IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#530: Blabber

Heard that you and Rothschild Family relations are very close?” “听说你们与罗斯柴尔德家的关系很密切?” Merely is the contact in business.” “仅仅是生意上的往来。” We also believe, according to information that we obtain, they once sent out spy to be close to you in October. If your relations are close enough, they are not worthwhile do not trust you. However said, you as if also did make that woman climb up your bed?” The Natasha's finger builds in the Jiang Chen's neckband, managed managed his collar. “我们也是这么认为,根据我们获得的情报,他们曾在十月份的时候派出过间谍接近你。如果你们的关系足够密切,他们犯不着这么不信任你。不过说起来,你似乎还让那个女人爬上了你的床?”娜塔莎的手指搭在江晨的领口,理了理他的领子。 Flavor that in her tone smuggles, being able to say satirizes or the jealousy. 她的语气中夹带的味道,说不出是讽刺还是醋意。 On that day drank were a much less. Moreover, I also drew out some information from her mouth.” Jiang Chen somewhat turned away awkwardly. “那天喝的有点多了。而且,我也从她的口中套出了些情报。”江晨有些尴尬地移开了视线。 If truly, is under the sober condition, he will be will not make such not discrete behavior absolutely. 确实,如果是清醒状态下的话,他是绝对不会做出这么不谨慎的行为的。 Probably...... 大概…… For example?” Natasha looks at Jiang Chen interestingly. “比如说?”娜塔莎饶有兴趣地看着江晨 For example Golden Apple.” Said this saying time, Jiang Chen has been observing the Natasha's pupil secretly, they seem looking for a gadget that called Golden Apple. On......, when does certain matters, she asked that my Golden Apple is what color.” “比如金苹果。”说这话的时候,江晨一直在偷偷地观察着娜塔莎的瞳孔,“他们似乎在找一种叫金苹果的玩意儿。在上……在做某些事的时候,她问我金苹果是什么颜色的。” What color is?” “是什么颜色?” In any case is not the golden color.” Jiang Chen spreads out the hand to say reluctantly. “反正不是金色。”江晨无奈地摊开手说道。 Heard the Jiang Chen's words, Natasha deeply frowns laid down the head. 听到江晨的话,娜塔莎眉头紧锁地埋下了头。 I had provided the information to you, corresponds, I hope that you also make me understand. For example that is Golden Apple, actually what thing?” Closely stares at the Natasha's eyes, Jiang Chen is asking with the earnest tone “我已经向你们提供了情报,相对应的,我希望你们也让我明白点。比如那个金苹果,究竟是个什么东西?”紧紧地盯着娜塔莎的双眼,江晨用认真的口吻问道 Sorry, by my rank, simply knows a point degree.” Natasha said. “抱歉,以我的级别,也仅仅只是知道一点的程度。”娜塔莎说道。 You in lied.” Jiang Chen selected the eyebrow. “你在撒谎。”江晨挑了挑眉毛。 I am protecting you, knows that is anything has no advantage to you...... let alone, regarding that thing whether exists, even the KGB high level does not have a conclusion.” Natasha sighed to say. “我在保护你,知道了那是什么对你没有任何好处……更何况,对于那东西是否存在,就算是克格勃的高层也都没有一个定论。”娜塔莎叹了口气说道。 Jokes aside, opens the eye to talk nonsense the feeling that really somewhat to suppress. 说真的,睁着眼睛说瞎话的感觉真有些憋得慌。 Jiang Chen wants to tell her very much, that thing truly exists, but function you have not thought such powerful, can only accept at the specific time point by some future time selects the news that some special communication frequency transmits. And now. That knock-off communications device is brought that side Last of Days by him, threw in the corner of Lin Ling laboratory. 江晨非常想很告诉她,那东西确实存在,但功能并没有你们认为的那样强大,只能够在特定的时间点接受由未来某个时间点某个特殊的通讯频道传来的讯息。而且现在。那个山寨版的通讯装置已经被他带到了末世那边,扔在了林玲实验室的角落。 But he cannot do that obviously. 但他显然不能这么做。 Although he does not think that Russia has the ability to extend the hand to here comes to make anything to him, but to exempt unnecessary trouble, that secret is the ground submergence is quite forever good because of seabed. 虽然他不认为俄国有能力把手伸到这里来对他做些什么,但为了免去不必要的麻烦,那个秘密还是永远地沉在海底比较好。 Good. If you insisted that is not willing to disclose.” Jiang Chen gives up resembling to result in sighs, ended this topic. “好吧。如果你坚持不愿意透露的话。”江晨放弃似得叹了口气,结束了这个话题。 Hopes that do not have the unnecessary misunderstanding......” Natasha to hang down slightly the feature , then said, return subject, Wiley Society directed Munich terrorist attack. And fabricated the shooter status with the body of refugee. Not only Germany, now entire Europe because of refugee problem but became one group randomly.” “希望你不要产生多余的误会……”娜塔莎微微低垂了眉目,顿了顿后接着说道,“回归正题,维利会导演了慕尼黑恐怖.