IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#503: Shocking Kelvin

In the bare islands only lies down one pile of crushed stones, the sand beach that the golden gravel accumulates has been winding to enter the sea, is taking turn the quiet green and deep blue coastal beautiful scene. In this bare the islands of reef and rock gravel, are the Country of Xin most southeastern islands, situated in the equator line north. 光秃秃的岛屿上只躺着一堆碎石,金黄色沙砾积成的沙滩一直蜿蜒入海,交替着幽绿与湛蓝的滨海美景。在这座只有光秃秃的礁石与岩砾的岛屿,是新国最东南端的岛屿,位于赤道线北侧。 The land leveling and broad sandbar are its only merit, stands and waits for a long time has not coated with lacquer in the islands central workshop, obviously constructed some time ago. 土地平整与宽阔的沙洲是它唯一的优点,伫立在岛屿中央的厂房还没上漆,显然是不久前才修建。 At this moment, Jiang Chen's personal Yacht anchored in simple and crude the fisherman wharf situated in islands edge. 此刻,江晨的私人游艇停靠在了位于岛屿边缘处的简陋的渔夫码头。 This wharf was some Country of Xin fisherman, that overly cautious and prudent fisherman does not even know that the political power had alternation, showed the real estate certificate until the Star Ring Trading Company person to him, he understands oneself takes the private land illegally the fact. 这座码头原本属于新国某位渔夫,那名老实巴交的渔民甚至不知道政权发生了更迭,直到星环贸易公司的人向他出示了地产凭证,他才明白了自己非法占用私人土地的事实。 However Jiang Chen has not felt embarrassed him, bought this simple and crude wooden wharf and nearby fishery from his hand by the 10,000 USD price. 不过江晨没有为难他,以一万美元的价格将这座简陋的木质码头和附近的渔场从他的手上买了下来。 Therefore this wharf also became besides the island center workshop, on this desert island only architecture. 于是这座码头也就成了除岛中心的厂房外,这座荒岛上唯一的建筑 „Is this our company station?” Looked at that bare workshop, the corners of the mouth of Kelvin was twitching under. “这就是我们公司的驻地?”望着那座光秃秃的厂房,克尔温的嘴角抽搐了下。 He felt that oneself received the contract fraud. 他感觉自己受到了合同欺诈。 This where is anything works, really seems like exiled. 这哪里是什么去工作,简直就像是被流放。 Of course not, before the office building constructs, you temporarily in the Koro Island Star Ring Trading Headquarters building work. Naturally, your main mission learn from me to provide to your materials.” “当然不是,在办公大楼建好之前,你们会暂时在科罗岛星环贸易总部大楼办公。当然,你们主要的任务还是学习我提供给你们的资料。” Aha? You provide to our materials.” Kelvin raised the eyebrow, obviously does not spare a glance to the Jiang Chen's view. “啊哈?你提供给我们的资料。”克尔温扬了扬眉毛,显然对江晨的说法不屑一顾。 Regarding being proud of Kelvin, Jiang Chen shows a faint smile, does not give any explanation. 对于克尔温的自负,江晨只是微微一笑,不做任何解释。 Had arrived, we disembark.” “已经到了,我们下船吧。” Without the reason of vegetation, here soil accepts the insolation of sunlight all the year round, appears in broken bits and boiling hot. Steps However she will not have displayed ill, but wrinkled slightly under elegant. 因为没有植被的缘故,这里的土壤长年接受日光的暴晒,显得细碎而滚烫。踩在码头外的沙地上,穿着薄底小凉鞋的阿伊莎明显感到了不适。不过她并没有将不适表现出来,只是微微皱了下秀美。 However this slight change has not escaped the Jiang Chen's eye. 然而这细微的变化并没有逃过江晨的眼睛。 Or do you first go to the ship rest a while? It is instead safe in this island, you do not need to worry that I have an accident.” Noticed the illness of Ayesha, Jiang Chen sympathized to say in her ear. “要不你先去船上休息一会儿?反正在这岛上很安全,你也不需要担心我出什么事。”注意到了阿伊莎的不适,江晨在她耳边体贴道。 Seen through Ayesha cheeks slightly red. 被看穿的阿伊莎脸颊微红。 After one hesitates . She does not have to show off power again, nods, accepted the Jiang Chen's care honestly. 一番犹豫后。她没再逞强,点点头,坦诚地接受了江晨的关心。 Un.” “嗯。” Looks is returning to Ayesha on ship, Jiang Chen smiles. Turns around to call Kelvin, walks toward the island central warehouse with him together. 望着返回船上的阿伊莎,江晨笑了笑。转身招呼着克尔温,与他一同向岛中央的仓库走去。 Opened the front door of warehouse, Jiang Chen caught up with the ash before nose, arrived at the nearby in warehouse to open the louver of metal system. 推开了仓库的大门,江晨赶了赶鼻子前的灰,走到仓库的边上打开了金属制的百叶窗。 In the sunlight sprinkles enters the inner rooms, Kelvin noticed to place the rocket engine on large-scale side iron stand. 