IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#505: Rothschild Manor

Roughly one hour of driving distance, the motorcade arrived in Manor of Rothschild Household situated in Bavaria. 约莫一个小时的车程,车队抵达了罗斯柴尔德家族位于巴伐利亚庄园 Makes the guest be admitted to the inn is not our hospitality. This Manor is the industry of our household, here will not have any reporter media to disturb, but also hopes that you can like.” After landing, Carmen said to Jiang Chen very much politely. “让客人住进旅店可不是我们的待客之道。这座庄园是我们家族的产业,在这里不会有任何记者媒体打搅,还希望你能够喜欢。”在下车之后,卡门很客气地向江晨说道。 Worthily is the established aristocrat of Napoleon time, can buy so broad Manor in expensive Germany, perhaps the light is rich or insufficient. And is seeping the stone wall of historical aura from that classical decoration, then can sneak a peek at the historical mastery of this hotel faintly. 不愧是拿破仑时代的老牌贵族,能在地价昂贵的德国买下如此恢弘的庄园,恐怕光是有钱还是不够的。从那古典的装潢与沁着历史气息的石墙,便能隐隐窥见这座宅邸的历史底蕴。 It seems like this is not Manor, but is museum with a history of several hundred years. 就好像这不是一座庄园,而是一座拥有上百年历史的博物馆 The steward named Saidis led four bodyguards to go to the Manor guest house, there was the servant housing place. Naturally, the place of so-called servant housing also merely is in the cultural significance, there lodging condition is not inferior in the star-level hotel is. 名叫赛迪斯的管家带着四名保镖前往了庄园的别馆,那里是佣人居住的地方。当然,所谓的佣人居住的地方也仅仅是文化意义上的,那里的住宿条件丝毫不逊色于星级宾馆就是。 Ayesha should also live there, but this senior steward looked very much keenly she and Jiang Chen's relate not in simple like surface, therefore sympathized very much two people of staying place arrangements in the main building same room. 原本阿伊莎应该也是住在那里,但这位老管家很敏锐地看出来她与江晨的关系并不像表面上的那样简单,于是很体贴地将二人下榻的地方安排在了主楼同一个房间内。 In the room of red garment wood floor is passing a neat banks rose, the Germanic lordliness bed, as well as near wall fireplace for decorative purpose, the entire bedroom is seemingly elegant not to lose warmly. 红衫木地板的房间内透着一股清爽的木香,日耳曼贵族式的床铺,以及墙边的装饰用壁炉,整个卧室看上去典雅而不失温馨。 Worthily is the established aristocrat, enjoys continually has to compel the standard. 不愧是老牌贵族,连享受都这么有逼格。 After seeing this room, Jiang Chen then had the thoughts secretly, after waiting, is certain does a similar bedroom to come out in his villa. As nouveau riche he, regarding savoring and compelling the standard has had nothing tasteful. 看到这个房间后,江晨便暗暗动了心思,等回去以后一定得在他的别墅内也搞个类似的卧室出来。身为暴发户的他,对于品味和逼格一直没什么讲究。 Manor maid before two people arrive the room sweep trace, simple had confessed after Jiang Chen the position of restroom and bathroom, then had two people to come to the dining room. 庄园女仆在二人到达之前已经将房间收拾干净,简单地向江晨交代了厕所和浴室的位置之后,便带着二人来到了餐室。 Colored of dinner has not imagined the grace, but the flavor and nutrition are impeccable. The red wine on table is the red wine that under Rothschild industrial Chateau Lafite produces, although does not know the year, but the list is not then difficult to smell the value of it not poor|Fei from that mellow wine taste. 晚餐的彩色并没有想象中的雍容,但味道和营养却无可挑剔。餐桌上的红酒则是罗斯柴尔德旗下产业拉菲酒庄自产的红酒,虽不知道年份,可单从那醇厚的酒香味儿上便不难嗅出其不菲的价值。 Then, the world to the Rothschild Household impression most profound place, probably was the red wine and bank. No one knows that they are actually rich, because since the public announcement property will never interpolate the clan to teach and implement. Even if gives up the good opportunity that goes on the market to amass money. 说起来,世人对罗斯柴尔德家族印象最深刻的地方,大概便是红酒和银行了。没有人知道他们究竟多有钱,因为他们将永不公示财产写进族训并贯彻至今。哪怕放弃上市敛财的良机。 