IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#499: Re-equipping Lamborghini

With the training of Specter Agent, the Country of Xin National Security Bureau team enriched finally. During the training, Ayesha very earnestly to each agent the personality and specialty conducted the careful summary in every way possible. The organizational ability strong person is promoted as Minister, observation capability strong is the anti- spy personnel or the important person bodyguard, the ability to act strong dispatches the overseas collection information...... 随着幽灵特工的训练完毕,新国国家安全局的队伍总算是充实了起来。在训练时,阿伊莎很认真地对每名特工的性格特点以及专长都进行了细致入微的总结。组织能力较强的人被提拔为部长,观察能力较强的担任反间谍人员或要员保镖,行动能力较强的则派往海外收集情报…… These 110 agent like an unfolding big net, infiltrate into Country of Xin each corner, and reaches the overseas its antenna. Similar to 110 eyes, is monitoring conspiring and spying on that has in Country of Xin each corner. 这110名特工就像一张铺开的大网,渗透入新国的每一处角落,并将它的触角伸向海外。就如同110双眼睛,监视着发生在新国每一处角落的密谋和窥探。 ...... …… When two people return from the training island to Koro Island, already almost 11 points. Just saluting to place the living room, Ayesha slightly is then running the kitchen. Underwater sound huā lā remembers, listening to sound Jiang Chen then to know, she is cleaning these to fall the grey kitchenware. 当两人从训练小岛上返回到科罗岛时,已经差不多11点了。刚把行礼放在客厅,阿伊莎便啪嗒啪嗒地小跑着进了厨房。水声哗啦啦地想起,听声音江晨便知道,她在清洗那些落了灰的厨具。 Since Ayesha leaves, Jiang Chen has not then basically opened at home overdone, every day outside does not go to eat at a restaurant is goes to that side Last of Days to dine to eat, this kitchen naturally left unused. 自从阿伊莎离开之后,江晨便基本没在家里开过火,每天不是去外面下馆子就是去末世那边蹭饭吃,这厨房自然就闲置了下来。 Quick, the sound of kitchen fan then resounds, in the kitchen transmitted dōng dōng dōng vegetable/dish sound. Looked at that in behind the frosted glass is rocking the petite person's shadow, the Jiang Chen's corners of the mouth is bringing back wiped the happy expression. 很快,抽油烟机的声音便响起,厨房中传来了“咚咚咚”的切菜声。望着那在磨砂玻璃背后晃动着的娇小人影,江晨的嘴角不由勾起了一抹笑意。 How to describe this feeling? 咋形容这种感觉呢? Does the short separation win newly-married? 小别胜新婚? Although Ayesha always takes to his feeling, the probably newly-married wife is the same. 虽然阿伊莎一直以来带给他的感觉,都好像是新婚妻子一样。 For a long time has not arrived at the Ayesha craftsmanship, eats that delicacy delicious meal again, Jiang Chen has almost not eaten together the tongue. 许久未尝到阿伊莎的手艺,再次吃到那美味可口的饭菜,江晨差点没把舌头给一起吃进去。 The Ayesha cook and Yao Yao are two entirely different styles, because of the Last of Days temperature low reason, Yao Yao excels at the stew and hot pot. But Ayesha the flavors of some preparing food style China and West unions, for example sliver the filament the black pepper beef steak, mixes up to fry with the green pepper and so on. But any approach, the delicacy is without doubt! 阿伊莎的厨艺和姚姚是两个截然不同的风格,因为末世气温较低的缘故,姚姚更擅长炖菜和火锅。而阿伊莎的做菜风格则有些中西结合的味道,比如将黑胡椒牛排切成细丝,和青椒混在一起炒之类的。