IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#542: rocket launch

The Koro Island airport, sees only outside a thin and tall men's airport that wears the grey suit, the right hand raises the suitcase, the left hand is looking at the watch repeatedly. Although is not germanic people, but as a locally born Munich person, his body contaminated the custom of many Germany person. 科罗岛的机场,只见一名穿着灰西装的瘦高男子正机场外,右手提着行李箱,左手则反复地看着手表。虽然并不是日耳曼人,但作为一名土生土长的慕尼黑人,他的身上还是沾染了不少德国人的习惯。 For example the acknowledging time, craves the barbecue repeatedly. 比如反复确认时间,热衷烤肉。 His side also follows a lovable little girl, roughly the 6 or 7-year-old appearance, is gripping the golden ponytail, looks very exhilaratingly. 他的身旁还跟着一位可爱的小女孩儿,约莫六七岁的样子,扎着金色的马尾辫,看着很是讨人喜欢。 At this time, a black running quickly stopped in the roadside. 这时,一辆黑色奔驰停在了路旁。 Sees Jiang Chen to go down from the vehicle, Amos eye one bright, immediately since holds daughter's hand, dragging the suitcase to walk up. 江晨从车上走下,阿莫斯眼睛一亮,立刻牵起女儿的手,拖着行李箱走上前去。 hā hā, sees you very much happily, Dr. Amos.” Jiang Chen and he shakes hand, then smilingly looked to that somewhat shy little girl, please ask that this was?” 哈哈,很高兴见到你,阿莫斯博士。”江晨和他握了握手,然后笑眯眯地看向了那个有些怕生的小女孩,“请问这位是?” My daughter, Millian,” Amos smiles, looks to oneself daughter, called the uncle to be good quickly.” “我的女儿,米莉安,”阿莫斯笑了笑,看向了自己的女儿,“快叫叔叔好。” Hears father's request, hid in the father following little girl honk the mouth, said with nonstandard Chinese Language. 听到爸爸的要求,藏在爸爸后面的小女孩才嘟了嘟嘴,用不标准的汉语说道。 Kaoliang is good.” “蜀黍好。” Although is very lovable, but by the small loli name is an uncle, but also really makes Jiang Chen have an inexplicable sadness. 虽然很可爱,但被小loli称呼为叔叔,还真让江晨有种莫名的忧伤。 On the vehicle, Jiang Chen finds from Amos there, he divorced long before, the daughter is his only family member. 在车上,江晨才从阿莫斯那里了解到,他很早以前就离婚了,女儿便是他唯一的亲人。 Munich situation how?” 慕尼黑的情况怎么样?” Very not peaceful......” Amos sighed, on avenue in parade, few people quarrelled all day is demanding Merkel to step down. Another part of people request the demonstrator to maintain the rationality. A while ago, a Germanic youth threw to refugee camp ******, created pregnant woman Death, and her husband large surface area burnt, the angry refugee copied the fellow to rush to the street...... naturally, Federal Parliament has ordered to close refugee camp at present, made some action control situations, perhaps will cross several months of situation to be good......, but I do not want again.” “很不太平……”阿莫斯叹了口气,“大街上整天都在游.行,一部分人吵着要求默克尔下台。另一部分人则要求游行者保持理性。前段时间,一名日耳曼青年向难民营投掷******,造成一名孕妇死亡,以及她的丈夫大面积烧伤,愤怒的难民抄家伙冲到了街上……当然,目前联邦议会已经下令关闭了难民营,也算是做出了些举措控制局势,或许过几个月情况会好起来……但我已经不想再等下去了。” After that party ended, Jiang Chen once left behind own name card to him. However what he has not thought that this Munich University Professor made the decision unexpectedly quickly. Resigned the Professor duty, goes to Country of Xin to enter duty Future Technologies. 在那次晚会结束后,江晨曾给他留下了自己的名片。不过他没想到的是,这位慕尼黑大学教授居然这么快就做出了决定。辞掉了教授的职务,前往新国入职未来人科技 When accident/surprise, Jiang Chen even drives to come to the airport to meet him personally. 意外之余,江晨甚至亲自开车来机场接他。 But this Amos Kimberly, truly is a extraordinary talent. 42 years old. Then obtained Munich University Information Technologies and mechanical engineering two PhD degrees the degree, combines to make for Munich University youngest engineering course class Professor. 而这位阿莫斯·金伯利,也确实是个了不起的人才。年仅42岁。便获得了慕尼黑大学信息技术与机械工程双博士学位,并成为了慕尼黑大学最年轻的工科类教授 Moreover, he has the achievements in Robot and Artificial Intelligence these two domains. Possibly does not compare some domestic experts in the article quantity on sci publishing, each that but he publishes about Robot and paper in Artificial Intelligence aspect, was treated as the reference to quote at least 10 sci papers. 不仅如此,他在机器人人工智能这两个领域更是颇有建树。在sci上发表的文章数量可能比不上国内一些牛人,但他发表的每一篇关于机器人人工智能方面的论文,都被至少十篇sci论文当做参考文献引用过。 Going Country of Xin that reason that is tied down by care of one's family. On the one hand is because the Munich security situation deteriorates continually, then on the other hand is because he saw from Future Technologies broke through his possibility. 