IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#534: Punishing one as a warning to others

Is situated Leone Company Headquarters in the suburbs of Sweden, is a guardian year be at the closing down business condition cafe. Reason that perhaps no one handles for a very long time, this moment this in small log cabin that has the Northern European character and style is accumulating the thick snow. 坐落于瑞典郊区的莱利昂公司总部,是一家长年处于停业状态的咖啡屋。或许是久久无人打理的缘故,此刻这座颇具北欧风情的小木屋上积着厚厚的雪。 Wears a thick windproof coat, clamped Kelly of briefcase to take a fast look around a street calmly. After confirming no one tracks, she then got to the entrance of cafe, lifts the hand to knock on a door discretely. 穿着一身厚实的风衣,夹着公文包的凯莉不动声色地扫视了眼街道。确认没有人跟踪后,她这才走到了咖啡屋的门口,抬起手谨慎地敲了敲门。 The rhythm that she knocks on a door has tasteful very much, seems some cipher. 她敲门的节奏很有讲究,就好似某种暗号。 Quick, the gate back transmitted a faint trace slight sound, then the gate pulled open a seam. Has not stopped, Kelly pushes the door to walk immediately, after taking the gate, hung the coat on the clothes rack of threshold to buddhism while convenient. The waiter of opening the door bows to her slightly, returned the position of cafe onstage respectfully. 很快,门背后传来了一丝丝轻微响动,接着门拉开了一条缝。没有多做停留,凯莉立刻推门走了进去,带上门后顺便将大衣挂在了玄关的衣架上。开门的侍者向她微微鞠躬,恭敬地退回到了咖啡屋前台的位置。 Under the windproof coat is the beautiful figure, put on Kelly of high-necked sweater to achieve by the fireplace sofa, turned upwards the leg gracefully, looked that to man who sat in her directly opposite. 风衣下是婀娜的身段,穿着高领毛衣的凯莉做到了壁炉旁的沙发上,优雅地翘起了腿,看向了坐在她正对面的男子。 Really warm, the thing that this place I most like this fireplace.” “真暖和,这地方我最喜欢的东西就是这座壁炉。” Sat lifts the head in her opposite black-clothed man, the corners of the mouth under hood was smiling. 坐在她对面的黑衣男人抬起了头,兜帽下的嘴角微笑着咧了咧。 Right? I have no feeling actually. Thing?” “是吗?我倒是没什么感觉。东西呢?” Then.” “接着。” The finger of Kelly shakes, the next second, that USB then appeared in the hand of that black-clothed man. 凯莉的手指一抖,下一秒钟,那个u盘便出现在了那黑衣男子的手中。 Deep Sea Mining Technology project concept map? Hehe, you may be get so far as.” 深海采矿技术工程概念图?呵呵,你们可算是弄到了。” Money?” Kelly asked. “钱呢?”凯莉问道。 Relax, has projected on your accounts.” The black-clothed person received on the USB carrying tablet, is taking a fast look around that Science Fiction feeling full mining Artillery System and transportation track, while expressed admiration. “放心,已经打到你们的账户上了。”黑衣人将u盘接到了携带的平板上,一边扫视着那个科幻感十足的采矿系统、运输轨道,一边啧啧称奇。 A moment later, he received tablet, USB crumb destruction. 片刻之后,他收起了平板,将u盘捏碎销毁。 Took a look at the fragment of eye that USB calmly, on the Kelly face, although does not have any indicated that but in the heart is actually the secret surprise. This USB is not the plastic does, the outer covering uses, but aluminum alloy. Can so its crumb, this person of skill should be able be underestimated superficially. 不动声色地瞅了眼那u盘的碎片,凯莉脸上虽然没有任何表示,但心中却是暗暗诧异。这u盘可不是塑料做的,外壳用的可是铝合金。能如此轻描淡写地将其捏碎,此人身手应是不容小觑。 Looks on the Kelly face to dread the color satisfied, the black-clothed person depends slowly on the sofa. 满意地看着凯莉脸上忌惮之色,黑衣人缓缓靠在了沙发上。 Next mission. I hope that you can get so far as on the concept map the technical blueprint of that transportation track. Naturally, if can get so far as that Deep Sea Ocean Current Generator, or the blueprint of Unit Deep Sea Mining is better.” “下一个任务。我希望你们能弄到概念图上那个运输轨道的技术图纸。当然,如果能弄到那个深海洋流发电机,或者深海采矿的图纸更好。” On the face of Kelly appeared wiped the embarrassment. 凯莉的脸上浮现了一抹难色。 Perhaps is very difficult. Even Future Mining General Manager, has not contacted these core technologies. According to our person speculations. The Future Mining technical department should separate the operation with the sales department, directly is managed by Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen.” “恐怕很难。