可无论是哪种做法,美味是无疑的! If did not inject Genetic Medicine, the digestion and metabolic ability are at variance with the average man, Jiang Chen somewhat were also worried oneself will eat a wholesale market to come out. 如果不是注射了基因药剂,消化和代谢能力都异于常人,江晨还真有点担心自己会吃个啤酒肚出来。 The elbow by the table, looks at the beloved person to eat personally cooking the appearance of meal greedily. On the face of Ayesha revealed and had/left the happy smile. 胳膊肘靠在桌上,望着心爱的人狼吞虎咽地吃着自己亲手烹饪的饭菜的样子。阿伊莎的脸上不由露、出了幸福的微笑。 „Aren't you hungry?” Notices Ayesha not to use the chopsticks, Jiang Chen asks curiously. “你不饿吗?”注意到阿伊莎一直没动筷子,江晨不由好奇地问道。 The corners of the mouth bent, Ayesha is winking the eye of that deep-blue. 嘴角弯了弯,阿伊莎眨着那湛蓝色的眼睛。 Un...... always thought that for a long time had not seen, wants to look at a while.” “嗯……总觉得好久没有看到了,想多看一会儿。” After having had the lunch . Jiang Chen helped Ayesha tidy up the kitchen the tableware together, forced in the dish washer. The clothes that yesterday will change forced in the washer, two people then took up the cleaning tool together, cleans up the dust of this full villa. 吃过午餐后。江晨帮着阿伊莎一起将碗筷收拾进了厨房,塞进洗碗机中。将昨天换下的衣服塞进了洗衣机,两人便一同拿起了清洁工具,清理起这满别墅的灰尘。 Although time from the beginning, Ayesha insisted that was cleaned by oneself is OK. But Jiang Chen insisted on taking up the broom to indicate that must help. Had not helped do the housework, where he feels all right will put in order a villa to give her to clean. 虽然一开始的时候,阿伊莎坚持由自己来打扫就可以了。但江晨还是执意拿起了扫帚表示要帮忙。一直都没有帮忙做过家务,他哪里好意思将整栋别墅都交给她一个人来打扫。 Let alone cleans the room with the beloved person together, this matter also has many indescribable pleasure. 更何况与心爱的人一起打扫屋子,这件事本身也存在着诸多难以言喻的乐趣。 Completes cleaning of room, was one's turn the person. 完成屋子的扫除,接下来就轮到人了。 Thereupon, Jiang Chen by the posture that the princess holds, hugs Ayesha that is blushing wear a look to enter the bathroom. 于是乎,江晨以公主抱的姿势,抱着面带红晕的阿伊莎走进了浴室。 Lightly the sound of water has continued for two hours, moved toward the stagnation in the hesitation. 淅淅沥沥的水声一直持续了两个多小时,才在犹豫中走向了停滞。 This all day, Jiang Chen passed in the ease. 这一整天,江晨都在悠闲中度过。 ...... …… Next morning, according to today's scheduled, Jiang Chen prepares Presidential Palace to see Zhang Yaping. Yesterday afternoon time. He has telephoned to be scheduled to Presidential Palace, opens Asian President to find morning time to meet with him from schedule especially. 次日清晨,按照今天的预定,江晨准备去总统府见一趟张亚平。昨天下午的时候。他已经向总统府打电话预定过了,张亚总统会从行程表上特地挤出一个上午的时间与他进行会面。 Brings Ayesha to arrive in the garage, Jiang Chen the brand-new car(riage) key will hand in her hand, said with a smile. 带着阿伊莎来到车库中,江晨将崭新的车钥匙递到了她的手上,笑着说道。 Comes the new car of familiar under our family/home.” “来熟悉下我们家的新车。” Looked at that Lamborghini, Ayesha is somewhat looking puzzled to him. 望着那辆兰博基尼,阿伊莎有些困惑地看向了他。 What before this and that does have to distinguish?” “这和以前的那辆有什么区别吗?” Jiang Chen smiles. 江晨神秘一笑。 Difference was too big, you entered had a look to know.” “区别太大了,你走进了看看就知道了。” Walks up halfly believing and half doubting, Ayesha put out a hand to place on the automobile front cover, knocked knocking gently. In a flash, on her face showed the surprise facial expression. 