To the world questioned that the opinion of its decline ignores, and other exaggerations of novel does not spare a glance to «Currency war», perhaps this is the calm of established aristocrat. 对世人质疑其衰落的言论置若罔闻,对《货币战争》等小说的夸大其词不屑一顾,或许这便是老牌贵族的从容。 On the dining table, Carmen and Jiang Chen discussed really happy. However has not chatted the matter in business actually. Ayesha is silence as always, did not say a word on the dining table, is coping with the mutton chop in plate with single-hearted devotion. 在饭桌上,卡门江晨相谈甚欢。不过倒是一点都没聊到业务上的事。阿伊莎则是一如既往的沉默,在饭桌上一言不发,专心对付着盘中的羊排。 After the food, the weather, Carmen is not only wishes the happiness that Jiang Chen plays early politely. Then after reminding him do not miss tomorrow evening banquet, then rode in a carriage to leave. This Manor seems only Rothschild Household existence that is used to receive the honored guest, as he of household member here. 饭后,天色已经不早了,卡门只是礼貌地祝江晨玩的愉快。然后提醒他不要错过明天晚上的宴会之后,便乘车离开了。这座庄园似乎只是罗斯柴尔德家族用来接待贵客的存在,身为家族成员的他并不住在这里。 Takes a bath in the bathroom of marble system, Jiang Chen then returned to the bedroom. 在大理石制的浴室中洗了个澡,江晨便回到了卧室中。 Ayesha he one step had first come back, at this moment is sitting on the bed is manipulating an exquisite black pen shape electronic device. This gadget Jiang Chen naturally must recognize, the counter- monitor detecting equipment, Sixth Block most weapon shops have the small gadget of selling. 阿伊莎已经先他一步回来了,此刻正坐在床上摆弄着一个小巧的黑笔状电子设备。这玩意儿江晨自然不会不认得,反监听探测装置,第六街区大多数武器店都有卖的小玩意儿。 On the scarf with shoulder scratched water stain of temple, Jiang Chen asked to Ayesha with a smile. 用肩上的围巾擦了擦鬓角的水渍,江晨笑着向阿伊莎问道。 Found?” “找到了吗?” Ayesha shakes the head. 阿伊莎摇了摇头。 No.” “没有。” It seems like Rothschild Household to us also calculates that has the sincerity.” Jiang Chen nods satisfied. “看来罗斯柴尔德家族对我们还算有诚意。”江晨满意地点了点头。 What he does not know, Carmen has the attempt to monitor him. Most starts to cooperate time, he gives in Jiang Chen's that USB to clamp a miniature locator. However because threw into the storage space reason. That gadget a wee bit functions cannot display. 他所不知道的是,卡门不是没有尝试监听他。最开始合作的时候,他给江晨的那个u盘里就夹着一个微型定位器。不过因为被扔进储物空间的缘故。那玩意儿一丁点儿作用都没能发挥。 After discovering the signal of locator is missing strangely, Carmen went to school clever, has not made these being able to escape again the petty actions of others eye. 当发现定位器的信号离奇失踪之后,卡门就学乖了,没再弄这些根本“逃不过”人家眼睛的小动作。 Sits in Ayesha side, smells the delicate fragrance of that jasmine taste, Jiang Chen is then knowing that she has taken a bath. 坐在阿伊莎的旁边,嗅着那茉莉花味的清香,江晨便知道她已经洗过澡了。 Built the hand on that slender waist, Jiang Chen asked in her ear in a soft voice. 将手搭在了那纤细的腰上,江晨在她耳边轻声问道。 „Does schedule bring?” 行程表带着吗?” By root of the ear that steam blows somewhat itchy, on the cheeks brought just to have blushing of bath, Ayesha nods slightly shyly. 被那热气吹的耳根有些痒痒,脸颊上带着刚出浴的红晕,阿伊莎略微羞涩地点点头。 Un, in package.” “嗯,在包里。” Saying, she prepares to set out to help Jiang Chen putting the briefcase on table brings. However that builds in the meaning that the big hand of her waist has not actually let loose slightly. 说着,她准备起身帮江晨把搁在桌上的公文包取来。然而那搭在她腰间的大手却是丝毫没有放开的意思。 Has turned head, Ayesha to that badly bad look. 回过头,阿伊莎对上了那坏坏的眼神。 Tomorrow is looking, or rests today earlier.” Jiang Chen is smiling badly, the right hand said dishonestly. “明天在看也可以,要不今天就早点休息吧。”江晨坏笑着,右手非常不老实地说道。 A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 Next morning. The early reason that because rests, Jiang Chen had an early bed. 次日清晨。因为休息的早的缘故,江晨起了个早床。 