IHAMITLOD :: Volume #5

#498: Inspects agent

Amid a neat applause, this was about ten minutes of inspection then finished. Moves toward that ten when suitcase that packs the bill, Zhu Yu only thought that own footsteps are somewhat light. 在一片干净利落的掌声中,这不过十分钟的检阅便结束了。走向那十个装满钞票的手提箱时,朱玉只觉得自己的脚步有些轻飘飘的。 Star Ring Trading staff who is responsible for paying out money, when they very intimately gave back to them they came in the island the confiscated travel bag, to facilitate them to install this to become Kun US Dollar. Is looking at that by stops up the bulging travel bag, stands in the cabin entrance, Zhu Yu always thought that was full of a not being able to say feeling. 负责发钱的星环贸易员工,他们很贴心地将她们来岛上时被没收的旅行包还给了她们,以方便她们装这成捆的美金。望着那被塞得鼓鼓囊囊的旅行包,站在船舱的门口,朱玉总觉得心中充满了一种说不出的感觉。 When mounting that moment of airplane, she was fantasizing what is on the movie 007 such luxurious and exciting life, however is forced to mount this steamboat that leaves for the training base, the reality broke up by rubbing her to the future happy life fantasy. 在登上飞机的那一刻,她幻想着的是过上电影中007那样奢华而刺激的生活,然而被迫着登上这艘开往训练基地的轮船时,现实揉碎了她对未来“美好生活”的幻想。 But is raising the bill of this backpack now, when mounts again this ship returns to the civilization society, in her heart unexpectedly is somewhat empty. 可现在提着这一背包的钞票,再次登上这艘船返回文明社会时,她的心中竟是有些空空荡荡的。 What is thinking?” Blond Bernice arrived at her side, built the hand on the shoulder of oneself this friend. “在想什么呢?”金发碧眼的柏妮丝走到了她的身旁,将手搭在了自己这位朋友的肩上。 I don't know either.” Zhu Yu shakes the head, on that delicate elegant face wrote all over puzzled, „, although time from the beginning, I about this hell general life felt that the pain and despair, the waiting of experiencing one day like a year this day of departure...... may work as approaches on this day, I always felt that in the heart is somewhat empty.” 我也不知道。”朱玉摇了摇头,那清秀的俏脸上写满了困惑,“虽然一开始的时候,我对这地狱一般的生活感到痛苦和绝望,度日如年的等待着离开的这一天……可当这一天来临,我总感觉心中有些空荡荡的。” Congratulates you, you have graduated.” Bernice said with a smile optimistically. “恭喜你,你已经毕业了。”柏妮丝乐观地笑道。 Zhu Yu looked puzzled to own friend. 朱玉困惑地看向了自己的朋友。 Bernice shrugs, replies: I read University that little while, our state had the organization to participate in the activity of military training. In military training final, our teachers said to me.” 柏妮丝耸了耸肩,答道:“我读大学那会儿,我们州有组织参加军训的活动。在军训的最后,我们的教官这么对我说道。” This?” On the face of Zhu Yu reveals. Left wiped to feel relaxed the smiling face. “这样吗?”朱玉的脸上露.出了一抹释然地笑容。 Bernice hā hā is laughing shoulder that made an effort to pat the good friend, don't think too much, the girl was too shy was not good. The fondly remembered matter and other old went to think again how you under the consideration spend this great sum of money is quite good now well.” 柏妮丝哈哈大笑着使劲拍了拍好朋友的肩膀,“别想太多,女孩子太腼腆了可不好。怀念的事等老了再去想,你现在还是好好考虑下怎么花这笔巨款比较好。” Saying, Bernice was patting own backpack cunningly. 说着,柏妮丝狡黠地拍了拍自己的背包。 Said. In brief. First sends a money to go back to the family/home, or receives the family member simply, after all I walk anything had not said. They affirmed that was worried.” Zhu Yu said looking pensive. “说的也是呢。总之。先给家里寄点钱回去吧,要不干脆把家人接过来,毕竟我走的时候什么也没说。他们肯定担心了。”朱玉若有所思地说道。 Your Oriental also is really troublesome, my my mother made me get the hell out at age 18.” Bernice looked at good friend one eyes speechless. “你们东方人还真是麻烦,我18岁那年我妈就让我滚蛋了。”柏妮丝无语地看了好朋友一眼。 