即使是未来人矿业总经理,也没有接触到这些核心技术。据我们的人推测。未来人矿业的技术部应该是与经营部分离运营,由董事长江晨直接管理。” Leone Private Detective Company was engaged in many years of commercial spy mission, but this strange operational structure their actually first sight. What the modern enterprise advocates is the technical department and sales department manages the integration, making the technology fully serve the production. But Future Group actually seems like in this aspect does exactly the opposite, in the management separates highly. Doesn't the technology need to consider the real production? 利昂私人侦探公司从事了多年商业间谍任务,但这种古怪的运营结构他们却还是第一次见到。现代企业提倡的是技术部与经营部管理统合,让技术充分服务于生产。而未来人集团在这方面却似乎是反其道而行之,管理上高度分离。技术无需照顾实际生产? On the helplessness regarding Kelly face, the black-clothed person smiles, stretched out a finger. 对于凯莉脸上的无奈,黑衣人只是笑了笑,伸出了一根指头。 If can attain the technology, money is not the issue. This concept map we have 10 million, but the technical blueprint, we plan 100 million.” “如果能拿到技术,钱不是问题。这张概念图我们出一千万,而技术图纸,我们打算出一亿。” Kelly swallowed a spit, the heart jumped fast. 凯莉咽了口吐沫,心脏跳的飞快。 In the past commercial spy mission commission that they carried out in 1 million USD about, supported also on 5 million. But this man, opening the mouth is 10 million, the 100 million initial price. 往常他们执行的商业间谍任务佣金都是在一百万美元左右,撑死了也就五百万。而这个男人,开口就是一千万,一亿的开价。 Should say that BHP Group worthily is the global Mining Industry giant? Is the Future Group technology too valuable? 该说bhp集团不愧是全球矿业巨头呢?还是未来人集团的技术太值钱呢? Now. Did you have the means?” The black-clothed person smiles to say. “现在。你们有办法了吗?”黑衣人微笑道。 Kelly nods mechanically. 凯莉机械地点了点头。 Since the Future Mining General Manager rank is insufficient, that developed the informer again upward on the line. For example Future Group Chairman of the Board Jiang Chen. 既然未来人矿业总经理的级别不够,那就再往上发展眼线就行了。比如未来人集团董事长江晨 Hears that man quite good loveliness. 听说那个男人比较好美.色 Then only needs to make one beautifully met with...... 那么只需要制造一场美丽的邂逅…… Thinks of this, the red lip of Kelly brought back wiped the charming smile. 想到这,凯莉的红唇勾起了一抹迷人的微笑。 It seems like you have the mentality, I anticipate to meet with be able to hear your good news next time.” The black-clothed person grins to smile, stands up, that I must catch up with one later a flight that flies to Berlin, I first walked one step.” “看来你已经有思路了,我期待下次会面能听到你的好消息。”黑衣人咧嘴笑了笑,站起身来,“那么待会儿我还得赶一趟飞往柏林的航班,我就先走一步了。” Berlin? Heard that Germany that was not recently peaceful.” Kelly along with tastes. 柏林?听说德国那块儿最近可不太平。”凯莉随口道。 Accurate, the entire Europe was not recently peaceful. 准确来说,最近整个欧洲都不太平。 To people.” “对一般人而言。” Left behind these words superficially, the black-clothed person turned around to walk toward the entrance. 轻描淡写地留下了这句话,黑衣人转身向门口走去。 But when he gets to the entrance, he stopped the footsteps suddenly. The eyes that narrow locked on water stain of entrance rug. 可就在他走到门口的时候,他突然停住了脚步。眯起的双眼锁定在了门口绒毯的水渍上。 The heart police trillion wrinkles. In a flash, his hand touched to the spear/gun of waist. 心头警兆皱起。一瞬间,他的手摸向了腰间的枪。 Bang! 砰! However he was slow one step, the fore or front sight has locked in his Specter Agent eventually takes the lead to deduct the trigger. The black-clothed person looks at the woman who emerges out of thin air unbelievable, silent poured in the pool of blood. 然而他终究是慢了一步,准星一直锁定在他身上的幽灵特工率先扣下了扳机。黑衣人难以置信地看着凭空出现的女人,无声地倒在了血泊之中。 The jet black figure appeared in the indoor towering. streamline-type rifle with that pitch-dark muzzle, is sending out faintly murderous aura of infiltrating the person! 漆黑的身形突兀地出现在了室内。流线型步枪与那黑洞洞的枪口,隐隐散发着渗人的杀气! Facing the sudden mutation, Kelly turned over/stood up to roll behind the sofa rapidly, received the onstage waiter to lose to her mp7 submachine gun, drew in the bolt, in the waiter with cafe started to counterattack together. 