IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#507: For example mature Deep Sea Mining Technology

Attractive bright and beautiful suit leather shoes, slightly some foreheads of reflection. On that smooth face wrinkle vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, however that smiling face will not make people feel sick. 光鲜亮丽的西装皮鞋,略有些反光的脑门。那张圆滑的脸上皱纹纵横,然而那笑容却不会让人感到厌烦。 As for standing in that female of his side, is a gold/metal of wave volume, the dark black evening dress is contrasting that beautiful figure, actually formed the sharp contrast with being balding and wholesale market of man. 至于站在他身旁的那位女子,则是一头波浪卷的金,暗黑色的晚礼服烘托着那姣好的身形,倒是与男人的谢顶和啤酒肚形成了鲜明的对比。 „Are you?” Jiang Chen looked to him, the doubts asked. “请问您是?”江晨看向了他,疑惑地问道。 Luke Joyce, said that we are also the partners.” Luke lifted the wine glass with a laugh, touched a cup with Jiang Chen. 卢克乔伊斯,说起来我们还算是合作伙伴。”卢克笑呵呵地抬起了酒杯,和江晨碰了个杯。 Partner? 合作伙伴? Jiang Chen has not really thought that for a short time have this partner. 江晨一时半会儿还真没想起来自己有这个合作伙伴。 However Luke then detected very much keenly the confusion in Jiang Chen eye, added with a laugh. 不过卢克很敏锐地便察觉到了江晨眼中的困惑,笑呵呵地补充道。 It seems like Mr. Jiang Chen does not like the shareholder constitution of research cooperation partner. BHP Mining Group, I am one of his shareholders.” “看来江晨先生不怎么喜欢研究合作伙伴的股东构成。bhp矿业集团,鄙人是其股东之一。” Earlier, Future Group and BHP Mining Group signed iron ore and aluminum ore import agreement. Although because afterward Future Group established Future Mining, presented huge technological breakthrough in the seabed mining technology, mined the manganese nodule that to solve the Future Group iron ore demand from seabed, therefore terminated with the BHP Group iron ore agreement. But in aluminum ore, Future Group depends upon from BHP Group as before imports. 早些时候,未来人集团bhp矿业集团签署了一项铁矿石、铝矿石进口协定。虽然后来因为未来人集团成立未来人矿业,在海底采矿技术上出现了巨大的技术突破,从海底开采出来的锰结核解决了未来人集团铁矿石需求,所以终止了与bhp集团铁矿石协定。但在铝矿石方面,未来人集团依旧依靠从bhp集团进口。 hears word, Jiang Chen shows expression suddenly immediately. 闻言,江晨立刻露出了恍然的表情。 Originally is Mr. Luke, sorry, lost the respect.” “原来是卢克先生,抱歉,失敬了。” Has not cared about Jiang Chen not to recognize itself, Luke smiles , to continue introduces oneself female companion to Jiang Chen. 并没有在意江晨没认出自己,卢克笑了笑,继续向江晨介绍起了自己身旁的女伴。 This is my daughter, Melita Joyce.” “这位是我的女儿,梅莉塔乔伊斯。” Knows you very much happily, Mr. Jiang Chen, I am Future Technologies faithful fans.” Melita puts out a hand smilingly. “很高兴认识你,江晨先生,我可是未来人科技的忠实粉丝哟。”梅莉塔笑盈盈地伸出了手。 Although somewhat is slightly surprised, but on the Jiang Chen's face has not displayed, but gripped her hand very much politely, the smile exchanged greetings. Hello, Miss Melita. Is honored Future Technologies to make you very much satisfy.” 虽然略微有些惊讶,但江晨的脸上并未表现出来,只是很礼貌地握住了她的手,微笑寒暄道。“您好,梅莉塔小姐。很荣幸未来人科技能让你满意。” How can I say, the shock of Jiang Chen this moment innermost feelings is as good as some people to point at beastfolk simultaneously with elf, and serious told him, they were the father and daughter are actually same. 