IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#543: Wait, third stage rocket?

Star Ring 1st, these four red lacquer large characters were inscribed in the rocket sidewall. 星环一号,这四个红漆大字被铭刻在火箭的侧壁。 Launch project of declaration for meteorological satellite. The use meteorological satellite as launches the goal for the first time, the difficulty without doubt compared with on other launch project small some. But even so, does not have the small country of aerospace technology base regarding a basis, the initial firing installed the satellite is also some high difficulty. 申报的发射项目为气象卫星。使用气象卫星作为首次发射目标,难度无疑要比其他发射项目小上一些。但纵使如此,对于一个根本没有航天技术基础的小国来说,首次发射就装上卫星也算是有些高难度了。 Not only the United Nations specially appointed observer, probably 30 many local or the foreign reporters was also invited launch by Jiang Chen, this exciting moment should share by all the people of the world. Their was allowed to enter the military compound specially, stands photographs the rocket launch advancement in the sentry post tower. 不只是联合国的特派观察员,大概三十多名当地或外国记者也被江晨邀请到了发射现场,这激动人心的时刻理应由全世界人民共同分享。他们被特别允许进入军营,站在哨塔上拍摄火箭发射进程。 Regarding Country of Xin, this is doomed is a historical time. 对于新国而言,这注定是个历史性的时刻。 Aerospace Great Nation 航天大国 The islanders of savageness have not thought that when saw the foreign neighbors who these move in newly, the whole face discussed unbelievable when this issue, the Palau Archipelago indigenous people raised the intense sense of pride in the heart. 这些未开化的岛民们从来都没想过,不过当看到那些新搬来的外国邻居们,满脸难以置信地讨论这个问题时,帕努群岛的原住民还是不由在心中升起了强烈的自豪感。 nationality self-confidence and country. How the family/home cohesive force comes sees own country, achieving others thinks thing that you are impossible to achieve, completing others thinks cause that you are impossible to complete. 民.族自信心与国.家凝聚力是怎么来的就是看到自己的国家,做到了别人认为你根本不可能做到的事,完成了别人认为你不可能完成的伟业。 Who can think that this just completed regime change, total population several thousands the island small country, can advance into to have national really of independent satellite launch ability is fantasy story 谁能想到这个刚完成政权更迭,总人口才数万而已的海岛小国,能够跻身为拥有独立发射卫星能力的国家简直是天方夜谭 However of this fantasy story, is doomed to go down in history. 然而这天方夜谭的一幕,注定将被载入史册。 30 meter discharger you are cracking a joke highly Mr. Kelvin.” Henry somewhat swept rocket outside eye piece anxiously. Then looked that to was making final check Kelvin with the staff together. 三十米的发射架高度你在开玩笑吗克尔温先生。”亨利有些紧张地扫了眼窗外的火箭。转而看向了正在与工作人员一同做着最后检查的克尔温 30 meters high discharger, Henry measured with the eye under the rocket altitude. Also about 32 to 34 meters appearance. The rocket specific design paper, the Star Ring Trading aspect will certainly not give them, but by him at experience of Aerospace Domain work, can measure with the eye this rocket outer covering parameter. 30米高的发射架,亨利目测了下火箭的高度。也就32到34米左右的样子。火箭的具体设计图纸,星环贸易方面当然不会交给他们,但以他在航天领域工作的经验,还是能目测出这火箭的外壳参数。 Compact size delivery rocket has, but Henry does not believe this projectile small country can also achieve this degree. Considering the pushing ratio of rocket fuel, and nozzle size of rocket engine. Estimates the rocket thrust force. How to think that the design of this rocket is unscientific. 袖珍型的运载火箭不是没有,但亨利怎么也不相信这个弹丸小国也能做到这种程度。考虑到火箭燃料的推比,以及火箭发动机的喷口大小。估算火箭的推力。怎么想这火箭的设计都不科学。 Did not say whether such rocket can accelerate to the First Cosmos acceleration, gets rid of the Earth attraction. Henry suspected, actually such rocket whether can depart the atmosphere. 