Besides two people. Rookie agent on ship in the training with the friends who know is also chatting happily. How plans to spend this great sum of money, how should control these ten days of vacations. When the layout in this moment cabin with they came is completely different, in spacious space was displayed the sumptuous food and champagne, the atmosphere was similar to sends to happy to take off/escape general. 除了两人之外。船上的新人特工们也都在和训练中认识的朋友们愉快的聊着。计划着该如何消费这笔巨款,该如何支配这十天的假期。此刻船舱内的布局已经与她们来时完全不同了,宽敞的空间内被摆上了丰盛的菜肴与香槟,气氛就如同派对一般欢脱。 It seems the graduation ceremony general. 就好似毕业典礼一般。 Waits for all agent to go on board, Jiang Chen to stupidly stands 等所有特工都登船,江晨对傻站在原地的女教官们笑着说道。 Also is standing doing, you have the share.” “还站着干什么,你们也有份。” Awakens from the god, that six female teacher is repressing wild with joy in heart, walked in high spirits. According to the order divided 100,000 US Dollar. 从愣神中惊醒,那六名女教官纷纷按捺着心中的狂喜,兴冲冲地走了过去。按照次序分到了十万美金 After everyone goes on board, Jiang Chen hints the captain to set sail directly, leading everyone to go to New Moon Island. After waiting by New Moon Island, the Country of Xin National Security Bureau civilian personnel will handle the document, to distribute the equipment, the arranged position for them. 所有人都登船后,江晨示意船长直接开船,带着所有人前往新月岛。等到了新月岛上之后,新国国家安全局的文职人员会为她们办理证件、派发装备、安排职位等。 The noise conclusion of 80 day, this unmanned island returned finally tranquilly. 八十日的喧嚣结束,这座无人的小岛终于回归了宁静。 Jiang Chen looks to the young girl who that had not seen for a long time, sees only the young girl also to be in sight itself. That deep brown beautiful hair refracts intoxicant pale yellow under the brilliance of setting sun, armed forces' green shirt is outlining the chest front beautiful shape. 江晨望向了那许久未见的少女,只见少女也在望着自己。那深褐色的秀发在夕阳的光辉下折射着醉人的昏黄,军绿色的衬衫勾勒着胸前姣好的形状。 Most made the pupil of that deep-blue Jiang Chen could not dominate. It will as if speak, told unexpectedly was fiery and softhearted. 最令江晨把持不住的还是那湛蓝色的瞳孔。它仿佛会说话,诉说的竟是火热与温情。 Excessively many spoken languages, Jiang Chen has not gone forward to grasp her, in her calls out in alarm in a low voice. Poured with her in the silt of training ground together. 没有过多的言语,江晨上前一把抱住了她,在她的低声惊呼中。与她一同倒在了训练场的泥沙地中。 Is feeling the back granulated sugar and sea water mixed icy coldness, and strong of extrusion when body, Ayesha somewhat shoots a look at past training was standing the wooden table slightly shyly. Said low voice. 感受着背后细砂与海水混杂的冰凉,以及挤压在身前的强壮,阿伊莎略微有些羞涩地瞥了眼往日训练时站着的木台。小声说道。 Does not want, words here.” “不要,在这里的话。” Every day she looks agent that these receive training crawl to climb over from this muddy land, does not have to think oneself one day meet unexpectedly similarly but actually here. 每天她都看着那些受训的特工们从这泥地中匍匐爬过,却没想到自己有一天居然会同样倒在这里。 Doesn't feel very exciting? Trains their places in you powerfully.” Jiang Chen bit the Ayesha ear to say badly with a smile. “不觉得很刺激吗?在你威风凛凛地训练她们的地方。”江晨坏笑着咬住了阿伊莎耳朵说道。 The cheeks hike up two to blush, but thinks that in this island no one, Ayesha pushed and shoved the Jiang Chen's small hand softly also gradually, the low voice whisper said. 脸颊飘起两朵红晕,但想到这座岛上没人,阿伊莎推搡江晨的小手也渐渐软了下来,小声嘀咕道。 Without powerful...... the ship walked, how we go back......” “才没有威风凛凛……船走了,我们怎么回去……” I arranged the helicopter,”, Jiang Chen to her fruit jelly clear ear. Hung blew the tone. Tomorrow morning flight.” “我安排了直升机,”顿了顿,江晨对着她那果冻似晶莹的耳.垂吹了口气。“明天早上的航班。” But, behind was too dirty......” Ayesha somewhat to look at the dirt of shoulder anxiously. “可是,后面太脏了……”阿伊莎有些紧张地看着肩头的污渍。 