IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#536: warship enters port

The ceremony that warship enters port conducts in New Moon Island. 军舰入港的仪式在新月岛进行。 Participates in Russian Representative of ceremony along with suddenly Pacific Ocean General Fleet who the ship comes, as well as very soon in Country of Xin Ambassador. What Country of Xin here attended the warship entering port ceremony is Star Ring Trading Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen, as well as Country of Xin Vice-president. 参加仪式的俄方代表是随舰前来的俄太平洋舰队上将,以及俄驻新国大使新国这边出席军舰入港仪式的是星环贸易董事长江晨,以及新国副总统 In the friendly atmosphere, Jiang Chen ascends the ship and russian admiral shakes hand, signs the handshaking protocol with Russian Representative, then inspected the conclusion in Moscow training navy soldier. 在友好的氛围中,江晨登舰与俄海军上将握手,与俄方代表签署交接协议,然后检阅了结束在莫斯科培训的海军士兵 Two Steregushchiy-class frigate platoons become the linear formation, was coming the times naval gun salvo to the target ship of lonely waters place, demonstrated the outstanding firepower of Russian-made weapons to the Star Ring Trading aspect. Looks water curtain that is shooting up to the sky, with ripping the target ship of fragment, the Russian force generals smiles to Jiang Chen in a friendly way, in not mincing matter foreheads that wipes happily. 两艘守护级护卫舰排成一字队形,对着无人海域处的靶船来了次舰炮齐射,向星环贸易方面展示了俄制武器的优秀火力。望着那冲天而起的水幕,与撕成碎片的靶船,俄军上将对江晨友好地笑了笑,毫不掩饰眉宇间那抹得意。 Regarding weapon that itself makes, this appearance thick crazy russians instinct is proud. 对于本国生产的武器,这位长相粗狂的毛子本能地感到自豪。 Jiang Chen has not displayed many surprised actually, but courtesy smiles, attended the personnel to applaud with an numerous. 江晨倒是没有表现出过多的惊讶,只是礼节性地笑了笑,与一众出席人员鼓起了掌。 This firepower is truly good, but compared Last of Days that side weapon to be weaker. 这火力确实不俗,不过相比起末世那边的武器还是弱了些。 After the transformation of Project Robot, Jiang Chen has the confidence to be able this gadget firepower to rise one time. No. 27 Sanctuary Type-50 J Model Electromagnetic Artillery being developed, is the original Type-50 Electromagnetic Artillery enlargement battleship version. Biggest may launch 50 kg quality bomb, limit 250 km in range, far transnormal naval gun. Under the coordination of early-warning aircraft or satellite, provides this/should Electromagnetic Artillery frigate to be possible the combat radius from the 70 kilometer to extend to the 100 kilometer, the combat radius of far transnormal battleship. 经过工程机器人的改造,江晨有信心能将这玩意儿的火力翻上一倍有余。27号避难所正在研发中的五十式j型电磁炮,就是原五十式电磁炮的放大战舰版。最大可发射50公斤级质量弹,极限两百五十,远超常规舰炮。在预警机或卫星的配合下,配备该电磁炮护卫舰可将作战半径从七十公里延伸至一百公里,远超常规战舰的作战半径。 Compares United States to install, in Millinocket unites Electromagnetic Artillery on high-speed ship, the Type-50 J Model Electromagnetic Artillery build obviously wants petite many. However slender of stature does not mean that its lethality is small, believes in the near future, it will be relying on the fierce firepower, becomes blade that runs amuck on Pacific Ocean! 相比起美国已经安装在“米利诺基特”号联合高速船上的电磁炮,五十式j型电磁炮的体型明显要娇小的多。然而身材的苗条并不意味着它的杀伤力小,相信在不远的将来,它将凭借着凶猛的火力,成为横行于太平洋上的外科手术刀! Although has not solved the track overheated problem, but believes with research and development conducted, how long cannot want to solve this technical question. 虽然目前尚未解决磁轨过热问题,但相信随着研发的进行,要不了多久就能解决这个技术问题。 Two 636-type Kilo-class submarine float down the target launch torpedo to the sea, demonstrated the firepower through the fight video recording to the ashore personnel. Then two submarine broke surface, made the colored flag. The entire ship personnel mount the deck, and other numerous represents the salute to Jiang Chen. 两艘636型基洛级潜艇对海下浮靶发射鱼雷,通过战斗录像向岸上人员展示了火力。尔后两艘潜艇上浮,打出了彩旗。全舰人员登上甲板,向江晨等一众代表敬礼。 