当阳光洒入室内,克尔温注意到了放在大型方铁架上的火箭发动机。 The main body of cylindrical part. Bowl-shaped end, is slightly smaller than the SpaceX black ink forest engine a little, making one suspect actually it can undertake ten several times in rocket of its volume. 圆筒形的主体。碗状的尾端,比spae-x的墨林发动机稍微小一点儿,让人不禁怀疑它究竟能不能承担十数倍于其体积的火箭 What is this?” Kelvin walked up, stretches out the finger to knock knocking above. “这是什么?”克尔温走上前去,伸出手指在上面敲了敲。 Rm- 320 rocket engines, is I prepares to demonstrate to your technology.” Saying, Jiang Chen being loaded with tablet computer of the technical parameter and 3D concept map handed in his hand. “rm-320火箭发动机,也就是我准备展示给你的技术。”说着,江晨把装有技术参数和3d概念图的平板电脑递到了他的手上。 This is Jiang Lin previous time in Aerospace Technology Research Institute to the rocket engine that Jiang Chen demonstrates, NAC deployment in Shenxiang Town Northwind-76( false) the normal big or small version of ballistic missile engine. 这便是蒋林上次在航天科技研究所江晨展示的火箭发动机,也正是nac部署在沈巷镇北风-76(伪)弹道导弹发动机的正常大小版。 From a screw bolt to a wire, this engine is built by 3D Printing Technology completely, construction cost 30,000 credits. The propellant of rocket use is manufactured by Lin Ling, each ton cost probably 1000 credits. Reason that however because the material can come from the present olympic games. In the actual construction cost possibly small advantages of these gadget some. 从一颗螺丝钉到一根导线,这台发动机完全由3d打印技术打造,造价3万信用点火箭使用的推进剂由林玲制作,每吨成本大概1000信用点。不过因为材料可以从现世运来的缘故。这些玩意儿的实际造价可能会便宜上一些。 Because of the appearance of Space Elevator, the working substance of aerospace use advanced the rocket technology to be eliminated in the late 21 st century. Therefore this model of rm- 320 rocket engines, in some sense can be that side Wasted Earth most advanced manned aerospace rocket. 因为太空电梯的出现,航天用途的工质推进火箭技术在21世纪末期就被淘汰了。所以这款rm-320火箭发动机,某种意义上可以算是废土那边最先进的载人航天火箭了。 Uses the advanced material the engine outer covering to withstand the 10,000 high temperature, in the combustion chamber bears the pressure on be possible to reach 500 atmospheric pressures. What is most essential, is built rocket that by this model of engine, it pushes the value compared with even to achieve terrorist|terrifying 1 : 300! Without doubt was exploded SpaceX company Falcon rocket 1 : 150! 使用先进材料的发动机外壳能够承受一万度高温,燃烧室内承受压力可达500个大气压。最关键的是,由这款发动机打造的火箭,其推值比甚至可以达到恐怖的1:300!无疑是完爆了spae-x公司猎鹰火箭的1:150! really talked nonsense, such engine is impossible to realize by the current technology, material? How the ordinary engine is impossible to withstand this intensity of pressure and high temperature...... this is possible...... wait/etc., the chemical formula outcome of this rocket propellant what's the matter.” 简直是扯淡,这样的发动机以目前的技术根本不可能实现,材料呢?普通的发动机根本不可能承受这种压强和高温……这怎么可能……等等,这个火箭推进剂的化学式究竟是怎么回事。” Kelvin deeply frowns, the expression on face constantly is changing. From time to time shakes the head. From time to time is astonished, from time to time the both eyes circle stares...... 克尔温眉头紧锁,脸上的表情不断的变化着。时而摇头。时而惊异,时而双目圆瞪…… Finally, his expression frames, in stared dumbfounded on. 最终,他的表情定格在了瞠目结舌上。 This was too absurd, not...... this too talent.” Muttering. Kelvin shakes the hand of tablet to shiver unceasingly, this can definitely be good, no, but can theoretically good......, but realized words, SpaceX Falcon rocket will become a joke. But this too absurd......” “这太荒唐了,不……这太天才了。”喃喃自语着。克尔温握着平板的手不断地颤抖着,“这个肯定能行,不,只是理论上能行……但实现了的话,spae-x猎鹰火箭将成为一个笑话。可这太荒唐了……” Suddenly, he looked to Jiang Chen. The application held the Jiang Chen's shoulder frantically. 突然,他看向了江晨。申请狂热地抓住了江晨的肩膀。 Asked, under can recommend the designer of this model of rocket engine to me? His really is a talent.” “拜托了,能向我引荐下这款火箭发动机的设计者吗?他简直是个天才。” I will convey your praise for you, but was sorry very much, temporarily I cannot introduce him to you.” Jiang Chen shakes the head to say. “我会替你转达你的赞美,不过很抱歉,暂时我不能将他介绍给你。”江晨摇头道。 