将信将疑地走上前去,阿伊莎伸手放在了汽车前盖上,轻轻敲了敲。一瞬间,她的脸上露出了诧异的神情。 Car(riage) shell has replaced for the ultra plastic steel outer covering completely, and sprays paint. Car window replacement for organic bulletproof glass. May resist the counter- equipment rifle fire. Besides the car(riage) heavy increased several kilograms slightly, this Lamborghini defensive power has been able to compare favorably with the armored vehicle.” Arrived at the Ayesha side, Jiang Chen was smiling a introduced. “车壳已经完全替换为超塑钢外壳,并重新喷漆。车窗玻璃更换为有机防弹玻璃。可抵御反器材步枪射击。除了车重稍微增大了几公斤之外,这辆兰博基尼的防御力已经可以媲美装甲车。”走到了阿伊莎的身旁,江晨微笑着介绍道。 „Is this...... that side technology?” Caresses the automobile body lightly, Ayesha is muttering in a soft voice. “这是……那边的技术吗?”轻抚着车身,阿伊莎轻声喃喃道。 Right. In addition. Under the steering wheel also has a button, after pressing down , the spare manages from exhaust pipe will fire the hot feeling grenade, the lock-on target can on the small television through vehicle-borne transmit station be completed.” “没错。除此之外。方向盘下方还有个按钮,按下后会从排气管旁边的备用管发射热感枪榴弹,目标锁定可以通过车载电台上的小电视来完成。” Although Last of Days technology, but actually technique content not high. According to the size made to order the car(riage) shell to exchange, installed the grenade launcher. Some pre-war many rich and powerful people crave in collecting strict with the fuel motorcycle of high taxes, when Jiang Chen puts out this modeling strange Lamborghini to the Sixth Block repairing a vehicle shop. They have not made any unexpected expression. 虽说是末世的技术,但其实技术含量也没多高。只是按照尺寸订做了个车壳换上,加装了个枪榴弹发射器而已。战前还是有不少富豪热衷于收集被苛以重税的燃油机车的,所以当江晨第六街区的修车店拿出这辆造型古怪的兰博基尼时。他们也没做什么意外的表情。 Whole set re-equipping only spent 500 credits, is it may be said that excellent in quality and reasonable in price. This trunk in front, chassis space is insufficient, Jiang Chen also plans to re-equip two Toxic Python rocket launch to play on the vehicle. 整套改装只花了500信用点,可谓物美价廉。要不是这后备箱在前面,车体空间不够,江晨还打算在车上改装两个“毒蟒火箭发射器来玩玩。 Just like Natasha reminded his such, since the power is top, was under the attention own security is quite good. Previous time had the matter on Koro Island road, Jiang Chen will not allow it to happen again. 正如娜塔莎提醒他的那样,既然已经权高位重,还是多注意下自身的安全比较好。上次发生在科罗岛公路上的事,江晨不会允许它再发生了。 Sat Lamborghini after this magically reformed, Ayesha simple tries landing to feel, turns circle outside the garage, then stopped safely in front of Jiang Chen's. 坐上这辆魔改后的兰博基尼,阿伊莎简单地试了下车感,在车库外转了圈,然后便稳稳当当地停在了江晨的面前。 By the position of copilot, Jiang Chen is the seat belt, at the same time Ayesha started the automobile again. 靠在了副驾驶的位置上,江晨系好安全带,与此同时阿伊莎再次发动了汽车。 On the feeling of Jiang Chen this passenger, refitted Lamborghini besides was steadier than the point before, as if no very big change. 江晨这个乘客的感觉,改装后的兰博基尼除了比以前更稳了点之外,似乎也没很大的变化。 Quick, the car(riage) then advanced the Presidential Palace garage. Under receiving and instructing of staff, Jiang Chen entered Zhang Yaping Office. 很快,车便开进了总统府的车库。在工作人员的接引下,江晨走进了张亚平办公室 Sees Jiang Chen, sits Zhang Yaping on sofa stands up, the approach said with smile on the face. 