IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#531: Betrayal

In Koro Island some business hotel, after loud respite sound, is a resounding length recites. 科罗岛的某家商务酒店内,粗重的喘息声之后是一声高亢的长吟。 Lies on that strong chest, is tasting the aftertaste of previous fluttering flags, that wiped the red lips of lipstick to pant for breath uniform some little time, this stood still slowly. 趴在那健硕的胸膛上,回味着先前旖旎的余韵,那匀抹着口红的朱唇喘息了好一会儿,这缓缓地停歇了下来。 Fierce?” pretty boy touches the type man to grin to say with a smile. “厉害吗?”小白脸摸样的男人咧嘴笑道。 Was fierce.” “厉害死了。” Thing?” “东西呢?” Su Fei white man eyes, turned wriggling the waist grudgingly. 苏菲白了男人一眼,不情愿地扭了扭腰。 In package, will not fly away, so to be why anxious.” “在包里呢,又不会飞走,干嘛这么急嘛。” The men symbolize smile, are hugging her waist, put on the Su Fei gentleman the bed, then lifted the quilt to sit the bedside. From one side seems like, the line of that muscle is healthy and symmetrical, not only so, that good-looking face compares with club celebrity some. 男人标志地笑了笑,搂着她的腰,将苏菲绅士地放到了床铺上,然后掀开被子坐到了床边。从侧面看上去,那肌肉的线条健美而匀称,不只是如此,那俊俏的面孔更是与棒子明星有的一比。 Naturally, what is most essential is his not Asian length. 当然,最关键的还是他那不似亚洲人的“长度”。 This also makes the Su Fei most infatuated place. 这也正是令苏菲最痴迷的地方。 This is will live for us in the future, treasure.” The men are coaxing her with the talk between lovers, then set out to arrive at the table. “这可是为了我们日后的生活哟,宝贝。”男人用情话哄着她,然后起身走到了桌边。 Bound own figure with the bed sheet, the cheeks of Su Fei is catching some blushed. 用被单裹着自己的身形,苏菲的脸颊染上了些许红晕。 Two months ago, they knew on the scarf. Li Jinyan said that is some United States commodity processes company project Supervisor, went to the Country of Xin inspection business because of the job requirement by the external assignment. When saw Su Fei when picture that on the scarf pastes, his then private letter she, hoped to ask her as he to tour this strange country to the conduction band. 早在两个月前,他们就在围脖上面认识了。李瑾严自称是美国某商品加工公司的项目经理,因为工作需要被外派前往新国考察业务。当看到苏菲的在围脖上贴出的照片时,他便私信了她,表示希望请她作为向导带他游览这个陌生的国家。 The appearance of Li Jinyan lit in the Su Fei heart that young girl to fantasize, moistened in her heart that piece of dry soil, gave her Yang Yuan unable to give all her romantic and expectation. 李瑾严的出现重新点燃了苏菲心中那份少女幻想,滋润了她心中那片干涸的土壤,给予了她杨远所不能给她的一切浪漫与憧憬。 Pleased of some aspect. 还有某方面的快慰。 From the beginning Su Fei stems from Yang Yuan cannot satisfy her regarding the life in the hope of big city, as well as often because of work, but treats coldly her the retaliation mentality, yielded with a show of reluctance complied with the pursue of Li Jinyan. Is arriving afterward, she was removed the final level protection by his sugar-coated bullet completely, becomes his captive. 一开始苏菲只是出于对“杨远没能满足她对于生活在大城市的渴望,以及时常因工作而冷落她”的报复心态,半推半就地顺应了李瑾严的追求。在到后来,她完全被他的糖衣炮弹褪去了最后一层防备,成为了他的俘虏。 He promised to her meets her to return to the United States marriage, gives her to vainly hope for the life. 他向她许诺,会她回美国结婚,给予她梦想中的生活。 After Su Fei promised him proposing, when he then also proposed when the progress difficulty with the Future Mining negotiations. both sides because of the respective reason are unable the mutual trust, hoping Su Fei can help his request. Proposed, if can soon complete the negotiations, they can also soon fly to the United States marriage...... 苏菲答应了他的“求婚”后,他转而又提出了在与未来人矿业谈判时进展困难。双方因为各自的原因无法互信,希望苏菲能够帮帮他的请求。并提出,如果能早日完成谈判,他们也能早日飞往美国结婚…… „Is this Future Mining seabed mining technology blueprint?” Li Jinyan took out a USB from her handbag. Is reading interestingly. “这就是未来人矿业海底采矿技术图纸吗?”李瑾严从她的皮包里取出了一个u盘。饶有兴趣地翻看着。 