Why! Is was worried that I did leak? Felt relieved, regardless of harsh confidentiality agreement I countersigned, asked! Under many issues I want to consult to him face to face.” Kelvin said excitedly. “为什么!是担心我泄密吗?放心好了,无论多苛刻的保密协议我都会签,拜托了!很多问题我希望当面向他请教下。”克尔温激动地说道。 At this moment on his face, did not have just to disembark again the contempt. 此刻他的脸上,再也没有了刚下船时的轻视。 Place of the design concept and technological innovation of this model of rocket engine, deeply subdued him, crushed him regarding the pride of technology. 这款火箭发动机的设计理念与技术创新之处,深深地折服了他,粉碎了他对于技术的自傲。 No, please do not misunderstand, I trust your moral behavior. But this rocket designer is studying diligently some project about aerospace airplane at present, does not hope that was disturbed by anybody......, you can understand that is in the condition of closing up for him. I ensure if possible, will certainly recommend him to you. As for your issue, I will provide a detailed rocket design paper to you, you should be able to get the answer from above. If this is unable to solve your confusion as before, I can convey your issue for you.” Jiang Chen spoke thoughtlessly to talk nonsense. “不,请不要误会,我非常信任你的人品。只不过这款火箭的设计者目前正在钻研某个关于航天飞机的项目,不希望被任何人打扰……嗯,你可以理解为他正处在闭关的状态中。我保证,如果有机会的话,一定会向你引荐他。至于你的问题,我会向你提供一份详细的火箭设计图纸,你应该能从上面得到答案。如果这依旧无法解决你的困惑,我可以替你转达你的问题。”江晨随口胡扯道。 Cracks a joke, this rocket designer had not been born, which on looks to you? Later words, when Interdimensional Bracelet can bring person cross over, drew the sufficient integer Jiang Lin that boy on the line. 开玩笑,这款火箭的设计者还没出生,上哪给你找去?以后的话,等跃迁手环能带人穿越了,把蒋林那小子拉过来充个数就行了。 Wait, my issue, such rocket engine, is impossible to complete by the Country of Xin industrial infrastructure...... is also unbearable by the United States manufacturing capacity, actually you where make “等等,我还有一个问题,这样的火箭发动机,以新国的工业基础不可能完成……以美国的制造能力也够呛,你们究竟是从哪里造” Is here.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “就是这里哟。”江晨微笑道。 Is this?” Kelvin gawked staring. “就是这?”克尔温愣了愣。 You should hear 3D Printing Technology. This model of rocket engine, is made by Industrial Grade 3D Printer.” “你应该听说过3d打印技术吧。这款火箭发动机,就是由工业级3d打印机制造的。” With 3D Printer, can print the so very intensive material? That Industrial Grade 3D Printer. Actually is what new noun? 3d打印机,能够打印出如此高强度的材料吗?还有那个“工业级3d打印机”。究竟是个什么新鲜的名词? Kelvin had fallen into completely to shock of new technology, suddenly forgot the spoken language unexpectedly. 克尔温已经完全陷入了对新技术的震撼中,一时间竟是忘记了言语。 Sees that Jiang Chen coughed gently, interrupted his train of thought. 见状,江晨轻轻咳了咳,打断了他的思绪。 Ok, since you have looked. Then Mr. Kelvin, our today's traveling schedules had ended...... should go back.” “好了,既然你已经看完了。那么克尔温先生,我们今天的行程已经结束……该回去了。” No! Let me stay here! Asked!” Kelvin is caressing the outer covering of that engine lightly, that frantic facial expression and movement, seem are caressing and touching the flesh of lover. “不!让我留在这里!拜托了!”克尔温轻抚着那台发动机的外壳,那狂热的神情和动作,就好似在抚、摸情人的肌肤。 Although very satisfied hand/subordinate scientist regarding the frantic attitude of technology, but Jiang Chen always thought how this movement sees the somewhat inexplicable nausea...... 虽然很满意自己手下科学家对于技术的狂热态度,但江晨总觉得这动作怎么看都有些莫名的恶心…… Mr. Kelvin, I have to remind you, here anything does not have. But in the Star Ring Trading Headquarters building has the coffee that the air conditioning and cannot drink up, as well as complete blueprint about this model of rocket engine. Even you there work 克尔温先生,我不得不提醒你,这里什么都没有。而星环贸易总部大楼内有空调和喝不完的咖啡,以及关于这款火箭发动机的完整设计图。即便你在那里办公” Kelvin interrupted the Jiang Chen's words very much disrespectfully, said unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 克尔温很失礼地打断了江晨的话,毫不客气地说道。 Giving These documents, helping me bring to come, ask!” “给我一个帐篷就行了,我就睡在这里!还有那些文件,帮我带过来,拜托了!” Jiang Chen suppresses the happy expression, the nod was saying. 江晨强忍着笑意,点头说道。 Since you insist.”( To be continued.) “既然你坚持的话。”(未完待续。)
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