之所以拖家带口的前往新国。一方面是因为慕尼黑治安环境持续恶化,另一方面则是因为他从未来人科技身上看到了突破自身的可能性。 Naturally, the wage that Jiang Chen offers is also part of reasons that he immigrates. Munich University to the yearly salary that he offers is 100,000 Euro, but must pay 25%- 30% taxes. The Germany benefits was good, because of refugee problem and other reasons, the welfare system of being unable to withstand the load is one day is inferior to one day. But Jiang Chen offered the after-tax 200,000 US Dollar basic salary to him directly, and gives him the allocation of vehicles side room, these are actually the arriving advantage that looks. 当然,江晨开出的薪水也是他移民的一部分原因。慕尼黑大学给他开出的年薪是十万欧元,还得缴纳25%-30%的税。原本德国的福利还算不错,但因为难民问题等原因,本就不堪重负的福利体系更是一日不如一日。而江晨直接给他开出了税后二十万美金的底薪,并给他配车配房,这些却是看的到的好处。 The so high treatment placed the world is also top, however urged truly he was tied down by care of one's family to come this place actually not because of the treatment, but was that the speech about Artificial Intelligence. 如此高的待遇放在全球也算是顶尖了,然而真正促使他拖家带口前来此地的倒不是因为待遇,而是那场关于人工智能的演讲。 Jiang Chen had once said to him. That is the enterprise secret. 江晨曾对他说过。那是企业机密。 The words such being the case, become one of the enterprise, can't contact these knowledge? 既然如此的话,成为企业的一员,不就能够接触到那些知识了吗? Holds such idea, Amos is giving him to Jiang Chen that mailbox on name card, projected own resume. 正是抱着这样的想法,阿莫斯才向江晨给他名片上的那个邮箱,投出了自己的简历 Regarding the arrangement of this Dr. Germany, in the Jiang Chen heart has the plan. 对于这位德国博士的安排,江晨心中已经有了打算。 So far, he takes to the present world from Last of Days merely is the product, rather than technology. In the short-term there is no issue, but will get down continuously for a long time hence definitely is incorrect. Is impossible to transport the grain like him to Last of Days forever, Last of Days must restore the agriculture. Presently the world must establish the improvement, and independent scientific research structure. 直到目前为止,他从末世带往现世的都仅仅是产品,而非技术。短期来看这并没什么问题,但长此以往下去肯定是不行的。就像他不可能永远向末世输送粮食一样,末世必须恢复农耕。现世也必须建立完善且独立的科研体系。 Otherwise when facing Harmony Camp Colony Ship, he really cannot find out himself to have any odds of success. 否则在面对和谐阵营殖民舰时,他实在想不出自己有任何的胜算。 Now Future Group has the sufficient strength, safeguards these technologies not to leak out, one step that this will certainly take. Must tread after all. 如今未来人集团已经有足够的实力,保障这些技术不会泄露出去,这必将迈出的一步。总归是要踏出的。 Including D Programming and Primary Artificial Intelligence Database security technology, Jiang Chen gradually will open to him. After helping this Professor master these knowledge, again through him trains a group of reliable technicians, Future Technologies can in the true sense have own scientific research team. 包括d编程初级人工智能数据库在内的保密技术,江晨都会逐步向他开放。等到帮助这位教授掌握这些知识之后,再通过他培养一批可靠的技术员,未来人科技就能真正意义上拥有自己的科研团队了。 This is the Jiang Chen's plan. 这便是江晨的打算。 After Dr. Amos is calmly good, is almost noon. 阿莫斯博士安顿好之后,差不多已经是中午了。 Afternoon is the Star Ring Trading aerospace project section launches the aerospace rocket day, as shooting mission. Jiang Chen as Chairman of the Board naturally does not plan to miss. 下午是星环贸易航天项目部发射航天火箭的日子,作为射任务。身为董事长江晨自然不打算错过。 Goes home, after Ayesha has had the lunch together, Jiang Chen by the sofa rested the moment. Waited almost to arrive at a o'clock the time, he then set out to go out, went to that close to the equator island. 回到家中,与阿伊莎一同吃过午饭后,江晨靠在沙发上小憩了片刻。等差不多到了一点钟的时候,他便起身出门,前往了那座靠近赤道的小岛。 Compares several months ago bleak, space on spacious island has appeared compact. The east side topography high place is the gate house that Star Ring Trading soldier is stationed , the west side topography gentle lowland is a decoy launching. Under the work of Project Robot, this was used to carry out aerospace to launch the infrastructure construction of mission islands basically to finish. 相比起数月前的荒凉,宽敞的岛上的空间已经显得紧凑了起来。东侧地势较高处是星环贸易士兵驻扎的哨所,西侧地势平缓的低地则是发射场。在工程机器人的耕耘下,这座用于执行航天发射任务岛屿的基础设施建设已经基本完毕。 