IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#535: Shakes the head, she turns around to move toward outside the institute, rode own car(riage).( To be continued.)

Leone Company Headquarters is attacked, including the Advanced detective and limiting point staff altogether 11 people including Kelly, died a tragic death completely under the Attacker muzzle. 利昂公司总部遭袭,包括包括凯莉在内的高级探员以及聚点工作人员一共11人,全部惨死在袭击者的枪口之下。 …… …… …… …… This moment Luke is sitting in own Manor, the facial color looks to put that report on table gloomy. 此刻卢克正坐在自家的庄园内,面色阴沉地看着摆在桌上的那份报告。 Make him feel cares not serious loss of Leone Company, is not that dies in the attack always for the right arm who he does the dirty work, but is Future Group whether had known instigates secretly is their BHP Group. 让他感到在意的是不会莱利昂公司的惨重损失,也不是那位死在袭击中的总是替他干脏活儿的得力干将,而是未来人集团是否已经得知了幕后主使是他们bhp集团 Although when hires Leone person to investigate Future Mining, he has not disclosed the information of employment side. However according to these detective company consistent urogenouses, is difficult to guarantee them is not for holding back one trick, finds out the information of employment side in secret, after to guard completes mission, is sold, after all their business were not protected by the law. 虽然在雇佣莱利昂的人调查未来人矿业的时候,他没有透露雇佣方的信息。但是按这些私人侦探公司的一贯尿性,难保他们不会出于留一手的考虑,暗中把雇佣方的信息摸清楚,以防完成任务之后被卖,毕竟他们的生意是不受法律保护的。 If Future Group discovered logically is BHP Group practices dirty tricks in the back, that will undoubtedly affect cooperation of both sides. 如果未来人集团顺藤摸瓜的发现了是bhp集团在背后搞小动作,那无疑会影响双方的合作。 Luke had a headache to rub the temples. 卢克头疼地揉了揉太阳穴。 In addition, but also a little he does not think clearly. Actually Future Group is how interlocked to decide Leone company Coordinate in the so short time, and so carried out this retaliatory action in Earth another side rapidly. 除此之外,还有一点他想不明白。未来人集团究竟是怎么在如此短的时间内锁定了莱利昂公司的坐标,并且如此迅速地在地球的另一边执行了这次报复行动。 Does Future Group have the strength of hidden not to have expose to come out? 难道未来人集团还有隐藏的实力没暴.露出来吗? If so, BHP Group has to again under the discussion to the Future Group strategy. 如果真是如此,bhp集团将不得不重新讨论下对未来人集团的策略了。 ...... …… briefing when mission completes is placed in front of Jiang Chen, he has not been surprised many. 任务完成的简报摆在江晨面前的时候,他没有感到过多的意外。 Has the assistance of Optical Stealth, Specter Agent when carrying out this for the first time overseas mission, not too big difficulty. Compares CIA and other Intelligence Organization agent, although Leone Private Detective Company commercial spy the experience is also rich, but fight can only say that is mediocre. 有着光学隐形的辅助,幽灵特工的在执行这首次境外任务时,并没有太大的难度。相比起cia情报组织特工来说,莱利昂私人侦探公司的商业间谍虽然经验也算是丰富,但战斗方面只能说是不过如此。 Believes that underwent this warning, the BHP Group person should balance the mentality, carefully examined relations of both sides with the attitude of cooperation again. 相信经过了这次警告,bhp集团的人应该会摆正心态,重新以合作的态度来审视双方的关系了。 Li Jinyan was sued by the commercial spy crime by Future Group, was condemned the heavy fine of life imprisonment by the Koro Island local court. Jiang Chen can certainly kill him, but such was too cheap he. Believes his pretty boy. Should very be popular in the prison. 李瑾严未来人集团以商业间谍罪起诉,被科罗岛地方法院判处了无期徒刑的重罚。江晨当然可以杀了他,但那样太便宜他了。相信他那张小白脸。在狱中应该会很受欢迎。 As for Su Fei, after learning of the Li Jinyan sentenced news, she then realized the matter that oneself do is stupid and dangerous. In uneasy, she spent several days tranquil time. However when she thinks the event subsides. A day gets off work, Yang Yuan goes home drunkenly. 