IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#539: Gate and key

The release conference that Jiang Chen's a few words, will change the subject immediately pulled back the subject, simultaneously hit to compel the standard full advertisement to Phantom Helmet with no trace. 江晨的一句话,立刻将跑题的发布会拉回了正题,同时不着痕迹地给幻影头盔打了个逼格十足的广告。 But the media under stage, actually fell into the shock again. 而台下的媒体,却是再一次陷入了震惊。 Through Virtual Reality Helmet, attended the press conference in reality? 通过虚拟实境头盔,参加现实中的新闻发布会? A word braved from the Danny brain towering. 一个单词突兀地从丹尼脑中冒了出来。 ar? ar? So-called ar, is Augmented Reality abbreviated, uses the virtual object to the real scene conducts enhancement demonstration the technology. Compared with virtual reality ( vr ), having the third dimension is strong, modeling work load small and other merits. Has Microsoft hololens on behalf of the product, after putting on the eyeglasses, can turn into the game table the table in your family, turns into the television screen the wall. 所谓ar,即是现实增强简称,利用虚拟物体对真实场景进行“增强显示”的技术。与虚拟现实(vr)相比,具有真实感强、建模工作量小等优点。代表产品有微软的hololens,戴上眼镜之后,可以将你家中的餐桌变成游戏桌,将墙壁变成电视荧幕。 However regarding being at the person in social environment, the shortcoming of ar technology is also very obvious. For example when you are wearing the Augmented Reality eyeglasses, when brandishes the arm to the air is making some strange operations, your does roommate how think? 然而对于处在社交环境中的人来说,ar技术的缺点也很明显。比如当你佩戴着现实增强眼镜,挥舞手臂对着空气做一些奇怪的操作时,你的室友会怎么想? Regardless how to think, this awkward sickness must violate. 无论怎么想,这尴尬症肯定是又得犯了。 This is also nowadays one of the ar application technique development difficulties, that is only then wears eyeglasses the person can see by enhancement demonstration virtual thing. But Future Technologies actually through holographic projection this medium, achieves virtual and fusion of reality now perfectly, this is also the reporter on the scene for the surprised reason. 这也正是现如今ar应用技术发展的难点之一,那就是只有戴着“眼镜”的人才能看到被“增强显示”的虚拟物件。可现在未来人科技所却是通过全息投影这个媒介,完美做到了虚拟与现实的融合,这也正是在场记者为之惊讶的原因。 Phantom Helmet.” Jiang Chen spread out a hand, facing the reporters, smiles completely silently was saying, key to Virtual World.” 幻影头盔。”江晨了摊开一只手,面对鸦雀无声地记者们,微笑着说道,“通往虚拟世界的钥匙。” The light corpuscle gathers the line, in the above of his palm, such as flying shuttle knitting helmet that is full of the true feelings. That helmet such float on his palm, under the gazes of audience all reporters, rotates slowly. 光粒汇聚成线条,在他手掌的正上方,如飞梭般编织成了一顶充满实感的头盔。那头盔就这么悬浮在他的手掌上,在全场所有记者的注视之下,缓缓地转动。 Believes that everyone present had understood our helmet performance, about various parameters my here not one by one details. Here I only cite two digits, 14 40,000 and 0.” “相信在座的各位对于我们这款头盔的性能已经有所了解,关于各项参数我在这里就不一一赘述。在这里我只列举两个数字,144万和0。” When Jiang Chen mentioned 14 40,000 this numbers, many media had responded. When this number previously the Future Technologies announcement, carried out the Virtual Reality Experience activity, Future Technologies the total helmet number that invests in the world. 江晨提到144万这个数字,已经有不少媒体反应了过来。这个数字正是此前未来人科技公布的,开展虚拟实境体验活动时,未来人科技在全球投入的总头盔数。 What are 0? 可0又是什么? This moment all reporters had so the question. But saw through Jiang Chen of this point, the following words answered the issue in their heart. 此刻所有记者都产生了如此疑问。而看穿了这一点的江晨,接下来的话正是回答了他们心中的这个问题。 