IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#529: The tourism project finishes

After inspecting these pilot, Jiang Chen then relayed several in the New Moon Island military compound, greets under the accompaniment and all middle and lower level military officers of Ivan. Because Netherlands BMA Construction Company in Country of Xin represents to telephone suddenly, Jiang Chen then returned to Koro Island. 检阅完那些飞行员后,江晨接着又在新月岛的军营中转了几圈,在伊万的陪同下和所有中下层军官都打了个招呼。因为荷兰bma建筑公司新国代表突然打了电话过来,江晨便返回到了科罗岛上。 The total value 10 billion USD project has finished basically. Only waits for the scaffold demolitions of these everything in disorder, the moored Construction Boat withdrawal, this island as beautiful as a painting then meets such that such as on the concept map described, showed the elegant demeanor of its high tech and nature good integration the world. 总价值百亿美元的工程已经基本完工。只等那些乱七八糟的脚手架拆除,下锚的工程船撤走,这风景如画的小岛便会如概念图上描绘的那样,向世人展示它高科技与自然完美结合的风采。 Just like the previous time, BMA Construction Company expressed to Jiang Chen the courteous reception of maximum degree, sending out European Headquarters Supervisor Hannah Caville to conclude as the project. After the construction industry of latter two phases of project pays, in then tailors the activity, then only waits for Zhang Yaping to sign the policy documents of several promotion tourism development again, the continuous tourist will then brandish the bill from well up in all directions. 与上次一样,bma建筑公司江晨表示了最高程度的礼遇,派出了欧洲总部经理汉娜·卡维尔作为工程收尾。后两期工程的工程款支付完毕后,在接下来就是剪裁活动,再然后只等张亚平签署几份促进旅游业发展的政策文件,源源不断的游客便会挥舞着钞票从四面八方涌来。 Early six months ago, Future Technologies has utilized its complete channel, was the tourist promotion of Palau Archipelago preheating. What Maldives on Pacific Ocean, Hawaii of South Asia character and style and so on title had carried in the day this islands, believes that wants is not extremely bad, Jiang Chen closes one's eyes can gain insanely from this tourism industry. 早在半年前,未来人科技就已经运用其全部渠道,在为帕努群岛的旅游宣传预热了。什么“太平洋上的马尔代夫”,“南亚风情的夏威夷”之类的头衔已经将这座群岛捧上了天,相信只要不是太过糟糕,江晨闭着眼睛都能从这旅游产业上赚疯。 Returned to the villa, Jiang Chen to discover that Hannah has waited in the entrance. However makes him be what is surprised, Natasha also stands in the entrance, at this moment is cheerful and lively with her is talking. 回到了别墅,江晨发现汉娜已经等候在门口了。不过让他感到意外的是,娜塔莎也站在门口,此刻正和她有说有笑地交谈着。 Saw Jiang Chen, Hannah finished chatted with Natasha's, walked up to smile and he shakes hand. 见到江晨,汉娜结束了与娜塔莎的闲聊,走上前来微笑着和他握了握手。 Hello, Mr. Jiang Chen, sees you very much happily again.” “您好,江晨先生,很高兴再次见到您。” I am also same, Ms. Caville, inside invited.” Jiang Chen gave the hand signal of invitation, simultaneously opens the door through the electronic key. “我也一样,卡维尔女士,里边请。”江晨做了个请的手势,同时通过电子钥匙开了门。 Hannah is smiling nod, entered in the institute. 汉娜微笑着点点头,走进了院内。 Jiang Chen stood in the institute entrance, looked to Natasha. Sees only this tall figure young girl, put out a hand to pull up under the golden hair of beside the ear, similarly visits him smilingly. 江晨站在了院门口,看向了娜塔莎。只见这位身材高挑的小妞,伸手撩了下耳际的金发,同样笑盈盈地看着他。 Didn't invite me to go in?” “不邀请我进去吗?” Jiang Chen does not know what medicine that in her bottle gourd sells. Sighed, was giving the hand signal of invitation to the institute. 江晨不知道她葫芦里卖的什么药。叹了口气,对着院内做了个请的手势。 Please.” “请。” After entering in the room, Natasha has not disturbed Jiang Chen with the BMA Construction Company proper business, looked like same arrives at the kitchen to take out the champagne in own. Which after a while latter did not know. 进入屋内后,娜塔莎并没有干扰江晨bma建筑公司的正事,就像是在自己家一样走到厨房取出了香槟。过了一会儿后就不知道去哪儿了。 Jiang Chen has not managed her, in the entire villa everywhere is the cameras. Is intelligent by Natasha's, must know this. 江晨也没管她,整个别墅中到处都是摄像头。以娜塔莎的聪明,不可能不知道这点。 Sits in the living room, Hannah showed a prospectus of project ribbon cutting ceremony to Jiang Chen, the explanations of various facilities with quality testing certificate of quality. And complete project end product picture. 