面对突如其来的异变,凯莉迅速翻身滚到了沙发背后,接过了前台侍者丢给她的mp7冲锋枪,拉上枪栓,与咖啡屋内的侍者一同开始还击。 Actually she could not think through that sneaking how to find their Headquarters. Also thinks that does not understand actually that person how emerges out of thin air in the room. At this moment in her brain only then a thought that that killed him! 她想不通那个潜入者究竟是如何找到他们总部的。也想不明白那人究竟是如何凭空出现在屋子中的。此刻她的脑中只有一个念头,那就是杀了他! The instinct of lifeform told her, that person was very dangerous! 生物的本能告诉她,那个人很危险! Facing concentrated fire bullet(s), wears Specter Agent of carbon nano battle dress seems very calm. Two spears/guns hit her chest, a spear/gun hit her thigh. However facing this degree of weapon, she was only the figure shook shaking, then did not roll to flash behind the platoon table of cafe dilatory. 面对攒射的子弹,身穿碳纳米作战服的幽灵特工显得很淡定。有两枪命中了她的胸口,一枪打中了她的大腿。然而面对这种程度的武器,她只是身形晃了晃,然后毫不拖沓地一个滚翻闪到了咖啡屋的排桌背后。 bullet(s) sewed a series of sawdust in her surroundings. 子弹在她的周围钉出了一连串的木屑。 Has not cared about opposite firepower, she finds out the bunker Ripper Rifle backhandedly, was deducting the trigger to Leone Company person! 没有在意对面的火力,她反手将撕裂者步枪探出掩体,对着莱利昂公司的人扣下了扳机! Large flame spraying, bullet(s) tears opposite was leaning on the bunker with ease. 火舌喷射,子弹轻松地撕裂了对面所倚靠着的掩体。 Crouches in hiding is hit in the waiter head of onstage, fell down fiercely backward on showcase. Then crouched in hiding in the corridor entrance waiter, the chest and cement wall made into the screen by bullet(s) together, loosened rifle in hand weak. 蹲伏在前台的侍者头部中弹,猛地向后栽倒在了陈列柜上。接着是蹲伏在走廊入口的侍者,胸口与水泥墙一块儿被子弹打成了筛子,无力地松开了手中的步枪 Looks that died in battle hand/subordinate one after another, Kelly threw the smoke shell panic-stricken, opened fire, while withdrew to the direction of secret channel. 看着手下接二连三地阵亡,凯莉惊恐地扔出了烟雾弹,一边开枪射击,一边向安全通道的方向撤去。 Damn, is actually who!” “该死,究竟是谁!” At this moment, in her brain appeared suddenly a glossary. 就在这时,她的脑中突然浮现了一个词汇。 Specter Agent! 幽灵特工 Is they?! 难道是他们?! But is impossible, how to say again, they are also only one group of novices. Can be BHP Group that side enemy? Before is, when person who carrying out mission offends? 可是不可能,再怎么说,他们也只是一群新手吧。会不会是bhp集团那边的仇家?或者是以前在执行任务时得罪的人? Swept the door lock with bullet(s), Kelly trampled the iron gate of secret channel valiantly, died to result in following the secret channel to escape to the direction of sewer. 子弹扫开了门锁,凯莉彪悍地一脚踹开了安全通道的铁门,没命似得顺着安全通道向下水道的方向逃去。 In order to deal with the limiting point is attacked the condition, they stopped a speed boat in the sewer especially, so long as escaped there! 为了应对聚点遭到攻击的状况,他们特地在下水道停了一艘快艇,只要逃到了那里! Hit the inlet of sewer iron gate, Kelly hurry jumped up the speed boat, forced in the key the lock. 撞开了下水道入口的铁门,凯莉慌忙地跳上了快艇,将钥匙塞进了锁中。 Looked the eye empty entrance, she then relaxes, started the speed boat. 回望了眼空荡的门口,她这才松了口气,发动了快艇。 It seems like the opposite party has not pursued. 看来对方没有追过来。 However this tone did not have the loosen to end then swallows in her throats. 然而这口气还没松完便咽在了她的喉间。 She who moves back the line of sight, happen to previous pitch-dark muzzle. 移回视线的她,正好对上一支黑洞洞的枪口。 When does not know, that person has stood in the bow of her speed boat. 不知何时,那人已经站在了她快艇的船头。 The ice-cold sound of gunfire reverberates in the sewer. 冰冷的枪声在下水道内回荡。 Also begs for mercy without enough time, Kelly then poured in the pool of blood. 还来不及求饶,凯莉便倒在了血泊中。 Jumped lithely in the speed boat, Specter Agent put out a hand to press in the neckband, reported after carrying out orders to say with the ice-cold sound. 轻盈地跳在了快艇内,幽灵特工伸手在领口按了下,用冰冷的声音复命道。 Kills the unit 12 people, including main objective Kelly, the BHP Group aspect attaches the person. Package has recycled, over.”( To be continued.) “击毙单位共12人,包括主要目标凯莉,bhp集团方面接头人。‘包裹’已经回收,over。”(未完待续。)
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