All right. A while I will help you wash cleanly, in doesn't the inn islands have the bathroom?” “没事。一会儿我会帮你洗干净的,小岛中间的旅店不是有浴室吗?” Is looking at that by the shirt that the sea water soaks. And the wet sending tree top, Jiang Chen could not dominate again. 望着那被海水浸湿的衬衣。以及湿漉漉的发梢,江晨再也把持不住了。 Has not given Ayesha again resistance the opportunity, Jiang Chen kissed. 没有再给阿伊莎“抗争”的机会,江晨吻了下去。 ...... …… Next morning, was responsible for meeting two people of the helicopters of going back to come, stops in the hotel aircraft parking area. 次日清晨,负责接二人回去的直升机如约而至,停在了旅馆顶部的停机坪上。 After boarding the helicopter, Ayesha somewhat fondly remembers looks at the island that the eye went far away gradually. Notices the Ayesha line of sight Jiang Chen, pinched her small hand gently, asked with a smile, didn't give up?” 登上直升机之后,阿伊莎有些怀念地望了眼渐渐远去的小岛。注意到阿伊莎视线的江晨,轻轻捏了捏她的小手,笑着问道,“舍不得吗?” Is only some also reads.” The Ayesha corners of the mouth raised slightly wiped the happy expression, these children, although the time resistance from the beginning was very big, but in the training had many things, they also grew gradually. Present they, the 80 day ago, wanted reliable many.” “只是有些还念。”阿伊莎嘴角微微扬起了一抹笑意,“那些孩子们,虽然一开始的时候抵触情绪很大,但训练中发生了很多事,她们也渐渐的成长了起来。现在的她们,比起八十天前,要可靠的多了。” Children? The ages of inside many are older than you. 孩子们?里面不少人的年龄都比你大啊。 Looked at the side face of Ayesha, Jiang Chen is smiling was complaining the sentence in the heart, but has not said inopportunely. 望着阿伊莎的侧颜,江晨只是微笑着在心中吐槽了句,但并没有不合时宜地说出来。 „After here, will leave unused?” Ayesha looked that asked to Jiang Chen. “这里以后会闲置下来吗?”阿伊莎看向江晨问道。 Will take the Specter Agent training base, the matter of training I planned that gives active duty agent to do, is your younger generations.” Saying, Jiang Chen put out a hand to rub her fluffily, but beautiful hair of slightly volume, I may not hate you to leave me for a long time.” “会作为幽灵特工们的训练基地,不过训练的事我打算交给现役特工来做,也就是你的晚辈们。”说着,江晨伸手揉了揉她那蓬松而微卷的秀发,“我可舍不得你离开我这么长时间。” That chilly elegant face brought back wiped the beckoning curve, the Ayesha timid young girl inspiring tenderness the head rest in the Jiang Chen's shoulder, stretched out the finger to write to draw on the Jiang Chen's leg gently. 那清冷的俏脸勾起了一抹令人心动的弧度,阿伊莎小鸟依人地将头枕在了江晨的肩头,伸出手指在江晨的腿上轻轻地写写画画着。 What is writing?” Jiang Chen embraces that slender shoulder, the smile was saying. “在写什么呢?”江晨揽着那纤细的肩膀,微笑道。 Incantation.” The thin lips open lightly, Ayesha said in a soft voice. “咒语。”薄唇轻启,阿伊莎轻声说道。 I can know that is what incantation? Witch young lady.” Jiang Chen teased. “我可以知道是什么咒语吗?巫女小姐。”江晨打趣道。 Gives to you my spirit soul, is willing to accompany your side forever...... the incantation of my hometown.” “将我的灵魂献给你,愿永伴你的身旁……我家乡的咒语。” Listens to near the ear that beckoning words, Jiang Chen to bend down slightly, gently a kiss on that fair forehead. 听着耳边那令人心动的话语,江晨微微俯身,在那白皙的额头上轻轻一吻。 Thanks, this is the most beautiful gift that I receive.” “谢谢,这是我收到的最美的礼物。” The shy elegant face will get buried into the Jiang Chen's hollow of the shoulder, Ayesha closed the long eyelash happily. For the last few days missing was filled finally, she only feels hope in this moment heart to be filled up little. 将羞涩的俏脸埋进了江晨的肩窝,阿伊莎幸福地合上了长长的睫毛。连日来的思念总算是被填补了,她只觉得此刻心中的渴望正被一点点地填满着。 In the brilliance of that dawn, the form of helicopter disappeared gradually in Skyline edge.( To be continued.) 在那晨曦的光辉中,直升机的身影渐渐消失在了天际线的边缘。(未完待续。)
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