IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#502: Purchases aerospace company

The vigorous development of personal aerospace has a big background, that was the end of aerospace competition the failure and Cold War conclusion of early aerospace airplane caused, this disturbance caused the material item that United States started in the 80's dismount massively, the aerospace giant's investment throws away carelessly, the enthusiasm was greatly disappointed. 私人航天的蓬勃发展有个大背景,那就是早期航天飞机的失败和冷战结束导致的航天竞赛的结束,这场风波导致美国80年代开始的重要项目大量下马,航天巨头的投资都打了水漂,积极性大受打击。 The experience in the 90's the disarmament, as well as after the aviation aerospace spare-time university conforms, Pratt and Whitney, Boeing and monopoly degrees of Loma these giants are not the 1960 generation can compare, is also more sensitive to the risk, therefore is undecided to the commercial launch, only favors the national defense business. In expensive did not say, the rd-180 engine is the American investment, because the factory is not willing to spend to construct the new factory, finally must depend upon the Russia production. 经历90年代裁军,以及航空航天业大整合后,普惠、波音、洛马这些巨头的垄断程度已非60年代能比,对风险也更为敏感,所以对商业发射三心二意,只青睐国防生意。发生价格昂贵不说,rd-180发动机本来就是美国人投资的,就因为厂家不愿意花钱建新厂,结果完全要依靠俄国生产。 This is also Russia when facing the sanction can be hard the reason of neck. Threat termination cooperation, to International Space Station running out of food the program has performed more than once, and withstands the test. Until emerging of recent years personal aerospace company, this superficial threat gradually was not so easy-to-use. 这也正是俄国在面对制裁时能够硬着脖子的原因。威胁终止合作,给国际空间站“断粮”的戏码已经上演了不止一次,而且屡试不爽。直到近年来私人航天公司的兴起,这种不疼不痒的威胁才渐渐不那么好使。 Facts showed, is led the industry that not to have by the bureaucrat eventually in the future, this point in the aerospace industry is to also manifest incisiveness. 事实证明,由官僚主导的产业终究是没有未来的,这一点在航天行业亦是体现的淋漓尽致。 Takes famous personal aerospace company SpaceX for instance. 以著名的私人航天公司spaex为例。 The launch price has lowered nearly absurd degree, only then several of quotation price 1, have no country or the enterprise in the world can compete with it. These emerging company inherited the research results of massive old time aerospace giant, but the debt has not actually inherited. 其发射价格已经低到了一个近乎荒唐的程度,只有行情价的几分之一,全世界没有任何一个国家或企业可以和它竞争。这些新兴公司继承了大量旧时代航天巨头的研究成果,但债务却一点都没继承。 Speaking of spae- Boss Elon Musk , has the legendary character, but he is smaller than Jobs in the Chinese popularity by far. However if mentioned he has done several earth-shaking matters, many people should have hear. For example, he and person formed a partnership to organize the paypal online payment mechanism, was the most successful online payment way. Later was purchased by ebay, he also therefore earned life first bucket of gold. 说到spae-老板艾龙·马斯克,也是个颇具传奇色彩的人物,但是他在中国知名度远远小于乔布斯。不过要是提到他干过的几件惊天动地的事,不少人应该还是有所耳闻的。比如,他与人合伙创办了paypal网上付费机制,是迄今最成功的网上付费方式。之后被ebay收购,他也因此赚得了人生第一桶金 For example recent one year of hottest car(riage), does not need to suspect again, Tesla Boss is also he! 再比如最近一年最火的车,不用怀疑,特斯拉老板也是他! Moreover, he invited three well-known entrepreneurs to organize SpaceX together. And makes takes the space tourism as the beginning, the time of opening space resource privatization, eventually achieves sparks (Mars) settles down in the lofty strategic target. 不仅如此,他邀请三位知名企业家共同创办了spae-x。并作出“以太空旅游为起点,开启太空资源民营化的时代,最终实现火星定居”的远大战略目标。 But the fact proved that they also truly walked in Aerospace Domain in the world's most front row. 而事实证明了,在航天领域他们也确实走在了世界最前列。 Falcon rocket appears. It pushed the value achieved terrorist|terrifying 1 : 150 compared with( fuel and ratio of push weight)! Replaces the Russia best result 1 : 120, suddenly becomes world's most advanced rocket. What a more enviable envy hates, such rocket not only launches the cost to be inexpensive, unexpectedly can the reusable! first stage rocket can in 200 meters highly hovering, then the vertical drop is lossless. 猎鹰火箭横空出世。其推值比(燃料与推送重量之比)达到了恐怖的1:150!取代俄罗斯的最佳成绩1:120,一举成为世界最先进的火箭。更让人羡慕嫉妒恨的是,这样的火箭不但发射成本低廉,居然可以重复使用!一级火箭能在二百米高度悬停,然后垂直下落而无损。 Finally. Its engine or 3D Printing come out. 