Sets out from the bed, only in the wear in Su Fei arrived at the man behind, grasped him from behind greasy. 从床上起身,只穿着内内的苏菲走到了男人的身后,腻人地从后面抱住了他。 Electronic files, although he erased the security part, but he definitely does not think. The erased documents can recover.” “电子档,虽然他删掉了保密部分,但他肯定不会想到。被删掉的文档是可以复原的。” Li Jinyan selected the eyebrow interestingly, the turning around gentleman link lived in her waist 李瑾严饶有兴趣地挑了挑眉毛,转过身绅士地环住了她的腰 oh? has not thought that Miss Su is the computer expert.” 哦?没想到苏小姐还是个电脑高手。” So should not be accidental/surprised, the good and evil I studied a thing in University.” Su Fei is sipping the red lip, is enjoying warmth in that crook of the elbow. “别这么意外嘛,好歹我在大学里还是学了点东西的。”苏菲微抿着红唇,享受着那臂弯中的温暖。 She in the computer science speciality that Wanghai University had, although was far from the computer expert, however the repairing of data of simple can achieve. But she has not thought, this skill actually applies in this form. 她在望海大学读的计算机专业,虽然谈不上电脑高手,但是简单的数据修复还是能做到的。只不过就连她自己都没想到,这本事却是以这种形式派上了用场。 Right? Please forgive me to despise you. After all woman extremely Yu Meili, will cover her talent.” Li Jinyan placed by the USB his cell phone conveniently, said in her ear with emotions. “是吗?请原谅我小看了你。毕竟女人太过于美丽,会掩盖她的才华。”李瑾严将u盘顺手放在了他的手机旁,动情地在她耳边说道。 Actually the Su Fei appearance can only be merely on, this point is Su Fei she is also very clear. But which woman truly will be repugnant is praised the appearance? Let alone was commended by such a Brother Shuai. 其实苏菲的容貌仅仅只能算是中上,这一点就是苏菲她自己也是很清楚的。但哪个女人会真正讨厌被赞美容貌呢?何况还是被这么一位帅哥称赞。 Repugnant.” “讨厌。” Also wants?” “还想要吗?” Un......” “嗯……” Yielded with a show of reluctance is crushed on the bed. 半推半就地被压倒在了床上。 Is shifty when that quilt wadding. The two people in room no one has noticed, that USB had made a fraudulent switch secretly...... 就在那被絮上翻云覆雨之际。房间内的二人谁也没有注意到,那个u盘已经被偷偷掉了包…… ...... …… Li Jinyan first step left the business hotel. 李瑾严先一步离开了商务酒店。 Before walking, he left behind one pack to afforest the flower bill on the table, said that was makes her buy several clothes for oneself, then went downstairs to return a house. Although Su Fei does not attempt his money with him in the same place, but the woman never will dislike the man naturally to oneself. 走之前,他在桌上留下了一叠绿化花的钞票,说是让她多为自己买几件衣服,然后便下楼退了房。虽然苏菲并不是图他的钱才和他在一起,但女人永远不会讨厌男人对自己大方。 So long as the method is appropriate. 只要方法得当。 Departure, has not been lying on the bed anxiously tastes a while that aftertaste, Su Fei held the soft bed to draw out the body. According to his proposition, two people in handle the time is quite good. 并没有急着离开,躺在床上回味了一会儿那余韵,苏菲才扶着柔软的床榻起了身。根据他的提议,两人在出去的时候还是措开时间比较好。 Arrives at the bathroom to take a bath calmly, she took out the makeup mirror to make up under the makeup on the face. Spurts on the perfume. 若无其事地走到卫生间洗了个澡,她取出化妆镜在脸上补了下妆。喷上香水。 After the confirmation does not have the flaw, she raised the package, went out of the room discretely. 确认没有破绽之后,她提起包,谨慎的走出了房间。 Before going home, she must first go to one nearby atm. 在回家之前,她得先去一趟附近的atm。 When the closing sound remembers. Ripples swing on the chair of double bed directly opposite, appeared a figure of black hair young girl gradually. 当关门声想起。一层涟漪在双人床正对面的椅子上荡开,渐渐显现出了一位黑发少女的身形。 Zhu Yu, this American ethnic Chinese from State of Michigan. Because of her gentle makings, the keen insight and superior training, by thinking highly of Instructor Ayesha, were appointed as the Specter Agent performer very much, at present is engaged in the Country of Xin domestic anti- spy investigation. 朱玉,这位来自密歇根州的美籍华裔。因为她那文静的气质、敏锐的洞察力以及出色的训练成绩,很受阿伊莎教官的器重,被任命为幽灵特工的执行者,目前从事新国国内反间谍侦查工作。 