见到江晨,坐在沙发上的张亚平站起身,面带笑容地迎上来说道。 What drinks?” “喝点什么?” Thanks, the coffee is good.” Said with a smile, Jiang Chen while sat the Zhang Yaping opposite, “谢谢,咖啡就好。”一边笑着说道,江晨一边坐到了张亚平的对面, Can make President make the coffee personally the great honor, entire Country of Xin only feared that also he had. However only he so will also be warm, after all Jiang Chen's Future Group and Star Ring Trading altogether were Country of Xin directly provided the employment post of 10,000 person, employment post that provided indirectly not under 40,000 people. Although the people from other place of huge flooding into a short time raised the living cost of native, but more also made the native make a small wealth. 能让总统亲自泡咖啡的殊荣,整个新国只怕也就他有了。不过也不外乎他会这么热情,毕竟江晨的未来人集团星环贸易总共为新国直接提供了一万人的就业岗位,间接提供的就业岗位不下于四万人。大量涌入的外地人虽然短期内抬高了当地人的生活成本,但更多地也让当地人发了一笔小财。 Looks on Ange Island only the industry of vigorous development with other eight island growing tourism, made his President be glad to grin with ear to ear sufficiently. 单看安加岛上蓬勃发展的工业与其余八岛日益增长的旅游业,就足以让他这个总统乐得合不拢嘴了。 Carried two cups of coffee to return to by the sofa, placed on the cup the tea table, Zhang Yaping sat on the sofa. 端着两杯咖啡回到了沙发旁,将杯子放在了茶几上,张亚平坐回了沙发上。 Recently crossed how?” Carried the coffee to sip the mouth, Jiang Chen asked with a smile. “最近过的如何?”端起咖啡抿了口,江晨笑着问道。 „Very busy, but feels also well. The independence movement that because Philippines Country of Moro gets stronger and stronger cannot take care of oneself. The Australia preparation starts a more further cooperation in the economic and trade cooperation with us, we still has the small difference in the tariff issue. For these days the person and their people have talked endlessly in this aspect, but conducted under the friendly atmosphere.” Ten fingers on knee overlapping, Zhang Yaping said benignly, „the issue that we discuss today is?” “很忙,但感觉还不错。菲国因为摩洛国愈演愈烈的独立运动自顾不暇。澳大利亚准备在经贸合作上与我们展开更进一步的合作,不过在关税问题上我们还存在着小小的分歧。这几天我们的人和他们的人一直在这方面喋喋不休,不过都是在友好的氛围之下进行。”十指在膝盖上交叉,张亚平和颜悦色地说道,“那么,咱们今天讨论的问题是?” Put down the coffee cup, Jiang Chen smiled was saying two characters. 放下了咖啡杯,江晨微笑着说了两个字。 Visit to China.” “访华。” Visit to China?” Zhang Yaping knits the brows slightly, in the situation that at present Philippines Civil War gets stronger and stronger, we and China walk too nearly will likely cause the vigilance of US.” “访华吗?”张亚平微微皱眉,“可是在目前菲律宾内战愈演愈烈的情况下,我们与华国走的太近可能会引起美方的警惕。” „That two same places visit.” The Jiang Chen smile said. “那就两个一起访。”江晨微笑道。 Is getting more and more near from December, for smooth online of Virtual Reality Helmet, comprehensive being open for business of Country of Xin tourism industry, a Advanced other diplomacy visit is imperative. But as the Country of Xin entrepreneur delegate, Jiang Chen will go along with the delegation together.( To be continued.) 距离12月越来越近,无论是为了虚拟实境头盔的顺利上线,还是新国旅游产业的全面开张,一场高级别的外交访问都势在必行。而作为新国企业家代表,江晨将随代表团一同前往。(未完待续。)
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