IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#500: Discussion of Presidential Palace

Also visits? That order?” “同时访?那先后顺序呢?” According to the distance distance, first visits China, then visits US. In the time arranged to be good because of the end of this year, at the appointed time I will accompany you to go together.” Jiang Chen said. “按照距离远近,先访华,然后访美。时间上就安排在今年年底好了,届时我会陪你一起去。”江晨说道。 12 at the end of the month. After United States 11 moon/month election?” Zhang Yaping feels the chin to say. 十二月底。在美国十一月大选之后吗?”张亚平摸着下巴道。 Right.” The Jiang Chen nod said. “没错。”江晨点头道。 Should be feasible. When the election ended, after the US government completes the changing session work, proposed the visit to apply, how considering that the turnaround time...... the specific time did decide on December 25?” Zhang Yaping proposed. “应该可行。等大选结束,美方政府完成换届工作后提出访问申请,考虑到回复时间……具体时间就定在12月25日如何?”张亚平提议道。 Does not have the issue.” The Jiang Chen nod said. “没问题。”江晨点头道。 Then interview?” Zhang Yaping then asked. “那么访问内容呢?”张亚平接着问道。 Naturally is primarily the economic and trade cooperation and promotion non-governmental exchange, after all maintains the absolute neutrality to the international affairs is our basic state policies. The language appropriate to the occasion on diplomacy, you should be familiar compared with me many.” Jiang Chen smiles was saying. “当然是以经贸合作、促进民间交流为主,毕竟对国际事务保持绝对中立是我们的基本国策。外交上的辞令,你应该比我熟悉的多吧。”江晨微笑着说道。 Good...... I will arrange my assistant to help me discharge the timetable, then lists the entourage list.” The Zhang Yaping nod said. “好的……我会安排我的助手帮我排出时间表,然后列出随行人员名单。”张亚平点头道。 That asked.” “那就拜托咯。” Is impolite, by the Country of Xin current economic growth rate, we also truly needs to establish the good diplomatic relations with these Great Nation. According to scheduled, we originally planned are the beginning of next year start the diplomatic visit, now also is just ahead of time for a month.” Took up the coffee cup to sip the mouth gently, the Zhang Yaping smile said. “不客气,以新国目前的经济增速,我们也确实需要与这些大国建立良好的邦交关系。按照预定,我们原计划是明年年初展开外交访问,现在也只不过是提前了一个月而已。”轻轻拿起咖啡杯抿了口,张亚平微笑道。 At present economy of Country of Xin from primitive agriculture economy to focusing on tourism, light industry for the direction transformation, Future Mining Deep Sea Mining Technology also transported a lot of unnecessary molybdenum and manganese ores to the international market at the same time. Naturally is not only able to digest these resources depending on the Country of Xin domestic market, at this time needs to be clerk by President, leading a ticket entrepreneur to go to the overseas to get the business. 目前新国的经济正在从原始的农耕经济向以旅游业为主、轻工业为辅的方向转型,与此同时未来人矿业深海采矿技术也向国际市场输送了大量多余的钼、锰矿石。仅凭新国国内的市场自然是无法消化这些资源,这时候就需要由总统担任“业务员”,带着一票企业家去海外揽生意了。 But generally stems from wins over and output the influence and other factor of the considerations, Great Nation will often not make the small country return empty-handed. 而一般出于拉拢和输出影响力等因素的考虑,大国往往也不会让来访的小国空手而归。 Only then this matter?” Put down the coffee cup, Zhang Yaping again ten fingers of overlapping, asked benignly. “只有这个事吗?”放下了咖啡杯,张亚平再次十指交叉,和颜悦色地问道。 „A matter,”, Jiang Chen visits him saying that I need the satellite launch.” “还有一件事,”顿了顿,江晨看着他说道,“我需要发射卫星。” Satellite launch?” Because the topic extremely jumps, Zhang Yaping gawked staring. “发射卫星?”