IHAMITLOD :: Volume #6

#501: Response of CIA

State of Virginia, Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters. 弗吉尼亚州,中情局总部 In spacious Director Office, a middle-aged white man is depending on the computer chair, deeply frowns is staring at the document in hand. 宽敞的局长办公室内,一名中年白人男子正靠在电脑椅上,眉头紧锁地盯着手中的文件。 Space Program? Actually this Future Group is taking advantage anything.” By the desk, Naomi is staring at the document in hand, cannot bear say. 航天计划?这未来人集团究竟在打些什么算盘。”靠在办公桌上,内奥米盯着手中的文件,忍不住说道。 Because in the serious damage of China spy action, first Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan could not withstand the public opinion pressure on take the blame and resign a while ago finally, his Naomi Madden has the opportunity high-rank. Although, the authority adjusted for various reasons in view of the Future Group strategy, but a Jiang Chen this name in line in list that in CIA looks after with emphasis. 因为前段时间在华国间谍行动的重大损失,前中情局局长约翰·布伦南最终顶不住舆论压力引咎辞职,他内奥米·马登才有机会上位。虽然因为各种各样的原因,当局调整了针对未来人集团的策略,但江晨这个名字一直列在cia重点关照的名单上。 Before subverting Pannu the political power, to the Philippines fishing boat event, again to recent Immersive-type Virtual Reality Technology like a raging fire, as well as in picking Mining Industry causes the topic Deep Sea Mining Technology...... the back of this series of hot spot events, can see the name of that man faintly. Some information showed, Jiang Chen likely is secret instigation of Philippines Civil War, because does not have the evidence, CIA is unable to make anything to them. 从颠覆帕努前政权,到菲国渔船事件,再到近期如火如荼的沉浸式虚拟实境技术,以及在采矿业内引起话题的深海采矿技术……这一系列热点事件的背后,都隐隐能看到那个男人的名字。更有情报表明,江晨很可能就是菲国内战的幕后主使,但因为没有证据,cia也无法对他们做些什么。 The intuition told Naomi, this fellow was a dangerous character. It is not because his existence harmed the United States national interest, because his can always create the ability of miracle. The riddle that on him has was really many, reminded him of a dust-laden for a long time document...... 直觉告诉内奥米,这家伙是个危险的人物。不是因为他的存在危害了美国的国家利益,而是因为他那总能创造奇迹的能力。他身上存在的谜团实在是太多了,以至于让他想起了一份尘封已久的文件…… „It is not clear, only what can determine, they contribute 5,000,000,000 US Dollar to purchase our domestic two personal aerospace technology company full share of now being on the verge of the bankruptcy, and convenes Board of Directors to discuss, two company reorganization merges, enrolls in the Star Ring Trading Company aerospace project section, and moves goes to Country of Xin.” Stands behind male detective both hands, the language fast said at a moderate pace. “不清楚,唯一能够确定的是,他们现在斥资50亿美金收购了我们国内两家濒临破产的私人航天科技公司全部股份,并召开董事会议,将两家公司重组合并,编入星环贸易公司航天项目部中,并迁址前往新国。”站在男子身旁的探员双手背后,语速不紧不慢地说道。 Customs?” The Naomi vision the document from the hand has not moved out of the way. “海关方面?”内奥米目光没有从手中文件挪开。 In two aerospace technology company assets has 11 equipment to be listed in the middle of the clause of limit exit|to speak, but they have not walked the customs, but was sells off these equipment low prices directly to SpaceX. As if they do not plan to want these equipment, only wants these technicians.” “两家航天科技公司资产中有11件设备列于限制出口的条目当中,不过他们没有走海关,而是直接将这些设备低价变卖给了spaex。似乎他们根本不打算要那些设备,只想要那些技术员。” Naomi laughs at one. 内奥米嗤笑一声。 oh? they think that only needed to make a group of MIT big graduates in the past, can the growing out of nothing earth-shaking transformation have rocket to come?” 哦?