IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#541: Is staring at them

After telephone conversation of conclusion and Xia Shiyu, Jiang Chen switched off the computer conveniently, depended to close eyes to ponder on the chair directly backward. 结束与夏诗雨的通话后,江晨顺手关掉电脑,直接向后靠在椅子上闭目思考了起来。 According to Zhang Yaping that side news, after China side coordinates, the access time is finally determined on December 21. In this visit, he as Future Group Chairman of the Board and Country of Xin entrepreneur delegate, will launch the discussion with the China enterprise on the commercial cooperation...... 根据张亚平那边的消息,经过与华方协调之后,访问时间最终被确定在了12月21日。在这次访问中,他作为未来人集团董事长以及新国企业家代表,将与华国企业就商务合作展开洽谈…… This is only in the surface. 这只是表面上的。 Just like Xia Shiyu said, at present domestic is not explicit regarding the Future Group attitude. Jiang Chen suspended Linhua Group in the Country of Xin traveling construction project ruthlessly together, must say that Wang Family will relinquish difference from him becomes reconciled, kills him not to believe. 正如夏诗雨所说,目前国内对于未来人集团的态度还不明确。江晨新国旅游建设开发项目中狠摆了林华集团一道,要说王家会不计前嫌与他握手言和,打死他也不信。 Not only Wang Family, the VR industry chain is very broad related to the range, facing Future Group this domineering outcomer, holds the malicious attitude person to be possible a point to be many. 不只是王家,vr产业链涉及范围很广,面对未来人集团这个强势的外来者,持不怀好意态度的人可一点都不少。 Future Technologies needs the ally, moreover what need is the weight/quantity enough heavy ally. 未来人科技需要盟友,而且需要的是分量足够重的盟友。 This is also this visit most important mission! 这也是此次出访的首要任务 As for the candidate of this cooperation, Jiang Chen also had the integer at heart, this Zhou Family is a good choice. The reason does not have him, on the one hand because of their household industries mainly in War Industry Domain, does not have the possibility of conflict with Future Technologies. But on the other hand when last year treats the Future Technologies issue, they and Wang Family had the difference, relations of both sides had the fissure. 至于这合作的人选,江晨心里也大致有了个数,这周家就是个不错的选择。原因无他,一方面是因为他们的家族产业主要在军工领域,与未来人科技不存在冲突的可能。而另一方面则是在去年对待未来人科技的问题时,他们与王家产生了分歧,双方的关系产生了裂痕。 Naturally, what is most essential is, they have enough right to speak in China. 当然,最关键的还是,他们在华国有足够的话语权。 What troubles, their had the interest in the application of Virtual Reality Technology in War Industry Domain. Although Jiang Chen did not mind that helps China in the military technology domain, but has not actually made the plan of concessions in the Virtual Reality core technologies...... 只不过麻烦的是,他们对虚拟实境技术军工领域的应用产生了兴趣。江晨虽然不介意在军事技术领域帮助华国,但却没有在虚拟实境核心技术上做出让步的打算…… In Jiang Chen thinks should by what way and domestic influence achieve the cooperation, Ayesha carries the tray quietly to arrive at his side, was placed the golden rice omelet and milk on his desk. 就在江晨思索着该以何种方式与国内势力达成合作时,阿伊莎端着盘子静悄悄地走到了他的身旁,将金黄色的蛋包饭和牛奶摆在了他的办公桌上。 Un? Has completed? Actually did not need the end to come up, asking me to eat is OK.” Looks at sympathizing little girl, Jiang Chen is smiling to say. “嗯?已经做好了吗?其实不用端上来,叫我下去吃就可以了。”望着体贴的小姑娘,江晨笑了笑说道。 Looks at you very busy appearance, did I carry...... to finish?” Ayesha asked low voice. “看你很忙的样子,我就端上来了……已经忙完了吗?”阿伊莎小声问道。 Un. Asked China that side working condition, because was not the specially important matter, therefore soon.” Was hearing the attractive fragrance of that rice omelet sending out, the Jiang Chen index finger moves greatly. “嗯。只是问下华国那边的工作情况,因为不是特别要紧的事,所以用不了很久。”闻着那蛋包饭散发的诱人香气,江晨不由食指大动。 