IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#506: Evening banquet

When leaves Manor, the Saidis steward is two people of the Mercedes-Benz that prepared black, leaves from the Manor side door quietly, has not alarmed any media reporter. 在离开庄园的时候,赛迪斯管家为二人准备了一辆黑色的奔驰车,从庄园的偏门悄悄离开,没有惊动任何媒体记者。 Because is the journey of personal nature, therefore Jiang Chen has not taken that four Star Ring Trading bodyguard. On the one hand stemming from the self-confidence of own strength, then on the other hand feels enjoys the beauties of nature follows four suit guys really somewhat to spoil the fun. 由于是私人性质的出行,所以江晨并没有带上那四名星环贸易的保镖。一方面是出于对自身实力的自信,另一方面则是觉得游山玩水的时候跟着四个西装大汉实在有些煞风景。 Throughout the day, Jiang Chen has the Ayesha tour in the Bavaria scenic spot. From Neuschwanstein Castle to the Alps lake, left two people of trails all the way. Until the horizon yellowing, two talents bring the picture of full camera, concluded today's traveling schedule. 整个白天,江晨都带着阿伊莎游览在巴伐利亚的景点。从新天鹅堡到阿尔卑斯湖,一路上都留下了二人的足迹。直到天边泛黄,两人才带着满满一相机的照片,结束了今天的行程。 Is looking at weary and exciting blushing of that embellishment on the young girl cheeks, Jiang Chen also revealed and had/left the heartfelt smiling face. 望着那点缀在少女脸颊上疲倦而兴奋的红晕,江晨也不由露、出了由衷的笑容。 Today passes happily?” “今天过得开心吗?” Un!” Ayesha vividly nods. “嗯!”阿伊莎轻快地点了点头。 On that chilly elegant face, very rare appeared this age proper vigor. 那清冷的俏脸上,很少见的浮现了她这个年纪应有的活力。 The corners of the mouth bent, Jiang Chen holds the steering wheel, drove the sedan to turn the village road. 嘴角弯了弯,江晨扶着方向盘,开着轿车拐上了乡间公路。 Looking into the distance, pleasant is a golden yellow wheat blowing in breeze. Skyline is linking up the mountain range that the pale yellow sunset glow and group mountain range fold, in flame results under cloud Luan appears grand and poetical. 放眼望去,入眼皆是一片金黄的麦浪。天际线处衔接着昏黄的晚霞与群峦叠起的山脉,在火焰似得云峦下显得壮丽而富有诗意。 Then, is the late autumn season. Trading to do is that side Wasted Earth, at this moment feared that should snow. 说起来,已经是深秋时节了。换做是废土那边,此刻怕是应该下雪了吧。 Looks at this, Jiang Chen is saying with emotion. 望着这一幕,江晨不由感慨道。 Sits in Ayesha of copilot station held up the camera in hand, patted this beautiful one. 坐在副驾驶位置的阿伊莎举起了手中的相机,将这美丽一幕拍了下来。 Saw also has the time, Jiang Chen then circled a long journey slightly, continued along this village road. Look 见还有时间,江晨便稍稍绕了个远路,沿着这乡间公路继续前行。看 Suddenly, the front widened. 忽然,前方开阔了起来。 In the end of wheat blowing in breeze, is a lights sparse small town, in the place of jungle interlocking, is one by small town that” the iron net isolates. People in rags gather together, or looks at the sky to be dull, either is looking after the emaciated family member. In this refugee camp entrance, ten several staff and police officer encircle near several vans. Is dividing the necessary potable water and food to them. 在麦浪的尽头,是一座灯火稀疏的小镇,在丛林相接之处,是一座被铁网隔离的“小城”。衣衫褴褛的人们聚在一起,或望着天空呆,或照料着面黄肌瘦的家人。在这难民营的门口,十数名工作人员和警察围在几辆面包车附近。向他们分着必要的饮水和食物。 They are “他们是” In the bosom holds the camera, Ayesha is looking at the isolation net of that distant place distantly. 怀中抱着相机,阿伊莎遥遥望着那远方的隔离网。 Homeless refugee. They mostly leave the hometown because of the war, came from Libya mostly. to chat speaking of this, Jiang Chen stopped suddenly. “无家可归难民。他们大多是因为战争而离开家乡,大多数来自利比亚。或者叙”说到这,江晨突然停了下来。 He realized suddenly, there is her hometown. 他突然意识到,那里是她的故乡。 Looks that the people in hometown are destitute and homeless, this feeling thinks very bad. 看着故乡的人流离失所,这种感觉想必很糟糕吧。 Sighed, Jiang Chen has not comforted her anything. The preparation raises this section of road. 叹了口气,江晨没有安慰她什么。准备提开过这一段公路。 kā chā 咔嚓 However the young girl lifted the camera in hand, kept in that the camera. 然而少女抬起了手中的相机,将那一幕留在了相机中。 Will not think that uncomfortable?” Jiang Chen considered a word usage. “不会觉得嗯,难受吗?”江晨斟酌了一番用词。 Ayesha nods, but shakes the head immediately. 