A while ago. Future Mining was suspected presents the security accident, Specter Agent then starts to commence the investigation. Used short 3 days, they displayed the suspect, and locked the Blabber status finally. 前段时间。未来人矿业被怀疑出现泄密事故,幽灵特工便开始介入调查。只是用了短短三天的时间,她们就罗列出了嫌疑人,并最终锁定了泄密者的身份。 Under the motion condition Optical Stealth consumes energy, but if under staying the stay still condition, Optical Stealth can maintain some time. Zhu Yu lifted the hand to select holographic screen of left arm, looks that 10% electric quantity troughs relax. 移动状态下光学隐形非常耗能,但若是在保持静止不动的状态下,光学隐形将能维持相当长一段时间。朱玉抬起手点开了左臂的全息屏幕,看着10%的电量槽松了口气。 Looked at two hours of living spring a moment ago. Palace. To be honest, regarding without the young girl of human affairs, was some are extremely exciting. Specter Agent carries out the mission principal means is the high tech, rather than loveliness, therefore they have not undergone the training in some aspect. 刚才看了两个多小时的活春.宫。老实说,对于未经人事的少女而言,还是有些太过刺激了。幽灵特工执行任务的主要手段是高科技,而非美色,所以她们并未接受某方面的训练。 Took down that USB from the tactical vest, Zhu Yu pulled out room card of staff to insert in the abutment, then arrived by the computer of business hotel directly, opened the computer to read that by the USB that she made a fraudulent switch. 从战术背心上取下了那个u盘,朱玉掏出工作人员的房卡插在卡槽内,然后径直走到了商务酒店的电脑旁,打开电脑读取了那个被她掉包的u盘。 in the USB only then a folder, Jiang Chen issues Future Mining General Manager Yang Yuan that electrical document. u盘内只有一个文件夹,正是江晨发给未来人矿业总经理杨远的那个电子文档。 After the expertise eliminated the browsing record, Zhu Yu captured the USB. 用专业技术清除了浏览记录之后,朱玉拔掉了u盘。 Put out a hand to press in the neckband, she proficiently put through her higher authority, was his teacher Ayesha channel. 伸手在领口按了下,她熟练地接通了她的上级,也就是他的教官阿伊莎的频道。 Has confirmed the goal, the Blabber status is Susan, the Future Mining high-level Yang Yuan spouse...... the girlfriend. The object file has made a fraudulent switch.” “已经确认目标,泄密者身份为苏珊,未来人矿业高层杨远的配偶……女友。目标文件已经掉包。” „...... Very good. Maintains the surveillance, temporarily do not alert the enemy. Surfaces should be only a mousie, I want to know that actually behind-the-scenes criminal is.” “……很好。保持监视,暂时不要打草惊蛇。浮出水面的应该只是一支小老鼠,我想知道幕后黑手究竟是谁。” Those who let the Zhu Yu slightly surprise is, the one who puts through the channel is not Ayesha, but is Jiang Chen. However this also has no difference, Specter Agent is the direct services in the Jiang Chen's special army, the captain Ayesha position also with the Country of Xin Security Bureau Director same rank. 朱玉微微诧异的是,接通频道的并不是阿伊莎而是江晨。不过这也没什么差别,幽灵特工本来就是直接服务于江晨的特殊部队,队长阿伊莎的职位也与新国安全局局长同级别。 Yes.” Zhu Yu nods slightly, reports after carrying out orders to say. “是。”朱玉微微颔首,复命道。 After finishing the communication, she turned on the battery slot of left arm, exchanged the new battery. Then she opened holographic screen of left arm, in the screen is demonstrating the Country of Xin map. But that two on map going separate ways Su Fei that red, previously left impressively with being chosen as spy Li Jinyan. 结束通讯之后,她打开了左臂的电池插槽,重新换上了新电池。接着她打开了左臂的全息屏幕,屏幕中显示着的正是新国地图。而地图上的那两个分道扬镳的红点,赫然是先前离开的苏菲与被确定为间谍李瑾严 That Li Jinyan will never guess correctly that had the miniature locator by the USB of making a fraudulent switch, by frequencies is transmitting his Coordinate every second the 5 times uninterruptedly. 那个李瑾严永远不会猜到,那个被掉包的u盘中藏有微型定位器,正在以每秒五次的频率不间断地发送着他的坐标。 Got to the room entrance, Zhu Yu took down staff room card, went out of out of the door directly.( To be continued.) 走到了房间门口,朱玉取下了工作人员房卡,径直走出了门外。(未完待续。)
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