IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#532: Ocean's Heart

Finished the communication, the expression on Jiang Chen face was somewhat complex. 结束了通讯,江晨脸上的表情有些复杂。 In a moment ago, in the image of tactical recording instrument in Specter Agent of hotel, brings through the equipment in passed on hotel. Looks live broadcast that the girlfriend and strange man who friend are shifty, his really some taste of not being able to say. 就在刚才,待在酒店的幽灵特工,通过装备上自带的战术记录仪将酒店内的影像传了过来。看着朋友的女友与陌生男人翻云覆雨的直播,他心里的真有些说不出来的滋味儿。 Rebukes oneself? 自责? Said no on, after all he also knows matter that recently Su Fei goes off track. That little while that two people do, Country of Xin Intelligence Department has not formed. 说不上,毕竟他也是最近才知道苏菲出轨的事。两人搞上的那会儿,新国情报部门都还没组建起来。 Angry? 愤怒? This actually a little. 这倒是有点。 Ayesha pressed firmly between the fingers Jiang Chen's gently, as if guessed correctly he thinks, looked with the vision of inquiry to his profile. 阿伊莎轻轻捏住了江晨的手,仿佛猜到了他的所想,用询问的目光望向了他的侧脸。 Ayesha, you said that I am tell Yang Yuan to be good, in does he know nothing in the situation to handle this matter is quite good?” Put out a hand to switch off the lens on tablet, Jiang Chen asked in a soft voice. 阿伊莎,你说我是告诉杨远好,还是在他毫不知情地情况下处理掉这事比较好?”伸手关掉了平板上的镜头,江晨轻声问道。 Handles this matter in the situation that he knows nothing about is very easy, for example after processing spy, makes traffic accident to process Su Fei again together. 在他毫不知情的情况下处理掉这件事还是很容易的,比如在处理掉间谍之后,再制造一起“交通事故”处理掉苏菲 Ayesha pinched Jiang Chen's gently, responded to his asking with the gentle and firm vision. 阿伊莎轻轻捏了捏江晨的手,用温柔与坚定目光回应了他的问。 I do not know, but if you decide to process her, I will do for you.】 【我不知道,但如果你决定处理掉她,我会为你去做。】 Looked the Ayesha bright eyes, Jiang Chen was rubbing her small head with a smile. 回望着阿伊莎的明眸,江晨笑着揉了揉她的小脑袋。 Un, I know “嗯,我知道了。 If asked that Ayesha, the answer should only have one forever. Even if he does is not necessarily correct, but in her mind still forever is right. 如果问阿伊莎的话,答案应该永远都只有一个吧。即便他做的不一定正确,但在她的心中也永远是对的。 ...... …… After lunch, Jiang Chen rode in a carriage to arrive with the Netherlands BMA Construction Company agreement project cutting the ribbon place. Future Group is responsible for consulting with the engineering aspect business with BMA Company Supervisor named Wei Yun, before was occupation Supervisor, afterward was dug by Jiang Chen, once had had the relevant experience in traveling business management, was a good talent. 午饭过后,江晨乘车来到了与荷兰bma建筑公司约定的工程剪彩地点。未来人集团这边负责与bma公司接洽工程方面业务的经理名叫卫允,以前是职业经理,后来被江晨挖了过来,曾有过旅游业务管理方面的相关经验,算是个不错的人才。 When Jiang Chen reaches the destination, he had waited there for some time in the entrance. 江晨到达目的地时,他已经在门口等候多时了。 After seeing Jiang Chen, suit straight he welcomes to come immediately with smile on the face, welcomed the cutting the ribbon place Boss. 见到江晨后,一身西装笔挺的他立刻面带笑容地迎上前来,将老板迎到了剪彩地点。 architecture half of wave modeling stand on onshore, half of immerses in sea. The BMA Company architecture master utilizes modern architecture craft ingeniously, mixed the natural beautiful scene and reinforced concrete in one. U the coastal part of shape includes the sand beach of leisure with anchoring the Yacht harbor. The entire architecture collection dining, lodging and shopping as one, devote to bring most perfect User Experience for each roaming in the passenger of this place. 波浪造型的建筑一半站在岸上,一半浸没于海中。bma公司建筑师巧妙地运用现代建筑工艺,将自然美景与钢筋水泥糅合在了一起。“u”形的滨海部分囊括休闲的沙滩与停泊游艇的海港。整个建筑集餐饮、住宿与购物为一体,致力于为每一位游于此地的旅客带来最完美的体验 The named Ocean's Heart. 其名为海洋之心 The implication is on entire Pacific Ocean the most radiant diamond! 寓意为整个太平洋上最璀璨的钻石! Entire architecture spent altogether 600,000,000 USD, the construction cost even surpassed the athletic field in the world -famous bird nest( 3,500,000,000 rmb), was in the entire project construction cost most expensive large-scale terrestrial reference architecture. Also is the facade of entire Palau Archipelago tourism. 整栋建筑耗资总共6亿美元,造价甚至超过了举世闻名的鸟巢的运动场(35亿rmb),是整个工程中造价最昂贵的大型地标建筑。