IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#540: Media echo

Unlike Other Side of the Earth Los Angeles, the release conference conducts China is afternoon, many people in the release conference live broadcast that in the official site watches. Because the browsing population are too many, Xia Shiyu has to contact the server supplier, the server that will purchase newly is operational immediately, and rented dozens servers, this supported that broken hundred million at the same time visits reluctantly. 地球背面洛杉矶不同,发布会进行的时候华国正值下午,不少人都在官网上看着的发布会现场直播。因为浏览人数太多,夏诗雨不得不联络服务器供应商,将新购置的服务器立即投入使用,并租用了数十台的服务器,这才勉强支撑起了那破亿的同时访问量。 After the release conference ended, the official site video commentary area blasted out the pot. 发布会结束后,官网的视频评论区更是炸开了锅。 Other I did not care, asked the official can the reliable news, when does helmet display the shelf? Where in can buy?】 【别的我不关心,就问官方能不能给个准信,头盔啥时候摆上货架?在哪能买到?】 In building isn't literate? The official site announced in writes is so clear, after three days, opens the purchase, temporarily only opens the net to buy the channel.】 【楼上的不识字么?官网公告里写的那么清清楚楚,三日后开放购买,暂时只开放网购渠道。】 Chicken of young devil is truly inexpensive, mouthful bullshit. My big Future Technologies nb, the technology hangs the dozen of the world, raises my national prestige not to explain.】 【小鬼子的鸡者确实贱,满嘴屁话。还是我大未来人科技nb,技术吊打全世界,扬我国威不解释。】 In building, others Future Technologies executive immigrated, Future Group was also the registration in Country of Xin, your sense of pride was somewhat bewildered.】 【楼上的,人家未来人科技老总可是移民了的,未来人集团也是注册在新国,你的自豪感有些莫名其妙。】 What's the big deal? Baidu executive, some real estate richest family, which rich man does not reduce the head to go out now. At least somebody else gains is not black heart money, what depended is technology. Regardless how saying that Future walks from China, its root in China, this was enough!】 【那又如何?白度老总,某个地产首富,现在哪个有钱人不是削减了脑袋往外跑。至少别个赚的不是黑心钱,靠的是实打实的技术。无论怎么说,未来人是从华国走出去的,它的根在华国,这就足够了!】 Is convinced, anything can pull toward political on. In building two, our competent point other?】 【服气,啥都能往政.治上扯。楼上二位,咱能干点别的吗?】 Although is not very clear, but feels very fierce appearance.】 【虽然不是很明白,但感觉很厉害的样子。】 A few words, buy!】 【一句话,买买买!】 ...... …… Discussion in network is continuing, the commentary of media from all walks of life also came since the conclusion of release conference in abundance. Just went out from Los Angeles release conference, well-known journalist «Los Angeles Daily» reporter Danny published a feeling on own Twitter. 网络上的热议在持续,各界媒体的评论也是随着发布会的结束纷纷出炉。刚从洛杉矶发布会的现场走出,知名新闻人《洛杉矶日报》记者丹尼就在自己的推特上发表了一条感慨。 Has release conference that compels the standard my first sight. Altogether only has two hours, having one hour I am surprised. If not arrive at the conference site, you cannot feel me to realize forever that shocks.” “如此有逼格的发布会我还是第一次见到。总共只有两小时,有一小时我在惊讶。如果不亲临会场,你永远感受不到我所体会到的那种震撼。” This Twitter was retransmitted in one day over ten thousand times, Danny were shocked. But will have such result, because of his idea, produced the resonance with countless journalists. 这条推特在一天之内被转发了上万次,就连丹尼自己都感到了震惊。而之所以会产生这样的结果,只不过是因为他的想法,与无数新闻人产生了共鸣。 In the echo with network is the same, this product release conference similarly caused the intense stir in the media and capital. 2016 are the Virtual Reality first year, but for this will first year add the dark ink serious wound in Phantom Helmet that the end of the year promotes without doubt. 与网络上的反响相同,这场产品发布会同样在媒体和资本界引起了强烈的轰动。2016是虚拟实境的元年,而在年末推出的幻影头盔无疑将为这个元年添上浓墨重彩的一笔。 Most critically. Future Technologies in the signal that at the release conference sends! 更关键的是。