因为话题太过跳跃,张亚平愣了愣。 Right. In other words, I prepare to approach Country of Xin close to the unmanned islands of equator, establishes Aerospace Technology Center , launches rocket as well as meteorological observation and other goals for the scientific research.” Jiang Chen said earnestly. “没错。也就是说,我准备在靠近新国靠近赤道的无人岛屿,建立一座航天科技中心,用于科研、发射火箭以及气象观测等目的。”江晨认真地说道。 Doesn't consider to rent rocket? For example Russia. They seem an expert in that aspect very much, moreover you and their relations seem good.” Zhang Yaping cannot bear say. “不考虑租用火箭吗?比如俄国。他们似乎在那方面很在行,而且你和他们的关系似乎不错。”张亚平忍不住说道。 Renting rocket is not the long-term plan, I do not hope that the satellite of Star Ring Trading launch is under the control of others forever. Moreover considered situated in National Security, Country of Xin must have the ability of independent satellite launch. Let alone we approach the equator line, has the advantageous geographical position advantage. If not use, is really some careless and wasteful use of nature's products.” Jiang Chen said earnestly. “租用火箭不是长久之计,我不希望星环贸易发射的卫星永远受制于人。而且处于国家安全考虑,新国也必须拥有独立发射卫星的能力。更何况我们靠近赤道线,拥有得天独厚的地理位置优势。如果不加以利用,实在是有些暴殄天物。”江晨认真地说道。 simple that but satellite launch you have not imagined.” Zhang Yaping sighed, starts to explain trouble to Jiang Chen. “可是发射卫星没有你想象的那么简单。”张亚平叹了口气,开始向江晨解释起其中的麻烦。 First, according to the convention, launching rocket needs( i exercises), International Maritime Organization( i to touch), International Telecommunication Union ( itu ) notification satellite launching plan to the international civil aviation organization. 首先,按照惯例,发射火箭需要向国际民用航空组织(i操)、国际海事组织(i摸)、国际电信联盟(itu)通报卫星发射计划。 Next, because Pannu once joined «Treaty on Principle States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies», «Outer Space Treaty» that namely usual people called, Pannu had to United Nations notifies the aerospace launch duty. Although regime change, but before Country of Xin inherited , the United Nations seat of Pannu political power, therefore also inherited this treaty in principle. 其次,因为帕努曾加入了《关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其它天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约》,即通常人们称呼的《外层空间条约》,帕努有向联合国通报航天发射活动的义务。虽然政权更迭,但新国继承了前帕努政权的联合国席位,所以原则上也是继承了这个条约的。 Merely is the circular? You made your secretary write several documents to hand over not on the line.” Jiang Chen said. “仅仅是通报吗?那你让你的秘书写几份文件交上去不就行了。”江晨说道。 Without that simple. Various types of international organizations can investigate our launch conditions, the one who confirmed us to launch was the safe satellite, rather than intercontinental ballistic missile. Moreover can expect what is, Philippines will certainly lodge the protest to our launch plans, and adopts the political means to obstruct our launch plans, in the name of National Security.” Zhang Yaping shakes the head to say. “没那么简单。各种国际组织会来调查我们的发射状况,确认我们发射的是安全的卫星,而不是洲际导弹。而且可以预料到的是,菲国一定会对我们的发射计划提出抗议,并采取政治手段阻挠我们的发射计划,以国家安全的名义。”张亚平摇头说道。 The Jiang Chen corners of the mouth bring back wipe to sneer. 江晨嘴角勾起一抹冷笑。 Does not need to care, they could not take care of oneself, do the thoughts worry about our launch plans? Three days later I will place on the complete launch plan your desk, launches the project for the civil communications satellite, fully conforms to the international law. As for these international tour group. Casual they inspect.” “无需在意,他们都自顾不暇了,还有心思操心我们的发射计划?