他们难道以为只需要弄一批麻省理工大的毕业生过去,就能从无到有地变出火箭来吗?” Without that industrial output capacity. Is a screw bolt on rocket do not want to make. This does not make the issue that several scientists can solve in the past, is the high-end industry, is then higher regarding the request of industrial infrastructure. 没有那个工业生产能力。就是火箭上的一颗螺丝钉都别想造出来。这可不是弄几个科学家过去就能解决的问题,越是高端的产业,对于工业基础的要求便越高。 But lays this industrial infrastructure, usually takes dozens years. 而建立这个工业基础,往往需要数十年的时间。 Does not know. Like us does not know where they cause that Deep Sea Mining equipment.” That detective shrugs. “不知道。就像我们不知道他们从哪里弄出那个深海采矿设备一样。”那名探员耸了耸肩。 Naomi fell into silent. 内奥米陷入了沉默。 Although he is not a technician, but he of science subjects birth had regarding Deep Sea Mining difficult problem understand. First one is the material issue, rarely has the material to be able long time to withstand 7000 meters water depth the intensity of pressure, withstood/top this terrorist|terrifying intensity of pressure on mine not to mention. 虽然他不是技术员,但理科出生的他对于深海采矿难题还是有所了解的。首先一个就是材料问题,很少有材料能长时间承受7000米水深的压强,更别提顶着这恐怖的压强采矿了。 A while is Virtual Reality, a while is Deep Sea Mining. Now they reach aerospace the hand, as if they in did not count the cost layout most front domain. The front means the risk, but also means the high return with this relatively. 一会儿是虚拟实境,一会儿又是深海采矿。现在他们又将手伸向了航天,似乎他们一直在不计成本地布局着最前沿的领域。前沿就意味着风险,但与此相对地也意味着高回报。 The Future Group major stockholder is a through and through gambler, moreover is in not a parsimonious hand the gambler of chip, this had almost reached an agreement in the Wall Street investor. 未来人集团的大股东是个彻头彻尾的赌徒,而且是个毫不吝啬手中筹码的赌徒,这点在华尔街的投资客中几乎已经达成了一个共识。 Can find the way to check their technological source?” The Naomi sinking sound asked. “能想办法查到他们的技术来源吗?”内奥米沉声问道。 This works I to arrange the person to do, but still has no result.” That detective face reveal, had/left reluctantly the expression, at present we can only speculate, they are having some secret research institute, it possibly in underground, or camouflages other organization to hide in Country of Xin somewhere. Has to say. Although they somewhat do in intelligence not bother about trifles, but only secret actually discrete does not make sense. Can I apply to Country of Xin increase the manpower?” “这个工作我一直安排人在做,不过至今没什么成效。”那名探员脸露、出了无奈地表情,“目前我们只能推测,他们在拥有某个隐秘的研究所,它可能在地下,或者伪装成别的机构藏在新国某处。不得不说。他们虽然在情报工作方面做得有些不拘小节,但唯独保密工作却谨慎的不像话。我可以申请向新国增派人手吗?” „Very difficult.” Naomi shakes the head, the place that needs to choose a person were too many, although Future Group is interesting, but after all he is only a private enterprise. Although some Congress person's in technologies to their hands is interested, but the White House aspect wants to win over Country of Xin, requesting us to maintain the restraint of certain extent.” “很难。”内奥米摇了摇头,“需要用人的地方太多了,未来人集团虽然有趣,但毕竟他只是个私人企业。虽然部分国会的人对他们手上的技术感兴趣,但白宫方面希望拉拢新国,要求我们保持一定程度的克制。” „Isn't President interested?” The detectives asked. 总统不感兴趣吗?”探员问道。 Said that what is President provides the campaign fund is the energy giant, rather than NASDAQ listing company.” Naomi said lightly, our work with emphasis as in Middle East and Eastern Europe. As for these new phenomena. So long as is not the weapon of mass destruction, gives these merchants to use one's head quite well.” “这么说吧,为总统提供竞选资金的是能源巨头,而不是纳斯达克的上市公司。”内奥米淡淡地说道,“我们的工作重点依旧在中东和东欧。至于那些新鲜玩意儿。