IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#537: Fighter aircraft service

The time arrived in December quickly, such as Palau Archipelago of summer cannot feel slightly the winter atmosphere in Four Seasons, but Wasted Earth Wanghai City has actually cladded in silvery white. What was different from the old times, entire Wanghai City does not have the feelings of too many Last of Days. 时间很快就到了12月,在四季如夏的帕努群岛感受不到丝毫冬天的氛围,而废土望海市却已是银装素裹。与往年不同的是,整个望海市已经没有太多末世的感觉了。 These days, Jiang Chen will return to that side Last of Days to have a look occasionally, after all has the person who too he could not put down in that side. However because here the situation has stabilized, he time in here stopping over is not long like before. 在这些日子里,江晨偶尔会回末世那边看看,毕竟在那边有着太多他放不下的人。不过因为这边局势已经稳定,他在这边逗留的时间也不像以前那么长了。 Occasionally accompanies the females to eat meal together, under exchange sentiment under with Sun Jiao, picks the sisters flower, takes a bath under with Yao Yao, bullies Lin Ling. When the words in that villa, cannot feel the Last of Days atmosphere completely. 偶尔陪众女一起吃吃饭,和孙娇“交流下感情”,采摘下姐妹花,和姚姚洗洗澡,欺负下林玲。只是待在那栋别墅中的话,完全感受不到末世的氛围。 The entire Huangpu River west urban district, finds at everywhere checkpoint of NAC establishment. Stands looks up in the high place, Transporter-51 that from the sky goes on patrol occasionally can also see, or howls, but Aurora-20. In the control to Wanghai City, NAC has the absolute advantage. 整个黄浦江西侧的市区,随处可见nac设置的检查站。站在高处抬头望去,偶尔还能看见在空中巡逻的的运直-51,或者呼啸而过的极光-20。在对望海市的控制权上,nac已经占据了绝对的优势。 At present Diplomat NAC's is launching the negotiations with Liuding Town, the discussion east bank of Huangpu River is included in extent of protection the matters concerned. 目前nac的外交官正在与柳丁镇展开谈判,讨论将黄浦江东岸纳入“保护范围”的事宜。 [The Bo Sea] Raging Waves-type ship-borne Electromagnetic Artillery can project on Lu State from the Changjiang mouth, not only has 450 kilometers terrorist|terrifying range distance, but can also launch 10- 400 kg level quality bomb, it may be said that the outstanding person in heavy support naval gun. The technology of [The Bo Sea] this/should naval gun, Jiang Chen wins. 渤海号的“怒涛型”舰载电磁炮能从长江口打到庐州,不但有着450公里的恐怖射距,而且能够发射十-400kg级质量弹,可谓重型支援舰炮中的佼佼者。无论是渤海号还是该舰炮的技术,江晨都是志在必得。 If can negotiate to solve the problem, that through negotiations, if cannot solve through the negotiations, that adopts the military force. 如果能谈判解决问题,那就通过谈判,如果不能通过谈判解决,那就通过武力。 This is the Wasted Earth criterion. 这便是废土的准则。 On the other hand, radioactive substance cleaning up and crater of City Center disposed had finished basically, although the gamma value was still high, but entered the person in region not to need dressing nuclear protective suit, only in ep stored up then can walk in City Center by the iodine or the antiradiation function medicine that. 另一方面,市中心的放射物清理与弹坑填埋已经基本完毕,虽然伽玛值依旧偏高,但进入区域的人已经无需穿戴核防护服了,仅凭借ep中储存的碘素或抗辐射药物便能在市中心行走。 Because snows and ices up and other reasons of climatic factor, by the Dianshan Lake Garden of Eden project stagnated temporarily. 而因为降雪和结冰等气候因素的缘故,淀山湖旁的伊甸园工程暂时陷入了停滞。 That side Jia City will meet foreign-species that moves to east occasionally, but there is First Army that Cheng Weiguo leads stationed in this, has the checkpoint deployment along the way, Jiang Chen was not worried that these foreign-species will steal into Wanghai City to nidify. 嘉市那边偶尔会遇上向东迁徙的异种,但有程卫国率领的第一兵团驻扎于此,沿途亦有检查站部署,江晨并不担心那些异种会溜进望海市筑巢。 This year's winter is very tranquil. 今年的冬天很平静。 Because NAC's exists, Wanghai City did not have any accident/surprise again. 因为nac的存在,望海市再没发生任何意外。 But reviews here the present world. International Situation is the somewhat blustery feeling. 而反观现世这边。国际局势则是有些风起云涌的感觉。 First is South Asia, with Country of Moro is independent. Getting stronger and stronger of movement, the flames of war have burnt then entire Mindanao Island, even there are to the trend that Samar Island spreads. At the end of November. The guerrilla forces start the large-scale military operation to Davao City, and successfully disintegrated guarding in local 1 light Infantry Division and 1 light Armor Brigade. Country of Moro leader Santos issues the video to announce through the social media, Civil War will enter Second Phase, Davao City as Country of Moro Capital. 