袭击。并用难民的尸体伪造了枪手的身份。不只是德国,现在整个欧洲都因为难民问题而乱成了一团。” When did Russia start to work as world police officer?” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. “什么时候俄国开始当世界警察了?”江晨揶揄道。 With world police officer irrelevant, you know that who this terrorist attack biggest beneficiary is?” Natasha fixes the eyes on the Jiang Chen's eyes to say. “和世界警察无关,你知道这次恐怖.袭击的最大受益人是谁吗?”娜塔莎紧盯着江晨的双眼说道。 From the Natasha's eye, unified in the Munich story, Jiang Chen had guessed correctly anything faintly, but asked in a soft voice. 娜塔莎的眼中,结合在慕尼黑的见闻,江晨已经隐隐猜到了些什么,但还是轻声问道。 Who?” “谁?” Rothschild.” Natasha said that Jiang Chen expected name, „at the beginning of Germany New Choice Party, the Austria right party, France, Britain...... they elevated temperature in last year refugee problem then in these ultraright. On the political party bets. And drums up support for the refugee problem through the media unceasingly. And lit the Munich blasting fuse half a month ago.” 罗斯柴尔德。”娜塔莎说出了那个江晨意料之中的名字,“德国新选择党,奥地利右党,还有法国,英国……他们早在去年难民问题升温伊始便在那些极右.政党身上下注。并不断地通过媒体为难民问题造势。并在半个月前点燃了慕尼黑的导火索。” „Do they want to do?” Jiang Chen knits the brows to say. “他们想干什么?”江晨皱眉道。 Regardless of they want to do, they are very dangerous. Moreover, not only we, the CIA person are also investigating the dog that they raise, as well as Rothschild Household this lives in seclusion in the populace line of sight back finance monster. If you do not want to participate in the gambling house, best to pretend non-involvement the relations with the gambling house.” Natasha said earnestly. “无论他们想干什么,他们都很危险。另外,不只是我们,cia的人也在重新调查他们养的狗,以及罗斯柴尔德家族这个隐居在大众视线背后的金融怪兽。如果你不想参与赌局的话,最好与赌局撇清关系。”娜塔莎认真地说道。 On earnest the expression facing the Natasha face, Jiang Chen pondered the moment, raise your head said in a soft voice. 面对娜塔莎脸上认真的表情,江晨沉思了片刻,抬起头轻声说道。 I sincerely your advice.” “我会谨记你们的忠告。” Heard the Jiang Chen's words, the Natasha's corners of the mouth brings back wiped the satisfactory smile. 听到江晨的话,娜塔莎的嘴角勾起了一抹满意的微笑。 This is the first matter, then another matter?” Jiang Chen asked. “这是第一件事,那么另外一件事呢?”江晨问道。 „The second matter. 2 Steregushchiy-class frigate, 2 636-type Kilo-class submarine has been ready, the sailor who you send has also trained. If as expected, in mid this month they almost can anchor in the Koro Island harbor......, if you prepared to anchor warship Deepwater Port.” “第二件事。二艘守护级护卫舰,二艘636型基洛级潜艇都已经准备就绪,你们送来的水兵也已经培训完毕。如果不出意外,这个月中旬他们差不多就能在科罗岛的港口停靠……如果你们准备好了可以停靠军舰深水港的话。” This you felt relieved. After entering the Country of Xin border, our people will be responsible for guiding warship to enter port.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “这个你放心。进入新国国境后,我们的人会负责引导军舰入港。”江晨微笑道。 He deploys in Coconut Fruit Island Project Robot, has rebuilt that dock military Deepwater Port that has a total of six berths. And two are used to anchor Steregushchiy-class frigate, two submarine berths may anchor Kilo-class submarine. In that dock, Project Robot will complete the transformation to frigate, before for example, 100 millimeters A-1 90 naval guns that install replace large size Electromagnetic Artillery. 他部署在椰果岛工程机器人,已经将那个船坞改建成了拥有总共六个泊位的军用深水港。其中两个用来停靠守护级护卫舰,还有两个潜艇泊位则可停靠基洛级潜艇。在那个船坞中,工程机器人会完成对护卫舰的改造,比如将前装的100毫米a-190舰炮更换成大号电磁炮 As for that two Kilo-class submarine. Be responsible for completing the reconstruction by [The Droplet 1]. 至于那两艘基洛级潜艇。则由水滴一号负责完成改造工作。 Today looks for you mainly for these two matters. Finished the proper business, did not plan that asked me to drink one cup?” The Natasha smile said. “今天来找你主要就是为了这两件事。忙完了正事,不打算请我喝一杯吗?”娜塔莎微笑道。 