三天后我会将完整的发射计划放在你的办公桌上,发射项目为民用通讯卫星,完全符合国际法。至于那些‘国际观光团’。随便他们考察。” Seeing the Jiang Chen attitude is firm, Zhang Yaping sighed. 江晨态度坚决,张亚平叹了口气。 Good, since you insist. However I directly asked that does Star Ring Trading have to launch the rocket ability? That is not root firecracker that simple.” “那好吧,既然你坚持的话。不过恕我直接这么问了,星环贸易有发射火箭的能力吗?那可不是点根炮仗那么简单。” This you do not need to be worried. I will solve the problem in this aspect.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “这你无需担心。我会解决这方面的问题。”江晨微笑道。 Now has not had on behalf of tomorrow. 现在没有不代表明天没有。 United States so many half-dead personal aerospace company, spent the person and equipment buys not on the line. The equipment that the limit leaves country keeps that not to bring, Jiang Chen does not cherish these backward gadget. He in any case what needs is only one batch the aerospace technician is responsible for the firing operation and equipment maintenance. 美国那么多半死不活的私人航天公司,花钱把人和设备都买回来不就行了。限制出境的设备就留在那不带,江晨也不稀罕那些落后的玩意儿。反正他需要的只是一批懂航天的技术员来负责发射操作以及设备维护。 He from Last of Days will make as for the satellite that rocket and needs to launch, made these have this expert of aspect foundation to be familiar under the operation explanation of equipment on the line. True Aerospace Technology Research Institute not in present world, but in Last of Days. 至于火箭和需要发射的卫星他都会从末世那边弄过来,把设备的操作说明让那些有这方面基础的专家熟悉下就行了。真正的“航天科技研究所”可不在现世,而在末世 Launching rocket the strategic significance economic significance is big, aerospace rocket is prerequisite technical of intercontinental ballistic missile does not need to raise. Any has to launch the aerospace rocket country, has the Global Strike potential. But has this ability, regarding other countries is a deterrent. 发射火箭无论是战略意义还是经济意义都非常大,航天火箭是洲际导弹的前置科技这点自不必提。任何拥有发射航天火箭的国家,都具备全球打击的潜力。而拥有这种能力,对于其它国家本身就是一种威慑。 As for the economic domain, from establishing to be separated from independent Virtual Reality Network of seabed electric cable, to the Space Elevator construction, to the Moon resource development, all cannot leave again launches rocket this most foundation the aerospace technology. 至于经济领域,从建立脱离海底电缆的独立虚拟实境网络,到太空电梯建设,再到月球资源开发,全都离不开发射火箭这个最基础的航天技术。 Jiang Chen hopes the technician who can let the present world digests the aerospace technology from Last of Days gradually, after all he is not a scientist, although can relaxed attains the present world the Last of Days thing, but digests these cross time the technologies the scientist of dependence present world. 江晨希望能让现世的技术员逐步消化来自末世航天技术,毕竟他自己不是科学家,虽然能轻松的将末世的东西拿到现世来,但消化这些跨时代的技术还是得依靠现世的科学家。 The matter of reserve of capable people more starts to be better early, this will be a long-term investment. 人才储备的事越早开始越好,这将是一笔长期的投资。 Drinks up the coffee in cup, Jiang Chen then and Zhang Yaping said goodbye. 将杯中的咖啡喝完,江晨便和张亚平告辞了。 When Jiang Chen opens the gate, Chief of Staff that wears the western-style clothes is preparing to pass through the gate. Shows a faint smile to ethnic Chinese of this tall person, Jiang Chen passes through from his side. 江晨拉开门的时候,那位身着西服的幕僚长正准备进门。对这位高个子的华裔微微一笑,江晨从他的身边走过。 The vision stayed the moment in the Jiang Chen's back, Chief of Staff received the smile that pushed, entered in President Office. 