IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#533: Draw in a net

While Jiang Chen attended the project ribbon cutting ceremony, one information transaction that must not exposed to the light, is conducting in Koro Island some cold drink hall. 就在江晨参加工程剪彩仪式的同时,一场见不得光的情报交易,也正在科罗岛的某间冷饮厅内进行着。 Wears the sun helmet and sunglasses, the Caucasian female who the tourist dresses up is sitting in the cold drinks shop seat by the window, once for a while looks to wear in the table of bowl mouth. The hand and tertiary gathers, at the same time, a taxi stopped in the entrance of cold drinks shop, from vehicle Li Jinyan sat in her opposite, ordered one cup of strawberry milk shakes to the service person. 戴着太阳帽和墨镜,游客打扮的白人女子正坐在冷饮店靠窗的座位,时不时地看着戴在碗口的表。时针与三重合,与此同时,一辆出租车停在了冷饮店的门口,从车上下来的李瑾严坐在了她的对面,向服务员点了一杯草莓奶昔。 Received the cold drink from the hand of service person, Li Jinyan to sitting made a charming smile in opposite female. 从服务员的手中接过了冷饮,李瑾严对坐在对面的女子做了个迷人的微笑。 Knows why orders the strawberry milk shake?” “知道为什么点草莓奶昔吗?” Why?” “为什么?” Because of like you.” “因为像你。” Thing?” “东西呢?” In the package...... you are desolateness as always.” Li Jinyan made a reluctantly expression, will think of the ring box of USB to advance her front gently. “在包里……你还是一如既往的冷淡。”李瑾严做了个无奈地表情,轻轻将装着u盘的戒指盒推到了她的面前。 oh? and that young girl did for two hours, you have the energy of thinking that matter?” The Caucasian female selected the eyebrow, ridicules to say. 哦?和那个小妞做了两个多小时,你还有想那事儿的精力?”白人女子挑了挑眉毛,揶揄道。 With that young girl on. The bed has no difficulty, you understand, I like challenging difficulty mission.” Beckons with the hand, Li Jinyan said very much mindless. “和那小妞上.床没什么难度,你懂的,我喜欢挑战有难度的任务。”摆了摆手,李瑾严很没心没肺地说道。 Front that wrap/sets is useless to me, but behind that wrap/sets also assembles, I like the direct man. If you are living, perhaps I will consider to reward you.” The Caucasian female sips the attractive red lip to say. “前面那套对我没用,不过后面那套还凑合,我喜欢直接的男人。你要是活着回来,没准我会考虑奖励你。”白人女子抿着诱人的红唇说道。 hā hā, I also really am anticipated, goes back to wash is waiting for me cleanly.” Li Jinyan ridicules to say. 哈哈,那我还真是期待,回去洗干净等着我。”李瑾严揶揄道。 Do not be negligent, Country of Xin recently established Security Department.” Behind the sunglasses double pupil swept the eye surrounding environment calmly, the Caucasian female said lightly. “别太大意了,新国最近成立了安全部门。”墨镜背后的双眸不动声色地扫了眼周围的环境,白人女子淡淡地说道。 Forget it, Kelly. That gadget has Mexico, who cares?” Li Jinyan beckons with the hand to say. “得了吧,凯莉。那玩意儿连墨西哥都有,但谁在乎?”李瑾严摆摆手说道。 I heard that their recently established special Intelligence Department named Specter Agent.” “听说,他们新成立的特别情报部门名叫幽灵特工。” Li Jinyan laughed at one, bit the straw to suck in air through the teeth to attract the strawberry jam in milk shake. 李瑾严嗤笑了一声,咬着吸管吸溜地吸掉了奶昔中的草莓果酱。 I know that you do not believe that I am stating this fact.” Kelly shrugs, forces in the ring box the handbag that carried along, is smiling standing up, ring thank you. Then I first walk one step, good luck.” “我知道你不信,我只是在陈述这个事实。”凯莉耸了耸肩,将戒指盒塞进了随身携带的皮包里,微笑着站起身来,“谢谢你的戒指。那么我先走一步,祝你好运。” Then, Kelly walks toward the entrance. 说完,凯莉向着门口走去。 Looked at that beautiful back, Li Jinyan was licking the dry lip. Although vented bullet(s) in within the body of that China young girl a moment ago. But such a while, he felt that the lower abdomen had to raise one group of syndromes of toothache. 望着那婀娜的背影,李瑾严舔了舔干涩的嘴唇。虽然刚才在那个华国小妞的体内发泄了子弹。但就这么一会儿,他感到小腹有升起了一团燥火。 Because although job requirement on many people, but regarding this female boss, he has been eyeing. 