IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#538: Special product release conference

12 am, Los Angeles situated in State of Southern California has put on the night veil. By this time, most Los Angeles people had fallen asleep, but is located in the Los Angeles southern Future Group United States Region Headquarters building at this moment, as before is brilliantly illuminated. 晚上12点,位于南加州洛杉矶已经披上了黑夜的面纱。到了这个时间,绝大多数的洛杉矶人都已经进入了梦乡,但此刻位于洛杉矶南部的未来人集团美国区总部大楼内,依旧是灯火通明。 The circular conference site situated in first floor, under the stage human head|number of people sways. The journalists in field have put up the camera, waits for Jiang Chen's to make an appearance. On the stage the staff are busy arranging the location back and forth, seems like the instrument to join the power source various types very much high-end. 位于一楼的圆形会场内,台下人头攒动。场内的媒体工作者们已经架好了摄像头,等待着江晨的露面。台上工作人员则是来来往往地忙着布置场地,将各种看上去很高端地仪器接上电源。 Confessed to own assistant simple when several photography main point, Danny pulled out the small book to confirm the main point of a while inquiry repeatedly. The Los Angeles Times reporter are many, everyone sharpened the head to earn the interview qualifications, he can seize this opportunity is really not easy. From people to the Phantom Helmet infatuated degree, attention of this report is impossible to lower. 向自己的助手简单交代了几句拍摄时的要领,丹尼掏出了小本子反复确认着一会儿提问的要点。洛杉矶时报的记者很多,所有人都削尖了脑袋想要拿到采访资格,他能够抓住这次机会实属不易。从人们对幻影头盔的痴迷程度来看,这次报道的关注度根本不可能会低。 You said that he will come?” It seems like to interviewing the chest has the foot, sits, in his nearby reporter returned to the tablet stopper the briefcase, with chatting the tone asked to Danny. “你说他会来吗?”似乎是对采访已经胸有成足,坐在他旁边的记者将平板塞回了公文包中,用闲聊地口吻向丹尼问道。 Danny notices, symbol on his microphone belongs to California Daily on hand, on the data plate of chest writes Charles ·. 丹尼注意到,他手边话筒上的标志属于加州日报,胸口的铭牌上写着【查尔斯·顿】。 Should the meeting, present may be the media that whole of America ranks among the best, even Microsoft, has not put the courage of all media pigeons.” Danny ridicules to say. “应该会,在座的可都是全美数一数二的媒体,就算是微软,也没有放所有媒体鸽子的勇气。”丹尼揶揄道。 Charles smiles, lowered the sound. 查尔斯笑了笑,压低了声音。 Here has an interesting news.” “我这里有个有趣的消息。” oh? Danny sits slightly positively, was interested to collect. 哦?丹尼稍稍坐正,感兴趣地凑了过来。 Starts also to have a while from the release conference, can from travelling together there draws out the information that does not know, is without doubt powerful regarding the interview. Regardless of this information is really false, can be the reference. 距离发布会开始还有一会儿,能从同行那里套出点不知道的情报,对于采访无疑是有力的。无论这情报是真是假,都能作为参考。 Noon yesterday, I was familiar on grounds of old acquaintance the person to investigate the flight passenger lists of Los Angeles several airports, however has not seen his name in.” “昨天中午,我托熟人调查过洛杉矶几家机场的航班乘客名单,然而在里面根本就没看到他的名字。” What perhaps others sit is the private plane.” Danny ridicules was saying, in the heart actually despised the sentence silently. “没准人家坐的是私人飞机。”丹尼揶揄着说道,心中却是默默地鄙视了句。 This Your Mother calculates that what news, others really want to visit low-key, will also make you check? 尼玛算个什么消息,别人真想低调出访,还会让你查到? At this moment, met the landing field flood light to destroy completely suddenly. Everyone stopped whispering. Is gazing at the dead ahead of conference site motionlessly. 就在这时,会场内灯突然灭掉了。所有人都停止了交头接耳。一动不动地注视着会场的正前方。 Came! 来了! Danny forced in the small book the pocket, the deep breath the tone, put in order the chest front tie. When he sees the next door California Daily peer, is suppressing the refraction point has not spurted. Sees only that Charles, although sits. Two feet actually in tandem showed the posture of false start. 丹尼将小本子塞进了兜里,深呼吸了口气,整了整胸前的领带。可当他看到隔壁加州日报的同行时,憋着的气差点没喷出来。只见那个查尔斯虽然是坐着的。两只脚却是一前一后地摆出了抢跑的姿势。 really shamelessness. 真特么的无耻。 In criticized the sentence at heart, Danny actually pinched the microphone in the hand, prepared sudden. 在心里暗骂了句,丹尼却是将话筒捏在了手中,也做好了一拥而上的准备。 