Does not have the issue, champagne or whiskey in refrigerator. Naturally, because I have scheduled that the project cuts the ribbon in the afternoon, therefore did not accompany you to drink.” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. “没问题,无论是香槟还是威士忌都在冰箱里。当然,因为我下午还有工程剪彩的预定,所以就不陪你喝了。”江晨揶揄道。 Really feels disappointed. Then, that always does follow in your bottom following little girl?” “真扫兴。说起来,那个总是跟在你屁.股后面的小姑娘呢?” Natasha finishes speaking, the Ayesha sound resounds behind her. 娜塔莎话音刚落,阿伊莎的声音就在她背后响起。 In this.” “在这。” Natasha has turned around fiercely, the surprise looks that sits, in she was lying down by deck chair little girl. She suddenly has not detected completely, actually this little girl when moves to oneself behind. 娜塔莎猛地转过身,诧异地看着坐在她原先躺着的躺椅旁的小姑娘。她竟然完全没有察觉到,这小姑娘究竟是什么时候移动到自己身后的。 Moreover her clothes, modeling some...... 而且她身上的衣服,造型有些…… Your clothes......” Natasha is sizing up this paint black outfit. “你的衣服……”娜塔莎打量着她这身漆黑色行头 Ayesha had not replied, visits her as always unemotionally. 阿伊莎没有回答,一如既往面无表情地看着她。 However Jiang Chen can notice, looks on the Natasha face the surprise expression, her corners of the mouth raised a self-satisfied happy expression. 不过江晨还是能注意到,看着娜塔莎脸上诧异的表情,她的嘴角扬起了点点得意的笑意。 Does not need to care, is only a modeling quite special leotard.” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “无需在意,只是一件造型比较特别的紧身衣。”江晨微笑着说道。 It seems like even KGB agent, cannot detect activate(d) Optical Stealth Specter Agent. Regarding this Invisibility Clothing actual combat capability, he is satisfied. 看来就算是克格勃特工,也察觉不到启动光学隐形幽灵特工。对于这件隐形衣的实战能力,他非常满意。 Naturally, this definitely also has Ayesha to sneak the ability excellent factor in inside. What Optical Stealth eliminates is only the figure, the air current that the sound of footsteps, breathing and movement produce wait/etc. is unable to eliminate. 当然,这肯定也有阿伊莎潜行能力高超的因素在里面。光学隐形消去的只是身形,脚步声、呼吸声和移动产生的气流等等都是无法消去。 Because of the sudden appearance of Ayesha, Natasha did not have to sexually harass the Jiang Chen's nature. Took away two bottles of whiskeys from the refrigerator of kitchen, she then said goodbye to leave. 因为阿伊莎的突然出现,娜塔莎也没了调戏江晨的性质。从厨房的冰箱内拿走了两瓶威士忌,她便告辞离开了。 Until finally, her does not want to understand that actually as before Ayesha how achieves. 直到最后,她依旧没有想明白阿伊莎究竟是如何做到的。 After packing off Natasha, Ayesha took off Carbon Nano Armor, changed the casual attire to arrive by Jiang Chen. 送走了娜塔莎之后,阿伊莎脱下了碳纳米护甲,换上便装走到了江晨旁边。 „Has Invisibility Clothing sent?” 隐形衣已经发下去了吗?” Un, is the reliable people.” Ayesha nods to say. “嗯,都是可靠的人。”阿伊莎点点头说道。 I believe your judgment.” Stands in the window looks at the sedan that outside the institute is going far away gradually, Jiang Chen smiles to say. “我相信你的判断。”站在窗口望着院外渐渐远去的轿车,江晨笑了笑说道。 The Ayesha corners of the mouth sipped to wipe the happy expression. To her, again compared with not obtaining Jiang Chen's approved a happier matter. 阿伊莎嘴角微抿起了一抹笑意。对于她来说,再也没有比得到江晨的认可更为开心的事了。 Suddenly, she seemed like thinks anything resembled to result, pulled the Jiang Chen's sleeve cuff. 突然,她又像是想到了什么似得,扯了扯江晨的袖口。 What matter has?” Jiang Chen has turned around, looks at Ayesha to ask. “有什么事吗?”江晨转过了身,看着阿伊莎问道。 „The Specter Agent investigation, discovered the rebel.” 幽灵特工调查,发现了叛徒。” Who?” The Jiang Chen pupil contracted slightly, narrows the eye to say. “谁?”江晨瞳孔微微收缩,眯起了眼睛说道。 „It is not the assigned personnel......” speaking of this, Ayesha hesitated slightly the moment, but opens the mouth, Future Mining Supervisor spouse. After the investigation, she has to the foreigners provides the Future Mining information...... her name to call Susan.”( To be continued.) “不是编内人员……”说到这,阿伊莎略微犹豫了片刻,但还是开了口,“未来人矿业经理的配偶。经调查,她有向外籍人员提供未来人矿业的情报……她的名字叫苏珊。”(未完待续。) ps: Tomorrow erupts! ps:明天爆发!
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