14 40,000 Phantom Helmet, 37% in these three months is to be at the 24 hour active status, but no because of operational failure and damage.” “144万幻影头盔,其中37%在这三个月的时间内是处于二十四小时工作状态,但没有一件是因为运行故障而损坏。” hears word. In the global 12 release conference conference sites, all reporters change countenance in abundance. 闻言。全球12个发布会会场内,所有记者纷纷动容。 How possibly.” “怎么可能。” Without operational failure and damage...... this proportion, how to say again is unscientific?” “没有运行故障损坏……这个比例,再怎么说也太不科学了吧?” Who can prove this point? Boasted must have a limit, are you working as the consumers in the world are an idiot?” Release conference conference site situated in Tokyo, a short person reporter. Raised the question to Jiang Chen's holographic imaging mystifyingly. “谁能证明这一点?吹牛也得有个限度吧,你是在当全世界的消费者是白痴吗?”位于东京的发布会会场内,一名矮个子记者站了起来。阴阳怪气地对江晨的全息影像提出了质疑。 I can certainly prove this point, Mr. Hirota. As for the evidence, going out turns right the 300 meter to have an Internet cafe is the Future Technologies cooperation User Experience shop, actually do I have to boast, you why don't have a look? Moreover, I noticed you not to raise hand to stand a moment ago the speech, but before admission you should sign written guarantee about release conference Order. I have to suspect, is your Sankei Shimbun reporter, is such doesn't obey the custom?” “我当然能证明这一点,广田先生。至于证据,出门右转三百米应该就有一家网吧是未来人科技的合作体验店,我究竟有没有吹牛,你为什么不自己去看看?另外,我注意到你刚才没有举手就站起来发言,而在入场之前你应该签过一份关于发布会现场秩序的保证书。我不得不怀疑,是不是你们产经新闻的记者,都是这么的不守规矩?” Is listening to near the ear or sympathizes with or talking in whispers of taunt, Hirota Masao looks ashen to sit. 听着耳边或同情或嘲讽的窃窃私语,广田正雄面如土色地坐了回去。 He has not thought. Meanwhile can actually notice his speech facing Jiang Chen of 12 conference sites. 他怎么也没想到。同时面对12个会场的江晨竟然能够注意到他的发言。 Jiang Chen this criticizes the intent taste obvious words, was says to the entire world 12 conference sites. Gives Sankei Shimbun to lose face in the front of the world, how regardless to say, his career was ended. 江晨这句批评意味儿明显的话,是对全世界12个会场说的。在全世界的面前给产经新闻丢了脸,无论怎么说,他的职业生涯都算是结束了。 Makes us continue to return to the Phantom Helmet issue. Such that just like sees, our helmet have the ultra long standby time, as well as rare quality assurance. Even continuous running three months, not because the electric circuit gets older, the overheated damage to present Kartun even is halts and other conditions.” “让我们继续回到幻影头盔的问题上。正如诸位所看到的那样,我们的头盔拥有超长的待机时间,以及超乎寻常的质量保证。即使是连续运行三个月,也不会因为电路老化、过热损坏而出现卡顿甚至是死机等状况。” However Phantom Helmet can achieve this point , because of our unique sealings. Therefore our helmet will not suppose the disassemblage mouth, does not accept any disassemblage behavior, any because of the consequence that the disassemblage causes. Is undertaken by user. Because uses the breakdown of causing normally, we provide the service that the free replacement and half price purchase by barter.” “而幻影头盔之所以能做到这一点,正是因为我们独特的密封技术。所以我们的头盔不会设拆卸口,也不接受任何拆卸行为,任何因拆卸导致的后果。由用户自己承担。而因为正常使用导致的故障,我们提供免费更换以及半价换购的服务。” Jiang Chen intended to downplay the function of graphene chip, but to that disassemblage was self-destruction the security method installed one necessity name. However his view has not obtained the satisfactions of all media obviously, many media raised the hand. Hopes Jiang Chen can the opportunity that they spoke. 江晨有意淡化了石墨烯芯片的作用,而是给那个“拆卸即自毁”的保密手段安上了一个“必要”的名义。不过他的说法显然并没有得到所有媒体的满意,不少媒体都举起了手。希望江晨能给他们发言的机会。 Stands on platform in the virtual reality, Jiang Chen simple counts the population in 12 conference sites raising hand, then coughed the sound to say lightly. 站在虚拟实景中的讲台上,江晨简单地统计了12个会场内举手的人数,然后轻咳了声开口说道。 