Future Technologies has not made the reporter under stage and others very long, stands in secret United States Region General Manager looked at a watch, then greets to the staff. Hints them to open the equipment. 未来人科技没有让台下的记者等很久,站在幕后的美国区总经理看了眼手表,然后便对工作人员打了个招呼。示意他们将设备打开。 Light beam fell on the stage, following the hauling of this light, a young Chinese man in suit arrived at stage before the back of curtain. 一道光束落在了台上,顺着这灯光的牵引,一位身着西装的年轻华人男子从帷幕的背后走到了台前。 If in the anticipation such, under the stage burst into the warm applause. Although regarding Future Technologies of China birth, many United States media had the reservation, the technological strength that but it showed actually won presented everyone's respect. Therefore arrives regarding Jiang Chen's, these reporter not parsimonious own applause. 如预期中那样的,台下爆发出了热烈的掌声。虽然对于华国出生的未来人科技,众多美国媒体还是持保留态度的,但其展现出的技术实力却是是赢得了在场所有人的尊敬。所以对于江晨的登场,这些记者丝毫不会吝啬自己的掌声。 The back screen shines, English character appears above. Regarding the Future Technologies immediate translation technology, the reporters on the scene are not strange. 背后的荧幕亮起,英文字符在上面浮现。对于未来人科技的即时翻译技术,在场的记者们已经不算陌生。 Very happy can come to attend our company product release conference, was also sorry the reporter friend who very much North America area has to work overtime late at night. The reporter in Western European area has to have an early bed.” “很高兴诸位能够前来参加我们公司的产品发布会,同时也很抱歉北美地区的记者朋友不得不加班到深夜。西欧地区的记者不得不起个早床。” When Jiang Chen was saying these words, sits first is the understanding smiles in front Danny, may along with, even if other responded with the stage under the reporter who same was shocked. 江晨说着这句话的时候,坐在前排的丹尼先是谅解地笑了笑,可随即便与台下其它反应过来的记者一样愣住了。 The information content of this prologue somewhat seems to be big. 这开场白的信息量似乎有些大。 Took a fast look around reporter one under stage, Jiang Chen showed a faint smile, spreads out both hands to continue to say. 扫视了台下的诸位记者一眼,江晨微微一笑,摊开双手继续说道。 Right, this press conference, will also conduct in global 12 Future Group district Headquarters.” “没错,这场新闻发布会,将在全球12座未来人集团分区总部同时进行。” The Jiang Chen's words like a depth bomb, threw into originally the quiet conference site. All reporters stared in a big way the eyes, visits him on stage unbelievable. 江晨的话如同一枚深水炸弹,扔进了原本沉寂的会场。所有记者都瞪大了双眼,难以置信地看着台上的他。 Carries on the product release conference in global 12 district Headquarters simultaneously? Which type is this must make?! 在全球12座分区总部同时进行产品发布会?这是要闹哪样?! Although has not been the inquiry time, but many reporters present raised the hand. Including Los Angeles Daily Danny. They need Future Technologies to give them an explanation. 虽然没有到提问时间,但不少在座的记者还是举起了手。包括洛杉矶日报丹尼在内。他们需要未来人科技给他们一个解释。 As if expected will have this condition, the Jiang Chen's performance was very actually calm, observed the situation reporter in a conference site, finally the vision fell , on Danny that sat in the front. 仿佛料到了会出现这种状况,江晨的表现倒是很从容,环视了一眼会场内的记者,最后目光落在了坐在前排的丹尼身上。 Please the reporter speak on the 304 th.” “请304号记者发言。” Sees Jiang Chen to mention by name oneself to speak. When pleasant surprise, Danny rushed to stand up the body, dispatched the microphone in hand. 江晨点名自己发言。惊喜之余,丹尼赶忙站起了身来,将手中的话筒递出。 Excuse me, your company say that holds the product release conference in the world simultaneously, this also means that other release conferences are attended by district Supervisor? Why you will choose United States Region, as personally attendance conference site?” “请问,贵公司说在全球同时举行产品发布会,这也就是意味着其它发布会的现场是由分区经理出席的吗?那您为何会选择美国区,作为亲自出席的会场?” Strict this is two issues. But Danny rubbed to ask forcefully it. 严格来讲这是两个问题。但丹尼强行将它揉到了一起问出。 After hearing the inquiry of Danny, Jiang Chen smiles. 听到丹尼的提问后,江晨只是笑了笑。 From your words, I can listen to the misunderstanding. Here I first under statement, even if holds the release conference in the global 12 different places simultaneously, I can still attend personally.” “从你的话中,我能听出误解。在这里我先声明下,即便是在全球12个不同地点同时举行发布会,我也是能够亲自出席的。” Danny looks at Jiang Chen dumbfounded, does not know the words that he spoke are actually what meaning. However the inquiry had ended, he must sit. 