虽然因为“工作需要”上了不少人,但对于这位女上司,他可是垂涎已久。 Waited for roughly ten minutes, the Li Jinyan one breath attracted emptied. milk shake cup Set out to leave the cold drinks shop, blocked one to hire to sit. 等待了约莫十分钟,李瑾严一口气吸空了杯中的奶昔。起身离开了冷饮店,拦下了一辆出租出坐了上去。 Goes to the harbor.” “去港口。” Good, Mister.” The driver proficiently started the automobile. “好的,先生。”司机熟练地发动了汽车。 The taxi starts is very steady. By the back seat, Li Jinyan pulled the neckband, fished out the cell phone. 出租车开的很稳。靠在后座上,李瑾严地扯了扯领口,摸出了手机。 In he prepares to send a message to Su Fei, stared at him of phone screen to be shocked suddenly. 就在他准备发个短信给苏菲时,盯着手机屏幕的他突然愣住了。 Without the signal? 没信号? A police trillion raises from his heart, for many years has been engaged in the experience of spy work, making him realize immediately situation some are not right. But when he prepares asked the driver to stop, the made of iron louver suddenly from all around lowers, closed/pass him in the back seat. 一股警兆从他的心头升起,多年来从事间谍工作的经验,让他在第一时间就意识到了情况有些不对劲。可就在他准备叫司机停车的时候,铁制的百叶窗突然从四周降下,将他关在了车后座。 . Light fragrance has fluttered from his tip of the nose. Li Jinyan shouted to secretly, however the consciousness has gone far away from his body gradually...... 紧接着。一股淡淡的香气从他的鼻尖飘过。李瑾严暗叫要遭,然而意识已经渐渐从他的身上远去了…… When he wakes up again, discovered oneself rectify conduct in a room that does not have the window. Both hands tied their hands behind the back after the chair, he symbolically struggled, but quick then gave up. 当他再次醒来,发现自己正身处于一间没有窗的房间内。双手被反绑在椅子后,他象征性地挣扎了下,但很快便放弃了。 The entrance that soldier that two grasp rifle standing room, he confessed that skill has not escaped. 两名手持步枪士兵正站房间的门口,他自认没有那个本事逃脱。 The one who sits before him is a young Caucasian female. 坐在他面前的是一名年轻的白人女性。 Specter Agent? 幽灵特工 In the brain of Li Jinyan gushed out this word inexplicably. 李瑾严的脑中莫名地涌出了这个词。 Facing that unemotional face, he did intentionally looked around flustered everywhere, then took a look at rifle one in entrance soldier hand anxiously, looked to front woman terrified say/way. 面对那面无表情的脸,他故作慌张地四处张望了下,接着又紧张地瞅了门口士兵手中的步枪一眼,看向面前的女士惶恐道。 What happened? Who are you? Why must catch me! I, I am the foreign staff of legitimate entry. I have the visa! You have no right to do that......” “发生了什么事?你们是谁?为什么要抓我!我,我是合法入境的外籍员工。我有签证!你们无权这么做……” Disregarded his performance, sits, in his opposite woman opened the minute book in hand. 无视了他的表演,坐在他对面的女人翻开了手中的记录本。 Li Jinyan, male, 27 years old. American Korean, Kadal Mining Company clerk......” 李瑾严,男,27岁。美籍韩裔,卡达尔矿业公司业务员……” Right! I “没错!我” Closed the book, the woman looked unemotionally to him. 啪的一声合上了本子,女人面无表情地看向了他。 I have not planned to interrogate you, therefore you can receive that wrap/sets to prepare the good excuse.” “我没打算审问你,所以你可以收起那套准备好的说辞了。” Then, she picked up a pocket-sized injector from the tray on table, set out to walk toward him. 说完,她从桌上的托盘中拾起了一支袖珍的注射器,起身向他走了过去。 The bubble that looks that to be approaching the form and needle-tip that discharge gradually. Li Jinyan heart by not raising a panic. He has the process anti- medicine training, properly speaking this low end interrogates and tortures the technique to be to his experienced agent invalid is right. 望着那渐渐靠近的身影与针尖排出的液滴。李瑾严的心头没由得升起一丝恐慌。他有经过抗药物训练,按理来说这种低端地拷问手法对他这种经验丰富的特工来说应该是无效的才对。 Theoretically is so. 理论上是如此。 But this Truth Serum from 22 centuries. 但这支吐真剂来自22世纪。 ...... …… Li Jinyan all incurred, including his underwear color, at the surgery that which reshaping Hospital undergoes, organization that he serves, and customer of payment commission. 