也是整个帕努群岛旅游业的门面。 Nine world famous Five-Star Hotel enterprises including Hilton Hotel, has signed Ocean's Heart ’ the Binhai Hotel area to amount to 8000 square meters space renting agreement with us ‚, the renting region is repaired the brand name shop in their hotel. According to each square meter 5000 USD rent, they will pay to amount to the 40,000,000 USD rent to us every year.” “包括希尔顿酒店在内的九家国际知名五星级酒店企业,已经同我们签署了‘海洋之心’滨海酒店区总计8000平米空间的租赁协议,租赁区域被装修成他们酒店的品牌店。按照每平米5000美元的租金,每年他们将向我们支付总计4000万美元的租金。” Moreover, the shopping zone and dining area business recruitment program obtains 8501 stores to bid the application. And 6510 come from the overseas. 4 50,000 square meter total business area had rented out 2 50,000 square meters, according to each square meter 3000 USD rent, the years net income reaches 7,500,000,000 USD.” “另外,购物区与餐饮区招商计划共获得8501家商铺投标申请。其中6510家来自海外。四5万平米的总营业面积已经租出二5万平米,按照每平米3000美元的租金,年净收益达7.5亿美元。” Except electrical bill, labor cost, after various aspect maintenance expenses, if all goes well, entire Ocean's Heart will create at least the 200,000,000 USD income for us every year.” “除去电费,人工成本,各方面维护费后,如果一切顺利,整栋海洋之心每年将为我们创造至少2亿美元的收益。” Looks all around the global market, this rent does not calculate. On the one hand is considered that the Country of Xin tourism is in the start period, company that invests also needs to take the big risk. If the rent is expensive, without doubt does not favor attracts global sales, dining, service and other company to invest. 环顾全球市场,这个租金并不算。这其中一方面是考虑到新国旅游业正处于起步期,前来投资的公司也需要承担较大的风险。若是租金过于昂贵,无疑是不利于吸引全球销售、餐饮、服务等公司前来投资。 In big Ocean's Heart. If the empty several stores, User Experience of tourist will also drop without doubt. But the User Experience feeling and reputation of tourist, are deciding the Ocean's Heart future passenger capacity. But was deciding Ocean's Heart remaining 200,000 business area rent prices, is the passenger capacity! 偌大的海洋之心内。若是只有空空荡荡的几个商铺,游客的体验无疑也会下降。而游客的体验感与口碑,决定着海洋之心未来的客流量。而决定着海洋之心剩下20万营业面积租金价格的,正是客流量! Although now Ocean's Heart years income, only then 200,000,000 USD, but Wei Yun is completely confident, in the next five years, will rise this digit ten times! 虽然现在海洋之心的年收益只有2亿美元,但卫允完全有信心,在未来的五年之内,将这个数字翻上十倍有余! Walks on going to the road in cutting the ribbon place, Wei Yun while is reporting Future Tourism operation to Jiang Chen. But on the side of Jiang Chen to his report responds at the same time, but must face the media reporters long spear/gun cannon. 一边走在前往剪彩地点的路上,卫允一边向江晨汇报着未来人旅游的运营情况。而江晨一边对他的汇报做出回应的同时,还得面对媒体记者的“长枪大炮”。 Does well. However this can a while say again?” “干得不错。不过这个可以一会儿再说吗?” hears word, Wei Yun gawked under. Immediately helpless said. 闻言,卫允愣了下。随即无奈道。 Sure, but...... wants to see you is quite at the same time difficult.” “当然可以,只是……想见您一面比较困难。” Has worked for several months in Future Tourism, but he has seen this Chairman of the Board number of times actually with coming of hand number. 已经在未来人旅游工作几个月了,但他见过这位董事长的次数却用一只手都数的过来。 Under normal conditions is the Future Technologies C CEO and Future Group Secretary of the Board Xia Shiyu acting group Chairman of the Board duties, and by means of the video telephone to coordinate his here business. And examines and approves his operation plan. 通常情况下都是未来人科技的ceo未来人集团董秘夏诗雨代行集团董事长的职务,并通过视讯电话来协调他这边的业务。并审批他的经营方案。 Although Secretary of the Board does the C CEO work to be somewhat strange, but thinks that Future Group has not gone on the market, and entire Group's shareholder only has two people, this approach seems not invalid. 虽然董秘干ceo的活儿有些古怪,但想到未来人集团没有上市,以及整个集团的股东只有两个人,这种做法似乎也不是行不通。 Said in this also to have a small interlude. When most starts, Wei Yun looked that the Xia Shiyu look somewhat is strange, he always thought that the method of this C CEO high-rank affirms not simple. Big company internationally has female C CEO. But often is the middle age even is the old woman. But this Xia Shiyu is young, let alone has not had a child, perhaps graduates few years. 