From release conference, many media has many questions to the view that I give obviously. I who happen to should speak have almost said that as before is the old rule. The rest of the time, you asked that I answered.” “从发布会现场来看,显然有不少媒体都对我给出的说法存在很多的疑问。正好该讲的我差不多已经讲完了,依旧是老规矩。剩下的时间,你问我答。” Jiang Chen's finishes speaking. Presented all media to raise the hand neatly. However for all that but the scene also has Order, has learning from another's mistakes of Sankei Shimbun, does not have reporter to vie to answer first destruction conference site Order again. 江晨的话音刚落。在场所有媒体都齐刷刷地举起了手。不过虽然如此,但场面还算是有秩序,有产经新闻的前车之鉴,再没有记者站起来抢答破坏会场秩序 Hears Jiang Chen to call own Serial Number, sits stands up to ask in Danny nearby Charles immediately. 听到江晨叫到自己的编号,坐在丹尼旁边的查尔斯立刻站起身来问道。 your company can understand regarding the seal method that Phantom Helmet adopts, but disassembles the electric circuit overload program of triggering somewhat to be excessive? After all the user when the purchase product, should enjoy right that controls the product. The security can through the patent law, but should not sacrifice the rights of user.” 贵公司对于幻影头盔采取的密封手段可以理解,但拆卸即触发的电路过载程式是否有些过分?毕竟用户在购买产品的时候,理应享有支配产品的权利。保密可以通过专利法,而不应该牺牲用户的权益。” Hears peer's cunning inquiry, Danny nods secretly. Although this California Daily reporter looks somewhat silly, but inquired actually points to the Future Technologies soft rib pertinently. Sacrificed the legitimate rights and interests of consumer? In this craves in rights protection the state, Future Technologies truly not good this issue to deceive. 听到同行的刁钻提问,丹尼不由暗暗点头。这个加州日报的记者虽然看起来有些傻里傻气的,但提起问来却是一针见血地直指未来人科技的软肋。牺牲消费者的合法权益?在这个“热衷于维权”的国度,未来人科技确实不好将这个问题糊弄过去。 Here I have to correct, the public regarding the misunderstandings of our Future Technologies.” However Jiang Chen is prepared early, is smiling facing many media, first, we never establish any harm user legitimate rights and interests the security mechanism.” “这里我不得不纠正一下,公众对于我们的未来人科技的误解。”然而江晨却是早有准备,微笑着面对诸多媒体,“首先,我们从未设置任何损害用户合法权益的保密机制。” Regarding the Jiang Chen reply, are many are preparing to ask that the reporter of this issue is dumbfounded. 对于江晨地回答,不少正准备问这个问题的记者都傻了眼。 What is this replied? Forcefully black talked into white? 这算是什么回答?强行把黑的说成白的? But you cannot, because signed the maintenance agreement of supplementary provision with the user at time of purchase, neglects fact that you infringe upon the right Charles to argue. “可你们不能因为在购买时与用户签署了附带条款的保修协议,就忽略掉你们侵权的事实”查尔斯争辩道。 Please note your expression, Mr. Charles. Future Technologies has only conducted selling in advance in the official site, moreover can apply to refund money momentarily, give away selling in advance of quota. At present Phantom Helmet on market in the virtual reality User Experience shop. But these helmet never sell. The strict sense, they are the Future Technologies property. “请注意你的措辞,查尔斯先生。未来人科技目前只在官网上进行过预售,而且是随时能够申请退款,让出名额的预售。目前市面上的幻影头盔都在虚拟实景体验店里。而那些头盔从未出售。严格意义上来讲,它们都是属于未来人科技的财产。 Here, I did not investigate individual who these disassemble this company property arbitrarily or the legal liability of collective, but to disobeying Jordan collected the fine of double helmet price. Until three days later the consumer can attain helmet before the express package. Continuously infringed upon the right may be we, do you understand? ” Jiang Chen looks at the eye of Charles, smiles was saying. 在这里,我不追究那些擅自拆卸本公司财产的个人或集体的法律责任,只是对违约方收取了双倍头盔价格的罚金。直到三天后消费者能从快递包裹中拿到头盔之前。一直在被侵权的可都是我们,你明白吗?”