IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#504: Goes to Germany

Shoots the preparation of rocket like a raging fire, Kelvin desire strongly is studying the rocket blueprint, while long-distance is coordinating the business of company reorganization through the telephone. The Star Ring Trading person sent the tent and food also to have the fresh water for him, although the condition on desert island was very difficult, but this technician is actually relying on to the aerospace nearly frantic mood, overcame these difficulties actually. 火箭的准备正如火如荼的进行着,克尔温一边如饥似渴地研究着火箭图纸,一边通过电话远程协调着公司重组的业务。星环贸易的人为他送来了帐篷、食物还有淡水,虽然荒岛上的条件很艰苦,但这位技术员却凭借着对航天近乎狂热的情怀,硬是克服了这些困难。 As for that 4 o name is willing along with the staff who the change of station goes to the Country of Xin work, was placed by Jiang Chen in Koro Island. According to the difference of duty, has a non- cotton wool to digest him rocket that brings from Last of Days to shoot the technology. 至于那4o名愿意随工作调动前往新国工作的员工,则被江晨安置在了科罗岛。根据职务的不同,有条不絮地消化着他从末世那边带来的火箭射技术。 Naturally, the material craft of motive use he has not publicized to anybody. The material is restricting the key question of aerospace technology show/unfolds, is the rm32o rocket motive compares in the modern motive mainly the place of being in the lead. 当然,动机使用的材料制造工艺他未向任何人公开。材料才是制约着航天技术展的关键问题,也是rm32o火箭动机相较于现代动机的主要领先之处。 In other words, person who even if the blueprint of rm32o rocket motive flows out, obtains the blueprint has no way to copy according to the blueprint. Probably cannot cover Skyscraper with the red brick wooden beam, the issue of most foundation is unable to be solved, the wise technology also can only stay in the blueprint. 换句话说,就算是rm32o火箭动机的图纸流出,得到图纸的人也没法按着图纸仿造一台。就好像用红砖木梁盖不出摩天大楼,最基础的问题无法解决,再高明的技术也只能停留在图纸上。 Meanwhile, has not fallen regarding construction Jiang Chen of hardware. 与此同时,对于硬件设施的建设江晨也没落下。 the 2 o stage is from Sixth Block Project Robot, is input after Jiang Lin rocket shot the construction blueprint of field, with more than several hundred tons building materials by Jiang Chen is brought the present world warehouse, the per steamer transported that on desert island that again acted as Aerospace Technology Center. 2o台产自第六街区工程机器人,在由蒋林输入了火箭射场的建设图纸之后,和数百余吨的建材被江晨带到了现世仓库,再由轮船运到了那座充当航天科技中心的荒岛上。 Project Robot that although takes amazed in Jiang Chen, but Kelvin had not asked. On the one hand is because specialized is unsuitable, actually he in a big way does not make clear the Project Robot technical difficulty that this type can construct automatically. On the other hand is because he is very clear, even if he asked Jiang Chen will not tell him. 虽然惊诧于江晨拿出来的工程机器人,但克尔温也没有多问。一方面是因为专业不对口,他也搞不清楚这种能够自动施工的工程机器人的技术难度究竟有多大。另一方面则是因为他很清楚,就算他问了江晨也不会告诉他。 Except that constructs rocket to shoot outside, under Star Ring Trading in Jiang Chen's incites, deployed Radar Station and the gate house of drone terminal as well as 2 o person scale in the islands, and integrated the patrol range of sea patrol boat this unmanned desert island, to guarantee that shoots the central the security. 除了建设火箭射场外,星环贸易江晨的授意下,在岛屿上部署了雷达站无人机终端以及一座2o人规模的哨所,并将这座无人荒岛一纳入了海巡船的巡逻范围,以确保射中心的安全。 As for the verification document that shooting the commercial satellite needs, Jiang Chen also hires the specialist to complete the compilation, handed over in the hand of Zhang Yaping. Look 至于射商业卫星所需的审核文件,江晨也雇佣专人完成编写,交到了张亚平的手上。看 Then, the time arrived in the end of October unknowingly. 就这样,时间不知不觉地就到了十月底。 According to with the agreement of Carmen Rothschild. Invited Jiang Chen will go to Germany, participates Munich Motor Show that conducts by the Daimler Group and other automobile magnates. Considering Future Technologies and Daimler Group in the cooperation of Artificial Intelligence domain, was invited to visit this matter to both sides is a beneficial harmless good deed. 