首先是南亚,随着摩洛国独立.运动的愈演愈烈,战火已经烧便了整个棉兰老岛,甚至有向萨马岛蔓延的趋势。11月底。游击队向达沃市发动大规模军事行动,并成功瓦解了驻守在当地的一个轻型步兵师与一个轻型装甲旅摩洛国领袖桑托斯通过社交媒体发布视频宣布,内战进入第二阶段,达沃市将作为摩洛国首都 Initially Jiang Chen held the disgusting Philippines attitude to subsidize Santos, has not actually thought of this fellow unexpectedly also this independence. The movement did dramatically. Currently has including own Capital. 当初江晨只是抱着恶心菲国的态度资助了桑托斯,却没想到这家伙居然还把这独立.运动搞得有声有色了起来。现在更是连自己的首都都有了。 But they can mix until now situation, on the one hand is because the Philippines soldier fight quality is not high, when this performance from hostage rescue can see. On the other hand is because changes session on the United States government, the Philippines biggest ally has not involved Civil War, but symbolically did the diplomatic work, sold their some weapons inexpensive. 而他们之所以能混到如今的地步,一方面是因为菲国士兵战斗素质本身就不高,这点从人质营救时的表现就能看出。另一方面则是因为恰逢美国政府换届,菲国最大的盟友没有介入内战,只是象征性地做了做外交工作,廉价卖了他们些武器。 Seeing this Country of Moro is independent, Jiang Chen changes the initial decision immediately, after they used up that batch of munitions commodities , to continue provides the subsidization to them. 见这摩洛国独立有望,江晨立刻改变了最初的决策,在他们用光了那批军火物资之后,继续向他们提供资助。 Naturally, these subsidization are not free. The ore that but in the mineral resource property rights by guerrilla force control region or mines exchanges. Therefore Jiang Chen also told that Bakari registered empty shell company in Australia, specifically is responsible for taking over the ore and selling the munitions from the Country of Moro aspect to them. These ores of unknown origin will be transported to the New Guinea factory to process, part sells to the international market, another part adopted the way of left hand but actually right hand selling to Star Ring Trading. 当然,这些资助并不是无偿的。而是由游击队控制区域内的矿藏所有权或者开采出的矿石来交换。为此江晨还吩咐巴卡里在澳洲注册了一个空壳公司,专门负责从摩洛国方面接手矿石并向他们出售军火。这些来历不明的矿石将被运往新几内亚的工厂进行加工,一部分卖向国际市场,另一部分则通过左手倒右手的方式“卖给”星环贸易 The acrobatics and range chicken country that this resells the ore resell the is crude oil the technique to be exactly the same, moreover Jiang Chen does is with no trace. Has the deployment in the support of New Moon Island Radar Station, smuggled the ore the transport ship to be able as if it had eyes, avoided all Philippines sea patrol boats and battleships that blocked Mindanao Island. To stamping one's foot of Philippines aspect air/Qi, the supplies commodity of guerrilla force has not broken. 这手倒卖矿石的把戏与土鸡国倒卖is原油的手法如出一辙,而且江晨做的更是不着痕迹。有着部署在新月岛雷达站的支持,偷运矿石的运输船能像长了眼睛似得,躲开所有封锁棉兰老岛菲国海巡船与战舰。任凭菲国方面气的跳脚,游击队的补给物资也从来都没断过。 What is worth mentioning is, provides the weapon to empty shell company that Bakari registers, is United States arms company. In order to avoid trading by person tracing that F compels. All armament orders are paid by the gold. 值得一提的是,向巴卡里注册的空壳公司提供武器的,正是美国军火公司。为了避免交易被f逼的人追踪。所有军火订单都由黄金进行支付。 Again is Europe. 再接着是欧洲。 The refugee problem escalates continually, pushed to intersection the entire Europe. Whether comprehensively prohibits the refugee from entering Europe, the European Union various countries difference is serious. Has by terrorism bitter France , Germany and Belgium, there is a lying table to threaten that must take off/escape the Britain of Europe. Also there is on negotiation table plays gangster if you don't buy our debt, then we'll open the doors to refugees Greece...... 难民问题持续升温,将整个欧洲推向了十字路口。就是否全面禁止难民进入欧洲,欧盟各国分歧严重。这其中有饱受恐怖.主义之苦的法、德、比利时,也有趴桌子扬言要脱欧的不列颠。也有在谈判桌上耍流.氓的“你们不买我国债我就对难民开大门”的希腊…… It is difficult to say that is because does not trust the difference , the distrust that because the difference has, under adding fuel to the flames of not visible hand, stable European Union presented the visible fissure. 很难说是因为不信任产生的分歧,还是因为分歧产生的不信任,在一支看不见的手的推波助澜下,原本稳固的欧盟出现了肉眼可见的裂痕。 