阿伊莎点了点头,但随即又摇了摇头。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Un?” “嗯?” Jiang Chen looked puzzled to Ayesha. 江晨困惑地看向了阿伊莎 Sees only her to lower the head, the corners of the mouth cancel slightly are wiping to fondly remember result in the smiling face, unconsciousness friction of slender index finger on the shutter of camera. 只见她低着头,嘴角微微勾着一抹怀念似得笑容,纤细的食指在相机的快门上无意识地摩擦。 Without meeting your my possibly even that place cannot arrive.” “如果没有遇到你我可能连那个地方都到不了吧。” Is recalling the past all sorts, although will encounter the danger occasionally, but more often, she feels that warmth. He not because of her status, but treats her uncouthly, continuously that gentle. 忆着过去的种种,虽然偶尔会遇到危险,但更多的时候,她所感受到的还是那家的温馨。他并没有因为她的身份而粗鲁的对待她,一直都是那么的温柔。 Sometimes. She even put behind that memory. 以至于有的时候。她甚至都忘却了那段记忆 Is indulging in flights of fancy anything.” Jiang Chen grinned to say with a smile, sets aside the right hand to make an effort to rub chaotically her head. “在胡思乱想些什么呢。”江晨咧嘴笑道,腾出右手使劲揉乱了她的头。 No.” “没什么。” Shakes the head, Ayesha held the camera in the bosom, on the face is exuding the smile. 摇了摇头,阿伊莎将相机抱在了怀中,脸上泛着浅浅的微笑。 Was covered the golden yellow young girl by the dusk, is holding a priceless treasure probably. 被黄昏镀上金黄的少女,就好像正捧着一件无价之宝。 Arrived Rothschild Manor, already almost six points. 到了罗斯柴尔德庄园,已经差不多六点了。 When two people arrive, the Saidis steward is waiting in the entrance of Manor side door. 当两人到达时,赛迪斯管家正等候在庄园偏门的门口。 Starts also one hour from the banquet, although Jiang Chen thought that leaves his time is very ample, but this rigorous senior steward as if not think. 距离宴会开始还有一小时时间,虽然江晨觉得留给他的时间还是挺宽裕的,但这位严谨的老管家似乎不这么认为。 Attends the formal clothes of banquet to be responsible for preparing by the Rothschild person, because before Jiang Chen comes has not heard the matter of this banquet. Therefore has not taken the appropriate formal clothes. As for Ayesha, then first guest room rested, she as if not excel at this banquet very much. 出席宴会的礼服是由罗斯柴尔德的人负责准备的,因为在江晨来之前并未听说这个宴会的事。所以也就没有带上得体的礼服。至于阿伊莎,则先客房休息了,她似乎很不擅长这种宴会。 Gathered round by several serious maid tossed about some little time, Jiang Chen catches up before the banquet starts. Appeared in the entrance of conference site. 被几名神情严肃的女仆围着折腾了好一会儿,江晨才堪堪赶在宴会开始前。出现在了会场的门口。 Un, good, it seems like gathers your body.” “嗯,不错,看来非常合你身。” Stands in the conference site entrance, Carmen smiles was saying to Jiang Chen. 站在会场门口,卡门微笑着向江晨说道。 Thanks.” Jiang Chen smiles, entered in the conference site with him. “谢谢。”江晨笑了笑,和他一起进了会场中。 In the circular conference site a resplendent in gold and jade green decoration, the diamond radiant hanging lamp is embellishing the vault in conference site. The eminent figures from all circles gather in this. The woman of quality renowned young woman chitchatted mutually, carried the waiter of champagne to shuttle back and forth in each human relations circles. 圆形的会场中一片金碧辉煌的装潢,钻石般璀璨的吊灯点缀着会场的穹顶。各界名流汇聚于此。贵妇名媛相互攀谈,端着香槟的侍者穿梭于各个交际圈之间。 Has person who the qualifications attend this evening banquet, many are the financial circle giants or such and such industrial tycoons, or some European policy grandee. Because is in beyond circle the reason, Jiang Chen has not seen a getting to know each other well face in these people. 有资格参加这次晚宴的人,多是金融界巨头或某某产业大亨,亦或者某欧洲政界大佬。因为身在“圈外”的缘故,江晨没在这些人中看到一张相熟的面孔。 But does not know that is his misconception, when he and Carmen enters that moment of conference site hall, at least dozens lines of sight fell on his body unintentionally. 只不过不知道是不是他的错觉,当他和卡门走进会场大厅的那一刻,至少有数十道视线有意无意地落在了他的身上。 