目光在江晨的背影上停留了片刻,幕僚长收起了挤出来的微笑,走进了总统办公室内。 Mr. President, this really?” 总统先生,这样真的好吗?” What do you refer to? My Chief of Staff.” Received on the coffee cup the platform, the Zhang Yaping smile said. “你指的是什么?我的幕僚长。”将咖啡杯收到了台子上,张亚平微笑道。 With all due respect, I see, sits the person on President this seat is not you, but is that man.” Deeply inspires, Zhong Wei said. “恕我直言,就我所看到的,坐在总统这个位子上的人不是您,而是那个男人。”深吸了一口气,钟伟说道。 What does this have is not good? Our Country of Xin at present 80% financial revenues direct or indirect are related with his Future Group, this year the gdp speed-up is likely to break through 100%, this in the universal history will be a miracle.” Zhang Yaping said indifferently. “这有什么不好吗?我们新国目前80%的财政收入直接或间接与他的未来人集团相关,今年gdp增速有望突破100%,这在世界史上都将是个奇迹。”张亚平无所谓地说道。 But by the economy of oligopoly is the danger. In the necessary time, they will even subvert Zhong Wei somewhat to say excitedly. “但由寡头垄断的经济是及其危险的。在必要的时刻,他们甚至会颠覆”钟伟有些激动地说道。 Mr. Zhong Wei, you must know, this country is they subverted.” Zhang Yaping looked at Zhong Wei one lightly. 钟伟先生,你要知道,这个国家本来就是他们颠覆的。”张亚平淡淡地看了钟伟一眼。 Looks at that faint look, Zhong Wei turned very quiet. 看着那淡漠的眼神,钟伟不由屏住了呼吸。 In a flash, he to this familiar President, had a strange feeling unexpectedly. 一瞬间,他对这位熟悉的总统,竟是产生了一丝陌生的感觉。 Sits the person on President this seat is I, Mr. Zhong Wei. So long as I so have been good to speak, then sits the person on this seat is I.” “坐在总统这个位子上的人就是我,钟伟先生。而且只要我一直这么好说话,那么坐在这个位子上的人将一直都是我。” Moreover you see, one year ago compares, actually did the level of living of people drop was improved?” Shows a faint smile, Zhang Yaping said. “而且就你所看到的,和一年前相比,人民的生活水平究竟下降了还是提升了呢?”微微一笑,张亚平说道。 Truly, promoted many...... “确实,提升了……很多。” Although does not approve Jiang Chen to regard the puppet President to direct generally, but Zhong Wei has to acknowledge, because the Jiang Chen's substantial investment, awakened the economy of Palau Archipelago. Improves the islander environment from the construction block of flats, to investment infrastructure construction, Star Ring Trading, not only has not made a matter that infringes the Country of Xin benefit, is the good deed that does cannot count with both hands on the contrary. 虽然不认同江晨总统当成傀儡一般使唤,但钟伟不得不承认,正是因为江晨的巨额投资,才唤醒了帕努群岛的经济。从修建公寓楼改善岛民居住环境,到投资基础设施建设,星环贸易非但没有做过一件损害新国利益的事,反倒是做的好事用两只手都数不过来。 That is enough.” The Zhang Yaping smile said. “那就已经足够了。”张亚平微笑道。 But “可是” Zhong Wei also wants to say anything, however Zhang Yaping broke him unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 钟伟还想说些什么,然而张亚平毫不客气地打断了他。 Mr. Zhong Wei, I hire you to hold the post of Chief of Staff, because of you in the Ph.D in Economics degree of Harvard, as well as you in international relations, trade and other in expertise domains splendid ability, rather than your what laughable political smell and bored ambition. Here is not White House, is Country of Xin Presidential Palace, do you understand my meaning?” 钟伟先生,我之所以雇佣你担任幕僚长,是因为你在哈佛的经济学博士学位,以及你在国际关系、贸易等专业知识领域中出色的能力,而不是你那些什么可笑的政治嗅觉和无聊的野心。这里不是白宫,是新国总统府,你明白我的意思吗?” After long time, Zhong Wei then nods difficultly. 半晌后,钟伟这才艰难地点了点头。 Got it.” “明白了。” Therefore after something , cannot raise again, yes?” “所以有些事以后不许再提,明白?” „...... Understands.”( To be continued.) “……明白。”(未完待续。)
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