按照与卡门罗斯柴尔德的约定。受到邀请的江晨将前往德国,参加由戴姆勒集团等汽车巨头举办的慕尼黑车展。考虑到未来人科技戴姆勒集团人工智能领域的合作,受邀参访这种事对双方都是一件有益无害的好事。 The news announcement on the same day, the well organized Daimler Group stock price has then broken surface 4%. People guessed between Daimler Group and Future Technologies whether jointly in the Artificial Intelligence domain, even was a Virtual Reality domain development more further cooperation. 消息公布当日,一直四平八稳的戴姆勒集团股价便上浮了4%。人们纷纷猜测戴姆勒集团未来人科技之间是否会联手在人工智能领域,甚至是虚拟实境领域开展更进一步的合作。 On the other hand, regarding exposure rate/lead always low-key Jiang Chen before the media, many international media also filled curiously. 另一方面,对于在媒体面前曝光率一向低调的江晨,众多国际媒体也是充满了好奇。 The flight just arrived in Berlin, the airplane that Jiang Chen takes almost just now opens the cabin door. Carriedlong spear/gun cannon then noisy crowd to encircle. Is pasting Reuters, the Paris daily paper, Washington Post and so on microphone of symbol, altogether stopper. 航班刚刚抵达柏林,江晨乘坐的飞机几乎才刚打开舱门。扛着“长枪大炮便一窝蜂地围了上来。贴着路透社,巴黎日报,华盛顿邮报之类标志的话筒,也是一股脑地塞了过来。 The ostentation, is not so inferior in these international Superstar. 如此排场,丝毫不逊色于那些国际巨星 This and Jiang Chen goes to Germany together has Ayesha, as well as four Star Ring Trading bodyguards. 这次与江晨一同前往德国的有阿伊莎,以及四名星环贸易的保镖。 The brown long bunch after the brain, Ayesha wears black women western-style clothes, takes the black briefcase to follow in Jiang Chen behind two steps, a appearance of secret. Regarding appearing in young female secretary of Jiang Chen behind strange face, the interest that the media show is as good as Jiang Chen. Because of two people bodies. They smelled the gossip flavor faintly. 褐色的长束在脑后,阿伊莎穿着一身黑色的女式西服,提着黑色的公文包跟在江晨身后两步,一副秘的打扮。对于出现在江晨身后的这位陌生面孔的年轻女秘,媒体们表现出的兴趣丝毫不亚于江晨。因为从两人的身上。他们隐隐嗅到了八卦的味道。 However is happen to opposite with the warm media, response of Ayesha actually very desolate, seemed these reporters not to save to regard all flashing lights and lens. 然而与热情的媒体正好相反,阿伊莎的反应倒是非常的冷淡,就好像那些记者根本不存视掉了所有闪光灯和镜头。 As for Jiang Chen, at this moment is also suit and dress shoes, is hitting many media with smile on the face. However regarding that cunning or has the inquiry of profound meaning, he is listens without paying attention to disregard same. 至于江晨,此刻也是一身西装革履,面带微笑地打着众多媒体。不过对于那刁钻或别有深意的提问,他则是当耳旁风一样无视掉。 Mr. Jiang Chen, your time participates in Munich Motor Show, is indicated that Future Group did have the interest in the automobile production industry? In other words, whether this means 1 Future Group to the public release signal. Will Artificial Intelligence enter the vehicle sector?” 江晨先生,请问你这次参加慕尼黑车展,是表明未来人集团对汽车生产行业产生了兴趣吗?换句话说,这是否意味着一未来人集团正在向公众释放信号。人工智能将进入汽车领域?” About Immersive-type Virtual Reality Helmet that Future Technologies recently promoted, can you guarantee their securities? If some people instill into some not normal content through it to the brain, or steals the information in user brain illegally, but this behavior is unable by the traditional method regulation. You can guarantee that this behavior won't live? I so take the liberty guess, after all the brain is humanity final **.” “关于未来人科技最近推出的沉浸式虚拟实境头盔,请问你们能够确保它们的安全性吗?如果有人通过它对大脑灌输些不正常的内容,或者非法窃取用户大脑中的情报,而这种行为无法被传统手段监管。你能确保这种行为不会生吗?恕我如此冒昧的揣测,毕竟大脑是人类最后的**。” „Can you with other in the enterprise expansion technique cooperation that Virtual Reality is interested in? Mr. Jiang Chen. The International Council for Science word person said, this is a Epoch-making technology, should share by entire humanity in the world, but should not become some enterprise to seek the method of personal gain “你会和其它对虚拟实境感兴趣的企业展开技术合作吗?江晨先生。国际科学理事会的言人表示,这是一项划时代的技术,理应由全世界全人类共同分享,而不应该成为某个企业牟取私利的手段” Mr. Jiang Chen, according to the Wall Street Journal news. your company submitted to the international organization through the Country of Xin government application that shoots the commercial satellite, whether this means Future Group will march Aerospace Domain?” 