坐在客厅内,汉娜江晨出示了一下工程剪彩仪式的计划书,各项设施的说明与质量检查合格证书。以及全部工程成品照片。 Regarding end product that the bma group puts out, he can be said as very satisfied. As for that big bunch of quality testing documents, Jiang Chen swept the eye sketchily. 对于bma集团拿出的成品,他可以说是非常满意。至于那一大堆质检文件,江晨只是粗略的扫了眼。 Has the trustworthy supervisor to stare at the work site, he was not worried issue that presents anything to cheat on labor and materials. Moreover with the Netherlands BMA Construction Company prestige, they are also unlikely to do to ruin the signboard the trade. If had/left the serious architecture quality problem, this is close to the 8,700,000,000 USD big contract, the light is the traffic ticket can punish the bankruptcy them. 有信得过的监工一直盯着工地,他也不担心出现什么偷工减料的问题。而且以荷兰bma建筑公司的信誉,他们也不太可能做砸自己招牌的行当。要是出了严重的建筑质量问题,这接近87亿美元的大合同,光是罚单都能将他们罚破产。 Paid the 4,700,000,000 USD following construction industry very much refreshedly, Jiang Chen delivered to the entrance Ms. Hannah, and expressed warmly, if also had the project, can contact with their company. 很爽快地支付了47亿美元的后续工程款,江晨汉娜女士送到了门口,并热情地表示如果还有开发项目,一定会与他们公司联系。 After packing off this BMA Company representative . Jiang Chen returned to the villa, started to seek for that entered the room not to have the shadow shortly after Russia young girl. 送走这位bma公司的代表后。江晨返回到了别墅中,开始寻找那个进屋没多久就没影了的俄罗斯小妞。 From the beginning Jiang Chen also thinks she went to the third floor balcony swimming pool or the dining room and so on place, she went to the kitchen to take the champagne after all from the beginning. However came as a surprise to Jiang Chen's, he had not found Natasha in third floor. This young girl in first floor gym, is lying down in the fitness at this moment with the chair on, Future Technologies product Phantom Helmet that the head wears. 一开始江晨还以为她去了三楼的阳台泳池或者餐室之类的地方,毕竟她一开始去厨房拿了香槟。不过出乎了江晨的意料,他没在三楼找到娜塔莎。这小妞就在一楼健身房,此刻正躺在健身用靠椅上,头上戴着的正是未来人科技出品的幻影头盔 The champagne puts on nearby wood floor, bottlecap has not opened. 香槟搁在一旁的木地板上,瓶盖还没开过。 It is estimated that she is when passed by gym to discover by chance this places helmet in gym, therefore changed the mind to walk. 估计她是在路过健身房的时候恰巧发现了这放在健身房中的头盔,于是改变主意走了进来。 This young girl is really aware. 这小妞还真自觉。 Looks the green signal light that on that helmet glitters, Jiang Chen curls the lip to think. 看着那头盔上闪烁的绿色信号灯,江晨撇了撇嘴想到。 In measures has started, Future Technologies Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology is not the secret. Let her play a while is also indifferent. The thing that needs to keep secret truly is places Smart Medical Cabin and Virtual Reality of training cabin basement. 内测已经开始,未来人科技沉浸式虚拟实境技术已经不是秘密。让她玩一会儿也无所谓。真正需要保密的东西是放在地下室的智能医疗舱虚拟实境培养舱 However said, this really did not have the protection. 不过说起来,她这样子还真是毫无防备啊。 Since that mighty waves turbulent abundant really must jump out from the T-shirt, turns the clothes skirt-width faint reveal. Had/Left that attractive navel and shape beautiful horse A-wire. 那波涛汹涌的丰盈简直要从t恤中跳出,翻起的衣服下摆隐隐露.出了那诱人的肚脐与形状姣好的马甲线。 The line of sight stayed the moment in Natasha's body, Jiang Chen did not swallow a spit voluntarily. Walks up to prepare to awaken her. However when he just arrived by her, the green light of that signal light skipped the red light, after short twinkle, Natasha sat from the deck chair, took off helmet. 视线在娜塔莎的身上停留了片刻,江晨不自觉地咽了口吐沫。走上前去准备叫醒她。不过就在他刚走到她旁边的时候,那信号灯的绿光跳转成了红光,短暂的闪烁后,娜塔莎从躺椅上坐了起来,摘下了头盔 Flung golden beautiful hair, she pays attention to arrive in her nearby Jiang Chen. The corners of the mouth bring back the curve that wiped to tease. 甩了甩金色的秀发,她注意到了站在她旁边的江晨。嘴角不由勾起了一抹戏谑的弧度。 Yo. What do you prepare to make to me?” “哟。你准备对我做什么?” Preparation was called you to get out of bed.” Jiang Chen said without hesitation. “准备叫你起床。”江晨毫不犹豫地说道。 Right?” “是吗?” Natasha lifted the hand to pull up under the sending silk of beside the ear, moved out of the way from the deck chair the long leg, barefoot stood on the gym wooden floor. 