不说这样的火箭能否加速到第一宇宙加速度,摆脱地球引力。亨利非常怀疑,这样的火箭究竟能否飞出大气层。 But regarding the suspicion of this United Nations specially appointed observer 而对于这位联合国特派观察员的怀疑 You thought that I seemed like am cracking a joke Kelvin to select the eyebrow, looked to this observer. “你觉得我像是在开玩笑吗”克尔温挑了挑眉毛,看向了这位观察员。 Sweeps this rocket structure, I know that this gadget cannot ascend the sky.” The Henry taunt said. “扫一眼这火箭的结构,我就知道这玩意儿上不了天。”亨利嘲讽道。 That can only explain that you are ignorant. You will never know our model of rocket engines “那只能说明你无知。你永远不会知道我们这款火箭发动机” cough cough.” 咳咳。” Heard the Jiang Chen's light sighing, Kelvin stops the thread of conversation immediately. The Star Ring Trading confidentiality agreement is not cracks a joke, he had realized a moment ago oneself almost leaked. 听到江晨的轻咳声,克尔温立刻打住了话头。星环贸易的保密协议可不是开玩笑的,他刚才已经意识到自己差点泄密。 Jiang Chen then looked to Henry. 江晨接着看向了亨利 Mr. Henry, I remembers that your status are the United Nations specially appointed observers, technology consultant who rather than Star Ring Trading invited. If you worried that out of the window that firecracker cannot fly. You can first return to the ship greatly. I ensure , will not have any soldier to stop you.” 亨利先生,我记得你们的身份是联合国特派观察员,而不是星环贸易请来的技术顾问。如果你担心窗外那根炮仗飞不起来。你大可以先回到船上。我保证,在回去的时候,不会有任何士兵阻拦你。” The Henry complexion erratically transformed Yin clearly several times. 亨利脸色阴晴不定地变换了数次。 His naturally impossible this time to run back the ship to come up, otherwise outside media will definitely give him to come the face feature article. Places the tomorrow's headline and is joined to the given name of coward. rocket launch failed said fortunately that can only say he had the foreknowledge to the rocket result. But if really launched the success by some chance, that may be bare hitting the face. 他当然不可能这时候跑回船上去,否则外面的媒体肯定会给他来个面部特写。放在明天的头条并配上胆小鬼的名号。火箭发射失败了还好说,那只能说他对火箭的结局有先见之明。但要是万一真的发射成功了,那可就是裸的打脸。 Since Jiang Chen dares to stand in this, that showing launch abort, here security has the safeguard even. Therefore Henry also calms down slightly, no longer spoke. 既然江晨敢站在这,那说明即便发射失败,这里的安全还是有保障的。于是亨利也就稍稍定神,不再吭声。 If makes Jiang Chen know that this fellow is thinking anything, does not know that he can smile to make noise. 如果让江晨知道这家伙在想什么,不知道他会不会笑出声来。 Where has any security measures he to dare to stand here. Is because he is not worried to be able the launch abort. 哪里有什么安全措施他之所以敢站在这儿。是因为他根本不担心会发射失败。 However others do not think obviously. 不过其它人显然不这么认为。 Henry shut up, but several other observers are talking in whispers are exchanging views. 亨利是闭嘴了,但另外几名观察员却是在窃窃私语着交换着意见。 I make a bet, this gadget cannot fly the exosphere. first stage rocket was too short, even by the NASA technology, is impossible to achieve this degree. I suspected that they miscalculated a decimal point in the design, makes no one to discover until the end product.” A slightly fat white man leaning leaning head, with said for the colleague whisper of observer. “我打赌,这玩意儿飞不到逸散层。一级火箭太短了,就算是以nasa的技术,也不可能做到这种程度。我怀疑他们在设计的时候算错了一个小数点,直到成品弄出来都没人发现。”一名微胖的白人男子偏了偏头,与同为观察员的同事耳语道。 Aha, except for the former half a word words, our viewpoints basically agrees.” Combs the Caucasian female of Bob head to say with the serious tone. “啊哈,除了前半句话,我们的观点基本一致。”梳着鲍勃头的白人女性用一本正经的口吻说道。 First half a word you think that they can depart man to enlarge the volume unbelievable slightly. “前半句难道你认为他们能飞出”男人难以置信地稍微放大了音量。 