Rothschild Household proudest is not the assets on our hand, but is the personal connections in our hand. Many guests present are several market value 100 billion Euro listing company major stockholders , many people had once worked as President or Vice-president in some country, but among them the friendship is more or less related with us. In cooperation project that in such a banquet achieves, is not inferior at any international economic summit, but such banquet, we will conduct every several months one time. You come just in time, I can introduce several interesting people for you.” 罗斯柴尔德家族最引以为豪的不是我们手上的资产,而是我们手中的人脉。在座的不少客人都是几家市值千亿欧元上市公司的大股东,也有不少人曾在某国当过总统副总统,但他们之间的友谊或多或少都与我们有关。在这么一场宴会中达成的合作项目,丝毫不逊色于任何一场国际性的经济峰会,而这样的宴会,我们每隔几个月就会举办一次。你来的正是时候,我可以替你介绍几个有趣的人。” Carmen revealed full mouth white teeth, smiled was opening both hands, welcomed to toward the red man who he moved. 卡门露出了满口白牙,微笑着张开了双手,迎向了正向他走来的红头男人。 For a long time does not see, Carmen, my old friend.” “好久不见,卡门,我的老朋友。” hā hā, old fellow, is really long time no see. Comes to your introduction, this is Jiang Chen.” Carmen approaches own old friend introduced very much adeptly. 哈哈,老伙计,真是好久不见了。来向你介绍下,这位就是江晨。”卡门很娴熟地向自己的老朋友介绍道。 The man of that red head revealed continually wiped the astonished expression, immediately extends the right hand with a smile. 那个红头的男人连露出了一抹惊异的表情,立刻笑着伸出了右手。 Fortunate meeting fortunate meeting, Mr. Jiang Chen, your company Phantom Helmet made very profound impression on me. However was really regrettable, your Arena Experience clothing/taking only opened the 1 o level to the war. I anticipated very much played formally opens that day of clothing/taking. I called Peter McLean, you can call me Peter.” “幸会幸会,江晨先生,你们公司幻影头盔给我留下了非常深刻的印象。不过实在是太遗憾了,你们的竞技场体验服只开放1o级对战。我很期待游戏正式开服的那一天。我叫彼得麦克雷恩,你可以叫我彼得。” Gripped the hand of Peter to shake shaking up and down, Jiang Chen also smiled was saying. 握住了彼得的手上下晃了晃,江晨同样微笑着说道。 Knows you very much happily, Peter. I believe that when that day arrived, certainly will not disappoint you.” “很高兴认识你,彼得。我相信当那一天到来,一定不会让你失望。” Peter McLean, Britain guar company Chairman of the Board, Europe's second largest data backup equipment company, ibm old nemesis.” Carmen with the joking tone, supplements a introduced to Jiang Chen. 彼得麦克雷恩,英国guar公司董事长,欧洲第二大数据备份设备公司,ibm的老冤家。”卡门用开玩笑的口吻,向江晨补充介绍道。 Please do not tease me,” Peter made a reluctantly expression, compared with these, we doesn't come to select the champagne to add to the fun?” “请不要取笑我了,”彼得做了个无奈地表情,“比起这些,我们不来点香槟助助兴吗?” Receives the language and other influences of factor, internet company of Europe innate nurtures bad, although guar company because of brave ** the support of labor order, the day passes is good, but until now ibm obviously already not this old nemesis that cannot call the opponent cared. 受到语言等多方面因素的影响,欧洲的互联网公司先天育不良,虽然guar公司因为英**工订单的支持,日子过得还算不错,但时至今日ibm显然已经没将这个称不上对手的老冤家放在心上了。 Great idea.” Carmen hā hā said with a smile, for this evening banquet, I took the Bavarian Winery mellowest red wine, please must should not be polite.” “好主意。”卡门哈哈笑道,“为了这次晚宴,我可是把巴伐利亚酒庄最香醇的红酒拿了出来,请务必不要客气。” On the long table of conference site is exhibiting a row of glittering and translucent carving crystal cup neatly, the waiter politely was Jiang Chen pours out one glass of mellow red wines very much. 会场的长桌上整齐地陈列着一排晶莹剔透的水晶杯,侍者很礼貌地为江晨斟上了一杯香醇的红酒。 Is deliberately considering when Jiang Chen, must look for seems like usefully a circle to join, middle-aged man who is supporting the wholesale market, was actually the landlord trend he walked with a laugh. 就在江晨寻思着,要不要找个看上去“有用”的圈子加入进去时,一名挺着啤酒肚的中年男人,却是笑呵呵地主动向他走了过来。 His side also follows a young gold/metal female. 他的身旁还跟着一名年轻的金女子。 You certainly were Mr. Jiang Chen, I said right?”( To be continued.) “您一定就是江晨先生了,我说的对吗?”(未完待续。) ps: Beginning of the month time owed nine, I consistently have the moral integrity very much, hey hey. Also three, are first counted guarantees a minimum two, before dawn (3 - 5 am) explodes today offers! ps:月初的时候欠了九更,我一向很有节操,嘿嘿。先还三更吧,算上保底两更,今天五更爆献上! …… ……
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