李瑾严全都招了,包括他内.裤的颜色,在哪家整形医院做的手术,他服务的组织,以及支付佣金的主顾。 Out of the window dim light of night sinks gradually. 窗外夜色渐沉。 Looks at the confession on hand, the Jiang Chen finger is hitting the tune on the desk gently, is lost in thought. 望着手上的这份供词,江晨手指轻轻地在办公桌上打着节拍,陷入了沉思。 Leone Private Detective Company, similar company has in United States. But they have not registered the regular business license, the key business does not investigate the affair and scandal, mercenary soldier nature group that but to having the need customer provides the commercial spy service. 利昂私人侦探公司,类似的公司美国有很多。但他们并未注册正规营业牌照,主要业务也不是调查婚外情与丑闻,而是向有需要的客户提供商业间谍服务的雇佣兵性质团体。 This is not the key point, the key point is to hire their is BHP Mining Group. However in some time ago, the Jiang Chen talent and Luke signed the low price supply contract of 50 million tons ore, properly speaking both sides should be the cooperation, but actually has such matter now, this somewhat was thought-provoking. 这不是重点,重点是雇佣他们的是bhp矿业集团。然而就在不久前,江晨才和卢克签订了5000万吨矿石的低价供应合约,按理来说双方应该算是合作关系,可现在却发生了这样的事,这就有些耐人寻味了。 However to the present, he is also understands why finally Luke of that day can display was so familiar with the Future Mining situation. Originally commercial spy of BHP Group employment, has ambushed in Country of Xin. 不过到了现在,他也总算是明白那天卢克为何会表现的对未来人矿业的情况如此熟悉了。原来bhp集团雇佣的商业间谍,早就潜伏在了新国 Ayesha opened the door, before one cup of steaming hot coffee placed the Jiang Chen's table, bends down on his forehead gently a kiss. 阿伊莎推开了门,将一杯热气腾腾咖啡放在了江晨的桌前,俯身在他额头上轻轻一吻。 Do not be busy at being too late.” “别忙太晚了。” Un, you first rest, I wait a while again well.” Jiang Chen smiles to her. “嗯,你先去睡吧,我再等一会儿就好。”江晨对她笑了笑。 【If there is what me to help on busy place, please must tell me.】 Ayesha blinks, such as is the response said with the vision. 【如果有什么我能帮的上忙的地方,请务必吩咐我。】阿伊莎眨了眨眼睛,用目光如是回应道。 In departure, she took the gate for him conveniently. 在离开的时候,她顺手替他带上了门。 Looks at the white fog of that ascension, the Jiang Chen finger is knocking the desktop gently, is lost in thought. 望着那升腾的白雾,江晨手指轻轻敲着桌面,陷入了沉思。 The Li Jinyan testimony commits the commercial spy crime, even sues BHP Group in any country, Future Mining still has the confidence to win. But even if wins, that fine regarding BHP Group is still superficial. The information that after all at present they steal merely is not the public capacity data, is not the related document of production technology, punishes 2 million USD at most. 李瑾严的证词已经构成了商业间谍犯罪,就算在任何国家起诉bhp集团,未来人矿业也有信心能够胜诉。但即便是胜诉,那点罚款对于bhp集团来说也是不痛不痒。毕竟目前他们窃取的情报仅仅是未公开的产能数据,并非生产技术的相关文件,顶多罚个一两百万美元 If breaks off with BHP Group, that 50 million tons supply contracts malingered. Although voluntarily mining also yes, but mines the iron, aluminum and other low-cost ores with Deep Sea Mining Technology without doubt is some waste. These 50 million tons ores, Jiang Chen has the big use, so natural where on the seller looks? 而如果与bhp集团决裂的话,那5000万吨的供应合约就泡汤了。虽说自行开采也是可以的,但用深海采矿技术开采铁、铝等低价矿石无疑是有些浪费。这5000万吨的矿石,江晨可是有着大用处,如此“大方”的卖家上哪找去? But if does not make anything, will be difficult to guarantee them is not intense next time. 可如果不做些什么,难保他们下次不会变本加厉。 Only if...... 除非…… Punish one as a warning to others! 杀鸡儆猴! The finger stopped on the desktop. In a flash, in the Jiang Chen's eye flashes through wipes the murderous intention.( To be continued.) 手指停在了桌面上。一瞬间,江晨的眼中闪过一抹杀机。(未完待续。)
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