Across the intermediate level, does not present the words of launching failure at most.” The women ridicule to say. “顶多穿过中间层,不出现发射故障的话。”女人揶揄道。 Tittered “噗嗤” Swept person one eyes of United Nations observer, in the Kelvin eye flashed through wipes the resentful face. Although this rocket is not he designs, but when having a thorough understanding of technology, he also poured into countless painstaking care. A researcher as pursue truth, he does not allow some people to insult this to have the rocket launch technology of milestone significance 扫了联合国观察员的人一眼,克尔温眼中闪过一抹愠色。这火箭虽然不是他设计的,但在吃透这其中的技术时,他也是倾注了无数的心血。身为一名追求真理的研究者,他不允许有人如此侮辱这具有里程碑意义的火箭发射技术 Kelvin pinched tightly the double fist, will manifest suddenly. 克尔温捏紧了双拳,正要发作。 However at this moment, Jiang Chen put out a hand to pat his shoulder. 不过就在这时,江晨伸出手拍了拍他的肩膀。 Proof looks to them. Remembering you are a technician, is not a boxer.” “证明给他们看。记住你是技术员,不是拳击手。” Hears the Jiang Chen's words, Kelvin then realized oneself almost impulsed. Sees Jiang Chen to nod to oneself, he deeply inspires, forcefully disgruntled scattering in heart, arrived at the transmitting station before quickly, turned on the intercom. 听到江晨的话,克尔温这才意识到自己差点冲动了。见江晨对自己点了点头,他深吸了一口气,强行将心中的不悦驱散,快步走到了发射台前,打开了对讲机。 Reports the rocket situation.” “汇报火箭情况。” Receives, is compiling the information rocket inspection to finish can carry out firing operation momentarily “收到,正在汇总信息火箭检查工作已经完毕随时可以执行发射操作” Headquarters receive, the personnel paid attention, starts ignition countdown to say to the intercom, Kelvin looked to Jiang Chen. “指挥部收到,全体人员注意,开始点火倒计时”对着对讲机说完,克尔温看向了江晨 Jiang Chen nods with a smile, arrived by the launch position, turned on the cover of glass fiber reinforced plastic, put out a hand to place above that launched Niu. Kelvin turned on the intercom, both eyes was fixing the eyes on rocket of out of the window. 江晨笑着点点头,走到了发射位置旁边,打开了玻璃钢的盖子,伸出手放在了发射钮的上方。克尔温重新打开了对讲机,双目紧盯着窗外的火箭 Launched indoor tense atmosphere. Henry restrained the rashness in vision, the United Nations observer also stopped talking in whispers, focused on the rocket launch frame of out of the window. 发射室内的气氛紧张了起来。亨利收敛了目光中的轻率,联合国的观察员也停止了窃窃私语,将注意力投向了窗外的火箭发射架。 Launch countdown starts 5 “发射倒计时开始五” 4 “四” 3 “三” 2 “二” 1 “一” „0 ignition “0点火” Was just hearing that zero the instance, Jiang Chen pressed down red launches Niu. 在刚听到那个零的瞬间,江晨按下了红色的发射钮。 The breast grey air wave camouflaged the decoy launching of out of the window instantaneously, simultaneously in the smoke screen flees together the dazzling red light. The discharger separation , helping in pushing of rich flame, rocket starts to accelerate, shoots at the vault of heaven straightly. 乳灰色的气浪瞬间遮蔽了窗外的发射场,同时烟幕中窜起一道刺目的红光。发射架分离,在浓焰的推助下,火箭开始加速,笔直地射向苍穹。 Jiang Chen took back pressed down to launch Niu's hand, fell back on leisurely and carefree one side. 江晨收回了按下发射钮的手,悠闲地退到了一边。 The Kelvin palm seeped out the beads of sweat, is staring at the parameter on launch contact surface anxiously. 克尔温的手心渗出了汗珠,紧张地盯着发射界面上的参数。 Henry slanting calm Jiang Chen, then looked at the launch contact surface secretly, when looks altitude, speed and acceleration that rises, contempt on his face changed gradually dignifiedly. 亨利斜了气定神闲的江晨一眼,接着又偷瞄了眼发射界面,看着那蹿升的高度、速度、加速度时,他脸上的轻视渐渐化作了凝重。 Highly 48 k across stratosphere “高度48k穿过平流层” 81 k arrives in the warm level highly, starts to shift “高度81k抵达暖层,开始转向” 219 k link 1 st successfully shifts, the rocket level, first stage rocket starts to separate “219k环一号成功转向,火箭水平,一级火箭开始分离” Separates successfully arrives in the First Cosmos speed “分离成功抵达第一宇宙速度” „” “” With that report, expression shock on even more Henry face. But stands in his behind several observers, will have written on the face inconceivable. 