The negotiations between countries do not have the result, various countries' home actually erupted the tide of protest as if by prior agreement. Many extreme lost the reason finally, starts to attack the innocent refugee under incite of person of harboring ulterior motives. Threatened to take revenge, with responded to terrorist|terrifying cruelly. 国与国之间的谈判没有结果,各国国内却是不约而同的爆发了抗议的浪潮。不少极端者终于失去了理智,在别有用心之人的煽.动之下开始袭击无辜的难民。扬言复仇,用残忍回应恐怖 Under such chaotic situation, Germany New Choice Party is rising quietly, but rule the support level of Christian Democratic Union ( cdu ) actually slides. The Extreme Right influence obtained the right to speak in the Germany political arena, added a fire for this chaotic situation...... 在这样的乱局下,德国新选择党正在悄悄的崛起,而执政的基督教民.主联盟(cdu)的支持率却是一路下滑。极.右势力在德国政坛上取得了话语权,更是为这乱局添上了一把火…… War is not always a great idea, but the weapon is actually a good thing. Ivan, do you understand my meaning?” “战争从来都不是个好主意,但武器却是个好东西。伊万,你明白我的意思吗?” Stands in the New Moon Island fighter hangar, Jiang Chen narrows the eye to look at Aurora-20 that frame just went into storage bit by bit, spoke thoughtlessly to say to Ivan. 站在新月岛战斗机机库内,江晨眯着眼睛望着着那架刚入库的极光-20,向身旁的伊万随口说道。 Sorry, I am not very clear.” This veteran shakes the head very much honestly. “抱歉,我不是很明白。”这位老兵很老实地摇了摇头。 Only when both sides also believe that the weapon of opposite party kills own time sufficiently, both sides will sit the speech honestly.” “只有当双方同时认为,对方的武器足以干掉自己的时候,双方才会老老实实地坐下来讲话。” Ivan grins to smile, regarding the Jiang Chen's words, naturally expresses the approval from the Soviet Union period in him of becoming a soldier. But why Boss will say these suddenly, he as before is not very clear. 伊万咧嘴笑了笑,对于江晨的话,从苏联时期就在当兵的他自然是深表认同。可老板为何会突然说这些,他依旧不是很明白。 However Jiang Chen has not continued in this topic, but looked to was sitting in the cabin pilot of familiar equipment. 不过江晨没有在这个话题上继续,而是看向了正坐在座舱内熟悉设备的飞行员 The official service of this first Aurora-20 fighter, filled Star Ring Trading in the air force domain blank. Although is not the Last of Days most advanced technology, but its strength has also aspired to seize the Fifth-gen Fighter peak. 这首架极光-20战斗机的正式服役,填补了星环贸易在空军领域的空白。虽然并非末世最先进的技术,但其实力也已经问鼎五代战斗机的巅峰。 The Aurora-20 highest-scoring pilot of first flight-test by the training program is completed. The Aurora-20 flying aids intellectualization degree is very high , descends and cruises including the launching, even is the air-to-ground strike movement can depend upon the intelligent program to complete. 极光-20的首飞由训练程序中得分最高的飞行员来完成。极光-20驾驶设备智能化程度很高,包括起飞、降落、巡航、甚至是对地攻击在内的动作都能依靠智能程序完成。 Only from this angle, the control pattern of half intellectualization has made it advance into the accurate Sixth Generation Fighter ranks. 单从这个角度来看,半智能化的操控模式就已经让其跻身于准第六代战斗机的行列。 Also therefore, the one and half months training times have let the training that these pilot complete to ascend the sky sufficiently. 也正是因此,一个半月的训练时间已经足以让这些飞行员完成上天的训练。 Looks at the airplane engine ignition, after completing vertical takeoff and landing and approach taking off and landing and encirclement border cruise and other flight mission, Jiang Chen was pilot issued the medal personally. After the first flight-test ceremony ended, Jiang Chen according to convention in military compound circle, in these gave loyalty to front of his young fellows revealed a face, then returned to Koro Island. 看着飞机引擎点火,完成了垂直起降、助跑起降、环绕国境巡航等飞行任务后,江晨亲自为飞行员颁发了勋章。首飞仪式结束后,江晨按照惯例在军营中走了圈,在这些效忠于他的小伙子们面前露了个脸,然后便返回了科罗岛上。 In the afternoon the product release conference is also waiting for him. 下午还有一场产品发布会等着他。 Before this release conference that is doomed by going down in history starts, he also needs to prepare slightly. 在这场注定被载入史册的发布会开始之前,他还需要稍微准备一下。 - - ( I do not want by chrysanthemum burst! wū wū sways back and forth to ask the bill everywhere! This month erupts will be many, two days have also had the eruption, the reader masters, please give me the bill in hand, asked!)( To be continued.) (我不想被爆.菊啊!呜呜满地打滚求票票!这个月爆发会很多的,过两天还有爆发,读者老爷们,请把手中的票票都交给我吧,拜托了!)(未完待续。)
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