阳系之外时。会不会有人将今天这一刻作为一切的来铭记。 He aims at the sky, was saying Future of Humanity is There the stance of these words, can be cast the statue by the bronze, exhibits in Earth Civilization museum. 他指向天空,说着“人类的未来在那里”这句话的姿态,会不会被青铜铸成雕像,陈列在地球文明博物馆 After the interview. Packs off these United Nations observer who came from New York, Jiang Chen has not left this islands immediately, but found just completed to launch mission Kelvin. The time of such a while, saw only these technicians to open has prepared the good champagne, opened party in the Aerospace Technology Center cafeteria. 采访结束后。送走了那些从纽约来的联合国观察员,江晨没有立刻离开这座岛屿,而是找到了刚完成发射任务克尔温。才这么一会儿的功夫,只见这些技术员已经打开了准备好的香槟,在航天科技中心的食堂内开启了party。 The bubble of champagne spurts everywhere is, although is not the holiday, but has to plant jubilation that surpasses the holiday. 香槟的泡沫喷的到处都是,虽然不是节日,但颇有种胜似节日的喜庆。 Sees Jiang Chen. Kelvin eye one bright, immediately takes up two bottles of champagne to welcome. 见到江晨克尔温眼睛一亮,立刻拿起两瓶香槟迎了上来。 hā hā, Boss, you must drink one bottle to walk today again.” 哈哈,老板,今天你可得喝上一瓶再走。” Right, right this was our first round of rocket you notices the expression of that observer hā hā, really eats the fly to be the same probably.” “对,对啊这可是咱们第一发火箭你注意到那个观察员的表情吗哈哈,简直像是吃了苍蝇一样。” Real t is venting, hā hā hā hā “真t解气,哈哈哈哈 The atmosphere makes it so, is thinking later also has nothing in any case scheduled, Jiang Chen then received the champagne in Kelvin hand with a smile, bites open bottlecap, blew to the bottle directly. 气氛使然,想着待会儿反正也没什么预定,江晨便笑着接过了克尔温手中的香槟,咬开瓶盖,直接对瓶吹了起来。 Sees Boss so to drink, the one side liked the lively young fellow blowing the whistling, clapped to create a disturbance applauding. Few and rare animals results in the female staff also to look here, the movement is also acts with constraint, but applauds the skill not inferior male compatriot who creates a disturbance. Sees Boss one bottle to get rid of, Kelvin does not show weakness. This beard stretch out technician seems like the appearance that not the resembles can drink, but has not thought that the alcohol capacity is good. 老板如此能喝,一旁爱热闹的小伙吹起了口哨,拍手起哄着叫好。少的和珍稀动物似得女员工也看着这边,动作还算是矜持,但鼓掌起哄的本事丝毫不逊色男同胞。见老板一瓶干掉,克尔温也是毫不示弱。这个胡子拉碴的技术员看上去不怎么像能喝酒的样子,但没想酒量还挺不错。 Has no liquor table benefit here, is one group of technicians is celebrating own achievement heaven purely. The equipment is Star Ring Trading buys with the components, but entire rocket is actually assembled by them personally, looks like their children to be the same. 在这儿没什么酒桌利益,纯粹就是一群技术员庆祝着自己的成果上天。设备和零件都是星环贸易“买来”的,但整艘火箭却是由他们亲手组装的,就像是他们的孩子一样。 When young fellows noisily enough, outside weather not early. Their families/home on Ange Island quite close to here, the coming and going to work are sent and picked up by the steamboat of fixed school grade order every day, a small number will choose the staff quarter on island. For example wishes one could to rest in Kelvin of laboratory, staff who for example the application works overtime. 等小伙子们闹够了,外面的天色也不早了。他们的家都在距离这里较近的安加岛上,每天上下班由固定班次的轮船接送,只有少部分人会选择住在岛上的员工宿舍。比如恨不得睡在实验室的克尔温,比如申请加班的员工。 After everywhere cafeteria sweep trace in confusion, this glee feast was also ended. Looks the young fellows who these put arms around shoulders embark, Jiang Chen found Kelvin that prepares to return to the dormitory. 将满地狼藉的食堂收拾干净之后,这场庆功宴也算是结束了。看着那些勾肩搭背的小伙子们上船,江晨找到了准备返回宿舍的克尔温 Today's launch is very good.” “今天的发射工作很不错。” Thanked the praise.” Smiles, Kelvin sighed, be that as it may, but the design of that rocket, seemed to have no the relations with us from beginning to end.” “谢谢夸奖了。”