Woke like Ayesha that the kitty sleeps soundly, after washing of simple, two people came to the dining room to enjoy the breakfast together. 弄醒了如猫咪般熟睡的阿伊莎,简单的洗漱过后,两人一同来到了餐室享用早餐。 Later, Ayesha was Jiang Chen brought schedule. 之后,阿伊莎江晨取来了行程表 The 1st day, arrived at Germany. Does not have the special arrangement. 第一日,到达德国。无特别安排。 The 2nd day the daytime free event, was attended by Carmen Rothschild in the evening at the banquet that Bavaria Manor held. 第二日白天自由活动,晚上出席由卡门·罗斯柴尔德巴伐利亚庄园举办的宴会。 The 3rd day attended Munich Motor Show. 第三日出席慕尼黑车展 The 4 th day freedom moves. 第四日自由活动。 The 5 th day returns to Country of Xin. 第五日返回新国 A total of five days of traveling schedule rows is not full Dang. The rarity has the opportunity to come to here, Jiang Chen naturally cannot miss to tour this strange and fills the charm state. Heard that State of Bavaria has famous scenic spot Neuschwanstein Castle, is the prototype of Disney castle. The rarity has the opportunity, Jiang Chen planned that brings Ayesha to have a look. 总共五天的行程排的不算满当。难得有机会来这里,江晨自然不会错过游览这个陌生而充满魅力的国度。听说巴伐利亚州有着著名的景点新天鹅堡,是迪士尼城堡的原型。难得有机会,江晨打算带阿伊莎去看看。 No one said certainly, these are the Human Civilization marvelous sight, whether someday in the future can also see again...... 谁也说不准,这些属于人类文明的奇观,在未来的某一天是否还能再见到…… However before leaving Manor, Jiang Chen plans first to have under the Ayesha tour the present scenic spot. 不过在离开庄园之前,江晨打算先带着阿伊莎游览下眼前的景点。 This Rothschild Manor situated in Bavaria. 这位于巴伐利亚罗斯柴尔德庄园 Is pulling that soft small hand, walks in road surface that in the marble brick spreads, feels the front surface has been stroking the slightly cool morning breeze, Jiang Chen narrows the eye to look at that shallot emerald green pine lumber forest. In the back of that pine lumber forest, is a broad lake. 牵着那柔软的小手,走在大理石砖铺成的路面上,感受着迎面拂过的微凉的晨风,江晨眯着眼睛望着那青葱翠绿的松木林。在那松木林的背后,是一座宽阔的湖泊。 In the lakeshore of that not far away, Jiang Chen glimpsed one accidentally by the woods the small log cabin, as well as stands and waits for a long time the sailing ship before small log cabin. This sailing ship seemingly works is not fine, but the smooth of cambered surfaces looked from that symmetrically aligned the proportions and in, Jiang Chen can see as before 就在那不远处的湖岸边,江晨偶然瞥见了一座靠在树林边的小木屋,以及一座伫立在小木屋前的帆船。这艘帆船看上去做工并不算精细,但从那两边对称的比例和平整的弧面上看,江晨依旧能看出 The old person who wears the fur-lined coat is raising the saw, is pondering over to lumber wholly absorbed. 一位穿着皮袄的老人正提着锯子,专心致志地对着一根木料琢磨着。 Shipbuilding? 造船? Because curious, Jiang Chen looked at his several eyes. 因为好奇,江晨多看了他几眼。 Seemed like notices the Jiang Chen's line of sight, the old person lifted the hand to greet to two people in a friendly way, then no longer responded two people, continued to handle matter on hand wholly absorbed. 似乎是注意到了江晨的视线,老人友好地向两人抬手打了个招呼,然后便不再搭理二人,继续专心致志地处理起手边的事来。 Takes back the hand that lifted to greet, Jiang Chen whispered low voice the sentence. 收回了抬起打招呼的手,江晨小声嘀咕了句。 Rothschild Family servant?” 罗斯柴尔德家佣人吗?” Shakes the head, he does not have to care this old person again, holds the hand of Ayesha to continue along Dali Shizhuan Road stand forth. 摇了摇头,他也没再将这位老人放在心上,牵着阿伊莎的手继续沿着大理石砖路向前走去。 What Jiang Chen does not know, in he disappears before old person's field of vision, old person's eyes have been staring at his back. 只是江晨所不知道的是,在他消失在老人的视野中之前,老人的眼睛一直凝视着他的背影。 Brow that wrinkles slightly, seems is pondering anything.( To be continued.) 那微微皱起的眉头,就好似在思考着什么。(未完待续。)
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