怎么说呢,江晨此刻内心的震惊不亚于有人同时指着一位兽人和一位精灵,并一脸严肃地告诉他,他们两人其实是父女一样。 hā hā. My daughter filled curiously to your legendary experience, has opportunity your young people to chat.” Luke pushed the crowded eyebrow to Jiang Chen, said with the relaxed tone. 哈哈。我的女儿可是对你的传奇经历可是充满了好奇,有机会你们年轻人可以多聊聊。”卢克江晨挤了挤眉毛,用轻松的口吻说道。 hears word, where Jiang Chen could not have listened to suggestion in this Luke spoken language. This saying 2-3 then start to act as a matchmaker for oneself daughter, made him somewhat blush with shame. 闻言,江晨哪里还听不出这卢克言语中的暗示。只是这话不过2-3便开始为自己的女儿说媒,着实令他有些汗颜。 However is very regrettable. Jiang Chen is not interested in his daughter. 然而很遗憾。江晨对他的女儿并不感兴趣。 Where has what legend experience, is only the luck is good.” Jiang Chen said modestly. “哪里有什么传奇经历,只是运气好罢了。”江晨谦虚地说道。 Although is only the modest refined language, but said actually also right. If not that cross over ability, he confessed that oneself is truly impossible to have the present position. 虽说只是谦辞,但这么说其实也没错。如果不是那个穿越的能力,他自认自己确实不可能拥有如今的地位。 Please do not say, Mr. Jiang Chen. This will make 7,000,000,000 people feel depressed, because here has one light/only to depend luck can by the lucky fellow of Forbes wealth list nomination.” The bright red lip is sipping, the Melita smile said. “请不要这么说,江晨先生。这会让7o亿人感到沮丧,因为这里有一位光靠幸运就能被福布斯财富榜提名的幸运儿。”鲜艳的红唇微抿着,梅莉塔微笑道。 Jiang Chen made a letting go movement, to express obviously is the truth that oneself said that helplessness that actually no one believed. However looks in the Luke father and daughter's eyes, this stance actually turned teasing that eases up the atmosphere. 江晨做了个摊手的动作,以表达自己说的明明是实话,却无人相信的无奈。然而看在卢克父女的眼中,这姿态却变成了缓和气氛的自我调侃。 After one exchanged greetings . Perhaps is detected that Jiang Chen was not interested in oneself, Melita said goodbye to Jiang Chen very much politely, left the time prepared to discuss two people that proper business, moved toward other circles. To with daughter to the field, Luke has not been surprised. Obviously he also saw the meaning in Jiang Chen not this aspect, therefore also has nothing reluctantly, but continues to chat with Jiang Chen vividly. 一番寒暄后。或许是察觉到了江晨对自己不感兴趣,梅莉塔很礼貌地向江晨道别,将时间留给了准备谈正事的二人,走向了其它圈子。对与女儿的离场,卢克并没有感到意外。显然他也看出了江晨并没有这方面的意思,所以也没任何勉强,而是绘声绘色地与江晨继续聊着。 This Luke is talkative, two people have chatted the golf from the navigation. However most times are Jiang Chen are listening, because the navigation or the golf he has no research, at this time very does not understand to pretend to understand. 这位卢克非常健谈,两人从航海一直聊到了高尔夫。不过多数时候都是江晨在听着,因为无论是航海还是高尔夫他都没什么研究,此时也不好不懂装懂。 However finally. The topic arrived in the business. 不过最终。话题还是到了生意上。 Said, Mr. Jiang so has been why tight, if Future Group that the stock in hand covers goes on the market in NASDAQ, you will become this world's richest person without a doubt.” Luke says with emotion. “说起来,江先生为何一直将手中的股份捂的那么紧,如果未来人集团纳斯达克上市,毫无疑问你将成为这个世界上最富有的人。”卢克感慨道。 