笑了笑,克尔温却是叹了口气,“虽说如此,但那个火箭的设计,从头到尾似乎都和我们没什么关系。” Do not think, Jiang Chen patted his shoulder with a smile, you were just high, the related technology I have handed over in your hand, I anticipated very much you can the performance compare it stronger rocket with these technology designs “别这么想,”江晨笑着拍了拍他的肩膀,“你们只不过是高了点,相关技术我已经交到了你的手上,我很期待你能用这些技术设计出性能比它更强的火箭 In technical, two world are not coordinated. But in the case of the creativity and imagination, the people in two world has no difference. The aerospace itself is an imaginative frontier, under mastering same technology, rocket that he designs on is not necessarily inferior in the Jiang Lin masterpiece. 在科技方面,两个世界是不对等的。但论到创造力和想象力,两个世界的人并没有什么区别。航天本就是一门充满想象力的前沿领域,在掌握同等的技术下,他设计出的火箭未必就逊色于蒋林的杰作。 Naturally, the premise is he must make many efforts. 当然,前提是他必须付出更多的努力。 Un, I guaranteed.” Kelvin grins to say with a smile. “嗯,我保证。”克尔温咧嘴笑道。 Does not need to pledge, aerospace is his dream. Jiang Chen provides to his technology and platform, he does not doubt oneself to be able this dream to become the reality. 根本不需要承诺,航天本身就是他的梦想。江晨提供给他技术和平台,他毫不怀疑自己能够将这梦想变成现实。 Today's launch mission is very successful, these are the merit of your technicians. Encourages for the table, I will relate the finance to dial the 2 million US Dollar bonus to you. Half are your, the other half you look to send.” “今天的发射任务很成功,这些都是你们这些技术员的功劳。为表鼓励,我会联系财务给你们拨两百万美金的奖金。一半是你的,另一半你看着发下去。” You should at the glee feast say that perhaps, these young fellows will hold the heaven you.” Kelvin ridicules to say. “你应该在庆功宴上说的,那些小伙子没准会把你捧上天。”克尔温揶揄道。 He is short of money actually not very much, when the Jiang Chen premium purchases his company, he had yielded the 10 million US Dollar income. 他倒不是很缺钱,江晨溢价收购他的公司时,他已经获得了一千万美金的收益。 hā hā hā hā, that also was really regrettable.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 哈哈哈哈,那还真是遗憾了。”江晨笑道。 , He looks at Kelvin, said earnestly. 顿了顿,他看着克尔温,认真地说道。 In the first half of next year, you estimated that can have 12 rocket launch mission, possibly will be quite busy, hopes that you have prepared.” “明年上半年,你们预计会有12项火箭发射任务,可能会比较忙,希望你们有所准备。” Average one month Kelvin of 2 rocket the stuffed dumpling to the space are flabbergasted to say. “平均一个月二艘火箭向天上下饺子吗”克尔温咋舌道。 Launching rocket is not the matter of cracking a joke, although they also mastered the first stage rocket retrieval technique, but that Star Ring No. 1 rocket launch cost must have 5000 ten thousand US Dollar a moment ago. 发射火箭可不是开玩笑的事,虽然他们同样掌握了一级火箭回收技术,但刚才那星环一号火箭的发射成本也得有个五千多万美金 Feared Jiang Chen selected the eyebrow, said with a smile. “怕了”江晨挑了挑眉毛,笑道。 Is happen to opposite, wishes for earnestly.” The Kelvin formal response Jiang Chen's prodded, the corners of the mouth are hanging the obvious happy expression. “正好相反,求之不得。”克尔温正面回应了江晨的激将,嘴角挂着明显的笑意。 Cracks a joke, the Department of Space gate most worries is the commercial launch mission profit is low, cannot attain the budget. The Jiang Chen's words dispelled misgivings in his heart without doubt, has the sufficient financial support, let alone is 12 rocket launch mission. Is this number rises again one time, his eye will not wink to be continued. 开玩笑,航天部门最愁的就是商业发射任务的利润低,拿不到预算。江晨的话无疑是打消了他心中的顾虑,有充足的资金支持,别说是12项火箭发射任务。就是这数字再翻上一倍,他眼睛都不会眨一下未完待续。
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