只要不是大规模杀伤性武器,还是交给那些商人们自己去动脑筋比较好。” As a rule, budget security CIA does not need to fling the President face, to White House loyal and devoted should be their old enemy F compels. But because previous time was suspended one in China by General Staff. Now no energy of CIA when facing Congress and White House. 通常而言,“预算保密”的cia是不用甩总统面子的,对白宫忠心耿耿的应该是他们的老对头f逼。但由于上次在华国“被总参”摆了一道。现在cia在面对国会白宫时都没什么底气。 John Brennan retires early , because does not flatter by Congress and White House. The spy action of making a decision without authorization almost hauls in the diplomatic mire White House, fortunately before the China, event has not lodged the protest, otherwise United States will fall into after Bay of Pigs Incident the second largest diplomatic scandal. 约翰·布伦南之所以提前退休,就是因为在国会白宫两边都不讨好。擅做主张的间谍行动差点把白宫拉进外交泥潭,所幸华国没有就此前事件提出抗议,否则美国又将陷入继猪湾事件后第二大外交丑闻。 Although Congress has no right to question the CIA budget use, but actually has the right to reduce to its allocation, but in fact they have been doing. Even if Naomi does not want to reverse to that side President. He also has to make the compromise of certain extent for the matter of budget. 虽然国会无权过问cia的预算用途,但却有权削减对其拨款,而事实上他们已经在做了。即便内奥米不想倒向总统那边。他也不得不为预算的事做出一定程度的妥协。 Good, this damn politics......, but I want to say that Country of Xin establishes national Security Department at present, our work certainly may be affected. If cannot obtain the support, I am unable to guarantee , can also look like such stable provision information.” The detectives sighed, spread out the hand to say reluctantly. “好吧,这该死的政治……但我想说的是,新国目前成立了国家安全部门,我们的工作可能会受到一定的影响。如果不能获得支援,我无法保证以后还能像这么稳定的提供情报。”探员叹了口气,摊开手无奈地说道。 That sets the example, stares at their launch project on is not Future Group that the line...... makes me care, but is the mousie that we raise, recently as if some were not obedient.” Naomi said. “那就做做样子,盯好他们的发射项目就行……更让我在意的不是未来人集团,而是我们养的小老鼠,最近似乎有些不听话。”内奥米说道。 Wiley Society?” That detective probes asks. 维利会?”那名探员试探地问道。 Right, the information showed, they as if received the donation of unknown origin, does not satisfy occupying Ukraine this small place, extended on the children in our Europe the antenna. Recently some information showed, they as if had some degree of contact with Jiang Chen.” Naomi took up another document, said lightly. “没错,情报表明,他们似乎收到了来历不明的捐款,不满足于屈居乌克兰这个小地方,将触角伸到了我们欧洲的小朋友们身上。最近更是有情报表明,他们似乎与江晨进行了某种程度的接触。”内奥米拿起了另一份文件,淡淡地说道。 You were said that...... Jiang Chen and Wiley Society had the relation.” “你是说……江晨维利会存在联系。” Should not be, both sides should not have the benefit the focus, not to......, if insisted saying that also had.” Naomi tightens the brow, bites the thumb to mutter. “应该不是,双方应该不存在利益的焦点,不对……如果硬要说的话,也不是没有。”内奥米紧锁眉头,咬着大拇指喃喃自语道。 A word appeared suddenly in his mind. 一个单词突然浮现在了他的脑海中。 Golden Apple...... 金苹果…… To be honest, before Soviet Union disintegrates, collects the Golden Apple information is one of the CIA projects. But since the conclusion of Cold War, this did not have the work of clue then to be put aside gradually. 老实说,直到苏联解体之前,收集金苹果的情报一直都是cia的工作项目之一。但随着冷战的结束,这项一直没有线索的工作便被逐步搁置了。 But does that gadget really exist? In the legend can communicate the future item. 可那玩意儿真的存在吗?传说中能沟通未来的道具。 Immediately a Naomi brow loosen, self-ridiculed shakes the head with a smile. 随即内奥米眉头一松,自嘲地笑着摇了摇头。 How that type of gadget possibly exists , like Nazi North Pole military base. 那种玩意儿怎么可能存在,就和纳粹的北极军事基地一样。 The reality is not the novel. 现实又不是小说。 ( To be continued.) (未完待续。)
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