最后。它的发动机还是3d打印出来的。 Namely so numerous merits in one, its market competitiveness are unequalled. Meanwhile, it and NASA and relations of United States air force almost can describe with the pal. If the order that the snowflake floats makes Elon Musk earn bowl is full, basin is filled. 即如此众多优点于一身,其市场竞争力自是无与伦比。与此同时,其和nasa美国空军的关系几乎可以用铁哥们儿来形容。如雪花般飘来的订单让艾龙·马斯克赚得钵满盆满 However also because of its competitiveness terrorist|terrifying in this way, United States many small-scale personal aerospace company is the half-dead condition. 不过也正是因其竞争力恐怖如斯,美国不少小型私人航天公司都处在半死不活的状态。 The national defense order that most makes money was almost arrogated to oneself by SpaceX, the launch profit of commercial satellite was also reduced the pinnacle for various reasons. Also therefore, Jiang Chen can buy two aerospace company to reorganize by the 5,000,000,000 USD floor price, enriches the Star Ring Trading capitalization holding the Aerospace Technology Center talent team. 最赚钱的国防订单几乎被spae-x独揽,商业卫星的发射利润也因为各种原因被压缩到了极致。也正是因此,江晨能够凭借50亿美元的地板价买下两家航天公司进行重组,充实星环贸易全资控股的航天科技中心的人才班子。 Kelvin Burrow, before United States Mississippi aerospace technology company, trustee and Technology Supervisor, has the doctorate in Embry-Riddle Aerospace University, once participated in early period Falcon rocket researching and developing. Latter the resignation returns to the hometown to establish Mississippi aerospace technology company. But the fact showed, not all technicians can become Gates and Jobs such merchant, after suffering investment failure, his company owed the 500,000,000 USD debt, wandered on the bankrupt edge. 克尔温·伯罗,美国密西西比航天科技公司董事技术总监,在安柏瑞德航空航天大学拥有博士学位,曾参与猎鹰火箭早期研发。后辞职返回家乡成立密西西比航天科技公司。但事实证明,并非所有技术员都能成为盖茨乔布斯那样的商人,在遭遇投资失败后,他的公司欠下了5亿美元的债务,徘徊在破产的边缘。 Was good extended aid because of Jiang Chen promptly, he can preserve the lifetime the painstaking care to be insufficient to sell off. 好在江晨及时伸出了“援手”,他才得以保住自己毕生的心血不至于变卖。 Naturally, the capital is brutal. Jiang Chen became the Chairman of the Board first matter is the low price sold off his company most assets, and offered two times of original wage to their company staff simultaneously as well as goes to the working visa of Country of Xin. 当然,资本无情。江晨成为董事长的第一件事就是低价变卖了他公司绝大多数的资产,并同时向他们的公司员工开出了两倍原先的薪水以及赴新国的工作签证。 You know that what you did do? These equipment at least value 200,000,000 US Dollar! But you actually sold cheap by 50% discounts to my old master. God......, if I am Mr. Musk, I may smile to awake in having a dream.” Just left the Koro Island airport. Kelvin then seized Jiang Chen, the full mouth fleck of saliva complained. “你知道自己干了什么吗?那些设备至少值2亿美金!而你却以50%的折价贱卖给了我的老东家。哦,上帝……如果我是马斯克先生,我可能会在做梦的时候笑醒。”刚离开科罗岛的机场。克尔温便揪住了江晨,满口吐沫星子地抱怨道。 Mr. Musk will not smile to awake, with all due respect, SpaceX company may be unable to have a liking for your equipment. Very skillful. I cannot have a liking.” Jiang Chen said with the tone with ease, while opened the vehicle door for him. 马斯克先生不会笑醒,恕我直言,spae-x公司可看不上你的那些设备。很巧。我也看不上。”江晨一边用轻松地口吻说道,一边替他拉开了车门。 Your what meaning?” Candid Kelvin knits the brows to say immediately. “你什么意思?”心直口快的克尔温立刻皱眉道。 Wording meaning, believes me, waited till the destination, you then can be consistent with my viewpoint.” Jiang Chen sat the position of copilot. “字面意思,相信我,等到了目的地,你便会和我的观点保持一致。”江晨坐到了副驾驶的位置。 Sat in the back seat, Kelvin swept that plane wooden young girl of opening the eyes car(riage). Then looked that asked to Jiang Chen anxiously. 坐在了车后座,克尔温扫了眼开车的那位面无表情的少女。然后看向了江晨紧张地问道。 „Does she have the driver's license?” “她有驾照吗?” hears word, the Ayesha corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out. Jiang Chen stares, loses says with a smile. 闻言,阿伊莎嘴角抽了抽。江晨则是一愣,失笑道。 Relax, my sale price should fear death you are more right.” “放心,我的身价应该比你更怕死才对。” Good, I believe you......, but I have to remind you, even you are rich, something light/only depend on the bill unable to buy. I currently have 5671 pages of technical blueprints on hand spatially, but I can very responsible told you, was absolutely impossible to discover in this broken place my blueprint turns into the material object the factory.” “好吧,我相信你……但我不得不提醒你,就算你再有钱,有些东西光靠钞票也是买不到的。