至于苏菲,在得知李瑾严被判刑的消息之后,她这才意识到自己所做的事是多么的愚蠢和危险。在惴惴不安中,她度过了数日平静的时光。然而就在她以为事件就此平息下来的时候。一天下班,杨远醉醺醺地回到了家中。 Looks at the expression on boyfriend face, she had realized faintly is not right. 看着男友脸上的表情,她已经隐隐意识到了不对劲。 Excessively many preludes, Yang Yuan has not opened the mouth to say. 没有过多的前奏,杨远开口道。 We bid good-bye.” “我们分手吧。” Why is......?” Su Fei visits him unbelievable, looks that this anything matter follows her boyfriend. “为……为什么?”苏菲难以置信地看着他,看着这什么事都顺着她的男友。 Yang Yuan anything had not said. Threw the cell phone in her front. The picture and video in anonymous mail, the leading lady is she, but the actor has squatted Li Jinyan of prison. Sees that dazzling picture, Su Fei was only thinking that is red in the face, but the hands and feet is actually such as plunges in the cold water general icy cold. 杨远什么都没说。将手机丢在了她的面前。匿名邮件中的照片和视频,女主角正是她,而男主角则是已经蹲进监狱的李瑾严。看望着那一张张刺目的画面,苏菲只觉得一阵面红耳赤,但手脚却是如浸入冷水中一般冰凉。 Until Yang Yuan proposed that moment of bidding good-bye, she realized, if left him, oneself anything is not, she realizes his good. 直到杨远提出分手的那一刻,她才意识到若是离开了他,自己什么都不是,她才意识到他的好。 I,” Su Fei pinch shivering that the hand of cell phone is not living, her raise your head entreaty looked to Yang Yuan. Sorry, A'Yuan, I, I “我,”苏菲捏着手机的手不住的颤抖,她抬起头哀求的看向了杨远。“对不起,阿远,我,我” However Yang Yuan does not want to listen to her explanation, constrains the anger of soon bursting a dike, put out that character tranquilly. 然而杨远不想听她的解释,压抑着快要决堤的怒火,平静地吐出了那个字。 Go away.” “滚。” Yang Yuan does not know oneself so will be why quiet, the process that bids good-bye is such peace, from beginning to end he has not scolded her. 杨远不知道自己为何会如此平静,以至于分手的过程是如此的和平,从头到尾他都没有骂过她一句。 When gazes after her to board the airplane, he noticed regret on her face with not to abandon. But makes he himself feel what is inconceivable, until his heart in has not raised finally, even if a detaining thought. 在目送她登上飞机的时候,他注意到了她脸上的后悔与不舍。但让他自己都觉得不可思议的是,直到最后他的心中没有升起哪怕一丝挽留的念头。 Looks airplane that is going far away. Past such as the film from his has fluttered at present. Last cigarette ash exposes, he ground the cigarette butt on the trash bung, seemed grinds that recollection. 望着那远去的飞机。过去的一幕幕如胶片从他的眼前飘过。最后一丝烟灰抖落,他将烟头碾在了垃圾桶盖上,就好似碾碎那段回忆。 Discarded the cigarette butt, he turns around to depart. 扔掉了烟头,他转身离去。 That anonymous mail is the Jiang Chen round. This is the best solution that he can find out. Future Group only sued Li Jinyan, let off accomplice Su Fei, was preserved the final face countenance for Yang Yuan. Two people peace bids good-bye, looks like in Jiang Chen, this is also the most appropriate result that he can think. 那封匿名邮件是江晨发的。这是他所能想出的最好的解决方法。未来人集团只起诉了李瑾严,放过了帮凶苏菲,也算是为杨远保全了最后的颜面。两人和平分手,在江晨看来,这也是他所能想到的最合适的结局。 That evening that Su Fei leaves, Yang Yuan calls to ask him to drink. He did not have then to comply with the invitation hesitant. When he drives to his family/home, actually discovered that he has drunk the half drunk. 苏菲离开的当晚,杨远打电话请他喝酒。他没有多犹豫便答应了邀请。然而当他开车到他家的时候,却发现他已经喝得半醉了。 Also uncomfortable?” “还难受吗?” Belch,...... was sorry fortunately, I alone first drank.” “嗝,还好……抱歉了,我一个人先喝起来了。” All right.” Received the beverage bottle in Yang Yuan hand, Jiang Chen got up one cup for oneself but actually. “没事儿。”接过了杨远手中的酒瓶,江晨为自己倒上了一杯。 Jiang Chen thinks this old friend will complain, has not actually thought the words that his a few words complained had not said that but is chatting the matter in beforehand University with pauses. In finally, him uses the drunken look to look at Jiang Chen, hits the liquor belch to say earnestly. 