At the same time lifts the hand to hint. On the side of Jiang Chen and side that potbellied Russia Ambassador is smiling the whisper. 一边抬手示意。江晨一边与身旁那位大腹便便的俄国大使笑着耳语。 Impressive firepower.” “令人印象深刻的火力。” Hears the Jiang Chen's words, the Valeri Legasov mouth smiles, said with proficiently the Chinese Language whisper, our munitions are always reliable. If Mr. Jiang is interested in increasing the security for your back garden, please must contact with us.” 听到江晨的话,瓦列里·列加索夫咧嘴笑了笑,用熟练地汉语耳语道,“我们的军火一向可靠。如果江先生有兴趣为您的后花园增添保安,请务必联系我们。” This potbellied Mr. Legasov has an inexplicable affinity, perhaps this with his only funny wine red big nose, that supports the tight wholesale market to be related the suit. 这位大腹便便的列加索夫先生有种莫名的亲和力,这或许与他那只令人滑稽的酒红色大鼻子,还有那将西装撑得紧绷绷的啤酒肚有关。 Regarding the Russia Ambassador use the word back garden, Jiang Chen smiles. Has not done any denied. Regarding Five Great Gangsters Intelligence Personnel, this at all is not the secret. Considering him with the cooperation of Russia, his default also helps promote the opposite party to his attaching great importance to degree. 对于俄国大使使用的“后花园”一词,江晨只是笑了笑。没有做任何否认。对于五大流氓情报人员来说,这根本不是什么秘密。考虑到他与俄方的合作关系,他的默认也有助于提升对方对他的重视程度。 Really, sees Jiang Chen not to correct his expression, the happy expression on Valeri face was thicker. 果然,见江晨没有纠正他的言辞,瓦列里脸上的笑意更浓了。 In, only then South Asia of several fishing boats, Kilo-class submarine has been able to make you walk sideways. You the only threat only has the airplane from space now, how many anti-aircraft rocket doesn't consider to buy? Believes me, our S- 400 air defense Artillery System will certainly make you satisfy.” “在只有几条渔船的南亚,基洛级潜艇已经能让你们横着走了。你们现在唯一的威胁只剩下来自天上的飞机,不考虑买几台防空火箭吗?相信我,我们的s-400防空系统一定会让你们满意。” I will seriously consider your opinions. However currently speaking, we do not have many buildup programs temporarily.” Jiang Chen pushed to the reason the stability that maintains the regional situation, turned down the proposition of Valeri. “我会认真考虑你们的意见。不过就目前而言,我们暂时没有更多的扩军计划。”江晨将原因推向了维持地区局势的稳定,婉拒了瓦列里的提议。 Jiang Chen will certainly not say the real reason of rejection perhaps, even if Russia newly-developed S- 500 air defense Artillery System cannot enter his eye. Does not calculate the big state-of-art anti-aircraft ordnance to this volume. He can definitely make from Last of Days. 江晨当然不会说出拒绝的真正原因就算是俄国新研制的s-500防空系统恐怕入不了他的眼。向这种体积不算大的尖端防空武器。他完全可以从末世那边弄过来。 However Valeri accepted his reason actually, shrugs, has not said the matter in this aspect again. 不过瓦列里倒是接受了他的理由,耸了耸肩,没有再说这方面的事。 The warship handing-over ceremony was close to the end quickly. 军舰交接仪式很快进入了尾声。 According to the flow, the Russian Representative group leaves the stage, General Russia and Valeri respectively with Country of Xin Vice-president and Jiang Chen handshake farewell. 按照流程,俄方代表团退场,俄国上将和瓦列里分别与新国副总统江晨握手告别。 In my opinion, you are wiser than entire world most Dictator.” Stands in the New Moon Island naval port, before mounting to return to the Koro Island passenger ship, Valeri said to Jiang Chen. “在我看来,你比全世界绝大多数的独裁者都要高明。”站在新月岛的军港,在登上返回科罗岛的客轮之前,瓦列里江晨说道。 Why did oh? say?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 哦?为什么这么说?”江晨笑道。 Valeri looked at the eye is chitchatting unknowingly in not far away and russian admiral Vice-president, said, most Dictator are showing off the hegemony to his people anxiously. Being busy with makes the entire world know their risks. But you are different, your approach is very wise. Country of Xin has the system of most democratic in the world, general election system or opinion freedom, but the economy or the national defense all control in your hands. Country of Xin will never possibly promulgate the Anti-Monopoly method. Therefore your behaviors are legitimate forever.” 