江晨看着查尔斯的眼睛,微笑着说道。 Did not investigate that the legal liability is because could not investigate, some disassemblage behaviors were individual so-called, but some disassemblage research were done under connivance of country. Investigates their legal liability. On and considers the Future Group monopoly to be equally difficult in Country of Xin. 不追究法律责任是因为根本追究不了,有些拆卸行为是个人所谓,而有些拆卸研究则是在国家的默许下进行的。去追究他们的法律责任。就和在新国未来人集团垄断一样困难。 The Adam's apple moves, the Charles heart raises feeling of being incapable. Although always thought where his words have the issue, but had to say the place that had the issue much specifically where was. 喉结动了动,查尔斯心头升起一股无力之感。虽然总觉得他的话哪里有问题,但却有说不少有问题的地方具体在哪。 Sits in his nearby Danny is secretly the surprise, this Jiang Chen used a few words the Future Group standpoint from right infringement side arrange to by the right infringement side. 坐在他旁边的丹尼则是暗自诧异,这江晨用一句话就将未来人集团立场从侵权方摆到了被侵权方。 However I then wanted to say that to all explanation that consumers who intended to purchase Phantom Helmet.”, Jiang Chen then said, just as we said that we never establish anything to keep secret the mechanism. Disassembles helmet to cause the electric circuit to burn down, purely is because in helmet we establish an installment of protection circuit. But the disassemblage behavior will cause this/should equipment electric current to overload, damages the helmet internal circuit. I acknowledged. This is our Future Technologies deficiency, we will certainly improve this, but also looks at consumer to forgive.” “而我接下来想要要说的,正对所有有意购买幻影头盔的消费者的解释。”顿了顿,江晨接着说道,“正如我们所说的,我们从未设置什么保密机制。拆卸头盔导致电路烧毁,纯粹是因为在头盔中我们设置有一种保护电路的装置。而拆卸行为则会导致该装置电流过载,以至于损坏头盔内部电路。我承认。这是我们未来人科技不足之处,我们一定会改进这点,还望诸位消费者能够体谅。” Will keep secret the mechanism to assert that the technology is insufficient, whom such shameless explanation did not have. At this moment in the Future Technologies official site, is paying attention to release conference live broadcast scene the person in saliva Virtual Reality Technology much, pats the thigh to shout loudly in abundance shameless. 将保密机制硬说成技术不足,这么无耻的解释也是没谁了。此刻不少正在未来人科技官网上,关注着发布会直播现场的垂涎虚拟实境技术的人,纷纷拍着大腿高呼无耻。 But they do not have the means to refute this explanation. After all can make the Immersive-type Virtual Reality equipment, only then a Future Technologies enterprise, only then they have to the final right to interpret of this technology. 可他们偏偏却没有办法反驳这个解释。毕竟能做出沉浸式虚拟实境设备的只有未来人科技一家企业,也只有他们拥有对这项技术的最终解释权。 I cannot achieve, can't you let me to achieve forcefully? 我做不到,你总不能强行让我能做到吧? The plan questioned the security method whether extreme media also gave up this plan in abundance. Future Technologies had explained that is inquiring from this aspect is also only the waste precious inquiry opportunity, will not obtain any interesting information. 原本打算质疑保密手段是否过激的媒体也都纷纷放弃了这个打算。未来人科技都已经这么解释了,在从这个方面提问也只是浪费宝贵的提问机会,不会得到任何有趣的信息。 After Charles sits down . Another was selected the speech the reporter. Looks from the microphone in her hand, her status should be the Wall Street Journal reporter, but his inquiry also wants not to need to think, definitely focuses on the economical side. Rather than technical side. 查尔斯坐下后。另一位被选中发言的记者站了起来。从她手中的话筒上看,她的身份应该是华尔街日报的记者,而他的提问也想都不用想,肯定是着重于经济侧。而非技术侧。 Mr. Jiang Chen, your company had obtained absolutely the leading position in the Virtual Reality domain. You will utilize your technical superiorities, hinders other company to enter this domain to develop?” “请问江晨先生,贵公司已经在虚拟实境领域取得了绝对领先的地位。