原本江晨以为这位老朋友会诉苦,却没想到他一句话抱怨的话都没说,只是有一搭没一搭地聊着以前大学里的事儿。在最后,他用醉醺醺的眼神看着江晨,打着酒嗝认真地说道。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Thanked anything, the liquor was you invites.” Jiang Chen grinned slantingly with a smile his eyes. “谢个啥,酒是你请的。”江晨咧嘴笑着斜了他一眼。 Yang Yuan smiles, words conceals that will thank at heart, had not said anything again. He thanked Jiang Chen to let off Su Fei very much, letting him to choose merry gathering and happy parting place to end this sentiment. He thanked Jiang Chen not to investigate that very much he worked on negligence, thanked him to be able as friend to sit very much accompanies him to drink here. 杨远笑了笑,将感谢的话藏在了心里,没再说什么。他很感谢江晨放过了苏菲,让他能选择好聚好散地方式结束这段感情。他很感谢江晨没有追究他工作上的疏忽,也很感谢他能以朋友的身份坐在这里陪他喝酒。 After all in this strange state, person also he who he knew. 毕竟在这个陌生的国度,他认识的人也就他了。 Two people your one cup of my one cup of places are drinking, has drunk till to drink to be motionless. 两人就这么你一杯我一杯地喝着,一直喝到了喝不动为止。 Midnight time, Ayesha drove to look, partly carried to shoulder on the vehicle Jiang Chen. 半夜的时候,阿伊莎开车找了过来,半背着将江晨扛回了车上。 Goes home, she has not cared about on him the thick liquor. The fine taste, removed the clothes for him silently, dried sweat for him, holds on the bed to lie down him. 回到家中,她没有在意他身上浓浓的酒.精味,默默地替他褪去了衣裳,替他擦干了身上的汗水,将他扶到床上躺好。 Looks the profile that Jiang Chen is sleeping soundly, the Ayesha corners of the mouth hang up wiped softly the happy expression. A kiss on that lip, she drew in the quilt gently, rolls up in his side, such as fell asleep in the past same. 望着江晨睡熟的侧脸,阿伊莎嘴角挂起了一抹柔柔地笑意。轻轻在那唇上一吻,她拉上了被子,就这么蜷缩在他的身旁,如往常一样进入了梦乡。 ...... …… Next morning, Jiang Chen the headache that endures to be drunk to sleep crawled from the bed. 次日清晨,江晨忍着醉宿的头疼从床上爬了起来。 Yesterday he did not plan to drink so many, finally drank to drink unable to stop. According to the itinerary, today is the day of warship delivery, but he will also attend the handing-over ceremony. Although will not have the media to arrive at the appointed time, but liquor air/Qi inspects the navy soldier obviously not nice child who these conclusion trainings returned to homeland. 昨天他本来不打算喝这么多的,结果喝着喝着就停不下来了。按照行程安排,今天是军舰交付的日子,而他也将出席交接仪式。虽然届时不会有媒体到场,但一身酒气地检阅那些结束训练回国的海军士兵显然不像个样子。 Gathered water one to swallow the awaking yeast, simple washing, Jiang Chen just finished eating Ayesha to carry the table the breakfast, Natasha almost knocks on a door. 合着水一口吞掉了醒酒药,简单地洗漱,江晨刚吃完阿伊莎端上桌的早餐,娜塔莎差不多就来敲门了。 Just opened the door, the Natasha nose collected to smell smelling, ridiculed looked at Jiang Chen one. 刚一开门,娜塔莎鼻子凑过来嗅了嗅,揶揄地看了江晨一眼。 „Did you drink?” “你喝酒了?” Un, last night drank. It is not in the way.” Jiang Chen said ambiguously. “嗯,昨晚喝了点。不碍事。”江晨含糊地说道。 Needs the perfume? I can borrow you.” “需要香水吗?我可以借你。” Stared whole face mischievous color Natasha one, Jiang Chen walked toward the direction of garage directly. Exchanged Ayesha of formal dress to lock the gate, slightly ran was following Jiang Chen. Was passing by the Natasha's time, she looked at her one eyes vigilantly. 瞪了满脸促狭之色的娜塔莎一眼,江晨径直向车库的方向走去。换上正装的阿伊莎锁上了门,小跑着跟上了江晨。在路过娜塔莎的时候,她警惕地看了她一眼。 Regarding the little girl vigilant look, Natasha grins to smile, was ridiculing the sentence to her back low voice. 对于小姑娘警惕的眼神,娜塔莎只是咧嘴笑了笑,对着她的背影小声揶揄了句。 Does not need to think so me, I will not eat him.” “不用这么看着我,我又不会把他吃掉。”
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