我现在手头空有5671页的技术图纸,但我可以很负责的告诉你,在这个破地方绝对不可能找出将我的图纸变成实物的工厂。” Right? That discarded your blueprint.” Jiang Chen said not completely indifferently. “是吗?那就把你的图纸丢掉好了。”江晨满不在乎地说道。 Kelvin gawked staring, knits the brows slightly. 克尔温愣了愣,微微皱眉。 Sorry, what did you say?” “抱歉,你说什么?” No, I am those words, I can understand that you filled to the new operating location were similar in the anxious mood, but I hope that you kept calm, because we will experience to some gadget of shocking everybody immediately......, front was a wharf, we must change the transportation vehicle.” “没什么,我还是那句话,我能够理解你对新的工作地点充满了类似于焦虑的情绪,但我希望你保持冷静,因为我们马上将见识到一些惊世骇俗的玩意儿……嗯,前面就是码头,我们得换个交通工具。” Cast aside casting aside not completely indifferently, Kelvin with something else in mind aha the sentence, then no longer spoke. 满不在乎地撇了撇,克尔温不以为然地“啊哈”了句,然后便不再说话。 Although Jiang Chen treats the attitude of his company and his technology makes him very discontented, but he does not have the truth and oneself wage cannot pass. If there is a choice, he will definitely not sell out the painstaking care of his lifetime. But very much what is a pity, has the United States Mississippi aerospace technology company absolute stockholder's rights is not his founder, capitalist but who chases the advantage. Facing the price that Jiang Chen starts out, company other shareholders have almost does not have any hesitant offer stockholder's rights both hands. 虽然江晨对待他的公司和他的技术的态度让他很不满,但他没道理和自己的薪水过不去。如果有选择的话,他肯定不会卖掉了他毕生的心血。但很可惜的是,拥有美国密西西比航天科技公司绝对股权的不是他这个创始人,而是逐利的资本家。面对江晨开出的价格,公司的其它股东几乎没有任何犹豫就将股权双手奉上。 Stopped by the wharf garage the car(riage), the Ayesha slightly profile, to Jiang Chen said with Chinese Language that Kelvin could not understand: He seems discontented with you.” 将车停在了码头旁的车库,阿伊莎微微侧脸,用克尔温听不懂的汉语江晨说道:“他似乎对你很不满。” That is natural, since all I sold out him 6 years painstaking care, and censures his research results is not worth a red cent.” Opens the vehicle door, Jiang Chen smiles was saying to Ayesha. “那是当然,毕竟我卖掉了他六年以来的心血,并将他的研究成果贬得一文不值。”推开车门,江晨微笑着向阿伊莎说道。 , Jiang Chen then looked to whole face impatient Kelvin, said with English, good Mr. Kelvin, we can go on board.” 顿了顿,江晨转而看向了满脸不耐烦的克尔温,用英语说道,“好了克尔温先生,我们可以登船了。” Spreads out to hold the hand of both arms, Kelvin is walking toward the ship simply. 摊开抱着双臂的手,克尔温干脆地向船上走去。 That hires him, when Technology Supervisor doesn't have the issue?” Ayesha looked puzzled to Jiang Chen, you were prepare to teach him very important thing.” “那雇佣他当技术总监没问题吗?”阿伊莎困惑地看向了江晨,“你是准备教给他很重要的东西吧。” Regarding Jiang Chen secret, Ayesha more or less knows, will therefore have such worry. 对于江晨身上的秘密,阿伊莎或多或少知道一点,所以才会有如此的担忧。 „The Technology Supervisor nature holds the post by the technical strong person, moreover I favor his learning capability very much, I is always very tolerant regarding the talent. As for his impoliteness, what are more is stemming from acting with constraint and rigorousness of technology, with has nothing to do loyally. So long as I can put out the technology that makes him shock, helping him realize his dream, and gives his enough material return, his have no reason the parsimonious own loyalty.” 技术总监自然得由技术强的人担任,而且我很看好他的学习能力,对于人才我一向很宽容。至于他的无礼,更多的是出于对技术的矜持和严谨,与忠诚无关。只要我能拿出让他震撼的技术,帮助他实现他的梦想,并给予他足够的物质回报,他没有理由会吝啬自己的忠诚。” Said this saying time, Jiang Chen remembered Jiang Lin. The intuition told him, they two were the same kind of people. 说这话的时候,江晨不由想起了蒋林。直觉告诉他,他们两是同一类人。 On the Ayesha face that ignorant expression, obviously does not seem like understands the words that Jiang Chen spoke. However that no reason -based the trust, she nods as before. 阿伊莎脸上那懵懂的表情,明显不像是听懂了江晨所说的话。不过基于那毫无缘由的信任,她依旧点了点头。 Since you believe him.” “既然你相信他的话。” Naturally, if he revolted when the time comes, that asked you.” Jiang Chen said with a smile. “当然了,如果到时候他叛变了,那就拜托你了。”江晨笑道。 Ayesha has not spoken, but simple nods. 阿伊莎没有说话,只是简单地点了点头。 The traitors will be responsible for processing by Specter Agent. 背叛者会由幽灵特工负责处理。 No one can escape their ambushes......( to be continued.) 没有人能逃过她们的狙击……(未完待续。)
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