Because I am optimistic about the Future Group prospect. I believe that it takes to my wealth not only goes on the market that.” Jiang Chen ridicules to say. “因为我看好未来人集团的前景。我相信它带给我的财富远不只是上市那点。”江晨揶揄道。 „But if with the person cooperation that other have a common goal, cannot unfold is quicker?” Luke said with a smile. “可是如果与其他志同道合的人合作的话,不是能展的更快吗?”卢克笑道。 Mr. Luke felt, my Future Group show/unfolds is very slow?” Jiang Chen asked with the joking tone. “那卢克先生觉得,我的未来人集团展的很慢吗?”江晨用开玩笑的口吻反问道。 Luke gawked staring, immediately hā hā said with a smile. 卢克愣了愣,随即哈哈笑道。 Said is also. Since company operation of Mr. Jiang, even has not appeared, even if a fund shortage issue, is really makes one admire.” “说的也是。江先生公司运营至今,甚至没有出现过哪怕一次资金短缺的问题,实在是令人佩服不已。” Overpraised.” Jiang Chen modest say/way. “过奖了。”江晨谦虚道。 Can ask a question?” Will empty the wine glass to give the waiter in conference site. Luke exchanged one cup “可以问个问题吗?”将空酒杯递给了会场的侍者。卢克换上了一杯 Sure, if I can answer.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “当然可以,如果我能答的话。”江晨笑道。 Future 1. o, is present Phantom helmet, your company can always put out to make the good thing of market favor. That nutrition mixture, and seabed mining technology does not know the domain that your next preparation enters what is?” Luke asked. “无论是未来人1.o,还是现在的‘幻影头盔,贵公司总是能拿出令市场青睐的好东西。还有那个营养合剂,以及海底采矿技术不知道你下一个准备进军的领域是什么?”卢克问道。 Possibly at Virtual Reality domain thorough show/unfolds, possibly investment outer space manned aerospace, because oneself am interested to ask this doing in too the trunk type engine?” Jiang Chen asked relaxed. “可能在虚拟实境领域深入展,也可能投资太空载人航天,因为本人对太空挺感兴趣问这个干什么?”江晨语气轻松地问道。 Is good to avoid becoming your competitor incautiously.” Luke shrugs reluctantly, looked that ridiculed to say to Jiang Chen, because of the your company Virtual Reality project, a NASDAQ sector piece shrieks and howls wildly. Fell into the valley with Virtual Reality equipment production related listing company from the clouds mostly, almost all contacted Phantom through the Internet cafe the helmet investor, does not doubt itself the investment in Virtual Reality project to throw away carelessly. Especially some Harvard University Professor station indicated that this is one when the technology that in 2020 is unable to be realized “好避免一不小心成为你的竞争对手。”卢克无奈地耸了耸肩,看向了江晨揶揄道,“因为贵公司虚拟实境项目,纳斯达克版块一片鬼哭狼嚎。大多数与虚拟实境设备生产相关的上市公司都从云端跌入了谷底,几乎所有通过网吧接触了‘幻影头盔的投资者,都毫不怀疑自己在虚拟实境项目上的投资打了水漂。尤其是某位哈佛大学教授站出来表示,这是一项在2o年内无法被实现的技术时” Let alone was 2020, on Last of Days that side timeline, the 2050 year almost presented the first Immersive-type Virtual Reality equipment. 别说是2o年了,在末世那边的时间线上,2o5o年才差不多出现第一台沉浸式虚拟实境设备。 That was really also sorry.” Jiang Chen said with a smile with the oblique tone. “那还真是抱歉了。”江晨用毫无诚意的口吻笑道。 hā hā, does not need with I apologize, I never pour into the chip in the technology front domain. In the investment concept, I and Carmen are consistent.” Luke ridicules was saying. 哈哈,不用和我道歉,我从来不在科技前沿领域倾注筹码。在投资理念上,我和卡门是保持一致的。”卢克揶揄着说道。 , He sipped a champagne, then asked. 顿了顿,他抿了口香槟,接着问道。 