江晨先生,根据华尔街日报的消息。贵公司通过新国政府向国际组织提交了射商业卫星的申请,请问这是否意味着未来人集团将进军航天领域?” Stanford University Professor proposed, joins to burn down the protective measures of electric circuit in Phantom Helmet is the improper patent protection behavior, this is contrary to Consumer Protection Act, because purchased the consumer of product to be authorized “斯坦福大学教授提出,在幻影头盔中加入烧毁电路的保护措施是不正当的专利保护行为,这有违消费者权益保护法,因为购买了产品的消费者有权” Jiang Chen stopped the footsteps, looked to a that quiff young Caucasian reporter. 江晨停住了脚步,看向了那位一头卷毛的年轻白人记者。 Passed on to that Professor for me, asking him to pay attention to own expression. Phantom helmet has not for the present sells officially, besides signed the User Experience shop of unique agreement with us, only then in the official site 25 o ten thousand sell in advance helmet. Moreover, I very responsible told you, sold in advance or waited officially at the end of the year sells, we will provide in the time limit to damage the service that exchange guaranteed, half price purchased by barter for the product. Moreover, we will certainly attach one line of characters in the exchange guaranteed agreement, any disassemblage will be regarded as the violation the behavior of secretly, the exchange guaranteed agreement relieves automatically. We fully safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of consumer, the only request do not open our helmet randomly. Tries to disassemble the helmet peer as for these, I advised politely you to buy heartfeltly some open. But I ensure you are doing not studiously.” “替我转告那位教授,请他注意自己的措辞。‘幻影头盔暂未正式售,除了与我们签订了特殊协议的体验店之外,只有官网上25o万件预售头盔。另外,我很负责的告诉你,无论是预售还是等年底的正式售,我们都会为产品提供时限内损坏包换、半价换购的服务。而且,在包换协议上我们一定会附加一行字,任何私自拆卸的行为将被视为违约,包换协议自动解除。我们充分地保障了消费者的合法权益,唯一的要求只是别乱拆我们的头盔。至于那些试图拆卸头盔的同行,我衷心奉劝你们多买些去拆。但我保证,你们是在做无用功。” Sees Jiang Chen to continue to walk forward, that reporter worries, is busy at stretching out the microphone to prepare to block him, but Jiang Chen has walked away. 江晨继续向前走,那名记者不由着急,忙伸出话筒准备拦住他,但江晨已经走远了。 Four well-built bodyguards encircle Jiang Chen and Ayesha in the middle, although has not put on mechanical exoskeleton at this moment, but injected the Genetic Medicine strength by them, is not the reporters of these small physiques can block absolutely. 四名体格健壮的保镖将江晨阿伊莎围在中间,虽然此刻没有穿着机械外骨骼,但以他们注射了基因药剂的力量,也绝对不是这些小身板的记者能挡得住的。 These fly common reporters gathered round Jiang Chen and the others to get to the airport entrance, welcomed to come until the Rothschild Household person afterward, joined Jiang Chen and the others welcomed guests with the motorcade, these reporters the interest lacked to depart. 这些苍蝇一般的记者们一路围着江晨等人走到了机场门口,直到后来罗斯柴尔德家族的人迎上前来,将江晨等人接上了迎宾用车队,这些记者才兴趣缺缺地离去。 hā hā, we met, my old friend.” Sits in the back seat, sees Jiang Chen that sits, Carmen says with a smile warmly. 哈哈,咱们又见面了,我的老朋友。”坐在后座,看到坐进来的江晨,卡门热情地笑道。 Sees you very much happily, recently Mr. Carmen, crossed good?” Sits on the back seat, the Jiang Chen smile said. “很高兴见到你,卡门先生,最近过的还好吗?”在后座上坐好,江晨微笑道。 Naturally, was lucky the your company Artificial Intelligence procedure/program, really customizes for our master control chips. Board of Directors and partner hoped that we soon in running quickly s7oo that in this auto show promotes, our products will become the darling in this auto show without a doubt.” Carmen grinned to smile, revealed full mouth white teeth. “当然,多亏了贵公司人工智能程序,简直就是为我们的主控芯片量身定做的。董事会和合作商非常期待我们即将在本次车展中推出的奔驰s7oo,毫无疑问我们的产品将成为本次车展中的宠儿。”卡门咧嘴笑了笑,露出了满口白牙 Ayesha as bodyguard and private secretary sat in the copilot position, another four Star Ring Trading bodyguards sat in around two sedans respectively. 