你们会运用你们的技术优势,阻碍其它公司进入这个领域发展吗?” This issue is very sensitive, issue that because it related to makes every effort to keep secret to command all big groups. 这个问题很敏感,因为它涉及到一个令所有大集团都讳莫如深的问题。 That monopolizes. 那就是垄断。 Naturally, we will not be glad to develop the Virtual Reality domain with other company very much together. Just like you see, not only the Phantom Helmet function plays. The game is we pushes to the method of the world it merely. I can attend the release conference that the global 12 conference sites hold simultaneously, benefits from the Phantom Helmet function.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “当然不会,我们很乐意与其它公司共同开发虚拟实境领域。正如你们所看到的,幻影头盔的功能不只是游戏。游戏仅仅是我们将它推向世界的手段。我之所以能够同时出席全球12个会场举办的发布会,正是得益于幻影头盔的功能。”江晨微笑道。 When the Jiang Chen these words exit|to speak, the eyes of all media reporters shone. The Future Technologies preparations and other enterprises start the cooperation in the Virtual Reality domain! This is a serious information! 江晨这句话出口,所有媒体记者的眼睛都亮了起来。未来人科技准备和其它企业在虚拟实境领域展开合作!这可是个不得了的情报! Also because of his these words, then the inquiry of media basically launches regarding the content of cooperation. 也正是因为他这句话,接下来媒体的提问基本都是围绕着合作的内容展开。 For example which form will the cooperation in be conducted? Can Future Technologies open own technology to others and so on. Regarding this kind of inquiry, Jiang Chen was also one by one answered. 比如合作会以哪种形式进行?未来人科技会不会向其它人开放自己的技术之类的。对于这类提问,江晨也是一一作出了回答。 Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology is the Future Technologies core technologies, this technology will not publicize, in a short time has not registered the plan of patent, wanted words research and develop. But regarding the cooperation in content, Future Technologies welcome absolutely. 沉浸式虚拟实境技术未来人科技的核心技术,这项技术不会公开,短期内也没有注册专利的打算,想要的话自己去研发。但对于内容方面的合作,未来人科技是绝对欢迎的。 The cooperation range will cover any domain that Internet can cover nowadays. Some time, Future Technologies gradually will open the related technology of Virtual Reality program development to the partner, by facilitating various internet company development may by the Phantom Helmet compatible software. 合作范围将涵盖现如今互联网所能涵盖的任何领域。一段时间过后,未来人科技会逐步向合作方开放虚拟实境程序开发的相关技术,以方便各互联网公司开发可被幻影头盔兼容的软件。 The Virtual Reality market is very big, the function that nowadays Internet has, can realize in the Virtual Reality platform theoretically. By a company strength, is not enough to eat up this entire market only absolutely, moreover because possibly hinders other company to enter the market to face Anti-Monopoly Investigation. 虚拟实境的市场很大,现如今互联网所具备的功能,理论上都能够在虚拟实境平台上实现。单靠一个公司的力量,是绝对不足以吃下这整个市场的,而且还可能因为阻碍其它公司进入市场而面临反垄断调查 Future Technologies only needs grasps to enter this market key, as well as as gate the Quantum Computer server, will launch to take the Virtual Reality Network connected node in the future Quantum Communications Satellite. 未来人科技只需要掌握进入这个市场的“钥匙”,以及作为“门”的量子计算机服务器,还有日后会发射作为虚拟实境网络连接节点的量子通讯卫星 As for the gate back world, should develop by company of the world together. 至于门背后的世界,理应由全世界的公司共同开发。 Therefore this product release conference, while making Phantom Helmet this model of key that enters Virtual World, is intending to enter the Virtual Reality industry the enterprise to send a positive signal to the entire world. 所以这场产品发布会,在打出幻影头盔这款进入虚拟世界的钥匙的同时,也在向全世界有意进入虚拟实境行业的企业释放了一个积极的信号。 Signal of named cooperation.( To be continued.) 名为合作的信号。(未完待续。)
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