When Jiang Chen arrives in the islands, discovered just in time several United Nations people were put on mechanical exoskeleton soldier to block in the harbor. They are dispatch Palau Archipelago by the United Nations aspect, supervises the rocket launch observers, to confirm the Country of Xin launch truly is rocket, rather than intercontinental ballistic missile. 江晨抵达岛屿的时候,正巧发现几名联合国的人被穿着机械外骨骼士兵拦在了港口。他们都是由联合国方面派往帕努群岛,监督火箭发射的观察人员,为了确认新国发射的确实是火箭,而不是洲际导弹。 Because of having a clear conscience, Jiang Chen the observers who do not refuse United Nations to send. However these people after having been permitted, obviously forgot applied to land on the island to permit to the Star Ring Trading aspect, therefore was blocked at this moment in the harbor. 因为问心无愧,江晨并没有拒绝联合国派来的观察人员。不过这些人在得到许可后,显然忘记了向星环贸易方面申请登岛许可,所以此刻被拦在了港口。 Mr. Jiang Chen, we need an explanation.” Led the man of eyeglasses to arrive in front of Jiang Chen, said indignantly. 江晨先生,我们需要一个解释。”带着眼镜的男人走到了江晨面前,愤愤不平地说道。 Our soldier defer to the order to handle affairs, before landing on the island needs to submit the application to Star Ring Trading Company, I think that the Presidential Palace aspect should inform you this issue.” Jiang Chen answered, while to performing duties soldier gestures. “我们的士兵只是按照命令行事,在登岛前需要向星环贸易公司提交申请,我想总统府方面应该将这个问题告知过你们。”江晨一边解释道,一边对执勤地士兵打了个手势。 That soldier salutes to Jiang Chen, however retreat to one side. 那名士兵江晨敬了个礼,然后退到了一边。 Hears the Jiang Chen's words, the Henry expression somewhat is awkward. Just like Jiang Chen said that they truly received the notice at that time, but has not actually been serious that notice. After all was under the permission of Presidential Palace, in their opinion is under the permission of Country of Xin. 听到江晨的话,亨利的表情不由有些尴尬。正如江晨所说的,他们当时确实接到了通知,但却没有将那个通知当回事。毕竟得到了总统府的许可,在他们看来就已经得到了新国的许可。 They did not understand obviously Country of Xin national condition, stands in their present is this nation's true ruler. 他们显然不了解新国的国情,站在他们眼前的这位才是这个国家真正的统治者。 At this moment, Kelvin never in the aerospace center of distant place goes out, walks to Jiang Chen. 就在这时,克尔温从不远处的航天中心中走出,向江晨这边走来。 Sees only this technician and Boss meets does not look on as an outsider, draws the Jiang Chen's arm to urge directly. 只见这位技术员和老板一见面也是毫不见外,直接拉着江晨的胳膊催促道。 Hurry up, you may be come. The preparatory work of rocket launch has been in place, can start momentarily!” “快点吧,你可算是来了。火箭发射的准备工作已经就绪,随时可以开始!” Looks at frantic on Kelvin face, Jiang Chen somewhat blushes with shame. 看着克尔温脸上的狂热,江晨不由有些汗颜。 As for standing several by Jiang Chen United Nations observers who come from New York, is the appearance that the interest lacks. They did not worry actually the Country of Xin aspect is capable of firing the intercontinental ballistic missile, attended this launch ceremony as an observer totally is the mood of comforting surrounding country. After all launches rocket regarding Country of Xin, Philippines may shout this is a plot of test fire ballistic missile. 至于站在江晨旁边的几名从纽约来的联合国观察人员,则是兴趣缺缺的模样。他们倒是一点不担心新国方面有能力发射洲际导弹,以观察员的身份出席这发射仪式完全是出于安抚周边邻国的情绪。毕竟对于新国发射火箭,菲国可一直在叫嚷着这是一场试射弹道导弹的阴谋。 In their opinion, with its worry is a missile, was worried actually would rather this gadget can actually fly. If ignited to finish when the time comes has not taken off, or is firing into the decoy launching horizontally...... 在他们看来,与其担心是不是导弹,倒不如担心这玩意儿究竟究竟能不能飞出去。要是到时候点火了却没起飞,或者横着冲向发射场…… Thinks of this, Henry shrank the neck. 想到这,亨利不由缩了缩脖子。 The station here, he is really the security sense does not have. 站在这里,他真是一点安全感都没有。 - - ( Thanked the support of book friends! hā hā, but was sits the monthly ticket list to classify third, had an ordered by the emperor personally feeling? Moreover, please use 1.2 w to urge the discount accent discretely. Plays author Monarch, if I were ahead of time the burst time? Fished the mistake, you were responsible! hey hey. (感谢诸位书友们的支持!哈哈,可算是坐回月票榜分类第三了,是不是有种钦定的感觉?另外,请谨慎使用1.2w催更票调.戏作者君,万一我把爆发时间提前了呢?钓鱼出了差错,你们可是要负责任的!嘿嘿 Later erupts will be many, asking the monthly ticket to support!)( To be continued.) 以后爆发会很多的,求月票支持!)(未完待续。)
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