瓦列里不经意地看了眼正在不远处与俄海军上将攀谈着的副总统,说道,“大多数的独裁者都急着向他的人民炫耀霸权。忙于让全世界都知道他们的危险性。而你不同,你的做法很高明。新国拥有全世界最民.主的制度,无论是普.选制度还是言论自.由,但无论是经济还是国防全都掌控在你的手里。新国永远不可能出台反垄断法。所以你们的行为永远合法。” Thank your praise. However can I ask? This is the appraisal of Russia, is the personal view of Mr. Legasov.” “感谢您的夸奖。不过我可以问下吗?这是俄方的评价,还是列加索夫先生的个人看法。” hears word, Valeri smiles straightforwardly. 闻言,瓦列里豪爽地笑了笑。 Please do not think, this naturally is my view. However can Mr. Jiang Chen answer me an issue? Personal nature.” “请不要多想,这当然是我个人的看法。不过江晨先生可以回答我一个问题吗?私人性质的。” Sure.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “当然可以。”江晨微笑道。 You are very rich, even bought a country. Works on me, the giant of political power and monopoly of dictatorship so many year of institutes see usually is lazy. Because they do not have the competitor, keeping the status quo is the most perfect condition. You but who both have both as if just right opposite, even now, Future Group constantly is developing the market as before, Star Ring Trading unceasingly upgrade weapons. Actually I very curious...... is your ideal what?” Valeri asked. “你已经很有钱了,甚至买下了一个国家。就我工作这么多年所看到的,独裁的政权和垄断的巨头通常都是‘懒惰’的。因为他们没有竞争者,保持现状就是最完美的状态。但两者兼具的你似乎正好相反,即便是现在,未来人集团依旧在不断开拓着市场,星环贸易则是不断地更新武器。我个人很好奇……你的理想究竟是什么?”瓦列里问道。 Mr. Legasov, your issue is very strange. Microsoft is also very rich, moreover in some sense also formed to standard monopoly, but they have not stopped the step of exploration of market. Future Group is an enterprise, we must certainly maintain the competitiveness unceasingly enterprisingly. Moreover I need to correct your concept, what is lazy is not Dictator, but is Dictator of superficiality.” “列加索夫先生,你的问题很奇怪。微软也很有钱,而且在某种意义上也形成了对‘标准’的垄断,但他们也从来都没有停止开拓市场的步伐。未来人集团是企业,我们当然得不断地进取保持竞争力。另外我需要纠正你一个观念,懒惰的并不是独裁者,而是短视的独裁者。” Then far-sighted Dictator, you have not replied me as before, what is your ideal?” Valeri ridicules to say. “那么有远见的独裁者,你依旧没有回答我,你的理想是什么?”瓦列里揶揄道。 Ideal?” Jiang Chen smiles. “理想吗?”江晨笑了笑。 This is only the issue of personal nature, if were not convenient also please forget it.” Sees Jiang Chen not to speak, Valeri said very much politely. “这只是个私人性质的问题,如果不方便的话还请忘了它。”见江晨没有说话,瓦列里很礼貌地说道。 Nothing is not convenient, before was pure to be richer, now......” Jiang Chen beckons with the hand , continued saying that wants to have a look at a farther place.” “没有什么不方便的,以前就是单纯的为了更有钱,现在嘛……”江晨摆摆手,顿了顿,继续说道,“想看看更远的地方。” If truly this is, before Jiang Chen that Mr. Gasov said that has gained one -and-a-half years of he radically not unimaginable wealth. 确实如这位列加索夫先生所说的,江晨已经赚到了一年半前的他根本无法想象的财富。 Even if in the next ten years, Future Group has not put out any novel technology, is only Virtual Reality this business, makes it stand in the altitude that other company are unable to look disdainfully sufficiently. Even the world scientific research speed of multi-polarization pattern in the world of three polarizations, here the world is still absolutely impossible some people to cause Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology quickly presently in ten years. 哪怕是在未来的十年中,未来人集团没有拿出任何新奇的技术,光是虚拟实境这一项业务,就足以让其站在其它公司无法睥睨的高度。即便是多极化格局的世界科研速度快于三极化的世界,现世这边也绝无可能有人在十年内弄出沉浸式虚拟实境技术 If not named Evolution ark that Harmony Camp sends out, is going to the Earth road...... 如果不是和谐阵营派出的名为进化方舟,正在前往地球的路上…… After packing off Valeri and other Russian Representative, Jiang Chen found Ivan immediately, ordered to assign to the Coconut Fruit Island naval port through him these two frigate with two submarine. Will complete there Project Robot modernization transformation to the warship weaponry.( To be continued.) 送走了瓦列里俄方代表后,江晨立刻找到了伊万,通过他下令将这两艘护卫舰与两艘潜艇调往椰果岛的军港。在那里工程机器人会完成对军舰武器装备的“现代化”改造。(未完待续。)
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