随着那一声声汇报,亨利脸上的表情愈发的震惊。而站在他身后的几名观察员,更是已经将不可思议写在了脸上。 Found their appearance, in the eye of Kelvin flashed through wipes happily, but he has not diverted attention, will focus on as before launched on mission. Both eyes closely are locking the operation interface, guards against the possible accident/surprise. 瞧见了他们的模样,克尔温的眼中闪过一抹得意,但他并没有分心,依旧将注意力集中在发射任务上。双目紧紧地锁定着操作界面,提防可能出现的意外。 Jiang Chen has no expression actually, because he knows, this by rocket of Fishbone Aerospace Technology Research Institute product, simply has not had the accidental/surprised possibility. 江晨倒是没什么表情,因为他知道,这由鱼骨头航天科技研究所出品的火箭,根本没有出现意外的可能。 Highly 483 k success breakthrough atmosphere “高度483k成功突破大气层” 1000 k rocket continues to accelerate highly “高度1000k火箭继续加速” „” “” Highly 3. 50,000 k rocket is close to the synchronous orbit second stage rocket separation “高度三.5万k火箭接近同步轨道二级火箭分离” On the screen, connects second stage rocket of camera to burn out slowly, separates with the fire Arrowhead section ejection. Meanwhile, end of fire Arrowhead section ignites, is spraying pushing of gas to help, toward farther orbital movement. 屏幕上,连接着摄像头的二级火箭缓缓熄火,与火箭头部弹射分离。与此同时,火箭头部的尾端点火,在喷射气体的推助下,向着更远的轨道移动。 At this moment, everyone's line of sight gazes in the altitude value, in launching of contact surface slowly increasing. 此刻,所有人的视线都注视在发射界面的那个缓缓攀升的高度数值上。 When it frames in 35785 k, everyone turned very quiet 当它定格在35785k,所有人都屏住了呼吸 Stopped 停住了 Stopped not the slight error 停住了没有丝毫的误差 Delivery arrived in synchronous orbit we to succeed “运载物抵达同步轨道我们成功了” With this exciting call, launches indoor crew to cheer the working document to throw to ascend the sky. Sees only that Kelvin, looks like a child to be the same excitedly, is brandishing the fist, hugs with the colleague. 伴随着这声激动人心的呐喊,发射室内的全体工作人员欢呼着将工作文件扔上了天。只见那个克尔温,兴奋地就像是个孩子一样,挥舞着拳头,与同事拥抱。 Henry with damn results in the expression to look at the launch contact surface, could not say a few words. 亨利用见了鬼似得表情看着发射界面,说不出一句话来。 Affected by the atmosphere, Jiang Chen also followed happily to smile, strolls arrives at previously that several to talk in whispers, thinks that Star Ring Trading was absolutely impossible to launch by the successful observer. 受到气氛的影响,江晨也跟着得意地笑了笑,闲庭信步地走到了先前那几位窃窃私语着,认为星环贸易绝无可能发射成功的观察员旁边。 Sees only that Caucasian fatty, because of the surprise the mouth of opening, really can force in an egg. Arrived at him with that Caucasian female side, Jiang Chen ridiculed to say. 只见那个白人胖子,因诧异而张大的嘴巴,简直能塞进一颗鸡蛋。走到了他和那位白人女性的旁边,江晨揶揄道。 „Sorry our rocket had the launching failure, rocket not only passed through the atmosphere, but also arrived in synchronous orbit.” “很抱歉我们的火箭出现了发射故障,火箭不但穿过了大气层,还抵达了同步轨道。” At this moment, Henry seemed like soul to result to respond, looks that Jiang Chen asked unbelievable 就在这时,亨利像是回魂似得反应了过来,看着江晨难以置信地问道 This, this impossible wait/etc., third stage rocket “这,这不可能等等,三级火箭呢” third stage rocket probably heard any funny matter, Jiang Chen hā hā laughed. 三级火箭”像是听到了什么好笑的事,江晨哈哈大笑了起来。 Seemed like smiles enough , he was in front of expression stiff Henry, pondered said. 似乎是笑够了,他顿了顿,当着表情僵硬的亨利的面,玩味地说道。 That gadget, we do not need.” To be continued. “那玩意儿,我们不需要。”未完待续。
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