Does not know how Mr. Jiang Chen does see to Resources Industry?” “不知道江晨先生对资源行业怎么看?” Supply in excess of demand.” “供大于求。” Right,” Luke is smiling nod, two days ago, BHP Group processed two loss iron ore that was located in Mexico, but all the shareholders including me knew knows, this approach was no different satisfies thirst by drinking poison. The iron ore business was getting more and more difficult to do, not only even the steel, other resources besides Rare Earth, is more or less facing the similar downward trend.” “没错,”卢克微笑着点了点头,“就在两天前,bhp集团又处理掉了两座位于墨西哥的亏损铁矿,但所有包括我在内的股东都知都知道,这种做法无异于饮鸩止渴。铁矿石生意就越来越难做了,甚至不只是钢铁,除了稀土之外的其它资源,或多或少都面临着同样的下行趋势。” „, Right?” Jiang Chen is looking pensive typical. “哦,是吗?”江晨若有所思地道。 Naturally, the demand of market is limited. With the spiral steel for architecture domain, in most people life will only have a house, but the life span of house may be much more than their Master. Even if our these occupy the merchant of dominant position in Resources Industry, still has to bear the temper to spend part of money to support some, possibly the industry of birth new phenomenon. For example Rothschild Household buys stock in Daimler Group, invests the bottomless pit general new energy automobile project. Again for example without inquiring about investment plan, lends some future excellent high tech company o hundred million USD.”. “当然,毕竟市场的需求是有限的。拿用于建筑领域的螺纹钢来说,大多数人一生中只会拥有一栋房子,但房子的寿命可远远大于他们的主人。所以即便是我们这些已经在资源行业占据了支配地位的商人,也不得不耐着性子拿出一部分钱去支持一些嗯,可能诞生新鲜玩意儿的行业。比如罗斯柴尔德家族入股戴姆勒集团,投资无底洞一般的新能源汽车项目。再比如在不过问投资项目的情况下,将o亿美元借给某个前途大好的高科技公司。”。 Wants from underground to make the ore to be very easy, with my old friend Rothschild Household, Vale Company that they control stock is the world's largest iron ore supplier, holds the iron ore reserves 4,000,000,000 ton, may maintain to mine near 4 oo year. This merely by public data.” Speaking of this, Luke, looked meaningfully to Jiang Chen. “想要从地下把矿石弄上来很容易,就拿我的老朋友罗斯柴尔德家族来说,他们控股的淡水河谷公司就是全球最大的铁矿石供应商,保有铁矿储量4o亿吨,可维持开采近4oo年。这仅仅是以公开数据。”说到这,卢克顿了顿,意味深长地看向了江晨 If in this crucial point, presents one to cut the production cost, the mineral resource that is unable to mine integrates technology that may mine the range, you thought that what kind of influence this will have regarding not the booming resources mining industry?” “如果在这个节骨眼上,出现一项能够削减开采成本,将原先无法开采的矿藏纳入可开采范围的技术,你觉得这对于本就不景气的资源开采行业会产生怎样的影响?” Hears here, Jiang Chen had more or less guessed correctly Luke looks for his purpose in coming, or Carmen leads him to appear here, arranging him to meet his intention. 听到这里,江晨或多或少已经猜到了卢克找上他的来意,或者说卡门带他出现在这里,安排他遇上他的用意。 Your meaning is, some technologies appear too before ?” Jiang Chen said looking pensive. “你的意思是,有些技术出现的太前了?”江晨若有所思道。 Right.” Luke nods. “没错。”卢克点了点头。 For example?” “比如?” For example mature Deep Sea Mining Technology.” “比如成熟的深海采矿技术。” The Jiang Chen's pupil contracts slightly.( To be continued.) 江晨的瞳孔微微收缩。(未完待续。) …… ……
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