娜塔莎抬手撩了下耳际的发丝,将长腿从躺椅上挪开,赤足站到了健身房的木质地板上。 Made User Experience that one shocked, really could not master, why you can always take the lead to cause the so mysterious technology.” At the same time wore the sandals, Natasha looked up to Jiang Chen, sized up the circle with the interested look on his body repeatedly. “非常令人震撼的体验,真是搞不懂,为什么你们总能率先弄出如此神奇的技术。”一边穿上了凉鞋,娜塔莎抬头看向了江晨,用饶有兴趣的眼神在他的身上反复打量了圈。 This is the enterprise secret.” Jiang Chen smiles, responded to her the line of sight of that inquiry calmly. “这可是企业机密。”江晨笑了笑,不动声色地回应了她那打探的视线。 Right?” The Natasha interest lacks to say. “是吗?”娜塔莎兴趣缺缺地说道。 Obviously, Jiang Chen's replied that has not made her satisfy. 很显然,江晨的回答并没有让她满意。 „The Virtual Reality Net shop has spread Moscow...... naturally, Country of Xin also has. I think that you should for User Experience Phantom helmet, not run over to look especially my.” Disregards in the Natasha eye was glittering the exploration desire, Jiang Chen enters the subject to say. 虚拟实境网店已经铺到了莫斯科……当然,新国也有。我想你应该不是为了体验幻影头盔,才特地跑过来找我的吧。”无视了娜塔莎眼中闪烁着的探索欲,江晨直入正题地说道。 Saw Jiang Chen to mention the proper business, Natasha also restrained the face color on joke, clears throat to say. 江晨说起了正事,娜塔莎也是收敛了脸上的玩笑之色,清了清嗓子说道。 Right, today looks for you mainly for two matters.” “没错,今天来找你主要是为了两件事。” „Did nutrition mixture have the quality status?” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. 营养合剂出了质量状况?”江晨揶揄道。 No, the nutrition mixture effect is astonishing, preserves the warranty full abdomen effect. Ministry of National Defense wants to supplement the purchase order...... naturally, today I prepare am not this issue that asked you to say. Do you still remember Wiley Society?” “不,营养合剂的效果惊人,无论是储藏保质期还是饱腹效果。国防部希望追加采购订单……当然,今天我准备找你说的也不是这问题。你还记得维利会吗?” Naturally remembers.” Jiang Chen said. “当然记得。”江晨说道。 In that little while of Ukraine Donetsk City frontline, Ayesha executed their Sniper, this was he and Wiley Society first contact. Afterward Wiley Society spy also infiltrated in Star Ring Trading, and successfully escaped. Afterward Jiang Chen this spy personal information, the information document that as well as Xie Lei broke provided through Natasha to KGB, does not know that they are catching now. 乌克兰顿涅茨克市前线的那会儿,阿伊莎毙掉了他们一个狙击手,这便是他与维利会的第一次接触。后来维利会间谍还混进了星环贸易中,并成功逃脱。后来江晨将这间谍的个人信息,以及谢磊破译的情报文件通过娜塔莎提供给了克格勃,也不知道他们现在把人逮着了没。 Wiley Society is related with Nazi and Golden Apple, because ******** the factor obtained connivance of NATO even to support, this was Jiang Chen regarding the complete information that they knew. 维利会纳粹金苹果有关,因为********因素得到了北约的默许甚至是支持,这便是江晨对于他们所知道的全部情报。 You still remember, previous time you do provide to our that Wiley Society spy information?” “那你还记得,上次你提供给我们的那名维利会间谍的信息吗?” Naturally, what issue does this have?” Jiang Chen asked. “当然,这有什么问题吗?”江晨问道。 Person is held by us, two months ago.” Natasha said. “人已经被我们抓住了,两个月前。”娜塔莎说道。 Therefore?” Jiang Chen said. “所以呢?”江晨道。 Natasha deeply inspires, approached, said near the Jiang Chen's ear low voice. 娜塔莎深吸了一口气,凑近了过来,在江晨的耳边小声说道。 Half a month ago, the terrorist attack event happening in Germany Munich, the back had their shadows.” “半个月前,发生在德国慕尼黑恐怖.袭击事件,背后就有他们的影子。” Hears the Natasha's words surprisedly, the Jiang Chen expression not slightly. 听到娜塔莎的话,江晨表情没有丝毫惊讶。 From the Germany Vice Prime Minister Evelyn mouth, he had known this information. Natasha's words, but confirmed this information credibility. 德国副总理埃夫林的口中,他已经知道了这个情报。娜塔莎的话,不过是证实了这个情报的可信度。 According to the information that we obtain, they start the weaponry of this attack to come from Balkan Peninsula, is provided by a Slav record/native place arms merchant. But this arms merchant, has the relation with Rothschild Household......” “根据我们获得的情报,他们发动这次袭击的武器装备来自于巴尔干半岛,由一名斯拉夫籍军火商提供。而这位军火商,与罗斯柴尔德家族存在联系……” Put aside the close cheeks, Natasha looks at the Jiang Chen's eyes, said meaningfully.( To be continued.) 移开了贴近的脸颊,娜塔莎看着江晨的双眼,意味深长地说道。(未完待续。)
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