未来人科技在发布会上释放的信号! They planned that starts the cooperation with other company in the Virtual Reality domain! 他们打算与其它公司虚拟实境领域展开合作! Currently speaking, release this news has not seen other advantage temporarily, but at least saved many VR industry related listing company stock. A while ago Phantom Helmet just promoted, but their stock prices were flowing.” “目前来看,释放这个消息暂时没看到别的好处,但至少是挽救了不少vr产业相关上市公司的股票。前段时间幻影头盔刚推出的时候,他们的股价可是一泻千里。” In video phone. Xia Shiyu pushed the eyeglasses, the corners of the mouth that rises slightly portrayed self-satisfaction in her heart perfectly. 视频电话中。夏诗雨推了推眼镜,那微微上扬的嘴角完美地刻画了她心中的得意。 For a long time does not see, this young girl was really more and more attractive. Pitch-black beautiful hair became a circle in the brain afternoon session, the square eye is building the delicate bridge of the nose, if other women dresses up. Perhaps will be worn the old and old-fashioned hat. Because is Xia Shiyu, this not fashion makeup appearance/allow Jing had several points of young and good-looking flavor. 许久不见,这小妞真是越来越诱人了。乌黑的秀发在脑后盘成了一个圈,方框眼睛搭着清秀的鼻梁,如果是其它女人这么打扮。恐怕会被扣上老土、古板的帽子。但因为是夏诗雨,这并不时尚的妆容竟是有了几分青春靓丽的味道。 Sometimes Jiang Chen can think, if she is the woman who a love smiles...... 有时候江晨不禁会想,倘若她是个爱笑的女人…… cough cough, Chairman of the Board?” 咳咳,董事长?” „, No. cough cough, you continue.” Jiang Chen somewhat moved under bottom to sit awkwardly positively, one did not pay attention to be distracted a moment ago unexpectedly. “啊,没什么。咳咳,你继续。”江晨有些尴尬地挪了下屁.股坐正,刚才一不注意居然走神了。 The blame looked at Jiang Chen one, Xia Shiyu routinely pulled up under the sending silk of temple lightly, then said. 责怪地看了江晨一眼,夏诗雨习惯性地轻撩了下鬓角的发丝,接着说道。 Received the release conference to announce yesterday the influence of news, currently Area China has 6 VR industry related enterprises. And 13 Internet related enterprises presented the letter of intention to us.” “受到昨天发布会公布消息的影响,目前华国已经有六家vr产业相关企业。以及13家互联网相关企业向我们递交了合作意向书。” Only then selects?” Some Jiang Chen accidents/surprises asked. “只有这么点吗?”江晨有些意外地问道。 Are many, we just now hold the product release conference now, helmet also lie down in the warehouse. Even if other company want to cooperate with me, must first under the consideration the business and market size. Speaking of cooperation, the resurgence high branch do you still remember?” “已经不少了,我们现在才刚开完产品发布会,头盔都还躺在仓库里。就算其它公司想要与我合作,也得先考虑下自身业务与市场规模。说到合作方面,中兴高科你还记得吗?” Very familiar-sounding name, but Jiang Chen has not actually thought for a short time. 很耳熟的名字,不过江晨一时半会儿却没想起来。 It seems like detected that the confusion on Jiang Chen face, the Xia Shiyu reminder said. 似乎是察觉到了江晨脸上的困惑,夏诗雨提醒道。 Last year time, that defense cooperation project.” “去年的时候,那个军工合作项目。” „! That...... industry of Zhou Family.” Jiang Chen suddenly, then asked that how did they say?” “哦!那个……周家的产业。”江晨恍然,顿了顿接着问道,“他们怎么说?” Because of that project. He also unfortunately by the CIA person staring, did not attend to so-called general situation and General Staff person has a falling out, after being the CIA troops, runs without delay Xiangjiang. Also because that time is attacked, strengthens plan that he started own party. 就因为那个项目。他还不巧被cia的人给盯上,不顾“所谓大局”地和总参的人闹翻,做掉cia的人马后二话不说跑去了香江。也正是因为那次遇袭,坚定了他自立门户的打算。 Although then passed for a year. Because had too many matters in this year, he quickly domestic several influences forgetting. 虽然这才过去了一年。但因为这一年中发生了太多的事,以至于他都快把国内几个势力给忘掉了。 In the strict sense said that this Zhou Family and he was also partner. 严格意义上讲,这周家和他还算是“合作伙伴”。 