Sees the Jiang Chen's appearance. The corners of the mouth of Ayesha bent, „the approach of my new learned, with Auntie Li.” 见到江晨的样子。阿伊莎的嘴角不由弯了弯,“我新学会的做法,和李阿姨。” Since moving to Country of Xin, two old people enjoyed the peaceful life. Not busy time Jiang Chen will go to that side the parents to sit occasionally. Eats meal together, but Ayesha is accompanying the parents more often. Clever Ayesha also asks for liking of Mother Jiang very much. 自从搬到新国后,两位老人就享起了清福。不忙的时候江晨偶尔会去父母那边坐坐。一起吃个饭,但更多的时候还是阿伊莎在陪着二老。乖巧的阿伊莎也很讨江母的喜欢。 Right?” The Jiang Chen praise put out a hand to rub her small head, said with a smile, many thanks to you, can accompany them for me.” “是吗?”江晨夸奖地伸手揉了揉她的小脑袋,笑着说道,“多亏你了,能代我多陪陪他们。” Feels warmth that top of the head that big hand is transmitting. Ayesha laid down the head shyly. 感受着头顶那只大手传来的温暖。阿伊莎腼腆地埋下了头。 In the morning not scheduled, after having used the breakfast, Jiang Chen then arrived at the backyard of villa. Here besides by drone trim flowers and plants, as well as a swimming pool, but also is situated a recently completed target range. 上午没有预定,用过早餐后江晨便来到了别墅的后院。这里除了一些由无人机修剪的花花草草,以及一座游泳池之外,还坐落着一座新建成的靶场。 The dressing equipment maintenance, Jiang Chen had not taken out Type 11 Pistol from storage space very much at will, aims at about 50 meters bull's eye, deducted the trigger. 没有穿戴护具,江晨很随意地从储物空间中取出了11式手枪,瞄准50米开外的靶心,扣下了扳机。 Bang! 砰! Three gunshots, on the target of wooden left behind three pea-sized holes one after another. One tenth ring two eight points, regarding such result, Jiang Chen are also satisfactory. However after all has not practiced the spear/gun for a long time. This skill was really unfamiliar. 接连三声枪响,木质的标靶上留下了三个豆大的窟窿。一个十环两个八环,对于这样的成绩,江晨还算是满意。不过毕竟是许久没有练枪。这技能果然还是生疏了。 If before, hitting two tenth rings should be nothing issue. 如果是以前,打出两个十环应该是没什么问题。 Recalled that at first when that little while, Sun Jiao directs him to fire at main point all sorts, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth bring back the happy expression that wiped to fondly remember. Obviously is only two years, felt like very long. 回想起最初那会儿,孙娇指点他射击要领时的种种,江晨的嘴角不由勾起了一抹怀念的笑意。明明只是两年,却感觉像是过了很久。 At this moment, the Jiang Chen's ear moves slightly, suddenly lifts Pistol , carried over the target range entrance position the muzzle slowly. 就在这时,江晨的耳朵微微动了动,突然抬起手枪,将枪口缓缓移向了靶场门口的位置。 The air exuded the slight ripples, blond Specter Agent is raising both hands, arrived in front of Jiang Chen's. 空气泛起了轻微的涟漪,一名金发碧眼的幽灵特工举着双手,走到了江晨的面前。 Sorry. I was curious......” Bernice flexure to scratch the head, said embarrassed. “抱歉。我只是好奇……”柏妮丝挠了挠头,不好意思地说道。 Can obtain Invisibility Clothing, is in Specter Agent most loyal warrior, Jiang Chen does not suspect their loyalty. But activate(d) Optical Stealth by coming. She also truly has no evil intention. She somewhat is curious, without examining ep map, whether Jiang Chen really can detect their existence. 能获得隐形衣的,都是幽灵特工中最忠诚的战士,江晨并不怀疑她们的忠诚度。而之所以启动光学隐形靠过来。她也确实没有什么恶意。她只是有些好奇,在不查看ep地图的情况下,江晨是否真的能察觉到她们的存在。 Curiosity will kill the cat.” Has not been angry because of her offending, Jiang Chen ridiculed left behind these words, then received the weapon. “好奇心会害死猫。”并没有因为她的冒犯而生气,江晨揶揄地留下了这句话,然后收起了武器。 Sees Jiang Chen without the vitality/angry, Bernice , there would be no speech. Looked awkwardly to one side. 江晨并没有生气,柏妮丝也就没说话。尴尬地看向了一边。 „Do I give your mission?” Had not investigated in this issue again, Jiang Chen the bullet(s) again palate, while spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “我交给你的任务呢?”