丹尼傻眼地看着江晨,不知道他说的话究竟是什么意思。不过提问已经结束,他也只得坐了回去。 Explained after Los Angeles Daily issue, the Jiang Chen roll-call reporter has not spoken to inquire again, because he knows that they want to ask anything. But they want to ask that also his following must explain. 解释完洛杉矶日报的问题后,江晨没有再点名记者发言提问,因为他知道他们想问什么。而他们想问的,也正是他接下来所要解释的。 Fellow journalists present will not be definitely strange to a glossary. Right, what I said is holographic projection. But now stands here, is my holographic projection. Also therefore, I have to emphasize inquiry Order again.” “想必在座的各位新闻工作者肯定都对一个词汇不会陌生。没错,我说的是全息投影。而现在站在这里的,正是我的全息投影。也正是因此,我不得不再次强调提问的秩序。” Listens the words that Jiang Chen spoke, under the stage to transmit talks in whispers intermittently, all reporters look to stand Jiang Chen unbelievable on stage. Regarding holographic projection, these reporters do not certainly know. However confessed before Jiang Chen, they were no one discover this unexpectedly! 听完江晨所说的话,台下传来阵阵窃窃私语,所有记者都难以置信地看着站在台上的江晨。对于全息投影,这些记者们当然不会不知道。然而直到江晨自己坦白之前,他们竟是没有一个人发现这点! But this...... this was also too lifelike.” “可这……这也太逼真了。” Looks is standing Jiang Chen on stage, sits mutters in Danny nearby Charles low voice. 望着站在台上的江晨,坐在丹尼旁边的查尔斯小声喃喃道。 However the response of Danny is more intense than Charles. He who frequently goes to the Silicon Valley interview, regarding these leading technologies, but had understood. Nowadays Holographic Projection Technology is mature, wants to achieve to confuse falsehood with the truth is not difficult. 然而丹尼的反应却是比查尔斯更强烈。经常前往硅谷采访的他,对于这些前沿技术可是有所了解。现如今的全息投影技术非常成熟,想要做到以假乱真并不难。 However all total information images, must establish beforehand. Utilizes the instant messenger domain Holographic Projection Technology, image three-dimensional photogrammetry of collection, this, even if NASDAQ is good at blowing froth company, does not dare to make this impractical claiming without justification. 但是所有的全息图像,都必须是事先设定好的。将全息投影技术运用到即时通讯领域,将现场采集的图像立体成像,这就算是纳斯达克最擅长“吹泡泡”的公司,也不敢做这种不切实际的妄称。 However did Future Technologies, actually suspend on this technology the table not making a sound? 然而未来人科技,却是不声不响地将这项技术摆到了桌子上? God, is this really only the Phantom Helmet release conference? 上帝,这真的只是幻影头盔的发布会吗? In the Danny brain gushed out this crazy thought that at this moment he is looking at that in hand small book that writes all over the inquiry main point, unexpectedly is the reveal. Left did not know whether to laugh or cry the expression. Future Technologies does not press the movement that the common sense plays a card, disrupted his repertoire completely. 丹尼脑中涌出了这个疯狂的念头,此刻他望着手中的那个写满提问要点的小本子,竟是露.出了哭笑不得地表情。未来人科技不按常理出牌的动作,完全打乱了他的套路。 But is good, a while official inquiry time, actually to ask what? 这下可好,一会儿正式提问的时候,究竟问些什么呢? The Danny worry , is also presents the worries of all media reporters. But looked under the stage the expression on reporter face, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth is actually bringing back wiped the happy expression. 丹尼的烦恼,同样也是在座所有媒体记者的烦恼。而望着台下记者脸上的表情,江晨的嘴角却是勾起了一抹笑意。 He wants is this song effect. 他要的就是这种歌效果。 This product release conference makes is not «Divine Grade Continent» this online game, but is Phantom Helmet this model of product! Virtual reality technology! The online game is only the Virtual Reality Technology applied field tip of the iceberg, must make the users in the world unable to leave the model of product that Future Technologies unveils, must let their enough shocks, enough crazy! 这场产品发布会打出的可不是《神级大陆》这款网游,而是幻影头盔这款产品!虚拟现实这项技术!网络游戏只是虚拟实境技术应用领域的冰山一角,要让全世界的用户离不开未来人科技推出的这款产品,就必须让他们足够的震撼,足够的疯狂! Thereupon, Jiang Chen opens the mouth again. 于是乎,江晨再次开了口。 Raises while convenient, I in Country of Xin, am accepting interview through Phantom Helmet at this moment.”( To be continued.) “顺便一提,我本人此刻在新国,正通过幻影头盔接受诸位的采访。”(未完待续。)
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