Yesterday according to their views, the release conference conducted, they have through the advancement of our official site attention release conference. They about the cooperation that at the release conference proposed develop the Virtual Reality application to be interested to us very much, and after the release conference ended immediately convenes Board of Directors to discuss. This morning sent out the clerk to go to Xiangjiang, consulted the possibility of cooperation me.” Pushed the eyeglasses, Xia Shiyu said. “根据他们的说法,昨天发布会进行的时候,他们有通过我们的官网关注发布会的进程。他们对我们在发布会上提出的关于合作开发虚拟实境应用程序很感兴趣,并在发布会结束之后立刻召开了董事会进行讨论。今天上午更是派出了业务员前往香江,向我咨询了合作的可能性。”推了推眼镜,夏诗雨说道。 They have to mention that which aspect on starts the cooperation?” Jiang Chen asked. “他们有提到就哪方面展开合作吗?”江晨问道。 War Industry Domain. They mainly consulted us, through possibility that the Immersive-type Virtual Reality equipment replaced the live round training.” 军工领域。他们主要咨询我们了,通过沉浸式虚拟实境设备代替实弹训练的可能性。” Possibility has certainly, but realizes to be very troublesome.” Jiang Chen by chair, „, moreover replaces is impossible, the body coordination and actual reflection ability can only exercise through the practical training.” “可能性当然是有的,但实现起来很麻烦。”江晨靠在了椅子上,“而且代替是不可能的,身体协调性和现实反应能力只能通过实地训练来锻炼。” Only if the use has nutrient fluid training cabin. 除非使用带有培养液的训练舱 On the other hand, Jiang Chen does not want to step in War Industry Domain. Because this relates to an issue, that is the secrecy. 另一方面,江晨也不是很想涉足军工领域。因为这关系到一个问题,那就是保密性。 Will the country allow that training program to operate on the server of foreign country? Obviously is impossible! Involves the weaponry parameter and army combat and command strategy, these may be the countries. Secret. 国家会允许那个训练程序在外国的服务器上运行吗?显然是不可能的!这其中涉及到武器装备参数与部队作战、指挥策略,这些可都是国家.机密。 But Jiang Chen always impossible to deliver Quantum Computer? He did not have to that degree selflessly. 江晨总不可能把量子计算机上交吧?他还没无私到那种程度。 I have not given them a definite answer.” Xia Shiyu said. “我没有给他们一个确切的答复。”夏诗雨说道。 Actually refused also to might as well, because I had no interest in becoming the arms merchant.” Jiang Chen said. “其实拒绝了也无妨,因为我本人没有兴趣成为军火商。”江晨说道。 As if expects Jiang Chen saying that Xia Shiyu sighs. 仿佛是料到江晨会这么说,夏诗雨叹了口气。 Domestic market is also very huge, but Virtual Reality is a big cake, are definitely many to the person who this cake is ready to make trouble. Gives an example, with regulating this aspect, how should manage anything, to manage, manages by whom, these are also in the blank. Do you understand my meaning?” “国内市场也很庞大,而虚拟实境是块大蛋糕,对这块蛋糕蠢蠢欲动的人肯定不少。举个例子,就拿监管这方面来说,该管什么、怎么管、由谁来管,这些目前都还处于空白。你明白我的意思吗?” Naturally yes. Because is the blank, how therefore should come all how to say depending on above, then slowly adjustment.” Jiang Chen by the chair, said with a smile indifferently. “当然明白。因为是空白,所以该怎么来全凭上面怎么说,然后慢慢调整。”江晨靠在了椅子上,无所谓地笑道。 Said of pleasant to hear, called to cross the river while feeling the stones. 说好听点,叫摸着石头过河。 You understand well. We cannot return to the Google road.” Xia Shiyu reminded to him vaguely. “您明白就好。我们不能重蹈谷歌的覆辙。”夏诗雨隐晦地向他提醒道。 Relax, we will not duplicate the failure of Google, because they cannot become the substitute commodity Baidu.” Jiang Chen said in a soft voice. “放心,我们不会复制谷歌的失败,因为他们没有能够成为代替品的‘白度’。”江晨轻声说道。 When Phantom Helmet occupied the high ground of market thoroughly, takes the server by the deployment in Koro Island underground Quantum Computer, covers Virtual Reality Network of the world to construct officially. By that time, even Virtual Reality Technology entire opening, still no one can obstruct the control of Future Technologies to this market. 而等到幻影头盔彻底占据了市场的高地,由部署在科罗岛地下的量子计算机作为服务器,覆盖全球的虚拟实境网络正式构筑。到了那时,即便是虚拟实境技术整个开放,也没有人能阻挠未来人科技对这块市场的控制。 Like the present, no country can get rid of Internet to be the same.( To be continued.) 就像现在,没哪个国家能摆脱互联网一样。(未完待续。)
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