说起来这里面还有一段小插曲。在最开始的时候,卫允夏诗雨的眼神还有些怪怪的,他总觉得这ceo上位的手段肯定“不简单”。国际上的大公司不是没有女性ceo。但往往都是中年甚至是老年女性。而这夏诗雨年轻漂亮,别说是没生过孩子,恐怕毕业都没几年。 But in afterward work, he received the contempt in heart gradually. She in the ability that in the work displays, is truly worthy of her present position. But...... he also can only explain with talent word regarding her age. 只不过在后来的工作中,他才渐渐收起了心中的轻视。她在工作中展现出的能力,确实无愧于她如今的职位。而对于她的年龄……他也只能用天才这个词来解释了。 Arrived at the Ocean's Heart main entrance, Jiang Chen saw is accepting Hannah Caville that the media interviewed, as well as BMA Construction Company chief designer Wilson Kinsman. 走到了海洋之心的正门,江晨看到了正在接受媒体采访的汉娜·卡维尔,以及bma建筑公司的总设计师威尔逊·金斯曼 When sees Jiang Chen, Wilson eye one bright, immediately sends the media before body, stretched out the arms to welcome to him, 当看到江晨,威尔逊眼睛一亮,立刻打发了身前的媒体,张开双臂向他迎了上来, hā hā, our leads came. Welcome! Mr. Jiang Chen.” 哈哈,我们的主角来了。欢迎!江晨先生。” Mr. Kinsman, fortunate meeting.” 金斯曼先生,幸会。” Jiang Chen is smiling the hand that gripped Wilson, made an effort to swing swinging. 江晨微笑着握住了威尔逊的手,使劲摇了摇。 Surrounded by media lens, Jiang Chen delivered the speech and completion message on behalf of Future Group, what then delivers the speech is BMA Construction Company here Hannah and Wilson, as well as Future Tourism C CEO Wei Yun. 在媒体镜头的簇拥下,江晨代表未来人集团发表了讲话与竣工贺词,接着发表讲话的是bma建筑公司这边的汉娜威尔逊,以及未来人旅游的ceo卫允 Finally, under receiving and instructing of ribbon cutting ceremony host, Jiang Chen takes the scissors of gold-plating, cutting is in the entrance color rope. Amid an applause, announced completion of Ocean's Heart with bma Group's on behalf of Ms. Hannah together! 最后,在剪彩仪式主持人的接引下,江晨拿着镀金的剪刀,剪开了系在大门口的彩绳。在一片掌声中,与bma集团的代表汉娜女士一同宣布了海洋之心的竣工! And, entire total value 10 billion USD the completion of project! 以及,整个总价值百亿美元的开发项目的竣工! This is my whole life most satisfactory work, thank you to make it have the opportunity to become the reality from the blueprint.” At open-air banquet after the ribbon cutting ceremony, Wilson towed the champagne to arrive at side Jiang Chen, said to him seriously. “这将是我这辈子最得意的作品,感谢您让它有机会从图纸变成现实。”在剪彩仪式之后的露天宴会上,威尔逊拖着香槟走到了江晨身边,郑重地向他说道。 Regarding Future Tourism and even entire Country of Xin, this by seal's Ocean's Heart in tourist promotion picture album title page, its significance has not been needed to talk too much. Regarding BMA Construction Company and even the Wilson individual, can leave a good name in this project also by the incomparably honorable matter. 对于未来人旅游乃至整个新国,这将被印在旅游宣传画册封面中的海洋之心,其意义已经无需多言。对于bma建筑公司乃至威尔逊个人来说,能在这个工程上留名也将是以件无比光荣的事情。 Is impolite, what turns into the reality from the blueprint this wonderful workmanship masterpiece is you.” Jiang Chen and he bumped one cup, smiles was saying. “不客气,将这巧夺天工的杰作从图纸变成现实的是你。”江晨和他碰了一杯,微笑着说道。 The banquet conducts the latter half, just finished and neighboring country New Guinea diplomacy meeting President Zhang also rushed to the scene, offered in front of the lens of media to the congratulation that Future Tourism opens, and highly appreciated Future Group is Country of Xin provides altogether the brilliant contribution of 20,000 4000 employment post. 宴会进行到后半段,刚结束与邻国新几内亚外交会晤的张总统也赶到了现场,在媒体的镜头前献上了对未来人旅游开张的祝贺,并高度赞赏了未来人集团新国提供总共两万四千余就业岗位的杰出贡献。 What is the highest boundary of monopoly? 垄断的最高境界是什么? Will not promulgate the Anti-Monopoly method in this absolutely the country, Jiang Chen felt oneself have achieved the pinnacle. The entire national 2/3 people are working for him directly or indirectly, the army and Intelligence Department even are the government officials, is serving for his company. 在这个绝对不会出台反垄断法的国家,江晨觉得自己已经做到了极致。整个国家三分之二的人直接或间接在为他打工,军队、情报部门甚至是政府官员,全都在为他的公司服务。 After Zhang Yaping President of whole face happy expression clinks glasses, Jiang Chen suddenly drew this bewildered conclusion. 在与满脸笑意的张亚平总统碰杯之后,江晨突然就得出了这个莫名其妙的结论。 As if more advanced, the dictatorship is easy.( To be continued.) 似乎越先进,独裁便越是容易。(未完待续。)
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