没有再在这个问题上追究,江晨一边将子弹重新上膛,一边随口问道。 Hears Jiang Chen to ask the mission matter, Bernice exchanges the serious look immediately. 听到江晨问起任务的事,柏妮丝立刻换上了严肃的神色。 Had completed.” “已经办妥了。” Then, she took out tablet computer from the tactical backpack, the even/including chose/point of finger on the screen several, then handed in tablet the Jiang Chen hand. 说完,她从战术背包上取出了平板电脑,手指在屏幕上连点了几下,然后将平板递到了江晨手中。 The Bernice previous time was dispatched Sweden, tracks Leone Company spy that Specter Agent. After completing to exterminate the work, Jiang Chen has not recalled her immediately, but dispatched Germany her, investigates relation between Wiley Society and Rothschild. 柏妮丝正是上次被派往瑞典,跟踪莱利昂公司间谍的那名幽灵特工。在完成清剿工作之后,江晨没有将她立即召回,而是将她派往了德国,调查维利会罗斯柴尔德之间的联系。 The progress of investigation is not very smooth, does not have any clue can show that between the two has the direct connection. To a while ago, her investigation presented a progress. 调查的进展并不是很顺利,没有任何线索能够表明二者之间存在直接关联。一直到前段时间,她的调查才出现一丝进展。 „Is this picture?” Finally tablet, Jiang Chen looks at that Slavs in screen, felt like that somewhat looks familiar. “这张照片是?”结果平板,江晨看着屏幕中的那个斯拉夫人,隐隐觉得有些眼熟。 Suddenly in the brain the miraculous glow flashes, he thought that he had once seen this person in Carmen Manor. That is Germany tour of last day, at that time he and Ayesha is going to the garage, saw on the road Carmen talked in Slavs. 突然脑中灵光一闪,他想了起来,他曾在卡门庄园中见过这人。那是德国之行的最后一天,当时他和阿伊莎正前往车库,在路上看到了卡门于一名斯拉夫人谈话。 Korovin, originally was the Balkan Peninsula guerrilla force team member, after Civil War finished, enlivened as the arms merchant with Mediterranean Sea, now mainly enlivens in the Ukraine area. Under NATO incites, provides the weaponry to government forces.” 科罗温,原是巴尔干半岛的游击队队员,内战结束后作为军火商活跃与地中海,现在主要活跃于乌克兰地区。在北约授意下,向政府军提供武器装备。” „Is he concerned with Munich explosion?” Jiang Chen asked looking pensive. “他与慕尼黑爆炸案有关?”江晨若有所思地问道。 Does not have the positive evidence to prove that he is concerned with the explosion, but he and Rothschild Household relate close this are without doubt. Moreover, when I track he arrives at Ukraine, discovered that he and Wiley Society person have had the contact.” “没有直接证据证明他与爆炸案有关,但他与罗斯柴尔德家族关系密切这点是无疑的。另外,当我跟踪他到达乌克兰时,发现他与维利会的人进行过接触。” Three points continually a line, obtained conclusion already without a doubt. Just like he had suspected previously such, Rothschild and Wiley Society truly are correlated! 三个点连成了一条线,得出的结论已经毫无疑问。正如他此前猜想过的那样,罗斯柴尔德维利会确实存在关联! Specter Agent looks at Jiang Chen that is lost in thought that is waiting for his instruction. 幽灵特工看着陷入沉思的江晨,等待着他的吩咐。 Returns to Germany, I need you to continue to stare at Rothschild and Wiley Society trend.” “返回德国,我需要你继续盯着罗斯柴尔德维利会的动向。” Although knows that the curiosity will kill the cat, the ambition that but displays regarding Rothschild Household, he always thought that somewhat cares. 虽然知道好奇心会害死猫,但对于罗斯柴尔德家族所表现出的野心,他总觉得有些在意。 Yes.” “是。” Specter Agent nods slightly, hidden went to the figure. 幽灵特工微微颔首,隐去了身形。 Regarding Bernice this mysterious leaving the stage way, Jiang Chen cannot help smiling smiles, after to the Pistol palate, aimed at the target. 对于柏妮丝这故弄玄虚的退场方式,江晨忍俊不禁地笑了笑,给手枪上膛后重新对准了标靶。 However at this moment, in the pocket actually resounded the cell phone ring tone. 不过就在这时,兜里却是响起了手机铃声。 Pulls out the cell phone, looks at the telephone number on screen, he reveals. Had/Left the unexpected expression. 掏出手机,看着屏幕上的电话号码,他不由露.出了意外的表情。 Unexpectedly came quickly?( To be continued.) 居然这么快就来了?(未完待续。)
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