身为保镖兼私人秘阿伊莎坐在了副驾驶位,另外四名星环贸易的保镖则分别坐在了前后两辆轿车中。 Originally customizes for you.” Grinning, Jiang Chen and he smiled. “本来就是为你们量身定做的。”咧了咧嘴,江晨和他相视一笑。 A business of 1,000,000,000 USD, joins often 1 second of Future Technologies 1 ogo in the Artillery System starting picture, as well as loans of afterward o hundred million USD. The industry of Future Group can the so rapid expansion, Rothschild Household being busy that adds on is nothing less than big. 一笔1o亿美元的买卖,在系统的开机画面中加入时常一秒的未来人科技1ogo,以及后来的o亿美元的贷款。未来人集团的产业能够如此迅的扩张,罗斯柴尔德家族在其中帮上的忙不可谓不大。 However today meets, Carmen has not mentioned the matter of loan, even the Future Group operational state has not done inquired slightly, is exchanging greetings with Jiang Chen all the way the matters in some interests. 不过今日见面,卡门并未提到贷款的事,甚至连未来人集团经营状况都没有做丝毫地询问,一路上只是与江晨寒暄着些兴趣爱好上的事。 Does not know that you are interested in the private plane? At your current asset, is completely capable of buying one, then not only the convenience goes on a journey, but can also reduce many unnecessary trouble.” Carmen ridiculed glances the eye to tag along after the broadcast van. “不知道你对私人飞机感不感兴趣?以你目前的资产,完全有能力买一架,如此一来不但方便出行,还能减少许多不必要的麻烦。”卡门揶揄地瞟了眼尾随在后的采访车。 I will consider to buy one, what good sign has to be able under the recommendation I?” The Jiang Chen smile said. “我会考虑买一架的,有什么好的牌子可以推荐下我吗?”江晨微笑道。 Two days later Munich Motor Show, Gulfstream Aerospace Company eurozone Supervisor Andy Mr. Barford will also attend, I can your introduction. Their company Gulfstream g65o is good, I highly recommend. The performance or the outward appearance, g65o compares in the commercial aircraft of same price is outstanding.” Carmen said vividly. “两天后的慕尼黑车展,湾流宇航公司欧洲区经理安迪巴福特先生也会出席,我可以向你介绍下。他们公司湾流g65o非常不错,我强烈推荐。无论是性能还是外观,g65o相较于同价位的商务飞机都非常优秀。”卡门绘声绘色地说道。 That had the work you.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “那就有劳你了。”江晨笑道。 Before he had in the consideration buys a matter of private plane, central core that because worked a while ago continuously that side Last of Days, presently here world also no need of journey, therefore this idea was given to put aside by him. Now Carmen raises, he happen to remembered this matter, therefore push the boat along this matter 以前他就有在考虑买一架私人飞机的事情了,不过因为前段时间工作的重心一直在末世那边,现世这边也没什么出行的需要,所以这个想法就被他给搁置了。现在卡门提起来,他正好就想起了这个事,于是顺水推舟地将这事 Is impolite, I think that Mr. Barford should also wish to know you very much.” The Carmen smile said. “不客气,我想巴福特先生应该也很希望认识你。”卡门微笑道。 What is responsible for driving is Johnson, Carmen bodyguard and driver, first France foreign army special troop. 负责开车的是强森,卡门的保镖兼司机,前法国外籍兵团特种兵。 The Carmen journey, will be being been accompanying by him each time behind. Although Rothschild Household is low-key enough, the line of sight of but sneaking a look are still many. Kidnapper who these sneak a look the ransom money, is the opponent in business, or comes suicide Holy Warrior of Palestine. 每次卡门出行,都会由他在身后陪着。罗斯柴尔德家族虽然足够低调,但窥觑的视线依旧不少。无论是那些窥觑赎金的绑匪,还是生意上的对手,亦或者来之巴勒斯坦的自杀圣斗士 Hit a steering wheel, Johnson while swept the eye to sit in Ayesha of copilot careless. 一边打了个方向盘,强森一边漫不经心地扫了眼坐在副驾驶的阿伊莎 Why does not know, this looked only the look completely and warrior does not build the above young girl, actually took to him faintly a dangerous feeling. Other four bodyguards who not only this little girl, Jiang Chen brings, made experienced him have the misconception of similar danger. 不知道为什么,这位单看相貌完全和战士搭不上边的少女,却隐隐带给了他一种危险的感觉。不只是这个小姑娘,江晨带来的其它四名保镖,也让久经沙场的他产生了类似危险的错觉。 Before Ayesha detects, he received the line of sight calmly. 阿伊莎察觉到之前,他不动声色地收了视线。 Really damn. 真是见鬼了。 Criticized the sentence in the heart, Johnson looked with single-hearted devotion to the dead ahead road surface.( To be continued.) 在心中暗骂了句,强森专心看向了正前方的路面。(未完待续。) …… ……
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